The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


Revolution.“I understand that you may find this hard to believe,” continued Amin, “but if youfollow the history of our party closely, you will see that it was the Parchamis who dideverything to destroy the revolutionary movement. Karmal himself repeatedly appealed forcooperation with the reactionary royal regime. He suggested that we ‘tone down our redtones and convince the king that we are not communists.’ Can you imagine that? Whatcould this be but a covert deal with the monarchy?“I am going to refer to a fact that is well known to the leaders of our party, butperhaps will surprise our Soviet comrades. Karmal was an informer to Mohammad Daoudfor many years, up until April of last year. To Daoud—the tyrant, the hired hand of theimperialists! In order to reward Karmal for his service, Daoud’s security guys turned ablind eye to the Parchamis, while the president appointed some of them as ministers in hiscabinet.”Amin paused here, relishing the generals’ reaction, before moving to his final point.“After the anti-monarchical coup, Daoud, for some reason, suddenly grewdisinterested in his former informer, Karmal. Karmal, wishing to ingratiate himself,outlined a plan to arrest and eliminate the leadership of the Khalq faction and submitted itto the president. It was only Allah’s will and the support of the people that helped us toavoid being hunted down and killed.”Both advisers looked dispirited. They had repeatedly been told before thatParchamis were rotten and unreliable, but now, having heard the new facts, theyunderstood that there was no chance for reconciliation with Karmal and his allies. Amin, ashrewd psychologist, recognized the change in the mood of his advisers. He took advantage350

of the opportunity to develop the success of his smear campaign. He had becomeincreasingly familiar with the characters of his Soviet friends. For example, he knew thatZaplatin was a family man with traditional values, someone with a moralistic worldview.Turning to Zaplatin, Amin continued: “Take, as an example, Karmal’s affair with AnahitaRatebzad. Do you know who her husband was? It was none other than Dr. Kiramuddin, theking’s personal physician! And here is Karmal, dragging this sinful woman into the CentralCommittee!”Zaplatin clasped his hands as if sharing the indignation of his host, who solemnlycontinued: “We have always stood firmly by our class positions and based our support inthe proletariat. Parchamis constantly talked about some union with the intelligentsia,national bourgeoisie, even landlords! Clearly, they didn’t study Lenin very closely. What isthe result? It was the Khalqis who triumphed in the great April Revolution. The Khalqiswere the vanguard of the revolutionary struggle. Name one Parchami who displayed anydistinction on that day. Raffi, the commander of the Fourth Armored Brigade, sat in hisoffice quietly while his junior officers risked their lives fighting to liberate the Ark Palace.Major Zia, a covert Parchami, was in charge of Daoud’s Guard, and personally shot ourKhalqi comrades. Others simply hid in their burrows. No, they did not need this revolution.“Now, everybody knows the true hero of the April Revolution!” stated Amin proudly,puffing his chest. “When Comrade Taraki recommended my candidacy for membership inthe Central Committee thirteen years ago, who spoke out against me? Karmal! He and hisfriends have done everything in their power to stop me. Just a month before the revolution,these people again demanded my expulsion from the Central Committee and revocation ofmy leadership of the military wing of the party. What is the conclusion? They were anti-351

Revolution.“I understand that you may find this hard <strong>to</strong> believe,” continued Amin, “but if youfollow the his<strong>to</strong>ry of our party closely, you will see that it was the Parchamis who dideverything <strong>to</strong> destroy the revolutionary movement. Karmal himself repeatedly appealed forcooperation with the reactionary royal regime. He suggested that we ‘<strong>to</strong>ne down our red<strong>to</strong>nes and convince the king that we are not communists.’ Can you imagine that? Whatcould this be but a covert deal with the monarchy?“I am going <strong>to</strong> refer <strong>to</strong> a fact that is well known <strong>to</strong> the leaders of our party, butperhaps will surprise our Soviet comrades. Karmal was an informer <strong>to</strong> Mohammad Daoudfor many years, up until April of last year. To Daoud—the tyrant, the hired hand of theimperialists! In order <strong>to</strong> reward Karmal for his service, Daoud’s security guys turned ablind eye <strong>to</strong> the Parchamis, while the president appointed some of them as ministers in hiscabinet.”Amin paused here, relishing the generals’ reaction, before moving <strong>to</strong> his final point.“After the anti-monarchical coup, Daoud, for some reason, suddenly grewdisinterested in his former informer, Karmal. Karmal, wishing <strong>to</strong> ingratiate himself,outlined a plan <strong>to</strong> arrest and eliminate the leadership of the Khalq faction and submitted it<strong>to</strong> the president. It was only Allah’s will and the support of the people that helped us <strong>to</strong>avoid being hunted down and killed.”Both advisers looked dispirited. <strong>The</strong>y had repeatedly been <strong>to</strong>ld before thatParchamis were rotten and unreliable, but now, having heard the new facts, theyunders<strong>to</strong>od that there was no chance for reconciliation with Karmal and his allies. Amin, ashrewd psychologist, recognized the change in the mood of his advisers. He <strong>to</strong>ok advantage350

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