The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


Amin interrupted him coldly: “I would like to inform you, Comrade General, that Head ofGeneral Staff Shahpur and his friend and accomplice Ali Akbar have already admitted to treason.Both of them are CIA agents, and will be executed based on the verdict of the Revolutionary Court.Don’t worry—Abdul Qadir will admit his wrongdoing as well.”“I have no doubt,” Gorelov responded heatedly. “I know that you can get all the admissionsyou want using your methods. But now, we ask you officially for specific evidence of the minister’sguilt. You should have some basis for his arrest.”“Yes, we do,” Amin looked only at Zaplatin. “Tell your leadership that we will present thatnecessary evidence shortly.”Once Qadir entered the Ark compound, he was attacked from behind by four men fromsecurity services. They threw him onto the ground, tied him up, and dragged him to the basement.In the evening, they took away his general’s uniform, dressed him in soldier’s undergarments, andconducted their first interrogation. Qadir knew about the means of such interrogations and wasprepared. It was called “to invite Vladimir”: an electric current from a field telephone was sentthrough the extremities, and the person, regardless of his physical stamina, convulsed as if beingset on fire. Qadir’s former subordinate, a recent pilot, and now the chief of security services,Assadullah Sarwari, cranked the handle of the field telephone personally.“Admit your treason. Tell us how you wanted to sell our revolution to the Americans.”Qadir was in terrible pain. He screamed: “You can write anything you want in the protocol.I’ll sign. I agree with all of your accusations.”“Who is behind you? Who are your accomplices?”“I am alone. You know me. I do not belong to any factions.”Several days later, Qadir was transferred to the Puli-Charkhi Prison, located about twenty198

kilometers outside of the city. Soon he learned that the prominent Parchamis Keshtmand and Raffiwere imprisoned in the adjacent cell. According to the interrogators’ theory, Qadir was themilitary leader of the plot, and the others were political leaders.A member of the Politburo, Minister Sultan Keshtmand, was arrested on the day of hisdeparture for Venezuela to attend the Forum for Developing Countries as the head of the officialgovernment delegation. He received a call from Amin’s secretary claiming that Comrade Tarakineeded to see him urgently. Harboring no suspicions, Keshtmand appeared in the palace, where hewas promptly arrested. Asking why he was being arrested, his captors replied that he would findout later.With a bag on his head, Keshtmand was driven through the city before being thrown intosome basement. At midnight, his party colleagues arrived—Sarwari, Tarun, Head ofCounterintelligence Aziz Akbari, and Amin’s nephew Assadullah. Keshtmand made no attempt todeny that in Babrak Karmal’s absence he was a leader of Parcham, and that the leadership of thefaction had been meeting secretly and discussing the current situation. The meetings had to besecret because at the time, any open meetings of that kind would be impossible. The participantswould all have been arrested. But according to Keshtmand the Parchamis were not planning anycoup d’etat, let alone carrying out any hostile actions against the regime. On the contrary,Keshtmand claimed, he had appealed to his colleagues to remain patient and rational and to avoidchallenging the authorities. However, those who interrogated him demanded a different sort ofstory.Since the very first interrogation, the minister was tortured by electricity. Sarwari couldnot deny himself the pleasure of watching a human being tortured by electricity emitted from thefield telephone. Keshtmand was in convulsions from pain. During the second night, he pleaded for199

kilometers outside of the city. Soon he learned that the prominent Parchamis Keshtmand and Raffiwere imprisoned in the adjacent cell. According <strong>to</strong> the interroga<strong>to</strong>rs’ theory, Qadir was themilitary leader of the plot, and the others were political leaders.A member of the Politburo, Minister Sultan Keshtmand, was arrested on the day of hisdeparture for Venezuela <strong>to</strong> attend the Forum for Developing Countries as the head of the officialgovernment delegation. He received a call from Amin’s secretary claiming that Comrade Tarakineeded <strong>to</strong> see him urgently. Harboring no suspicions, Keshtmand appeared in the palace, where hewas promptly arrested. Asking why he was being arrested, his cap<strong>to</strong>rs replied that he would findout later.With a bag on his head, Keshtmand was driven through the city before being thrown in<strong>to</strong>some basement. At midnight, his party colleagues arrived—Sarwari, Tarun, Head ofCounterintelligence Aziz Akbari, and Amin’s nephew Assadullah. Keshtmand made no attempt <strong>to</strong>deny that in Babrak Karmal’s absence he was a leader of Parcham, and that the leadership of thefaction had been meeting secretly and discussing the current situation. <strong>The</strong> meetings had <strong>to</strong> besecret because at the time, any open meetings of that kind would be impossible. <strong>The</strong> participantswould all have been arrested. But according <strong>to</strong> Keshtmand the Parchamis were not planning anycoup d’etat, let alone carrying out any hostile actions against the regime. On the contrary,Keshtmand claimed, he had appealed <strong>to</strong> his colleagues <strong>to</strong> remain patient and rational and <strong>to</strong> avoidchallenging the authorities. However, those who interrogated him demanded a different sort ofs<strong>to</strong>ry.Since the very first interrogation, the minister was <strong>to</strong>rtured by electricity. Sarwari couldnot deny himself the pleasure of watching a human being <strong>to</strong>rtured by electricity emitted from thefield telephone. Keshtmand was in convulsions from pain. During the second night, he pleaded for199

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