The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


The Afghan understood that the Soviet general was not going to execute him on thespot, but was prepared to have a serious conversation. He became daring.“The problem is,” he said slowly, “that I personally know many of those whom youcall bandits. They have nothing to do with feudal lords or capitalists. I studied at schoolwith some of them. Some were my neighbors. They are ordinary citizens. Some of them areperfect representatives of the ‘exploited class.’ I swear, they also love their motherland andwish it well. But different paths lead to heaven. They simply chose another path.”“What kind of path is that!” exclaimed the general indignantly. “That other path isflooded by blood. Those are beasts, not humans.”“But, Comrade General, I would like to ask you a question. What does all of this haveto do with class struggle? Perhaps it is more appropriate to name it a civil war, when onepart of society fights against another? Perhaps you and we should try to understand whatdivides them, what makes them enemies? As to cruelty, both sides have a record of it. Iknow it quite well.”“Well, this major is not such a simple guy,” Zaplatin thought to himself. “He iscertainly not fit to be a political military operative, as he is ideologically unprepared.” For abrief moment the general felt a burning desire to make a call and invite acounterintelligence officer here. Have him deal with the major. He would simply be shotwithout any further discussions. But as Zaplatin was the one who had encouraged themajor to be frank, and who had provoked the outpouring of misunderstanding, he felt thatit was his responsibility to enlighten the major and help rid him of his mistakes.“Fine,” Zaplatin said. “If you don’t like the term ‘class struggle,’ let’s talk aboutideological struggle. I hope you agree that it exists? There is a progressive ideology, which474

was proclaimed by the PDPA, which reflects the hopes of the majority of the people. Thereis also a reactionary ideology, which is supported by the reactionary forces. Yes, I admitthat certain people who fell for the enemy’s propaganda followed the reactionaries. Thesame happened in Russia after the October Revolution, when the White Movementdeceived some people and attracted them to its goals. But the Bolsheviks won because theyrepresented progressive ideology.”“I know,” agreed the major. “I read about it. But please listen to me now and try torise above your customary convictions. The truth sometimes lies beyond one’s convictions.And convictions sometimes turn into misunderstanding. Afghanistan is not Russia. Youcannot apply the same measure to our country as to yours. Even we, who were born andraised here, sometimes are unable to understand and explain all the complexities of ourlife.“There are many ethnic groups here, which live independently. Every ethnic grouphas its own history, customs, mentality, and value systems. There is no unity even withinone ethnic group. Take my tribe, Pashtuns, for example. Each bloodline has its ownambitions, demands, and interests. Do you take this into consideration? No, you don’t. Weare one people for you. You speak with this people in a language of party slogans, which isunclear to them.“Our life is very patriarchal. We are committed to traditions that were left to us byour ancestors. You declared these traditions to represent some form of medievalobscurantism. That challenged the very foundation of our life. It is possible that manythings here in Afghanistan seem unexpected and even barbaric to you, but please let usfigure it all out by ourselves. Afghans do not tolerate any interference in what is sacred for475

was proclaimed by the PDPA, which reflects the hopes of the majority of the people. <strong>The</strong>reis also a reactionary ideology, which is supported by the reactionary forces. Yes, I admitthat certain people who fell for the enemy’s propaganda followed the reactionaries. <strong>The</strong>same happened in Russia after the Oc<strong>to</strong>ber Revolution, when the White Movementdeceived some people and attracted them <strong>to</strong> its goals. But the Bolsheviks won because theyrepresented progressive ideology.”“I know,” agreed the major. “I read about it. But please listen <strong>to</strong> me now and try <strong>to</strong>rise above your cus<strong>to</strong>mary convictions. <strong>The</strong> truth sometimes lies beyond one’s convictions.And convictions sometimes turn in<strong>to</strong> misunderstanding. <strong>Afghanistan</strong> is not Russia. Youcannot apply the same measure <strong>to</strong> our country as <strong>to</strong> yours. Even we, who were born andraised here, sometimes are unable <strong>to</strong> understand and explain all the complexities of ourlife.“<strong>The</strong>re are many ethnic groups here, which live independently. Every ethnic grouphas its own his<strong>to</strong>ry, cus<strong>to</strong>ms, mentality, and value systems. <strong>The</strong>re is no unity even withinone ethnic group. Take my tribe, Pashtuns, for example. Each bloodline has its ownambitions, demands, and interests. Do you take this in<strong>to</strong> consideration? No, you don’t. Weare one people for you. You speak with this people in a language of party slogans, which isunclear <strong>to</strong> them.“Our life is very patriarchal. We are committed <strong>to</strong> traditions that were left <strong>to</strong> us byour ances<strong>to</strong>rs. You declared these traditions <strong>to</strong> represent some form of medievalobscurantism. That challenged the very foundation of our life. It is possible that manythings here in <strong>Afghanistan</strong> seem unexpected and even barbaric <strong>to</strong> you, but please let usfigure it all out by ourselves. Afghans do not <strong>to</strong>lerate any interference in what is sacred for475

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