Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios

Manual - Pandora: First Contact - Proxy Studios


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wealthiest people and organisations seeking to avoid Earth’sproblems – and their taxes.Meanwhile, in all but the wealthiest nations, the focus is ondisaster control, as water, food and power shortages spread,and the global temperature slowly creeps up.The western military alliances effectively become clients ofa private military organisation, Empire Management, whichproves much more effective at deploying its veteran military totroublespots around the world – and much cheaper.2030s: The last of the ice in the Arctic Ocean melts.The first and last of NASA’s interstellar probes are launchedtowards those stars which promise to hold life, before theagency’s operations are permanently restricted by the latestSenate shutdown. A Togra University breakthrough on Alcubierre13

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