Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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Within a few years ofHeid’s appointment, hisfirst major challengearrived; the <strong>Pandora</strong>discovery and therevelation that Noxiumwas working on transportswithout the involvement ofImperium. Heid’s reactionwas characteristicallycalm. During a long-distance conference call with the Noxium board,he raised the issue – and was rejected, explicitly. At which pointHeid panned his camera to reveal that he was on Callisto, alreadysilently conquered by his troops, under his personal command, andthat they had seized the prototype colony ship.Heid’s decision to fly personally to <strong>Pandora</strong> is pragmatic. Hisforces don’t need <strong>Pandora</strong> – but the company’s pride couldn’tstand the concept of wars without Imperium, and he was surewar was going to come on <strong>Pandora</strong>.NOXIUM CORPORATION“In this day and age, supply and demand arethe driving forces behind our society. I madean immeasurable fortune by understanding themarket, by buying and selling at the right times,and to the right people. In this world, providedyou have the liquidity, nothing is impossible.”– Director Eric Preston, Planetary Markets***33

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