Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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2080s: The discovery of <strong>Pandora</strong> in 2081. Messages fromprobe craft sent to the Nashira system fifty years before bythe last of the space-going governments finally arrive back.They have discovered the first-and-only human-inhabitableworld – <strong>Pandora</strong>. The superterran planet is a paradise; satelliteanalysis shows it to be rich in resources and possibly life.Skirmishes between the troops of Imperium and Noxium onasteroids like Callisto end the fifty-year long Ceres Cartel,finally allowing widespread access to space again. Imperiumsteals the protoype colony ship from under Noxium’s nose,causing them to sell other ships on the open market. TerraSalvum, unable to afford to buy them, steals the schematics.In a bid to reverse global warming, the Civil Service AIs brokerthe first effective treaty on global warming and begin to seedthe atmosphere with filtering and reflective materials, to startthe planet cooling.Given their penury and impotence, the governments of theworld issue a final joint statement from behind the Earth’sthickening protective shroud. They declare <strong>Pandora</strong> a globalnature preserve, to only be explored cautiously in the interestsof Earth and the planet’s own inhabitants, without exploitation,and warns of grave consequences if this diktat is ignored.17

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