2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club


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MCC XXIX CLUB v SINGAPORE CCPlayed at: Albert Ground on January 17, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB3/139 (23.3 OVERS)DEFEATEDSINGAPORE CC135 (39 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGP Barker 24 S Bell 1P Petricola 50 Ret R Hussein 45 0/11 (2)K Baddeley 14 3/27 (5) P Childs 0 0/31 (4)M Hill 32 n.o. 2/19 (4) D Jones 11J Stone 5 n.o. R Chandran 3 0/8 (1.3)T Jones DNB 0/11 (1) S Mansfield 2H Jones DNB 0/12 (9) R Martins 7S Stockdale DNB J Dunlea 26 0/19 (5)M Anderson DNB 0/9 (4) R Ramason 0 1/21 (2)J Oliver DNB 2/39 (10) P Singh 10G Fidler DNB 0/14 (6) G Stanley 25 n.o. 1/29 (7)Sundries 14 5Umpires:Scorer:John Robinson, Mike SlatteryBarrie Hopkins (MCC) Tracy Jones (SCC)A strong Singapore CC (SCC) line up captained by the great ‘Asian’ cricketer David Jones, formally ofHK and Malaysia, batted first on the drying Albert Ground with the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> keen to recapture theprize trophy lost in the last encounter in Singapore.Although sporting a number of former Singapore national players, including Rex Martins, GrantStanley, Ravi Chandran, David Jones and Steven Bell, a prolific run scorer in Asia competition, thetouring side was in all sorts of trouble at 4/37. With some fine opening overs from Jeremy Oliver 2/39and Australian U.19 representative Michael Hill (2/19), Singapore CC continued to struggle. GeoffFidler 0/14 and Huw Jones bowled tightly with 9 overs, 0/12. Mark Anderson chipped in with atypical miserly 0/9 off 4 overs. The other evergreen and star of the last Singapore encounter KenBaddeley, however, took the bowling honours with 3/27.Raiz Hussein (45) David Jones (11) and bowler Jon Dunlea (26) provided the only significantresistance to the tight MCC attack. Singapore had a late rally with the former Essendon player of the70’s, Grant Stanley compiling a fine 25, well supported by Parminder Singh on 10.The XXIXers were quick to seize on the SCC attack with PaulBarker (24) and Peter Petricola (50 retired) opening up with 48. KenBaddeley and Michael Hill (32 n.o.) with a steady partnership thentook the game away from SCC with the small tally being finallypolished off by Jeremy Stone, another former SCC player.PeterPetricolaSurprisingly the bowling honours for Singapore CC went to tourmanager and committeeman, Raji Ramason. Two very ordinaryovers, although he did claim the wicket of Ken Baddeley after theball bounced twice. This performance followed his inglorious innings duck, run out, with its not solittle consequences. It is tradition on tour for the SCC that the last remaining batsman to score 0 hasto wear a very bright yellow jacket, ‘The Duck Jacket’, on all occasions. Raji wore this withdistinction in the city the next day and some Singapore airline female crew on the flight homecommented on his dress style.As the game finished early, an unofficial Twenty20 match was played in order to give the beer time tocool. Singapore CC (3/105), for the record, defeated the MCC (6/102) but this loss shall not berecorded, although it made a happy ending to the day for the battle worn SCC side.12

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