Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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Retrenching and belatedly establishing their own security force,Noxium built itself a new colony ship, and hastened for the newmarkets of <strong>Pandora</strong>, ripe for the exploitation of its physical,human and financial capital. This will be paradise indeed!SOLAR DYNASTY“People need guidance. Without control andauthority there is anarchy, and the masseswould simply consume themselves. It is theduty of the few enlightened ones to lead thosemasses, to give them a purpose, to channeltheir strength. Unified they are privileged toserve in a dynasty that will shake the veryfoundations of this world.”– Prime Minister Yun Xi, Leadership of the State***A small, bustling figure, bowed under a great stack of papers,ushered six men into the long windowless boardroom. Here,deep beneath the Solar Dynasty’s City Number 1, in areinforced meeting room proof against anything but the stilltheoreticalblack hole bombs, the Solar Dynasty’s nominalStanding Committee met.The stern, upright men sat down in leatherette chairs aroundthe table. Looking around their faces, though they were all ofdifferent ages, the resemblance was more than merely familial.These were six clones of the late President of the People’sRepublic, Sheng Xi. Young or old, slender or rotund, they owedtheir place on Standing Committee of the Politburo, and theirlives, to Xi’s genetic line.43

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