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with an exhaustive mood and shiveringof coolness. Long Sutnga on seeingKiang Nangbah screamed and calledthe British and suddenly grasp KiangNangbah, but he was thrown away dueto the strong energy of Kiang Nangbah.The Troop rushes to the spot and KiangNangbah took quickly his gun andaimed at the head of Lieutenant T.RSaddlier at a very close range but thegun didn’t discharge the flames andbullets. Lieutenant was narrowescaped in this fraction of second andhe ordered promptly his troop to firewhile Kiang was picking his sword.Kiang was fired in his hand and theBritish captured and forceful tied hishand to the back. The beloved wife ofKiang Nangbah from Challam clan andhis two children also were taken alongwith him.After the British force hadaccomplished the dream they orderedthe villagers to prepare food for themin supervising of the British people. Atthe first instant the local peoplerejected the order but they had to do itat the gun point. After they had eatentheir launch at Umpara British forcereturned back to Nartiang along withthe hostagesIn the afternoon of the same day(i.e. 27/12/12) the British returnedback and halt at Pnar village knownas Nonglaket for a night which situatedon the way to Nartiang. In the next dayie on (28/12/62) early in the morningthey left Nonglaket and reach Nartiangat 8 P.M in the evening and halted atNartiang with Mon Daloi and LongSutnga for further work and benefit ofthe British. The British handed over thewife of Kiang Nangbah and his twochildren (one male and one female) toDaloi Mon for care taking, but thesefamily of Kiang Nangbah vanishedaway in the hand of Mon Daloi and LongSutnga. And early in the morning ofthe next day (i.e. 29 th December 1862),they left Nartiang and reached Jwai at2 PM o clock in the Evening. U KiangNangbah was brought in front ofColonel Dunford and he convictedKiang Nangbah a final trail with deathsentence. Jaintia Hills was betrayedby Manik Daloi Pakyntein of Jowai,Mon Daloi of Nartiang and LongSutnga. British Governmentpromulgated anyone who could giveinformation about Kiang Nangbahwould receive a reward of Rs1000/- andfor his follower would be Rs 500/-. Thisreward of Rs1000/- increased theambition of Long Sutnga which lead tothe incarceration of Kiang Nangbah.Kiang requested Colonel H.FDunsford to leave him for a week longfor meeting his wife, children, family,and others important friends, but sirDunsford rejected his request andhanged him to death on 30 th December1862 (Musiang market day) at 5 P.Min the evening at Úawmusiang, Jwai,Jaintia Hills, Hynniewtrepland, India.In the present context of modernsociety, Kiang Nangbah is an exampleof strong Divinity faith and belief as tofight against corruption and exploitationof the under privilege. He had a strongcommitment and calibre to Pnarpeople, and as an example toconsecutive future generations with astrong determination, truth andintelligibility of the mind power.But after India got independence in15th August 1947 those lives sacrificedfor our freedom are forgotten and theyare all our FORGOTTEN HEROES.Information Sources:(a) From Smt Lakhma Sungoh thegranddaughter of Kiri Daloi, ShangpungJaintia Hills collected in 1986.(b) From Shri Tokin Rymbai an IASofficer Goverment of India collected in1989.(c) From Shri Jopthiaw Pariat anindependent researcher, JowaiMeghalaya 2012.(d) From local people from Umparawhen i and my friends from Thoohtrecultural and film Society, Jaintia Hillsin guidance of Mr Jopthiaw Pariatvisited the site on March 2008.(e) From Don mulieh collected inthe year 2000 a Harmuid (traditionaldrummer) of Raij Yalong and from MrLomy Pale.(f) From the travelling Diary of theCommissioner and GovernorGeneral‘S Agent, North East Fontier,on special duty in the Cossyah andJynteeah Hills, from Saturday, 21 stMarch, to Saturday , 4 th April 1863,inclusive.(g) From the North East frontier ofIndia by Alexander Mackenziepublished in 1884.(Shri Heibormi Sungoh, Shangpung,West Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Memberof Thoohtre cultural and film Society, JaintiaHills, email: Heibormis6@gmail.com,Mob.: 96121-62191)Mathematician Ramanujan’s Birth Anniversary ObservedGUWAHATI, Dec 22: abacus, amathematical society for children,celebrated the birth anniversary of thegreat Indian mathematician SrinivasRamanujan today at Maharishi VidyaMandir at Silpukhuri in Guwahati.Dr Ranjana Choudhury, foundersecretary of abacus, informed thatabacus worked for popularization ofMathematics among children so thatthey get rid of the phobia for maths.The year 2012 has been declaredas the ‘National Year of Mathematics’in the country to pay a tribute to thegreat Indian mathematical geniusSrinivasa Ramanujan.Dr KD Krori, eminent physicist andformer Principal of Cotton College, DilipKumar Dutta, a former professor ofMathematics in the University of RhodeIsland, Kingston, USA and Dr BijoyKrishna Deva Sarma, nationallyacclaimed educationist andmathematician were present at thefunction.Vedic mathematics for children, abook written by Dr Ranjana Choudhury,former Head of the Departmentof Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati,was also released by Dr KD Krori. Thebook is an effort to inculcate interestabout Mathematics among students,particularly children, and to introducethem to the treasures of VedicMathematics, said Dr Choudhury. Shealso said that the release of her bookduring the National Year ofMathematics bore significance.Dr Krori in his speech stressedinculcation of interest for Mathematicsand to practice maths in order to loveit. Citing his own example, Dr Krorimentioned how he was an averagestudent who was weak in(Contd. to Page 11)Heritage Explorer 19 January 2013

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with an exhaustive mood and shiveringof coolness. Long Sutnga on seeingKiang Nangbah screamed and calledthe British and suddenly grasp KiangNangbah, but he was thrown away dueto the strong energy of Kiang Nangbah.The Troop rushes to the spot and KiangNangbah took quickly his gun andaimed at the head of Lieutenant T.RSaddlier at a very close range but thegun didn’t discharge the flames andbullets. Lieutenant was narrowescaped in this fraction of second andhe ordered promptly his troop to firewhile Kiang was picking his sword.Kiang was fired in his hand and theBritish captured and forceful tied hishand to the back. The beloved wife ofKiang Nangbah from Challam clan andhis two children also were taken alongwith him.After the British force hadaccomplished the dream they orderedthe villagers to prepare food for themin supervising of the British people. Atthe first instant the local peoplerejected the order but they had to do itat the gun point. After they had eatentheir launch at Umpara British forcereturned back to Nartiang along withthe hostagesIn the afternoon of the same day(i.e. 27/12/12) the British returnedback and halt at Pnar village knownas Nonglaket for a night which situatedon the way to Nartiang. In the next dayie on (28/12/62) early in the morningthey left Nonglaket and reach Nartiangat 8 P.M in the evening and halted atNartiang with Mon Daloi and LongSutnga for further work and benefit ofthe British. The British handed over thewife of Kiang Nangbah and his twochildren (one male and one female) toDaloi Mon for care taking, but thesefamily of Kiang Nangbah vanishedaway in the hand of Mon Daloi and LongSutnga. And early in the morning ofthe next day (i.e. 29 th December 1862),they left Nartiang and reached Jwai at2 PM o clock in the Evening. U KiangNangbah was brought in front ofColonel Dunford and he convictedKiang Nangbah a final trail with deathsentence. Jaintia Hills was betrayedby Manik Daloi Pakyntein of Jowai,Mon Daloi of Nartiang and LongSutnga. British Governmentpromulgated anyone who could giveinformation about Kiang Nangbahwould receive a reward of Rs1000/- andfor his follower would be Rs 500/-. Thisreward of Rs1000/- increased theambition of Long Sutnga which lead tothe incarceration of Kiang Nangbah.Kiang requested Colonel H.FDunsford to leave him for a week longfor meeting his wife, children, family,and others important friends, but sirDunsford rejected his request andhanged him to death on 30 th December1862 (Musiang market day) at 5 P.Min the evening at Úawmusiang, Jwai,Jaintia Hills, Hynniewtrepland, India.In the present context of modernsociety, Kiang Nangbah is an exampleof strong Divinity faith and belief as tofight against corruption and exploitationof the under privilege. He had a strongcommitment and calibre to Pnarpeople, and as an example toconsecutive future generations with astrong determination, truth andintelligibility of the mind power.But after India got independence in15th August 1947 those lives sacrificedfor our freedom are forgotten and theyare all our FORGOTTEN HEROES.Information Sources:(a) From Smt Lakhma Sungoh thegranddaughter of Kiri Daloi, ShangpungJaintia Hills collected in 1986.(b) From Shri Tokin Rymbai an IASofficer Goverment of India collected in1989.(c) From Shri Jopthiaw Pariat anindependent researcher, JowaiMeghalaya 2012.(d) From local people from Umparawhen i and my friends from Thoohtrecultural and film Society, Jaintia Hillsin guidance of Mr Jopthiaw Pariatvisited the site on March 2008.(e) From Don mulieh collected inthe year 2000 a Harmuid (traditionaldrummer) of Raij Yalong and from MrLomy Pale.(f) From the travelling Diary of theCommissioner and GovernorGeneral‘S Agent, North East Fontier,on special duty in the Cossyah andJynteeah Hills, from Saturday, 21 stMarch, to Saturday , 4 th April 1863,inclusive.(g) From the North East frontier ofIndia by Alexander Mackenziepublished in 1884.(Shri Heibormi Sungoh, Shangpung,West Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Memberof Thoohtre cultural and film Society, JaintiaHills, email: Heibormis6@gmail.com,Mob.: 96121-62191)Mathematician Ramanujan’s Birth Anniversary ObservedGUWAHATI, Dec 22: abacus, amathematical society for children,celebrated the birth anniversary of thegreat Indian mathematician SrinivasRamanujan today at Maharishi VidyaMandir at Silpukhuri in Guwahati.Dr Ranjana Choudhury, foundersecretary of abacus, informed thatabacus worked for popularization ofMathematics among children so thatthey get rid of the phobia for maths.The year 2012 has been declaredas the ‘National Year of Mathematics’in the country to pay a tribute to thegreat Indian mathematical geniusSrinivasa Ramanujan.Dr KD Krori, eminent physicist andformer Principal of Cotton College, DilipKumar Dutta, a former professor ofMathematics in the University of RhodeIsland, Kingston, USA and Dr BijoyKrishna Deva Sarma, nationallyacclaimed educationist andmathematician were present at thefunction.Vedic mathematics for children, abook written by Dr Ranjana Choudhury,former Head of the Departmentof Handique Girls’ College, Guwahati,was also released by Dr KD Krori. Thebook is an effort to inculcate interestabout Mathematics among students,particularly children, and to introducethem to the treasures of VedicMathematics, said Dr Choudhury. Shealso said that the release of her bookduring the National Year ofMathematics bore significance.Dr Krori in his speech stressedinculcation of interest for Mathematicsand to practice maths in order to loveit. Citing his own example, Dr Krorimentioned how he was an averagestudent who was weak in(Contd. to Page 11)<strong>Heritage</strong> Explorer 19 January 2013

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