Download The GYM Membership Form

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MEMBERSHIP NO.1. MEMBERSHIP DETAILSTitle: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss First Name:<strong>Membership</strong> Type:<strong>Membership</strong> Category:<strong>Membership</strong> Term:<strong>Membership</strong>s are not refundable□ Gym□ Gold (M2M plan only)_ Gym/Spin (M2M only)□ StudentID #________________THEgymLast Name:□ Classes□ Tanning_ BOP□ SeniorMonthly <strong>Membership</strong>s (PIF):□ 1___ □ 3___ □ 6___ □ 12___(M2M) memberships may only becancelled with 1 month written □ (M2M)___notice. (With 12 months minimumpayment required)2. MEMBER DETAILS (Renewing Members complete if details have changed)Start:/ /D / M / YStart:/ /D / M / YSex: □ Male □ Female D.O.B.: / /D / M / YAge: yearsAddress:City: Province: Postal Code:Telephone: (H) (W) (C)Email:Emergency Contact:Name: Phone: Relationship:Are you interested in any of the following?□ Boot Camp (Urban Assault)□ Coaching Courses□ Elite Sports Program□ Fitness Program□ Healthy Walks□ Personal Training□ Running Clinics□ Spinning□ Tanning□ the<strong>GYM</strong> EventsExpire:/ /D / M / YDo you want to receive promotional information from the<strong>GYM</strong>? Yes / NoDo you want to receive information from the<strong>GYM</strong> by email? Yes / No3. PERSONAL ACTIVITY READINESS QUESTIONAIRE (PAR-Q)PAR-Q is designed to help you help yourself. Many health benefits are associated with regular exerciseand the completion of a PAR-Q is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amountof physical activity in your life. For most people physical activity should not pose any problem or hazard.PAR-Q has been designed to identify the small number of adults for whom physical activity might beinappropriate or those who should have medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable forthem. Please read the following questions carefully and answer to the best of your knowledge byticking the appropriate box.1. Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition and recommended only medically Yes / Nosupervised physical activity?2. Do you have chest pain brought on by physical activity? Yes / No3. Have you developed chest pain within the last month? Yes / No4. Do you lose consciousness or fall over as a result of dizziness? Yes / No5. Do you have a bone, joint or back problem that could be aggravated by your intendedphysical activity?Yes / No6. Has a doctor ever recommended medication for your blood pressure or a heart condition? Yes / No7. Are you aware, through your own experience or a doctor’s advice, of any other physicalreason why you should not exercise without medical supervision?Yes / No

4. INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT (<strong>The</strong> Fine Print)Acknowledgement of Risks, Injury & ObligationsI declare that I intend to use some or all the activities, facilities, programs and services (activities) offered by the<strong>GYM</strong> andI understand that each person has a different capacity for and participating in such activities. I am aware that all activitiesoffered are educational, recreational or self-directed in nature. I assume full responsibility during and after myparticipation for my choices to use or apply, at my own risk, any portion of the information or instruction I receive.I understand that part of the risk involved in undertaking any activity is relative to my own state of fitness and health(physical, mental or emotional) and also to the awareness, care and skill with which I conduct myself in that activity. Bydoing so, I acknowledge and accept the risks.I understand that the activities offered by the<strong>GYM</strong> are sometimes conducted by individuals who may not be licensed,certified or registered instructors or professional. I accept the fact that the skills and competencies of some employeesand volunteers may vary according to their training and experience and that no claim is made to offer assessment ortreatment of any mental or physical disease or condition by those who are not duly licensed, certified or registered andemployed to provide such professional services. I further understand that there may be times that I choose to usethe<strong>GYM</strong> when there is limited or no supervision.I recognize that by participation in the activities offered by the<strong>GYM</strong> that I might experience potential health risks such astransient light-headedness, fainting, abnormal blood pressure, chest discomfort, leg cramps and nausea and that Iassume willfully those risks. I acknowledge my obligation to immediately inform the nearest supervising employee or myphysician of any pain, discomfort, fatigue or any other symptoms that I may suffer during and immediately after myparticipation. I understand that I may stop or delay my participation in any activity if I so desire and that I may also berequested to stop and rest by a supervising employee who observes any symptoms of distress or abnormal response.I understand that I may ask any questions or request further explanation or information about the activities offered bythe<strong>GYM</strong> at any time before, during or after my participation.Compliance With GuidelinesIt is the responsibility of the<strong>GYM</strong> users to respect the guidelines. the<strong>GYM</strong> staff is not always able to directly supervise thevarious fitness/recreations area. If you feel that actions of other users are compromising your rights to safety, hygiene orcourtesy don’t hesitate to approach them about following the guidelines or talk to one of the<strong>GYM</strong> staff. By signing, youalso understand cancellation and/or early termination policies and that there are no refunds after payment is received.Administration● All members must check in at the reception desk with each visit.● Appropriate athletic footwear & attire must be worn at all times while in the<strong>GYM</strong>.● In consideration for others, please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, aftershaves & other scented products.● All weights and equipment must be put back after use.● No rude language, excessive noise, or any behavior that would otherwise impair the enjoyment of the<strong>GYM</strong> toanother member.• Only yearly members may suspend their membership with authorization from management. A membermust specify a start and finish date. Some restrictions apply.• <strong>Membership</strong>s are not refundable.• M2M <strong>Membership</strong>s can only be cancelled with one month written notice (will include final payment).• A minimum of 12 months payment on M2M memberships will be required before any cancellations will beprocessed. (early cancellations will be subject to full payment of remaining months)• Only yearly memberships are transferable with authorization from management. Some restrictions apply.• the<strong>GYM</strong> will not be held responsible for any members, lost, stolen or damaged property.• All prices are subject to change without notice.● If the undersigned refuses to abide by any the<strong>GYM</strong> <strong>Membership</strong> Agreement Terms and rules posted or otherwiseimplied, the<strong>GYM</strong> has complete authority to terminate or suspend the membership without refund.Your PrivacyYour personal information is for the<strong>GYM</strong> membership purposes only and will not be disclosed to any external partywithout your consent. All your personal information is protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information andProtection of Privacy Act.5. MEMBERS DECLARATIONBefore signing this document, I have read, understand and hereby agree to the terms and conditions ofmembership as defined in Section 4 and know that it affects my legal rights.Signature: Date: / / /D / M / YOFFICE USE ONLY:Total Fees Received $ Payment Type: Cash Chq Debit Visa MCardStaff Name (Print): Date: / / /D / M / YGift Certificate

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