Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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“It’s no imposition, James. I was half-expecting you to call.What can we do for you?”“Well, it’s a simple request really. We at Imperium haveappreciated working with you over the past fifty years, but we’rea little concerned. We’ve heard that you’re working with Tograand Solar to design ships to travel to the newly discoveredplanet–”“–yes, Nashira 667 Cc. We’re calling it <strong>Pandora</strong>.”“To <strong>Pandora</strong>, then, and that you’ve finished your prototypeship. Congratulations for that. So we wondered if our mutualco-operation was going to extend to <strong>Pandora</strong> as well?”“Ah, yes. We did want to talk to you about that James. Frankly,we don’t think we’ll need your security services on this newworld – we’re focusing on taking infrastructure-building groupsrather than, ah, less-productive groups. But we fully intend tomaintain the Ceres Cartel in this Solar System.”“Eric, you know as well as I do that none of our groups has afuture in this Solar System. The Earth may be uninhabitable39

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