2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club


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Introduction to the XXIX <strong>Club</strong>The <strong>Club</strong> owes its very existence to a very small band of cricket enthusiasts who took the very firststeps towards its formation just prior to the 1956/57 season. The prime movers were Jack Daniel, JackGreen, Max Haysom, Ian McDonald and Keith Rigg, and those of us who now enjoy membership arein the debt of those five men. To refresh the memories, there is in this year’s annual report afascinating account by Ian McDonald of the <strong>Club</strong>’s formation.All members of the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and those playing members on the waiting list are eligiblefor XXIX membership, subject to acceptance by the Committee of a nomination form supported by aproposer and a seconder, each of whom is required to be a financial member of the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> of atleast twelve month’s standing.There is an entrance fee of $50 and the annual subscription is $50 which is payable on October 1 eachyear and should be sent to our Hon. Treasurer, Phil Halbish, C/- MCC, PO Box 175, East <strong>Melbourne</strong>,8002. Cheques should be made payable to the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>.The function of the <strong>Club</strong> is to foster the enjoyment of cricket largely by arranging matches and othersocial events.New Silk <strong>Club</strong> ties ($50.00) are available from the Hon. Secretary John McCormick, whose telephonenumber is 9830 2440 (after hours).Members are urged to encourage others to join. We are particularly keen to swell the ranks of thosewhose interest in cricket is not confined to spectatorship.Significant <strong>Club</strong> DatesAugust 1956Initial correspondence with M.C.C.September 1956Letter from M.C.C. expressing agreement in principleOctober 1956Initial Meeting1 st November 1956 Inaugural Meeting at Albert GroundElection of first committee4 th November 1956 1 st Match versus Southern Command at Broadmeadows27 th July 1957 First <strong>Annual</strong> Dinner at FontainbleuPresided over by E.K. TolhurstGuest Speaker: A.L. HassettDecember 1969Overseas Tour – South East AsiaJune 1977Overseas Tour – U.K.August 1977Twenty-first <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerApril 1980Overseas Tour – South East AsiaJune 1981Overseas Tour – U.K.September 1981Silver Anniversary DinnerApril 1982Overseas Tour – South East AsiaAugust 1985International Masters Games - Toronto, CanadaSeptember 1985XXIXers 29 th <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerAugust 1989International Masters Games - Denmark/U.K.October 1990Central Australian Masters Games-Alice SpringsJuly 1993Overseas Tour – U.K.June 1997Overseas Tour – U.K.June 2001Overseas Tour – U.K.April 2003Overseas Tour – ThailandJune/July 2005Overseas Tour – U.K. (via Singapore & Holland)September <strong>2006</strong>Fifty Year Anniversary <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerApril/May 20<strong>07</strong>Overseas Tour – Malaysia & Thailand5

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