2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club


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President’s <strong>Report</strong>This report marks the end of my three-year journey as President of the <strong>Club</strong>.We all comment on how quickly time flies when you are having fun, but thesethree years have just vanished albeit with grand memories of so manywonderful moments during the time. England tops the list by a fair margin.Our fixtures again produced mixed results with our regular opposition listbeing added to with highlight games against Singapore CC and Hong KongCC. Despite the drought, the Albert Ground proved to be a very populararena for our touring clubs. The Singapore CC game was followed by aspectacular gathering at Tim Jones’ home, contrasting the extensive BBQ atheadquarters for the HKCC group.Some of the highlights of <strong>2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> have been: -1. The 50th Anniversary Dinner was a strongly acclaimed function with an outstanding turnout ofover 400. With a team of our Foundation Members in attendance, our Guest of Honour, Brad Hodgespoke of his determination to re-join the Australian squad. Subsequently, he has had someoutstanding contributions to Australian cricket during the past 12 months. Geoff Chapman cementedour colourful history with the Sportsbrand production of a DVD for all attendees at the Dinner.2. Initial expressions of interest for the 2009 UK Tour are staggering. This suggests we have touringsuccess well sorted; however, the task of managing the tour list will be a fascinating challenge forthose entrusted with the responsibility.3. A very strong growth in membership numbers contrasting disappointment with the number ofguest player appearances from MCC Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> ranks. Hopefully, my successor will develop awinning formula to bring both bodies into greater harmony.4. A full house at our Boxing Day Test Luncheon (Day 3).5. Ever-green David Broad’s solo batting effort at the MCG against a very powerful MCC President’sX1.6. A superb tour to Malaysia, with many extending to Hua Hin, Thailand for the Dusit Resort ‘Six-aside’competition, with games against the Malaysian <strong>Cricket</strong> Association President’s XI (a fabulousday-night contest at the superb Kintara Ground) and the Royal Selangor <strong>Club</strong> at their headquarters.7. Another bold showing at Caloundra over the June long weekend hosted by the Queensland<strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong>...wet weather but two turf games against the <strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong> of New South Waleswith shared results.During the year, the Committee recorded overwhelming thanks to Peter Anderson upon retiring fromthe committee after some 20 years service – a great keeper of committee meeting procedure andprotocol, over a decade as the <strong>Annual</strong> Dinner convenor and a sterling period as President (1996-1998). Well played!I wish Bill Stahmer a wonderful term as President and pledge to assist his three years in the chair justas he was a pillar of support during my time.Stuart D StockdaleRetiring President1

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