Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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ship. His job was to defend that, against whatever enemiesmight be out there. His gaze drifted to the turrets surroundingit, his office and the entire stardock complex. With a nearinfiniterange, the turrets made his job too easy.Still, he was obviously concerned as he bent over his controlpanel. The shipping arcs on Callisto station’s traffic controlscreen were mostly nominal, save for a cluster of miningtransports coming in from the asteroid belt. He could see thatfour of the steel shippers were all gradually drifting off route.He tutted to himself and called through on the radio.“Transporters #3358, #3367, #3248, and #2800. You seemto be drifting off course. Can you explain? You need to correct.”The lead trucker radioed back. “#2800 here, chief. Yeah, weseem to have extra mass, funny. We’re all newer models, savemine, so it’s not a systems error. Could be dust accretion fromour stop at Ceres, I guess?”“We’re on max security, #2800. I’m going to have to inspect. Out.”35

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