The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


honor, religion, and property, we don’t care who you are. Thank God, there is a border betweenour countries. That border passes not only over land or through a river. The border exists withinour people’s notions about life. You live your way. We want to live the way we live. And no oneshould cross that border—neither you nor us.‘I know those Khalqis, who are pretending to be Muslims, will certainly begin to imposeyour Western notions. They will try to change the conscience of our citizens. They areintellectuals. They will try to limit the power of the clergy. That would destroy them, because theywill enter into conflict with their own people.‘Daoud murdered hundreds of good Muslims. However, nobody was truly offended.Everybody knew Daoud was “our man.” He did not write books about poor people like Taraki. Hedid not teach in lyceums. He was sardar—a feudal lord and a tyrant—he was an Afghani. He killedsome Muslims for the good of other Muslims. He was sinful, but he was a Muslim. He was with thepeople, and nobody ever doubted that. He acted the way it is customary here in our country, in ourhistory. The more people the ruler kills, the more he is respected. Your revolutionaries are not“ours”—they don’t belong to the people. They are yours, Western.’”Vladimir grinned. “The way these fundamentalists think…what can come out of suchIslamic ruminations? It’s scary to even imagine,” he thought.He took another report.“I met Marik Warren, a consul at the U.S. embassy. We had lunch in New Treton, at theGreen Bazaar. We ate salad and pizza with rotten Italian sardines. I brought vodka and paid forlunch, and Marik got drunk. American nerves are good for nothing. And they don’t know how todrink. He made stupid faces and indecent gestures when drunk. He tried to speak in Russian, and Iduly responded.”100

Vova burst out laughing, “Well, you had quite a meeting. Good for you! What a funny styleof reporting….” Gvozd was fond of his friend’s funny introduction to the report about his meetingwith the American diplomat. Khotyaev knew that a serious analysis would follow this lightheartedintroduction. He also knew that his friend excelled in Russian grammar, but on occasion wouldwrite sloppily to free himself from the constraint of the rules.“During our conversation, Consul of the United States in Afghanistan Marik Warrenexpressed his opinion that, as a result of yesterday’s ‘Communist coup,’ the Soviet Union gottrapped. Now, according to Warren, the USSR is limited to two options in its Afghan policy, both ofwhich are lose-lose scenarios.“The first option would be to participate in the realization of the utopian program of thePDPA, which suggests building socialism in Afghanistan. Such participation would demand aninvestment of enormous material resources by the Soviet Union. Human resources will also berequired—highly qualified, disciplined, and familiar with the specifics of Afghanistan. However,according to Warren, the Soviet Union is currently lacking sufficient material and humanresources. The return from the investment of Soviet resources would be minimal. So we, theSoviets, would give everything available to Afghanistan without receiving much in return. Ourcountry, having to materially support ‘the socialist blossoming of the southern neighbor’ wouldend up refusing itself in many aspects, most importantly in defense programs. And what will bethe outcome? The United States would benefit!“The second option, according to Warren, is the following. We, the Soviet Union, will notadequately invest in Afghanistan. As a result, in a month or two our Afghani friends will be forcedto think about deliverables to the population, which will expect some progress from them. Thepeople will ask them, ‘Why did you aspire for supreme power? Why did you commit this bloody101

honor, religion, and property, we don’t care who you are. Thank God, there is a border betweenour countries. That border passes not only over land or through a river. <strong>The</strong> border exists withinour people’s notions about life. You live your way. We want <strong>to</strong> live the way we live. And no oneshould cross that border—neither you nor us.‘I know those Khalqis, who are pretending <strong>to</strong> be Muslims, will certainly begin <strong>to</strong> imposeyour Western notions. <strong>The</strong>y will try <strong>to</strong> change the conscience of our citizens. <strong>The</strong>y areintellectuals. <strong>The</strong>y will try <strong>to</strong> limit the power of the clergy. That would destroy them, because theywill enter in<strong>to</strong> conflict with their own people.‘Daoud murdered hundreds of good Muslims. However, nobody was truly offended.Everybody knew Daoud was “our man.” He did not write books about poor people like Taraki. Hedid not teach in lyceums. He was sardar—a feudal lord and a tyrant—he was an Afghani. He killedsome Muslims for the good of other Muslims. He was sinful, but he was a Muslim. He was with thepeople, and nobody ever doubted that. He acted the way it is cus<strong>to</strong>mary here in our country, in ourhis<strong>to</strong>ry. <strong>The</strong> more people the ruler kills, the more he is respected. Your revolutionaries are not“ours”—they don’t belong <strong>to</strong> the people. <strong>The</strong>y are yours, Western.’”Vladimir grinned. “<strong>The</strong> way these fundamentalists think…what can come out of suchIslamic ruminations? It’s scary <strong>to</strong> even imagine,” he thought.He <strong>to</strong>ok another report.“I met Marik Warren, a consul at the U.S. embassy. We had lunch in New Tre<strong>to</strong>n, at theGreen Bazaar. We ate salad and pizza with rotten Italian sardines. I brought vodka and paid forlunch, and Marik got drunk. American nerves are good for nothing. And they don’t know how <strong>to</strong>drink. He made stupid faces and indecent gestures when drunk. He tried <strong>to</strong> speak in Russian, and Iduly responded.”100

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