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K. Thawaijao Died inTrain Accident-Jagdamba MallLate Shri Kamei Thawajao met withan accident on 23.12.2012 at 3:30 pmat Damoh Railway Station betweenKatani and Sagar in Madhya Pradeshwhile travelling by Kolkata – AjmerExpress to reach Ujjain in the midnight.He had got down at Damoh railwaystation to fetch water and rushed backwhen train started running. Unfortunately,his legs slipped and he fell down. Hewas badly wounded in both the legs andhead. Due to multiple injuries andprofuse bleeding, he died before hecould be taken to nearby hospital.Late Kamei Thawaijao was leadingthe team of 42 Janajati delegates fromManipur to attend a National levelConference of Janajati leaders at Ujjain,Madhya Pradesh on 24,25,26December 2012. The 220 delegates fromNagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Assam andSikkim were traveling in the same trainto reach Ujjain with great enthusiasmbut the said railway accident whichswallowed the life of our beloved K.Thawaijao, snatched away our smilefrom faces and dampened thehappiness.Late Kamei Thawaijao was a DistrictTransport Officer (DTO) posted atThoubal, Bishnupur and Imphal from timeto time before he retired in 1999. He issurvived by his wife Smti. LongmeiluApui, two daughters and five sons.He was holding the responsibility ofVice President Tingkao Ragwang Chap-Riak Phom (Assam, Manipur andNagaland), a close associate of SanaKanung and advisor to Kangla UtraShanglen. He was actively involved inthe celebration of Mera Houchangba atKangla. He was the convener of JanajatiFaith and Culture Protection Forum,Manipur unit. A condolence meeting wasorganized in his honour in Office ofKalyan Ashram, Chingmeiram whereincelebrities like Prof. GangmumeiKamei, Dr. Brajkishore Sharma and Shri.Tej Kumarji participated. Earlier, acondolence was offered in the JanajatiLeaders’ Conference on 25 th Decemberat Ujjain.1000 Chigring Festival by Garos.- Cosmos SangmaTura (Dec 5): The rhythmic soundof the famous four and six stringedbamboo musical instrument “Chigring”reverberated the air on a coldDecember evening before an audienceof over 10,000 people as artistes,young and old, hit the cords to set arecord of sorts at the Tura Chandmarifield setting the trend for the three-dayAhaia winter festival that begins fromThursday.The poor lighting arrangement atthe venue, however, dampened themuch-anticipated show despite a hugegathering. The rhythmic beats of theChigring was supposed to rend the airwhen the clock struck 2 O’clock in theafternoon but due to several ‘technical’hitches it was delayed and ultimatelybegan just after dark at approximately5:30 pm when the Meghalaya ChiefMinister Dr Mukul Sangma arrived.By the time the Chigring orchestrabegan darkness had crept in and thepoor lighting at the field reduced thevisibility further. The traditional headgear of the Garos comprising of the‘Kotip” including the ‘Do’me’ was asight to see but the dismalelectrification at the field ensured notmany could catch a glimpse of thecolorful costume.The impact of the poor lighting wasDIMAPUR, Dec 7 – A colourful andelaborate closing ceremony winded upthe 13th Hornbill Festival this eveningat <strong>Heritage</strong> Village, Kisama, around 15kms from Kohima.Speaking on the occasion,Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Riosaid festivals like this bring peopletogether, to understand one anotherand foster oneness.Rio stated that about a lakh ofpeople visited Kisama during theseven-day festival and added that manyactivities have happened in Kohimaand around including Dimapur. Hehoped that all those who visited thefestival would have warm memories ofNagaland and leave behind whateverunpleasant ones they might have comeclearly visible before the eyes of theinvited guests with one senior citizenand former politician Mrs Meriam DShira calling upon the organizers toensure such a ‘situation’ do not occurin the near future. Her calls for arectification were greeted with shoutsof joy from a large section of thecrowds including some of theparticipants.Despite the glitch at the grand finale,the audience loved every moment of theorchestra which lasted forapproximately half and hour. A specialtribute was also made for veteran GaroHills musician of yester-yearsLateRaphael Marak who spread the Chigringfame far and wide by holding concertswith the bamboo instrument beyond theGaro Hills region.Meanwhile, the districtadministration has announced thatthere are plans to organize anorchestra of 10,000 Chigrings in thecoming year in Garo Hills to set arecord of sorts within the Limca andGuinness Book of World Records.Wednesday’s 1000 Chigring festivalwould also be telecast before thejudges of Limca Book of WorldRecords within a few days time, it wasannounced.(Seven Sisters Post 6.12.12)Hornbill Festival Concludesacross.A musical drama was presented bythe ‘Dreamz Unlimited’. Otherentertainment items at the grand finaleincluded presentation of specialnumber by a Choir group, musicalnumbers by various bands and dancepresentations. The <strong>Heritage</strong> in Houseband also presented a number of songsprior to the start of the formalprogramme. The grand finale of theHornbill Fest 2012 concluded with thelighting of the bonfire by the MissNagaland 2012 Imlibenla Jamir who wascrowned here last evening. Imlibenlawon the hearts of the judges by statingthat the qualities of a beauty queenshould be that of optimism.(http://www.assamtribune.com)<strong>Heritage</strong> Explorer 16 January 2013

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