1 - Voice For The Defense Online

1 - Voice For The Defense Online

1 - Voice For The Defense Online


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Idoa't generally watch boxing. Twoguys httting each other in the headas hard as they can just isn't somethingI tune into for relaxation. But theother night I attended a premier showingof a dwtnnentary, "Split Decisions",about an Austin boxer.Jesus "El Matada" Chavez becamethe North American Boxing FederationSuper Featherweight Champion in 1997.Austin Mayor Kirk Watson honored himw~th a Jesus Chavez Day. He has a nearperfect rccord of 32-1. Despite h ~s boxingsuccess, Jesus is hkc a man withuta country. Born in Meuco, but raised niChicago since age 7, ins boxing careerwas on the rise when, at 18, he madc adecision that changed 111s lifc. At thetlme of the championship-fight. Jesus\\as fghting a deportation ada to Me..tco.Hc was boxing his way to a worldchainp~onship when his attempt to get adriver's license tipped off theInnnigration Service. A feu, monthslater; INS scnt bm back to Mexico.Teased because of his lousy Spanish,away from this parents and shhns anddiskusted by the Mexican hmring conntiunity,J~esus is mtt ofoface 61 Mexico& can7return to the Stales.<strong>The</strong> film's director, blarcy Ganiott,made the film after meettng Jesnstl~nougt~ her boxing brother-in-law. Shewas shocked how the system works.She had believed that if a person commitsa crime, awepts punish~ncnt andrehabilitates hinlselve society shouldforgive. <strong>The</strong> film shows how unforgivingboth the criminal jnsitce system andthe immigration laws hnve become.Following a couple of neighbo~lioodtough gnys, he joined in a groceiy storerobbay. <strong>The</strong>nert day he told his boxingcoach what 11s had done. <strong>The</strong> coachlwked at him and said, "What are yongmng to do when yon go to jail?Vesuswas stunned. No snrpnse to criminaldefcnse attorneys, but the ktd jnst hadn'tthought about the coilsequences.Ashamed of the pain he cawed h ~sfamily, wanting to be a man and &ce theconsequences, he pleaded guilty. Jesosserved three and a half years in prison.Prominently drsplr+red inside ptism is) the sign "Decis~ons Defernnnc Desttny".Becatisc he was Mcxicatt-born, INSplcked him up at the ppnson gate and puthim on a bus to Mex~co He hadn't Ilvedthere for twenty ho ycars.Jesus prinptiy retnn~ed to thc UnitedStales, although illegally. He startedboxing under a dtfferent name in Austin.Jesus is applying for a pardnl fromthe Governor of llli~rots and n workwaiver om the INS so be can make anm at the world liile. He's viorr~ed aboutrime now. At 28. his main competttorsalc 21 and 22 Soon, he says, he w~ll betoo old to be a slmng contender.<strong>For</strong> your clrents who me not US c~hzens,the decision on their cases mayhave harsher conseqneiices than jailtune. Just as TCDLA member BillMaynard says, "Renmuher 364 Days".A posslbie sente~~ce of morc than 364days pnts a non citizen client 111 dangerof depo~%atim~. Call an immnigrationatiumey if you are not certain of poolclient's imnt~gratio~l consequencesSplit Decisrons" is a great film Trythe other suggestions for books, films,web sites and vacstlons found m thisedthon of the Yoice.-Hap@ you ergov tire strmrrte,:<strong>Voice</strong> 10 - JufyIAugust 2000 - Director's Perspective

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