The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


the other leaders of the faction who had been sent abroad as ambassadors would beconsidered the main instigators of the alleged plot. Karmal called Baryalai in Islamabad,Najib in Tehran, Anahita Ratebzad in Belgrade, Nur in Washington, and Vakil in London anddiscussed the current situation with them. At the same time all the ambassadors—Parchamis—were ordered by Kabul to return home, some “for consultations,” others “to beappointed to new positions.” Karmal got in touch with his Soviet comrades and asked themfor advice. Two vans arrived at his residence a day later. The family’s personal belongingswere loaded in those vans. The ambassador, his family members, and his secretary quicklyleft for an unknown location.Czech security operatives brought them to a hunting lodge that was located onehundred kilometers from Prague. The new residence was a comfortable estate hidden in adeep forest. It was impossible to believe that someone could discover Karmal’s shelter,which was only linked with the outside world by telephone. However, being well versed inthe rules of conspiracy, Karmal knew that he had to be very discreet when having hisinfrequent telephone conversations. For a long time, even his closest allies had no idea hewas alive. The allies also left their respective embassies and went into hiding, first inBelgrade, then in Paris.Karmal and his wife spent a long time trying to determine what to do regardingtheir children’s higher education. They took a great risk by letting their older son Vostok,who was so named after the Soviet spaceship, enroll in Prague University, and theirdaughter Anahita continue her studies at Moscow State University. Vostok and Anahitaattended classes without any bodyguards.Amin made an attempt to send a group of killers to Czechoslovakia to find and492

assassinate his political rival. However, Soviet and local special services succeeded inpreventing the assassination attempt. The killers were arrested.Somebody, who introduced himself as a staff member of the Department ofInternational Affairs of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party,visited Karmal in November. He was obviously embarrassed to give Karmal a message fromhis Moscow colleagues with instructions not to conduct any separatist activities and not tostruggle against the current progressive regime in Afghanistan. He was also informed thatrepression against Parchamis and their families was on hold at the moment, and that theparty was working harmoniously to build a new society. The thrust of the message was forKarmal to cease his anti-government activities, to stop engaging his friends in thoseactivities, and to change his attitude toward the current regime.Stone-faced, he listened to his guest and decided that it made absolutely no sense forhim to enter into a discussion and offer any excuses. The messenger had nothing to do withthe nature of the instructions. Besides, Karmal did not believe that the message objectivelyreflected the true attitudes of the Soviet leadership. Yet, when saying goodbye to theCzechoslovak visitor, he could not hold back: “Wait, the time will come soon when ourSoviet comrades will change their tune.”However, the time when things would change did not come soon enough.Anahita Ratebzad arrived and visited with the Karmals for a long time. Loyal friendsNajib and Baryalai also visited from time to time.Sometimes he suffered from melancholy moods—then the future seemed dark anduncertain. Once, Karmal, while walking with his younger son, said to the boy: “Kava, do youknow why my friends and I became revolutionaries? The suffering of the Afghan people493

the other leaders of the faction who had been sent abroad as ambassadors would beconsidered the main instiga<strong>to</strong>rs of the alleged plot. Karmal called Baryalai in Islamabad,Najib in Tehran, Anahita Ratebzad in Belgrade, Nur in Washing<strong>to</strong>n, and Vakil in London anddiscussed the current situation with them. At the same time all the ambassadors—Parchamis—were ordered by Kabul <strong>to</strong> return home, some “for consultations,” others “<strong>to</strong> beappointed <strong>to</strong> new positions.” Karmal got in <strong>to</strong>uch with his Soviet comrades and asked themfor advice. Two vans arrived at his residence a day later. <strong>The</strong> family’s personal belongingswere loaded in those vans. <strong>The</strong> ambassador, his family members, and his secretary quicklyleft for an unknown location.Czech security operatives brought them <strong>to</strong> a hunting lodge that was located onehundred kilometers from Prague. <strong>The</strong> new residence was a comfortable estate hidden in adeep forest. It was impossible <strong>to</strong> believe that someone could discover Karmal’s shelter,which was only linked with the outside world by telephone. However, being well versed inthe rules of conspiracy, Karmal knew that he had <strong>to</strong> be very discreet when having hisinfrequent telephone conversations. For a long time, even his closest allies had no idea hewas alive. <strong>The</strong> allies also left their respective embassies and went in<strong>to</strong> hiding, first inBelgrade, then in Paris.Karmal and his wife spent a long time trying <strong>to</strong> determine what <strong>to</strong> do regardingtheir children’s higher education. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>to</strong>ok a great risk by letting their older son Vos<strong>to</strong>k,who was so named after the Soviet spaceship, enroll in Prague <strong>University</strong>, and theirdaughter Anahita continue her studies at Moscow State <strong>University</strong>. Vos<strong>to</strong>k and Anahitaattended classes without any bodyguards.Amin made an attempt <strong>to</strong> send a group of killers <strong>to</strong> Czechoslovakia <strong>to</strong> find and492

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