The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


Afghanistan. Comrade Taraki is facing physical elimination. The plot against the revolutionis being organized by the CIA, with participation of the long-term American agentHafizullah Amin. He is a provocateur, a traitor to the Afghan people and the AprilRevolution. He wants to turn Afghanistan into a U.S. military base at the southern bordersof your country. With that goal in mind, he is going to trigger a civil war in Afghanistan,turning our people against the PDPA and other progressive forces. He wants tocompromise the brotherly assistance of the Soviet Union and destroy the long-termfriendly ties between our two countries. This is why the Soviet Union, keeping in mind notonly our interests, but also those of the entire international communist movement, mustinitiate military intervention in Afghanistan without delay, and send at least one or twoairborne paratrooper divisions. This could interrupt Amin’s evil plans because in case ofSoviet military intervention, the commanders of the Afghan armed forces who are preparedto support Amin would not dare side with the traitor. Write down what I am telling you,”Gulabzoi said in a ministerial tone and pointed to a notepad and pen on the table.The declaration about Amin’s planning of a coup d’etat, which was made in such adirect and categorical way, not by some kind of a journalist but by the hero of therevolution, an Afghan minister who was close to Taraki, by the man whose portraitdecorated the first page of Afghan newspapers, overwhelmed Starostin. “Ahh, ViliorGavrilovich! Why didn’t you tell me what this visitor had in mind! You must have known forsure or at least had an idea of what Gulabzoi was so eager to share. And I wouldn’t besitting here like a fool gasping for air, but would have prepared for this conversation,”thought Valery. Coming back to his senses, he grabbed a notebook and wrote down theessence of what Gulabzoi had said. While taking notes, he concentrated on the continuation480

of the conversation.“Comrade Gulabzoi, you are talking about very serious things. Such accusationsregarding one of the leaders of the state require detailed and reliable evidence. How canyou prove that what you told me is true?”“I know for a fact that Amin is meeting daily with many officers, among whom thereare a few of my friends and former colleagues. Some officers come to me and share with methe sentiments of those conversations. As a rule, Amin is quite openly trying to convincethem that Taraki is old, that he is very ill, that he is out of his mind, and that his continuingparticipation in leading the state and the party will harm the revolution. However, I canstate responsibly that Taraki is healthy and energetic. He works a lot. He wisely resolves avariety of state and party issues. He is persistent in trying to achieve the goals of ourrevolution. There is no sign of his weakness as a Khalq leader. He meets with foreigndiplomats and journalists often, and not one of them ever doubted his competence andabilities. Amin directly appeals to the officers to help him remove Taraki from his positionas leader of the state and the party. If Taraki refuses to leave willingly, Amin will nothesitate to overthrow him. Amin offers money to some of the bureaucrats and officers whoagree to support him. He offers from fifty to one hundred thousand Afghani to thosetraitors as a payment for their allegiance to him and support at the crucial moment. He alsopromises them appointments to high-level state positions or promotions in military ranks.”“Comrade Gulabzoi, can you be more specific? My superiors will want to know facts,numbers. For example, what are the names of those whom Amin was attempting to recruit?How much did he pay them? What exactly did he say to them? Did he ask for writtencommitments? In which institutions and at what positions do the officials who are making a481

<strong>Afghanistan</strong>. Comrade Taraki is facing physical elimination. <strong>The</strong> plot against the revolutionis being organized by the CIA, with participation of the long-term American agentHafizullah Amin. He is a provocateur, a trai<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> the Afghan people and the AprilRevolution. He wants <strong>to</strong> turn <strong>Afghanistan</strong> in<strong>to</strong> a U.S. military base at the southern bordersof your country. With that goal in mind, he is going <strong>to</strong> trigger a civil war in <strong>Afghanistan</strong>,turning our people against the PDPA and other progressive forces. He wants <strong>to</strong>compromise the brotherly assistance of the Soviet Union and destroy the long-termfriendly ties between our two countries. This is why the Soviet Union, keeping in mind no<strong>to</strong>nly our interests, but also those of the entire international communist movement, mustinitiate military intervention in <strong>Afghanistan</strong> without delay, and send at least one or twoairborne paratrooper divisions. This could interrupt Amin’s evil plans because in case ofSoviet military intervention, the commanders of the Afghan armed forces who are prepared<strong>to</strong> support Amin would not dare side with the trai<strong>to</strong>r. Write down what I am telling you,”Gulabzoi said in a ministerial <strong>to</strong>ne and pointed <strong>to</strong> a notepad and pen on the table.<strong>The</strong> declaration about Amin’s planning of a coup d’etat, which was made in such adirect and categorical way, not by some kind of a journalist but by the hero of therevolution, an Afghan minister who was close <strong>to</strong> Taraki, by the man whose portraitdecorated the first page of Afghan newspapers, overwhelmed Starostin. “Ahh, ViliorGavrilovich! Why didn’t you tell me what this visi<strong>to</strong>r had in mind! You must have known forsure or at least had an idea of what Gulabzoi was so eager <strong>to</strong> share. And I wouldn’t besitting here like a fool gasping for air, but would have prepared for this conversation,”thought Valery. Coming back <strong>to</strong> his senses, he grabbed a notebook and wrote down theessence of what Gulabzoi had said. While taking notes, he concentrated on the continuation480

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