Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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fingertips I never found out who, had taken out a very valuablecontract on my life. The only bullet that hit me went throughmy frontal cortex.I floated on clouds, an angelic vision of a new world built ingod’s image in front of me. Through the haze I heard brokenphrases; “...massive stroke... ...age to prefrontal cortex... hugepersonality shift likely if... opiates to keep her under...” andFranklin’s face swam in and out of my view as he sits at mybedside. But I didn’t want to wake up. This new world wasso tantalizing, so real, that it mattered more. While I slept,everything changed.It wasn’t just the near-death experience, or the missing poundof grey matter, but I woke with a whole new outlook on life. Iknew that all the nastiness we’d made – all the blackmail I’ddone – had been with a true motive in mind, even if I hadn’trealised it at the time, hadn’t known it was part of God’s plan.I’d built the perfect society for bringing people closer to God, aGod I too now believed in. And I had a mission now.I redesigned Divine Ascension. Instead of being a millionseparate churches, now it was truly one. I set it up like a game,so that as you progressed through the levels of the church’sknowledge you give up more of your secrets, property andfreedom, in return for more of the church’s secrets – and atop-grade secret of all of them is that they’re all part of DivineAscension. Churches of Christians, Muslims, Scientologists,Samaritans, Sikhs, Nuwaubians and the rest. Churches for thetruly moral, for the greedy, for the racially-pure, or even forgun-nuts like you. All one.The big plan, which you’re going to help me with Dave, is to goto <strong>Pandora</strong>, the new planet. <strong>Pandora</strong> is our promised land – ournew home, our homage to God, the end of all our pilgrimages23

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