2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club

2006/07 Annual Report - Melbourne Cricket Club


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<strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>XXIX <strong>Club</strong>Fifty-first <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>2006</strong>-<strong>07</strong>1

MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> CommitteePRESIDENT:HON. SECRETARY:HON. TREASURER:COMMITTEE:Stuart StockdaleJohn McCormickBarry MattersJohn AndersonMark AndersonPeter Anderson (retired)Geoff FidlerPhilip HalbishAndrew KentBob LloydTed LynchJohn McCarthySteven McCookeMichael ShollyBill StahmerLIFE MEMBERS:Tom LeatherIan McDonaldPERMANENT BACKSTOP: Sir Robert Menzies (1958 - 1977)Don Cordner (1994 - 2005)PAST PRESIDENTS: 1957 – 1959 Keith Tolhurst1960 – 1962 Ian McDonald1963 – 1965 Keith Rigg1966 – 1968 Col McCutcheon1969 – 1971 Col Spargo1972 – 1974 Col Munro1975 – 1977 Max Haysom1978 – 1980 Lindsay Birrell1981 – 1983 Brian Watson1984 – 1986 John McCarthy1987 – 1989 Bob Lloyd1990 – 1992 Graham Brown1993 – 1995 Peter French1996 – 1998 Peter Anderson1999 – 2001 John Anderson2002 – 2004 David Broad

President’s <strong>Report</strong>This report marks the end of my three-year journey as President of the <strong>Club</strong>.We all comment on how quickly time flies when you are having fun, but thesethree years have just vanished albeit with grand memories of so manywonderful moments during the time. England tops the list by a fair margin.Our fixtures again produced mixed results with our regular opposition listbeing added to with highlight games against Singapore CC and Hong KongCC. Despite the drought, the Albert Ground proved to be a very populararena for our touring clubs. The Singapore CC game was followed by aspectacular gathering at Tim Jones’ home, contrasting the extensive BBQ atheadquarters for the HKCC group.Some of the highlights of <strong>2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> have been: -1. The 50th Anniversary Dinner was a strongly acclaimed function with an outstanding turnout ofover 400. With a team of our Foundation Members in attendance, our Guest of Honour, Brad Hodgespoke of his determination to re-join the Australian squad. Subsequently, he has had someoutstanding contributions to Australian cricket during the past 12 months. Geoff Chapman cementedour colourful history with the Sportsbrand production of a DVD for all attendees at the Dinner.2. Initial expressions of interest for the 2009 UK Tour are staggering. This suggests we have touringsuccess well sorted; however, the task of managing the tour list will be a fascinating challenge forthose entrusted with the responsibility.3. A very strong growth in membership numbers contrasting disappointment with the number ofguest player appearances from MCC Premier <strong>Cricket</strong> ranks. Hopefully, my successor will develop awinning formula to bring both bodies into greater harmony.4. A full house at our Boxing Day Test Luncheon (Day 3).5. Ever-green David Broad’s solo batting effort at the MCG against a very powerful MCC President’sX1.6. A superb tour to Malaysia, with many extending to Hua Hin, Thailand for the Dusit Resort ‘Six-aside’competition, with games against the Malaysian <strong>Cricket</strong> Association President’s XI (a fabulousday-night contest at the superb Kintara Ground) and the Royal Selangor <strong>Club</strong> at their headquarters.7. Another bold showing at Caloundra over the June long weekend hosted by the Queensland<strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong>...wet weather but two turf games against the <strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong> of New South Waleswith shared results.During the year, the Committee recorded overwhelming thanks to Peter Anderson upon retiring fromthe committee after some 20 years service – a great keeper of committee meeting procedure andprotocol, over a decade as the <strong>Annual</strong> Dinner convenor and a sterling period as President (1996-1998). Well played!I wish Bill Stahmer a wonderful term as President and pledge to assist his three years in the chair justas he was a pillar of support during my time.Stuart D StockdaleRetiring President1

List of Founding Members of the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> - 1956JN CHJC LCJ GWM RJ GMDH MJ DLT WGC SI HAJ GL PDW NW SK ECRR BJ H MR HGE KICrawfordCromptonDowsleyDanielFairbairnGardinerGreenHarrisonHaysomHuntKennyKerrKerrKinnearKlineLeatherLongneyMcCutcheonMcDonaldMcKayMilesO’BrienPetersPonsfordRickardsRiggSmithSpeechleyStevensSymonsTeasdaleThomsTolhurstWarne-Smith2

Finance <strong>Report</strong> for Season <strong>2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong>Gentlemen,The financial result for the year ended 30 th June 20<strong>07</strong> shows a loss of $10,692 against last year’sprofit of $2,639.The main reasons for the loss are:1. Uncollected subscriptions from approx 80 members2. A loss on the <strong>Annual</strong> Dinner of $2,2<strong>07</strong>, to assist in celebrating the special occasion of50 th Anniversary; items such as artwork for menus, commemorative wine labels andfilming3. Printing of 50th Anniversary <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s and fixtures ($9,717-) annual reports andfixtures4. Purchase of merchandise (ties $4,388 and playing caps $2,013) for future use/sale5. 50 th Year Commemorative wine – unsold stock on hand ($1,080)Our cash position remains strong with a balance of $31,660 after allcommitted expenditure is taken into account with $24,595 on term depositat an average of 5% per annum.Barry MattersHon. Treasurer3

XXIX <strong>Club</strong> Statement of Income and ExpenditureAs at 30 June 20<strong>07</strong>30/06/06 30/06/<strong>07</strong>INCOME15,880 Subscriptions (including Entrance Fees) 10,0101,178 Interest Received 1,1952,595 Surplus (Deficit) from Dinner ( 2,3<strong>07</strong>)1,510 Boxing Day Lunch 5,4601,884 Sale of Merchandise (T-shirts, caps, ties) 970Sale of Commemorative Wine and Pitchers (703)574 UK tour23,621 TOTAL INCOME 14,625EXPENDITURE3,220 Game Catering and Match Fees 4,3611,050 Catering for Committee Functions / Pie Night 573Printing of <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s, Postage, Stationery &3,967 Sundries 9,7171,180 Trophies & Touring Team Expenses 4,264Merchandise 6,4029,417 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 25,31714,204 NET PROFIT (LOSS) - 10,6924

Introduction to the XXIX <strong>Club</strong>The <strong>Club</strong> owes its very existence to a very small band of cricket enthusiasts who took the very firststeps towards its formation just prior to the 1956/57 season. The prime movers were Jack Daniel, JackGreen, Max Haysom, Ian McDonald and Keith Rigg, and those of us who now enjoy membership arein the debt of those five men. To refresh the memories, there is in this year’s annual report afascinating account by Ian McDonald of the <strong>Club</strong>’s formation.All members of the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and those playing members on the waiting list are eligiblefor XXIX membership, subject to acceptance by the Committee of a nomination form supported by aproposer and a seconder, each of whom is required to be a financial member of the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> of atleast twelve month’s standing.There is an entrance fee of $50 and the annual subscription is $50 which is payable on October 1 eachyear and should be sent to our Hon. Treasurer, Phil Halbish, C/- MCC, PO Box 175, East <strong>Melbourne</strong>,8002. Cheques should be made payable to the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>.The function of the <strong>Club</strong> is to foster the enjoyment of cricket largely by arranging matches and othersocial events.New Silk <strong>Club</strong> ties ($50.00) are available from the Hon. Secretary John McCormick, whose telephonenumber is 9830 2440 (after hours).Members are urged to encourage others to join. We are particularly keen to swell the ranks of thosewhose interest in cricket is not confined to spectatorship.Significant <strong>Club</strong> DatesAugust 1956Initial correspondence with M.C.C.September 1956Letter from M.C.C. expressing agreement in principleOctober 1956Initial Meeting1 st November 1956 Inaugural Meeting at Albert GroundElection of first committee4 th November 1956 1 st Match versus Southern Command at Broadmeadows27 th July 1957 First <strong>Annual</strong> Dinner at FontainbleuPresided over by E.K. TolhurstGuest Speaker: A.L. HassettDecember 1969Overseas Tour – South East AsiaJune 1977Overseas Tour – U.K.August 1977Twenty-first <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerApril 1980Overseas Tour – South East AsiaJune 1981Overseas Tour – U.K.September 1981Silver Anniversary DinnerApril 1982Overseas Tour – South East AsiaAugust 1985International Masters Games - Toronto, CanadaSeptember 1985XXIXers 29 th <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerAugust 1989International Masters Games - Denmark/U.K.October 1990Central Australian Masters Games-Alice SpringsJuly 1993Overseas Tour – U.K.June 1997Overseas Tour – U.K.June 2001Overseas Tour – U.K.April 2003Overseas Tour – ThailandJune/July 2005Overseas Tour – U.K. (via Singapore & Holland)September <strong>2006</strong>Fifty Year Anniversary <strong>Annual</strong> DinnerApril/May 20<strong>07</strong>Overseas Tour – Malaysia & Thailand5

A Note on the Formation of the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>It does no harm to delve into history, if only for the nostalgic memories of the past.It has been suggested that in 1956 “Dasher” Daniel, Keith Rigg, Max Haysom, “Groper” Green and Ihappened to get together and form the XXIX <strong>Club</strong>. It wasn’t quite like that. Rather than being a caseof “spontaneous generation”, the <strong>Club</strong> rather “rose like a Phoenix from the ashes”.Those of you who still have the original report 1956/57 may care to read (for few will remember) ofthe teams taken away to the country before and immediately after the Second World War by Su Aitken,Hec Donahoo, and Stan Rogerson. With the tearing up of the MCG for the 1956 Olympic Games,social cricket was, for a time, abandoned.Quite fortuitously, I was in Oxford for two years about that time. I had been introduced to thepleasures of English <strong>Cricket</strong>, and in particular was greatly impressed and delighted by the art formknown as the annual dinner; a play in which the actors dressed in black and white, were regaled byafter dinner speakers of extraordinary wit and enthusiasm.Upon my return home, being unwilling to forgo these pleasures, but unable to do anything effectivelyon my own, I was fortunate to find enthusiastic support from several players of my vintage and twogeneral committeemen in Keith Tolhurst and Keith Rigg, who were willing and able to avoid thehidden rocks of the anti-Sunday cricket establishment and still deliver a child legitimised by the M.C.C.This child soon to become the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> (the name “the M.C.C. Bulls” having been pronounced tooway-out for the M.C.C. Committee), fell easily into the gap left by the earlier social teams, but had theadded virtue of being a formal sub-section of the M.C.C. with its own Committee, cap, tie and annualdinner, and, in due course, its Permanent Back Stop.I think that I, more than anyone, was delighted by the success (due mostly to the indefatigable TomLeather) of the first season’s games.The climax of it all was the first annual dinner at Fontainbleu in 1957 for in its annual dinner I believeis sublimated all the social pleasure of a cricket club. Graced by Lindsay Hassett, the dinner, almostcourse for course and speaker for speaker, was quite intentionally moulded on the 21 st annual dinner ofthe South Oxfordshire Amateurs CC that had so enthused me in 1954. It is for this reason that I havealways believed S.O.A. to be the unwitting father of the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> (there was so much free champersthat night that the father would have been none the wiser), and accordingly, made strenuous efforts tobe at its 50 th annual dinner when I was able to make a presentation representing both congratulationsand thanks from the XXIX <strong>Club</strong>.But no child can be fathered without amother, and it was the M.C.C. throughthe enthusiasm of a number of seniorplayers and committeemen of 1956,who saw the foetus through itsgestation and delivery, later to name itXXIX in recognition of the fact thecricketers never grow old.Several of the original and earlymembers have become generalcommitteemen in the course of time. Itis my hope that such close associationof the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> with the higherechelon of the mother club willcontinue to the mutual benefit of both.6Ian McDonald

Previous Guest SpeakersOur 51 st <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> would not be complete without the inclusion of a list of those “GuestSpeakers” who so graciously gave reminiscences and anecdotes from the past experiences on and offthe playing fields here and overseas.Year Guest SpeakerProposer ofToast to GuestProposer ofToast to <strong>Club</strong>1957 Lindsay Hassett R B Stevens L P O’Brien1958 Ernie McCormick J G Green K E Rigg1959 Sir R Menzies M R Haysom D H Reid1960 Jack Fingleton C C McDonald Sir A Chadwick1961 Arthur Calwell E L Moran E L McCormick1962 Richie Benaud Dr G R Thoms Hon A A Street1963 Bill O’Reilly A L Hassett R C Steele1964 Rohan Rivett Sir N O’Bryan V Y Richardson1965 Alan McGillvray L N Ley Dr D P Cordner1966 Ian Johnson W L Jacobs A L Hassett1967 Bill Lawry Hon A A Street H J Kroger1968 Arthur Morris Dr I McDonald G C Eggleston1969 Sir Eugene Gorman A L Hassett A A Calwell1970 Les Favell Hon Mr Just. Gray R D Barassi1971 Colin Egar R C. Steele G D Cordner1972 Alan Davidson Hon Mr Just Coldham J C Lill1973 Lou Rowan Hon Mr Just. Gray Sir R Menzies1974 Ray Lindwall S J E Loxton B A Barnett1975 Frank Tyson Dr G R Thoms Dr I McDonald1976 Max Walker I J Ridley Dr D P Cordner1977 Ian Meckiff L F Kline G D Cordner1978 Bob Simpson B V Tobin D P Jones1979 David Richards R C Steele L P O’Brien1980 Tony Greig A P Sheahan E J Lynch1981 Bob Merriman K E Rigg, MBE R G Lloyd1982 John Edwards Hon Mr Just. Southwell G C Brown1983 John Lill C C McDonald J H Mackinnon1984 Sir James Killen Hon A A Street Hon Mr Just. Gray1985 Keith Dunstan I H McDonald D H Reid1986 Sam Loxton R J Parish D G McQueen1987 Doug Walters J Edwards A J Ryan1988 Neil Hawke J C Lill R H Teasdale1989 Barry Richards D J Broad I C Hennig1990 Dean Jones J G Anderson P D French1991 David Hookes J G Anderson Hon V F Wilcox1992 Rod Marsh G J Cosier Dr D P Cordner1993 Geoff Lawson J K Moss Dr W S Rickards1994 Terry Jenner M H N Walker M R Haysom1995 Jim Higgs W M Lawry Dr J C Lill1996 Greg Chappell R G Lloyd M L Phillips1997 Mark Taylor A I C Dodemaide R B Church1998 Tony Crafter G Dawson M W D Sholly1999 Adam Gilchrist M S Anderson J McCarthy2000 Ian Healy M L Phillips Hon Just E.W. Gillard2001 Paul Sheahan B J Matters W Carroll2002 Bob Massie S D Stockdale Dr I Mc Donald2003 Steve Bernard M S Anderson Dr D P Cordner2004 Darren Berry M W D Sholly J C Oliver2005 Damien Fleming S M McCooke M G Butler<strong>2006</strong> Bradley Hodge A B McDonald P D French20<strong>07</strong> Steve Rixon C J Davies A MacGillivray7

<strong>2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> Results at a GlanceDate Opponents Venue Manager Result<strong>2006</strong>NOV12 Australian <strong>Cricket</strong> Society Trinity Grammar G Fidler Won15 Media XI Albert Ground M Anderson Washed Out22 Bendigo CC Albert Ground J McCormick WonDEC3 MCC <strong>Club</strong> XI Combined Albert Ground M Scholten Not played10 Vigneron’s XI Albert Ground D Broad Won20<strong>07</strong>JAN17 Singapore CC Albert Ground T Jones Won21 Crusaders Bulleen Cr Gr P Halbish Washed Out31 Mornington Peninsula CC Albert Ground M Butler LostFEB4 Western Plains Junction Oval B Anderson Not played4 XLIXers Sir Herbert Onley J Oliver Not Played11 Sandhurst CC Bendigo M Stein Washed Out12 President's XI MCG S Stockdale Lost15 Hong Kong CC Albert Ground P Barker Lost18 Primary <strong>Club</strong>, St Kevin’s OB,Old Xavier (Twenty20)Xavier College J Huxtable Won (PCA)Lost (SKOB)25 Rupertswood CC Rupertswood W Stahmer Won26 <strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong> of NSW Albert Ground J Anderson LostMAR4 HMAS Cerberus Cerberus D Strudwick Not Played5 Spotless Catering Albert S McCooke Lost18 Lord’s Taverners TBA A Wallis Not Played25 Primary <strong>Club</strong> of Australia Xavier College G Fidler WonAPR3-15Malaysia/Thailand TourR LloydWon one,lost oneJUN9-11Queensland <strong>Cricket</strong>ers <strong>Club</strong>,CC of NSWSunshine CoastR ShuggLost one, wonone (both v.CCNSW)Note: Aside from the perennial washouts that are part and parcel of a cricket season, several matcheswere cancelled due to difficulty in obtaining grounds in the drought conditions and one opponent wascommitted to fighting bushfires!8

MCC XXIX CLUB v AUSTRALIAN CRICKET SOCIETYPlayed at: Trinity Grammar on November 12, <strong>2006</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB147 (38 OVERS)DEFEATEDAUSTRALIAN CRICKET SOCIETY6/137 cc (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGP Barker 10 M Browning 29 1/22 (7)R Jacobi 2 3/18 (8) I Hammet 0M Rowe 4 1/24 (4) T Clinnick 11 1/29 (6)B Hammond 8 0/20 (7) P Robinson 5 1/14 (8)T Norton 8 1/26 (8) G McKie 6A Fidler 41 Ret 0/16 (5) C Duncan 40 RetG Fidler 39 0/5 (1) K Penalluna 22 n.o.O Mirza 0 0/9 (4) G Seymour 16 n.o. 1/33 (7)S Stockdale 24 R Elvins DNB 4/19 (7)C Walker 2 0/14 (3) B Bennett DNB 0/22 (2)R Shugg 1 n.o. B Craddock DNBSundries 8 Sundries 8Umpires:Scorer:John RobinsonBarrie HopkinsThe season’s opener saw the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> travel to Trinity Grammar to play the might of the Australian<strong>Cricket</strong> Society (ACS). With more players unavailable than available, the assembled eleven were a mixof ‘the more experienced chap’, with three club debutants.Tight bowling and wonderful catching saw us stumble to 5 for 34 in the fourteenth over, before Adrian(41 ret) and Geoff Fidler steadied the ship – thus allowing Stuart Stockdale to ply his craft and hit aquick fire 24, before innings end. ACS were well served by Richard Elvins (4-19) and Mark Browning(5 catches).Our total of 147 was a reachable target, but first gamer Rob Jakobi pinned the ACS batsmen downwith accurate bowling and claimed three early wickets. Carl Duncan (‘never wear batting gloves – neverwill’), Mark Browning and Ken Penalluna were the best of the ACS bats, but a good all round effort inthe field ensured the XXIX club contained the opposition to 6 for 137 from their 40 overs.Rob Jakobi, Tim Norton and Brian Hammond were the pick of the eight bowlersused.Thank–you to Ian Hammet and Graham Seymour from ACS for convening thematch, John Robinson for umpiring, Barrie Hopkins for scoring and the elevenXXIX club players for making themselves available.Geoff FidlerManager9

MCC XXIX CLUB v BENDIGO CCPlayed at: Albert Ground on November 22, <strong>2006</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB6/234 CC (40 OVERS)DEFEATEDBENDIGO CC6/176 CC (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGP Petricola 0 1/19 G Franzi 20R Strongman 11 n.o. 1/41 R Trickey 75 n.o. 1/15N Quinn 2 0/14 J Naughton 5 3/66A Mansale 102 1/38 D Trickey 3 1/14S Berak 17 0/3 P Munro 16 1/6W Sawyer 17 S Graham 14 0/22T Jones 26 Ret A Sheehan 9 n.o. 0/25H Jones 4 C Kleine DNB 0/48T Hamilton 30 D Elliott 23J McCormick 2 n.o. 1/23 L Wust DNB 0/33P White DNB 1/27 L Gaskill DNB 0/1Sundries 15 Sundries 11Umpires:Scorer:Andrew MansaleIan Aitken, Mike SlatteryTony RyanThe strong MCC side put together a respectable score of 6/234, withVanuatu import Andrew Mansale making his debut in the XXIX clubwith a fine 102. Most players got amongst the runs with Will Sawyer,Trevor Hamilton and Tim Jones getting into the 20’s. The ever reliableRandall Strongman who, after his first 100 in more than 45 years ofcricket earlier this season now claims ‘batsman’ status, contributed a fine11 not out. It was a good batting performance against the strongBendigo attack with Justin Naughton taking the Bendigo bowlinghonours with 3/66.Bendigo started well with a good solid opening stand between Franzi and Ryan Trickey (75n.o.), son offormer district player Darren, against some very spirited bowling by MCC 1 st XI players Peter Petricolaand Nick Quinn.However the rest of the batting failed to emulate past performances and the normally strong line up wascontained to 6/176 at the close of the 40 overs.The off-spin bowling of Andrew Mansale (1/38) was a great to watch however the highlight of the gamewas the Paul Munro dismissal; caught with a great running catch on the boundary by Huw Jones bowledby Randall Strongman for 16. This was history in the making as Munro has scored heavily to say the leastover the past 10 years or so. Randall gave him the traditional send off however Munro replied ‘that’s 1 for500 or so’ – a fitting end to some great battles between these two.The XXIX <strong>Club</strong>, following a long series of defeats at the hands of Bendigo, now have had decisive wins inthe last two encounters.As usual, drinks and a BBQ were enjoyed well into the evening by both teams. Thanks go to Ian and Mikefor their officiating and Tony Ryan for the scoringJohn McCormickManager10

MCC XXIX CLUB v VIGNERONS XIPlayed at: Albert Ground on December 10, <strong>2006</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB8/213 (36.2 OVERS)DEFEATEDVIGNERONS XI8/212 cc (42 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGB Stahmer 21 J Mann 40 0/38 (6)T Lamb 33 G Thomson 0M Langley 19 0/20 (3) G Stirling 58 RetT Norton 9 0/13 (3) P Joiner 39 0/23 (6)S Stockdale 4 D Cowburn 32 0/22 (3)P Khan 1 0/33 (5) G Burge 20D Broad 45 1/18 (4) G Baldwin 17A Fidler 50 Ret 2/18 (7) D Neal 0 4/42 (7)M McCarthy 13 n.o. 0/21 (7) J Oliver 1 2/29 (6)G Fidler 0 n.o. 1/31 (6) M Arney 0 1/36 (7)M Butler DNB 1/53 (7) J Baxter DNB 0/7 (1.2)Sundries 18 Sundries 5Umpires:Scorer:Brian Robertson, Adrian CrawleyBarrie HopkinsThe XXIX <strong>Club</strong> were very keen to play this game and atone for last year’s loss. The Vignerons, again ledby Jeremy Oliver, had travelled from far and wide to take up the battle on the Albert Ground.We won the toss and decided to field first (Bill Stahmer’s idea to maybe sample some of the Vigneron’soffering while we were batting later in the day). This decision backfired somewhat as we fielded in thehottest part of the day (I think it got to 40 degrees C) and then a cool change came just as we werefinishing our bowling stint.Mick McCarthy and Geoff Fidler’s nephew, Adrian Fidler, opened the bowling and were both veryeconomical. Most of the Vignerons’ top order did well with the bat except for danger man GlennThomson who was bowled for a duck by Adrian. The Vignerons finished at a very competitive 8/212.Bill and Troy Lamb got us off to a good start, which was imperative for the run chase. There may havebeen some talk out in the middle as it appeared that Bill was given a good ‘send off’ from Jeremy Oliverwhen he eventually took his wicket. Our middle order was kept quiet by some excellent spin bowling byDoug Neal and the danger man Max Arney who had taken five wickets against us in the correspondingmatch last year. Warney and MacGill have started something, I think; it is great to see two top classleggies bowling at the same time. Luckily your correspondent and Adrian Fidler, having a great match,made a few runs and with the help of Mick McCarthy the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> got over the line with 8/213.Thanks to Brian Robertson and Adrian Crawley for umpiring and to Barrie Hopkins for scoring duties inthe hot box. Also thanks to Barrie and Manager-Operations Bill Stahmer for their work on the aftermatch BBQ that was washed down with some magnificent offeringsfrom the Vignerons.Many thanks to the Vignerons for taking up the challenge. Many ofthem had travelled great distances to play the game and the winetasting after the match was truly superb this year. We look forwardto next year’s battle.David BroadManager11

MCC XXIX CLUB v SINGAPORE CCPlayed at: Albert Ground on January 17, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB3/139 (23.3 OVERS)DEFEATEDSINGAPORE CC135 (39 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGP Barker 24 S Bell 1P Petricola 50 Ret R Hussein 45 0/11 (2)K Baddeley 14 3/27 (5) P Childs 0 0/31 (4)M Hill 32 n.o. 2/19 (4) D Jones 11J Stone 5 n.o. R Chandran 3 0/8 (1.3)T Jones DNB 0/11 (1) S Mansfield 2H Jones DNB 0/12 (9) R Martins 7S Stockdale DNB J Dunlea 26 0/19 (5)M Anderson DNB 0/9 (4) R Ramason 0 1/21 (2)J Oliver DNB 2/39 (10) P Singh 10G Fidler DNB 0/14 (6) G Stanley 25 n.o. 1/29 (7)Sundries 14 5Umpires:Scorer:John Robinson, Mike SlatteryBarrie Hopkins (MCC) Tracy Jones (SCC)A strong Singapore CC (SCC) line up captained by the great ‘Asian’ cricketer David Jones, formally ofHK and Malaysia, batted first on the drying Albert Ground with the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> keen to recapture theprize trophy lost in the last encounter in Singapore.Although sporting a number of former Singapore national players, including Rex Martins, GrantStanley, Ravi Chandran, David Jones and Steven Bell, a prolific run scorer in Asia competition, thetouring side was in all sorts of trouble at 4/37. With some fine opening overs from Jeremy Oliver 2/39and Australian U.19 representative Michael Hill (2/19), Singapore CC continued to struggle. GeoffFidler 0/14 and Huw Jones bowled tightly with 9 overs, 0/12. Mark Anderson chipped in with atypical miserly 0/9 off 4 overs. The other evergreen and star of the last Singapore encounter KenBaddeley, however, took the bowling honours with 3/27.Raiz Hussein (45) David Jones (11) and bowler Jon Dunlea (26) provided the only significantresistance to the tight MCC attack. Singapore had a late rally with the former Essendon player of the70’s, Grant Stanley compiling a fine 25, well supported by Parminder Singh on 10.The XXIXers were quick to seize on the SCC attack with PaulBarker (24) and Peter Petricola (50 retired) opening up with 48. KenBaddeley and Michael Hill (32 n.o.) with a steady partnership thentook the game away from SCC with the small tally being finallypolished off by Jeremy Stone, another former SCC player.PeterPetricolaSurprisingly the bowling honours for Singapore CC went to tourmanager and committeeman, Raji Ramason. Two very ordinaryovers, although he did claim the wicket of Ken Baddeley after theball bounced twice. This performance followed his inglorious innings duck, run out, with its not solittle consequences. It is tradition on tour for the SCC that the last remaining batsman to score 0 hasto wear a very bright yellow jacket, ‘The Duck Jacket’, on all occasions. Raji wore this withdistinction in the city the next day and some Singapore airline female crew on the flight homecommented on his dress style.As the game finished early, an unofficial Twenty20 match was played in order to give the beer time tocool. Singapore CC (3/105), for the record, defeated the MCC (6/102) but this loss shall not berecorded, although it made a happy ending to the day for the battle worn SCC side.12

Afterward a sumptuous feast was hosted at the home of Tim Jones. Special presentations were madeto both Mark Anderson and Steven McCooke from the SCC, two gentlemen who were heavilyinvolved in the organizing of this tour.Peter Petricola was named man of the match for the XXIX <strong>Club</strong>. Stuart Stockdale made thetraditional presentations on behalf of the MCC and Raji reciprocated. Thanks go to the umpires whodid a fine job, John Robinson and Mike Slattery and to Barrie Hopkins for the scoring. A specialphoto was also presented to Tracy Jones, scorer for the SCC, to commemorate her ‘once in a lifetime’scoring feat at the MCG.Special thanks to Jeremy Oliver who supplied a grand selection of wine for the party which went wellafter midnight when finally the SCC boys retired after consuming all the alcohol the host couldprovide. Truly a great day of cricket and camaraderie; exactly what the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> is about.We look forward to the return match on the Padang in Singapore sometime in the not too distantfuture.Tim JonesManager13

MCC XXIX CLUB v MORNINGTON PENINSULA CRICKETERS CLUBPlayed at: Albert Ground on January 31, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB11/211 (36 OVERS)LOST TOMORNINGTON PENINSULA CC3/243 (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGM Scholten 34 P Stocker 31 Ret 3/22 (4)T Hickie 26 1/35 (3) J Lane 33 Ret 0/18 (2)L Darbyshire 9 0/4 (1) T Brittain 0 1/21 (4)M Butler 9 0/32 (7) L Pimm 33 RetM Dunstan 34 n.o. 0/28 (5) M Dobson 21 Ret 0/19 (3)W Sawyer 48 I Tragardh 11 0/16 (3)S Stockdale 0 G Burch 30 Ret 0/20 (3)G Fidler 12 0/38 (7) A Willet 23 Ret 1/5 (3)C Walker 24 1/24 (6) S Sgarioto 26 Ret 0/18 (2)P MacIsaac 0 0/20 (2) D Stumbles 1 0/9 (3)M Butler 6 0/20 (6) J Petrie 4 Ret 2/11 (3)L Bryan 0 1/24 (3) M Brittain 4 n.o. 0/17 (3)R Pashen 2 n.o. 2/20 (4)Sundries 9 24Umpires: Mike Slattery, Roger LambertScorer: Barrie Hopkins, Julie BrittainRecent attempts to host this fixture at the Albert have been thwarted by inclement weather, much to thedisappointment of our visitors. So, despite the drought, it was a relief to arrive at the ground on a sunny<strong>Melbourne</strong> day.In order to comply with the housekeeping of the day, the MPCC batted first on a good wicket and quickerthan normal outfield. Eager to make amends for last year, we endeavoured to confuse the opposition’sbatting rhythm by opening up with a slow and quick in Mark Dunstan and yours truly. Coupled withsome determined fielding by our team and tight bowling from Mark Butler and Col Walker in particular,together with Geoff Fidler and Mark Dunstan, we were left with a challenging yet gettable target of 244.MCC’s Will Sawyer was very busy behind the stumps after having just returned from representingNorthern Territory at the U.17 State Carnival and Mark Dunstan was the stand-out in the field with hissensational returns from the outfield.Early in the innings, we were travelling along at more than the required 6 per over, with openers MatthewScholten (34) and Tom ‘Hands-on’ Hickie (26), setting the scene. Unfortunately the momentum stalledsomewhat, losing a couple of quick wickets, but Mark Dunstan (34) and Will Sawyer (48) got us back ontrack with a sensible batting display, only to be interrupted by one of the visitors taking advantage of ourhospitality to the extreme. Two wickets off the last two balls of one over, followed by a wicket on the firstball of his next over, resulted in us presenting Paul Stocker with the generous gift of a ‘hat-trick’ to makehis visit to the Albert a little too enjoyable for our liking! Of course his achievement made our job just alittle more difficult, and alas, apart from a late flurry from big Col Walker (24) we fell short with ourscore on 211.Max ButlerManagerAnd so, the BBQ and bonhomie that followed gradually eased the pain of a lostopportunity, but I was proud of our team’s hospitable spirit, appreciated by ourPeninsula visitors as the evening wore on. Thanks go to the umpires, MikeSlattery (XXIX <strong>Club</strong> and ‘Royal Canterbury’) and Roger Lambert (MPCC), fortheir excellent adjudication, together with the scorers, our very own BarrieHopkins (‘Lords accredited’) and the MPCC’s Julie Brittain, for their impeccablerecord keeping. As usual, the Albert Ground was a picture despite the droughtrestrictions and we express our thanks for its presentation and use of the facilities.14

MCC XXIX CLUB v PRESIDENT’S XIPlayed at: MCG on February 12, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB7/225 CC(40 OVERS)LOST TOPRESIDENT’S XI7/255 CC (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGM Sholly 23 1/31 (5) D Ramshaw 53 1/18 (3)B Stahmer 0 J Chapman 54A Kent 10 0/30 (6) R Herman 44 0/21 (6)J Anderson 0 0/41 (7) R Templeton 51 Ret 0/12 (3)M Anderson 59 0/21 (4) R Cassell 14 RetD Broad 99 0/21 (2) C Bradley 22 Ret 0/20 (2)C Stockdale 0 0/10 (3) D Hickey 0 0/20 (3)B Matters 3 n.o. 1/33 (3) S Russell 5 n.o. 0/29 (6)S Stockdale 7 n.o. A Gough 6 n.o. 1/50 (6)G Fidler DNB 0/16 (5) R Winter DNB 3/28 (6)J McCormick DNB 2/42 (5) J Oliver DNB 1/22 (5)Sundries 24 Sundries 6Umpires: Ian Aitken, John RobinsonScorer: Barry Hopkins Manager: John BellMatch morning delivered the untimely withdrawal of Steven McCooke from the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> team;however we mustered the requisite numbers and headed into the new MCG change-rooms with someconfidence after our historic win in <strong>2006</strong>. Both sides were in some disarray at the toss with many playersdelayed in local traffic or in the case of the Presidents team, champions coming from Tullamarine!With news that the David Jones team was batting, his line-up presented themselves for the pre-matchfestivities and to serve a menacing message to a humble XXIX Bowling line-up...they were intent onrevenging their loss of the previous year. Common sense could have caused the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> to surrenderat the sight of the so many Sheffield Shield stars of yesterday, however, we were determined to make amatch of the fixture and not even a their ultimate score of 7/255 off 40 overs was going to embarrass us.Near fifties to Jeff Chapman, Darrin Ramshaw, Richard Herman and Robert Templeton set-up thePresidents innings.In pursuit of that total, our best four were back in therefreshment booth with the score less than 50 and it wasonly a remarkable middle order innings of David (Sam)Broad that gave the scorers some excitement. By the timethe message for David to retire at 50 reached the centresquare he had belted his way to 99 and with the 50 byMark Anderson we almost stole victory going down by 20runs amidst the gloom of sunset.Fortunately, hundreds of Convention attendees breakingfor an early Dinner saw Broad’s masterful stroke-play. Suchwas his brilliance it would have been a waste for such cricket to have been witnessed by the selected few.During a wonderful Committee-room dinner, David Jones and Denis Hickey gladly re-claimed the BrianWatson Memorial Trophy. The opening batting performance of Jeff Chapman was acknowledged withthe Man of the Match award. Thanks to the Committee for the privilege of participating in this annualfixture and we wish Mr Jones many pleasures in his retirement from the MCC Committee; the XXIX<strong>Club</strong> looks forward to the next battle. A final mention is for umpires Ian Aitken & John Robinson.Stuart StockdalePresident15

MCC XXIX CLUB v HONG KONG CRICKET CLUBPlayed at: Albert Ground on February 13, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB8/160 CC (40 OVERS)LOST TOHONG KONG CC6/280 CC (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGW Sawyer 27 S Sibraa 74C Stockdale 10 1/44 (8) R Bettridge 0M Scholten 38 S Snell 75K Wallace 11 0/35 (7) N Gaven-Brown 39 0/10 (4)P Barker 10 C Box 43M Dunstan 0 2/55 (8) M Winstanley 8 3/12 (4)G Fidler 13 0/52 (5) R Shell 5T Hickey 11 n.o. R Bettridge 16 29/1 (8)T Norton 15 0/26 (4) B McDonald DNB 1/31 (8)A Pritchard 9 n.o. 1/27 (4) F Bettridge DNB 1/51 (8)H Scurrah DNB 0/28 (4) A Waters DNB 1/24 (8)Sundries 16 20Umpires: Adrian Crawley, David D’Altera.Scorer: Barry Hopkins (MCC) Graeme Stilwell (HKCC)The Hong Kong CC arrived in <strong>Melbourne</strong> in the middle of the longest dry spell on record and needlessto say the day dawned bright and hot. The Albert was looking dry as the toss was made and HKCCchoose to bat giving members of their team time to recuperate from what, by all accounts, had been abig night at Southbank.The MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> team was an enticing mixture of the youth and experience, which had the visitorson the ropes early 1/1, but the success was short-lived as Shane Sibraa (74) and Stephen Snell (75 retired)took control. The bowlers toiled hard, with a numerous combinations of the youth and experiencetested, but to no avail as HKCC went on to score 6/280.In reply, MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> started well but were no match for HKCC, finishing with 8/160. Will Sawyer(27) and Matthew Scholten (38) were the pick of the batsmen.The post match BBQ was enjoyed by all and the HKCC tourists left the Albert with a decisive win undertheir belts and the rest of their tour ahead of them.Many thanks to umpires Adrian Crawley and David D’Altera, scorer Barrie Hopkins and theredoubtable Jack Huxtable.Paul BarkerManager16

MCC XXIX CLUB5/127 (18 OVERS)MCC XXIX CLUB v PRIMARY CLUB (Twenty20)Played at: Xavier College on February 18, 20<strong>07</strong>DEFEATEDPRIMARY CLUB125 (18 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGW Sawyer 24 M Sholly 30L Darbyshire 3 C Dodd 1 0/28 (3)M Langley 1 1/40 (4) B Keilor 9 1/11 (4)A Fidler 1 2/19 (3.4) G Sholly 0R Shugg 30 B McArdle 11 2/41 (4)C Walker 1 L Doyle 26M McCarthy 32 2/15 (4) R Masterton 3A Wallis 16 n.o. 2/42 (3) T Cowell 11T Norton 7 n.o. 1/16 (2) C Kerrick 10 0/25 (4)P O’Rourke DNB 1/16 (3) R Burt 11 n.o. 2/19 (3)M Rattenbury DNB T Nielson 0Sundries 12 Sundries 13For this round-robin event (includes the Primary <strong>Club</strong> of Australia (PCA), St Kevin’s Old Boys (SKOB’s)and Old Xaverians, there was a 39c forecast, and the weather gods did not disappoint with a howlingnortherly. In game one against PCA, we lost the toss and bowled. We fielded extremely well, took allcatches and a runout. The bowling honours went to Mick McCarthy and Adrian Fidler. We restrictedthe PCA to 125 after bowling them out in the 18th over. The XXIX <strong>Club</strong> batted solidly, the runscoming from Will Sawyer, Ron Shugg and Mick McCarthy - a win to the XXIXers was never in doubt.In the second match against SKOB’s, reduced to15 overs each, we won the toss and batted. SKOB’s hada few current district players who kept things tight. Good late batting from Ron Shugg and Tim Nortongot our score to a respectable 104. SKOB’s made a strong early start, and while the run rate was ahead,they lost regular wickets passing the XXIXers score five down.It was an enjoyable day even with the heat. Our thanks go to the Primary <strong>Club</strong> organisers for the venueand lunch.Andrew WallisManagerMCC XXIX CLUB v ST KEVINS OLD BOYS (Twenty20)MCC XXIX CLUB5/104 (18 OVERS)Played at: Xavier College on February 18, 20<strong>07</strong>LOST TOST KEVINS OLD BOYS5/105 (18 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGW Sawyer 0 A Varasdi 23L Darybshire 13 A Giffin 15M Langley 24 R Hewett 26 1/8 (3)M McCarthy 6 2/27 (3) K Hewett 6 1/19A Wallis 15 I Hewett 13 1/17 (2)P Shugg 26 M Blood 2 n.o. 0/20 (2)T Norton 14 n.o. M Dollman 8 n.o.T Langley 3 n.o. 0/25 (2) B Dollman DNBP O’Rourke DNB 0/1 (2) A Furnon DNB 1/4 (1)M Rattenbury DNB 1/32 (3) D Humphrey DNB 0/10 (2)A Fidler DNB 2/10 (2) G Dollman DNB 1/23 (3)Sundries 3 Sundries 12Umpires:John Robinson, Mike SlatteryScorer:Barrie Hopkins17

MCC XXIX CLUB v RUPERTSWOOD C.C.Played at: Rupertswood on February 25, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB8/161 (29 OVERS)DEFEATEDRUPERTSWOOD C.C.8/158 cc (30 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGW Sawyer 75 K Barker 71K Baddeley 12 2/11 (5) W Hall 7 2/44 (5)J Simpson 9 2/12 (5) M Arthurson 9 2/9 (3)C Stockdale 0 1/39 (4) M Twentyman 0 0/19 (2)J Hoogendoorn 1 0/6 (1) L Brennan 13 0/19 (2)G Blackley 21 0/37 (5) N Withers 6 0/15 (6)T Buttigieg 27 n.o. 2/27 (5) M Ryan 19 0/21 (3)D Arthurson 1 1/31 (5) M Lane 11M Scholten 4 J Kearney 9 n.o. 2/24 (4.1)B Stahmer 0 n.o. X Buttigieg 11 n.o.S Stockdale DNB J lane 0/22 (6)Sundries 11 Sundries 3Umpires:Scorer:Ron Williams, Leo JohnsonBarrie HopkinsMCC inserted Rupertswood into bat, taking the field with a mixture of youth and ‘experience’; Stahmer,Baddeley and President Stockdale evening out the age! The opposition were stead, getting to 2-80, but theintroduction of spin saw the run rate slow and wickets fall. A very good fielding effort by all helped curbthe home side, highlighted by a very sharp reflex catch at short cover by skipper Stahmer. Young keepers,Will Sawyer (MCC 4 th XI) and John Simpson, from the England Under 19’s via the Lancashire 2 nd , rotatedbehind the stumps to great effect.The lunch break was taken on the balcony of the historic Mansion, much to everyone’s delight!Openers Baddeley and Will Sawyer, the young keeper batsman, set out after the gettable total of 8-158 withaplomb. Baddeley, out for a composed 12, followed by young John Simpson for 9, including 2 boundaries- a failure after a superb 112 the day before - Cam Stockdale continued his hoodoo at Rupertswood makinga well composed duck - MCC 3-30. First gamer Jay Hoogendoorn out for one - 4-50, Sawyer not out 28!A partnership of 76 between Sawyer and Tom Buttigieg then Gene Blackley (21), recruited fromRupertswood, took us to 5-126 before Sawyer was out for 75. The score quickly became 8-154 before theskipper strode to the crease to guide the side to victory. Buttigieg, after told to just work the ball around forvictory, smacked two boundaries to steal the game in the final over.Many thanks to Rupertswood CC and their sponsors for a most enjoyable day and also to the cheat squadin white, Baz and Leon Johnson who continued his tradition of being last to leave!W (Bill) StahmerManager18

MCC XXIX CLUB v CRICKETERS CLUB OF N.S.W.Played at: Albert <strong>Cricket</strong> Ground on February 26, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB8/141 (38 OVERS)LOST TOCRICKETERS CLUB OF N.S.W.9/180 (38 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGL Heath 14 D Byrnes 30 0/1 (3)W Sawyer 21 0/31 (5) I Neil 2J Simpson 2 1/11 (5) B Blair 65 Ret 0/9 (2)J Stone 10 S Taylor 41M Stein 11 0/45 (8.4) D Howes 1 1/16 (2)B Stahmer 17 Ret P Brandon 10S Stockdale 10 P Muscat 12 1/21 (5)A Pritchard 37 n.o. 0/16 (4) F Crowe 5 0/20 (3)S Edwards 7 3/25 (6) P Moorehouse 2 2/21 (8)R Jacobs DNB 1/27 (4) S Locke 1 n.o. 2/20 (8)J Anderson DNB G Blackley DNB 0/14 (3)J Oliver DNB 1/18 (5.2) G Howes DNB 1/10 (4)Sundries 9 Sundries 11Umpires:Scorer:Peter White, John RobinsonBarrie HopkinsOnce again the home side, with Jeremy Oliver in the side to lead the attack, elected to bowl first.CCNSW slowly got to 31 even allowing for the breakdown of one J. Oliver who with 5.2 overs and1/18 retired for the match, having had Neil caught at 1 st slip by Stahmer, then Byrnes caught again bythe sticky fingered skipper (score 2/34). This brought the strength of CCNSW together, Billy Blair andcaptain Steve Taylor, who put on a 76 run partnership before Taylor departed trying to lift the run rate(3/110), a procession took place after Blair retired on 65 before being dropped by the skipper. We tookto lunch quietly buoyant only needing 180, still waiting for John Anderson to arrive!MCC playing members Heath and Sawyers opened and got to 20 before Lozza Heath departed quicklyfollowed by the Pom John Simpson for two, Jeremy Stone (10), Matt Stein (11), Sawyer (21) leaving uswith the score at 6/71 and the overs running out. Stahmer and young Arthur Pritchard grafted awayagainst the all spin attack but could not set the Albert alight! Stahmer retired on 17 due to oversrunning out and also embarrassment of ability! Stockdale, with a quick 10, saw us to 8/141 at stumps,a decisive victory to our visitors. Pritchard finishing with a polished 37 not out; a credit to his age(double).Drinks were taken, with the obligatory BBQ by which time J Anderson arrived in time for the speeches.New boys Steve Edwards and Rob Jacobi bowled well and both fielded and drank well!Many thanks for the visitor’s ring-ins from <strong>Melbourne</strong> helping turn the game to CCNSW! UmpiresJohn Robinson and Peter White; and our number one scorer Bazza for their efforts.W (Bill) StahmerActing Captain19

MCC XXIX CLUB v SPOTLESS CATERINGPlayed at: Albert <strong>Cricket</strong> Ground on March 5, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB7/224 CC (40 OVERS)LOST TOSPOTLESS CATERING6/227 (36 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGS Brown 67 N Edwards 135 n.o. 0/30 (5)T Norton 22 0/10 (2) B Alford 11 0/14 (5)T Jones 56 I Campbell 21 0/15 (2)M Anderson 16 1/32 (7) M Owens 6 0/2 (2)R Jacobi 27 B Aggelis 0 1/25 (4)M Oaten 4 1/30 (4) P Haycroft 14 1//47 (8)S Butler 3 n.o. 0/30 (4) R Ruttler 12R Shugg 12 C Gleeson 18 n.o. 2/19 (5)M Dunstan 4 n.o. 1/54 (7) D Mercer DNB 0/16 (2)S McCooke DNB 2/20 (5) O Bennett DNB 0/2 (2)G Fidler DNB 1/36 (7) A Lamb DNB 2/19 (3)Sundries 13 10Umpires: Brian Robertson, John RobinsonScorer: Barrie HopkinsSpotless Catering once again proved to be the ideal XXIX <strong>Club</strong> combatants, ‘we’ provide the venue and‘they’ provide the hospitality. In addition, ‘they’ provided more than capable cricket talent to help serveup (excuse the pun!) what was a very entertaining game.On a typical Albert ‘belter’ former MCC premiership captain and MCC Communications manager,Shane Brown, combined with Tim Norton for an opening stand of 82. Tim Jones, coming in at numberthree, batted in vintage style. Rob Jakobi and Ron Shugg helped set the ‘caterers’ a run rate required of5.6.Our opponents showed early on that they were happy for the ‘hospitality’ to wait until after the gameas regular Spotless combatant, Niraj Edwards, set about having us fetch for our supper. Niraj’s inningswas full of brilliance from the first ball he faced (despatched over square leg for four) and continued tothe end where he remained 135 n.o.The XXIXers were doing their best to take wickets ‘up the other end’ but cameos from Ian Campbell,Peter Haycroft and Rob Rutter helped Spotless cruise to victory in the 36 th over.Oh well, at least we had the post match to look forward to… and we were far from disappointedhaving been provided by typically ‘fine BBQ dining’ and cool beverages.The contributions of umpires ‘Robertson and Robinson’, along with scorer ‘Hopkins’ were appreciatedby all as usual.Steven McCookeManager20

MCC XXIX CLUB v PRIMARY CLUB OF AUSTRALIAPlayed at: Xavier College on March 25, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB5/181 CC (35 OVERS)DEFEATEDPRIMARY CLUB OF AUSTRALIA122 (28.4 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGM Scholten 14 R Ebsworth 0 1/29 (5)P Barker 4 C Penman 21 1/23 (2)L Darbyshire 50 Ret 0/0 (1) A Duggan 44 1/14 (4)R Jacobi 19 C Nunan 8 0/3 (4)A Fidler 40 n.o. 0/19 (4) R Burt 31 n.o. 1/18 (4)A Wallis 40 1/19 (4) M Cowell 2 0/21 (3)G Fidler 0 n.o. 1/9 (3.4) T Cowell 0 0/16 (3)T Hickey DNB 0/21 (3) D Chaple 2 0/25 (7)T Norton DNB 4/38 (7) C Ebsworth 8 0/24 (3)A Pritchard DNB 1/12 (6)R ShuggDNBSundries 14 6Umpires:Scorer:Mike Slattery, David D’AlteraBarrie HopkinsThe XXIX <strong>Club</strong> was inserted on a hot Sunday afternoon and although losing an early wicket they weresoon on top of the PCA bowlers via the efforts of Les Darbyshire (50 ret), Rob Jacobi (19), AdrianFidler (40 n.o.) and Andrew Wallis (40). All PCA bowlers toiled away, with Dick Chapple and CarlNunan often troubling our batsmen before a total of 181 was secured.The PCA innings soon mirrored the start to the XXIX <strong>Club</strong> innings with an early wicket falling andalthough Penman (21), Duggan (44) ,who opened his account with a towering six, and Burt (31 n.o.) allcontributed, the middle order soon left the tail as exposed as a politician’s promise, and the inningsclosed at 122.Tim ‘Chipping’ Norton, the evergreen Arthur Pritchard (6 overs, 1 for 12) and Andrew ‘Wally’ Wallistook the bowling honours.Thank–you to umpires Mike Slattery and David D’Altera, scorer Barrie Hopkins, team manager, JackHuxtable and debriefing host, Tim Norton. Thanks also to Carl Nunan from the Primary <strong>Club</strong> ofAustralia (PCA) for co-ordinating the availability of Xavier College and the Stevenson Centre.Geoff FidlerManager21

MCC XXIX CLUB ASIAN TOUR APRIL 3-15, 20<strong>07</strong>Kuala LumpurDay 1.With everyone arriving at Tullamarine armed with willow and golf clubs, there was only one member that had anydelay boarding the plane. This tourist (let us say “John”) had had his boarding pass taken on board by hiscolleague (let’s say “Dalton” attempting to have 2 seats adjoining on a full flight). After much ado “John” wasissued with another boarding pass, and the flight was able to get away, with him in his seat.Within no time the party had arrived at KL airport and as we loaded ourselves onto the coaches, we could see arare phenomenon “a sprinkle of rain”. The Coaches called in at the Kinrara <strong>Cricket</strong> Oval on the way to the hotel,where the cricketers could examine the battlefield well in advance.After checking into our hotel, the afternoon was free time for relaxing or for a quick coach tour of KL. The tourtook in the King’s Palace, The National mosque, War Memorial, The Moorish Architecture railway station, andthe Sultan Abdul Samad building that at its rear has the junction of the rivers from where KL gains its name.As the weather was quite humid, some of the touring party had a refreshing dip in the hotel pool, to find that theskies opened up and it rained for 4 solid hours.The evening was spent at the Royal Selangor <strong>Club</strong>, where somereminiscing, with our hosts took place, for the 4 touring membersthat played on the Pedang oval back in 1996 tour. Drink and foodbeing purchased by coupons meant a fun night of adopting the localclub rules of tender. The rumour has it that Barry Anderson hasenough coupons left over for the next tour.The partygoers were still keen for refreshments in the “BroadwayBar” back at the hotel into the early hours teaching the locals somenew dance steps.Day 2.In talking to Bob Edmends he commented that “Golf has become a significant part of these tours in recent yearsand this year was no exception. Malaysia was a new venture for most of the golfers and Kuala Lumpur has anumber of golf facilities in and around the city. Our golfing group varied in numbers and we were able to play atKuala Lumpur Golf and Country <strong>Club</strong>, Royal Selangor Golf <strong>Club</strong> and Kinrara Golf <strong>Club</strong> and were well receivedand entertained at each venue”.The sightseers were taken on a tour around Kuala Lumpur and surrounds including the Batu Caves, a Bakitfactory, and the Selangor Pewter factory and The Petronas Twin Towers photo point.In the evening we all gathered for dinner at the revolving restaurant at the KL Tower, which provided amagnificent fare and panoramic views all over the city skyline.Day 3.The day commenced with a tour of the Petronas Twin Towers and viewing from its Sky Bridge on the 41 st floor.In the afternoon the ladies enjoyed high tea at the governor’s cottage and a shopping tour hosted by the ladiesfrom the Kelawar <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.22

Canterbury CC v Kelawar CC <strong>Cricket</strong> MatchHaving seen an excellent pitch CCC won the toss and decided to bat. A couple of quick wickets placed CCC underthe hammer from the opening overs. A number of CCC batsmen were able to make a start though no one went onto make more than 30 runs and they were all out in the 39 th over for 143. As a day/night game the tea break wastaken as the evening fell and the KCC commenced their innings under lights. With some forceful hitting KCCpassed the score in the 20 th over to win by 8 wickets.The match post mortem and presentation was held at the KC <strong>Club</strong> sponsor “Out of Africa Hotel”. David, theproprietor, provided an array of finger food and a well received cool ale.The umpires Bryan Reid and`` Barry Anderson were thanked for their sterling job in the middle. Man of the matchfor CCC was James White. A great day and night was had by all.The lawn bowlers had an exciting game at Kuala Lumpur Lawn Bowls stadium with the MCC team 3 points upwith one end to play, were beaten when their opponents scored 4 points on the last end.Day 4.MCC XXIX CLUB v MALAYSIAN CRICKET ASSOC. PRESIDENT’S XIPlayed at: Kinrara <strong>Cricket</strong> Ground April 6, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB7/246 (39 OVERS)DEFEATEDMCA PRESIDENT’S XI9/245 CC (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGJ White 17 G Sviraprakash 69 RetD Johnstone 30 0/47 (8) JS Chall 1M Anderson 5 0/35 (4) SK Alagarptnam 69 0/20 (3)T Norton 2 N Ali 5 0/44 (8)A Gough 75 1/36 (7) TK Heng 31C Stockdale 1 0/8 (2) V Ramadas 6 n.o. 3/43 (8)J Wilson 27 2/43 (8) B Ramani 10 Ret 0/9 (3)R Shugg 10 n.o. P Kuventhan 1S Stockdale 10 n.o. S Pillai 6 n.o. 2/49 (8)J Hickie 6 2/45 (8) J Singh 1 n.o.A Hawkins 1 n.o. 0/26 (3) A Arvdin 1/50 (7)T Chelvan 0/19 (2)Sundries 48 Sundries 19Umpires:John Robinson, Barry AndersonScorer:C WalkerThe MCC XXIX team lead by our intrepid Skipper Mark Anderson,were asked to field first, having lost the toss. The Malaysian top endbatsmen set about attacking our bowling and amassed a good scorebefore our bowlers were able to restrict their run rate late in theinnings. The Malaysians finished with 9/245 of their allotted 40overs, with some excellent batting from Suria Prakash 69 Ret., SuhanKumar 69, and Tan Kim Heng 31. The best of our bowlers wereJohn Wilson 2/43 off 8 overs and Justin Hickie 2/45 off 8 overs.As this game was a day/nighter, at the change of innings, the lightswere turned on. For most of the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> players this wouldbe the first time that they had played under lights, which provided aninteresting challenge.After a sound start by our openers, James White (17) and David Johnston (30), we had a “middle order” collapseto be 5-89. As the clouds started to roll in, we thought that our chances of winning were slipping away. Howeverstriding to the crease was Alexander Gough and John Wilson and the crowd was entertained by a 110 runpartnership that turned the game around for the XXIX’ers. Alex’s 75 was masterful, and the partnership was only23

oken when John Wilson (48 Ret) had to retire suffering from exhaustion and dehydration. With one overremaining Stuart Stockdale (10 n.o.) and Ron Shugg (10 n.o.) passed the Malaysians score to finish at 7/246, justas the rain started to pelt down. A fantastic game to watch, right down to the wire.We were privileged to have HRH Tunku Imran, President of the Malaysian <strong>Cricket</strong> Association and ICC Boardmember, present to receive the trophies on behalf of the MCA with MCC CEO, Stephen Gough, after the game.Man of the Match was Alex Gough. The umpires, Brian Reid and Barry Anderson, were thanked for their service.Day 5.24MCC XXIX CLUB v ROYAL SELANGOR CLUBPlayed at: Royal Selangor <strong>Club</strong> Green (Bukit Kiara Oval) on April 7, 20<strong>07</strong>LOST TOMCC XXIX CLUB9/170 (39 OVERS)ROYAL SELANGOR CLUB5/172 (30 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGT Norton 10 0/26 (4) J Day 31C Murphy 36 0/11 (2) Haren 4M Anderson 28 2/31 (8) Suresh Menon 10 0/33 (4)C Stockdale 14 2/34 (7) Vishnu 8 2/23 (7)A Gough 5 0/23 (5) Navin 49 1/1 (1)J McEwen 20 1/20 (2) Rohan 45 n.o. 2/20 (8)J Kent 27 0/13 (2) Vicky 0 n.o. 1/16 (4)S Stockdale 8 n.o. Tan Kim Hing DNB 1/30 (5)O Mirza 0 0/6 (0.4) San Jay Mohan DNB 2/21 (8)C Walker 6 Suresh Nicky DNB 0/19 (3)B Anderson 1 n.o.T Hickey DNBSundries 21 Sundries 25Umpires:John Robinson, Brian ReidScorer:Peter KnuppelAs the Padang in front of the RSC original <strong>Club</strong>house is nolonger available for cricket, the RSC have built a replica of theirclub house and cricket ground on the edge of the City.The MCC XXIX Skipper Stuart Stockdale won the toss and hedecided to bat first on a good wicket.A number of our batsmen made good starts however we fellshort of our planned defendable target score to finish with9/170 off 40 overs. The better batsmen were Colin Murphy(36), Mark Anderson (28), John Kent (27) & James McEwen(20) playing his first game for the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>. Notablebowlers for RSC were Rohan (their Capt.) 2/20 off 8 overs, SanJay Mohan 2/21 off 8 overs, and Vishnu 2/23 off 7 overs.After a good start by John Day (31) opening for the RSC, the MCC XXIX bowlers had the RSC 4 for 66 with thegame evenly balanced until Rohan (45 n.o.) partnered with Navin (49) to take them past our score in the 30 th over,finishing at 5/172. The best of our bowlers were Mark Anderson 2/31 off 8 overs and Cam Stockdale 2/34 off 7overs.In the evening, the RSC hosted all our tour members with a fun filled night of fine food, some fine Australian“Reds” and live music. The gathering was entertained by a special floor show of Malaysia’s “Tom Jones”impersonator, to which everyone danced to their favourite “80’s” music, and a hilarious rendition of “My ding-aling”sung my HRH Tunku Imran.Everyone had a chance to enjoy the excellent camaraderie with our affiliate Royal Selangor <strong>Club</strong>, to the “earlyhours”, knowing that we would be on the bus at 6.00 am heading for the airport for the second leg of the tour.

ThailandThe 12 th Hua Hin International <strong>Cricket</strong> Sixes tournament at Dusit Resort.On arrival at Dusit Resort after 4 hours on the bus from Bangkok airport, we were greeted with all the trimmingsone would expect from a “5 star” resort. The weather was conducive to a dip in the pool and a “cleansing ale” atthe swim up bar.All members were well rested in preparation for the week of action cricket, and golf, plus just enjoying thehospitality of the Thai hosts.Golf <strong>Report</strong>Bob Edmends reported, “In Thailand, where many of us had played before,we enjoyed Palm Hills and Springfield, including our annual match againstThe Hua Hin Golf Society which we contrived to lose once again. Anothergame at Springfield for the intrepid eight was followed by an invitation toplay at Black Mountain, a new course that officially opened a week after weplayed it. Golf is becoming more and more part of the tourist agenda in HuaHin and throughout Thailand.”<strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Some 19 cricket teams from around the world had assembled, including some cricketing legends such as Colin“funky” Miller, Darren Berry, & our own MCC international cricketer, Mick Lewis, to do battle over the weekahead.The MCC Red team was entered in the Cup tournament and the MCC White was entered in the Masters Group B.With the games rules being 5 overs per side (1 per player excluding wicket keeper) and 4 run penalties for no ballsand wides, everyone was prepared for some exciting cricket.Our MCC White team started in the first match as defending champions of the Masters tournament with a lossand by the end of the week could only manage 1 win, thus missing the finals. Games could be won or lost in thespace of a few balls.MCC WHITE ResultsGame 1 - MCC White 2/46 (captain Neil‘Inzi’ Henderson 19 n.o). lost toHua Hin Hopalongs 0/50 (Chatfield 37 ret.)Game 2 - MCC White 0/72 (Barry ‘Titanium’Anderson 35 Ret) defeated Ashton Word 5/50(‘Inzi’ Henderson 1/3)Game 3 - MCC White 3/46 lost toCluden CC 0/48Game 4 - MCC White 3/48 lost toStiller’s Masters 1/49Game 5 - MCC White 1/29 lost toParrot Masters 1/6025

The MCC Reds missed the finals as well however they played in one of the most exciting games of the Cuptournament.As reported in the local newspaper, the Bangkok Post, “The match of the series was also one of the lowest scoring,featuring a clash between Thai Thevandra and MCC Red. The match started in sensational style when Thevandrabowler Jackson took a hat-trick in the opening over, which had MCC Red reeling at 3/3 after the first over.Jackson also achieved a hat-trick in this tournament a couple of years previously. More tight bowling byThevandra saw MCC struggle to 5/45. With Peter Goodchap and former Australian Test star Colin “Funky”Miller going well, the Thai side appeared to be coasting along. Then in an amazing fourth over by Australian starbowler Mick Lewis, Thevandra lost three wickets all caught behind by wicketkeeper Ron Shugg, one handed,diving down the off side, the third catch being a particularly brilliant effort low down to his right. However theThai side hung in there to grab victory.”MCC REDS Results.Game 1. MCC Red 3/44 (Rahul 1/7) lost toCommonwealth CC (Rahul 19)Game 2. MCC Red 4/27 lost toKCC Woodbines 1/80Game 3. MCC Red 0/44 defeatedGlobetrotter 2/42Game 4. MCC Red 3/54 (M Anderson 24n.o.) lost toCanterbury CC 1/55 (Mitchell 28 n.o. White19 n.o.)Game 5. MCC Red 5/45 lost toThai Thevandra 5/4926

MCC XXIX CLUB – QUEENS BIRTHDAY WEEKEND – JUNE, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB v CRICKETERS’ CLUB OF NSWPlayed at: Caloundra CC on June 10, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB91 (36 OVERS)LOST TOCRICKETERS’ CLUB OF NSW5/165 cc (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGI Hammett 6 1/8 (2) K Godfrey 8 1/14T Norton 11 1/38 (5) M Thompson 12 3/16 (6)S Stockdale 0 0/25 (6) F Crowe 40 RetL Derbyshire 0 Ret 0/13 (4) P Allen 23 3/10 (4)G Butler 13 D Jones 27 0/14 (6)R Shugg 29 Ret P Smith 28 n.o. 2/5 (3)C Walker 0 0/4 (1) G Currie 12T Hickey 5 K Yardley 2 n.o.R Jacobi 6 0/21 (6) N Taylor DNB 1/16 (7)D Reaby 5 1/14 (6) A Hawkes DNB 0/6 (6)I Cave 2 M Berry DNB 0/10 (1)P Khan 6 n.o. 0/7 (4) Z Reaby DNB 3/4 (1.3)M Butler 1 n.o. 0/15 (4) N Khan DNB 0/6 (1)P MacIsaac 0 1/22 (6)Sundries 9 12Scorer:Barrie HopkinsWe all arrived in sunny Queensland expecting balmy days and nights. Instead it was cool and windy -and more than 12 inches of rain had fallen in the previous week. The Queensland team had alreadycalled it quits so the NSW and Vic teams decided we needed to do something. Earnest discussion tookplace with the Caloundra groundsman who spent time on Saturday and early Sunday morningpreparing what had been a very damp track.We got started late after Tom Hickie won the toss and put CC of NSW in. They made a slow start andthrough good bowling their run rate was kept down to a total of 5/165 off 40 overs. This seemed likea very gettable target on a quite difficult track.Unfortunately we started very badly, 4wickets for 18 until Ron Shugg (29) joinedGraham Butler (13) (cousin of Max Butler)and the start of a small revival. However,when this partnership ended it became asorry progression and the team was all outfor 91 off 36 overs.Two very good nights at the “SomethingBlue” and the “Thai Restaurant” whereplayers and supporters from both teams,along with a few from Queensland,enjoyed one another’s company. Lots oftalk about past glories and washed downwith copious amounts of good food anddrink…..Parties went on into the small hours.27

MCC XXIX CLUB v CRICKETERS’ CLUB OF NSWPlayed at: Caloundra CC on June 11, 20<strong>07</strong>MCC XXIX CLUB8/102 CC (20 OVERS)DEFEATEDCRICKETERS’ CLUB OF NSW8/97 cc (40 OVERS)BATTING BOWLING BATTING BOWLINGI Hammett 9 Ret K Yardley 0 0/15 (2)R Shugg 11 Fallon 26 Ret 0/15 (2)L Derbyshire 26 Ret 0/9 (2) G Currie 1C Walker 9 2/9 (2) Hackenberg 4 0/12 (2)R Jacobi 1 0/9 (2) D Jones 10 0/11 (2)S Stockdale 1 Ret 1/6 (2) K Godfrey 3 RH 0/12 (2)N Reaby 13 1/11 (2) P Smith 21 3/8 (2)Z Khan 20 n.o. 3/19 (4) P Allen 19 2/8 (2)P Khan 1 0/6 (2) F Crowe 4 0/5 (2)D Reaby DNB 0/10 (2) M Thompson 3 0/4 (2)M Butler DNB 0/18 (2) A Hawkes 0 n.o. 0/7 (2)Sundries 12 4Scorer:Barrie HopkinsMCC batted first on an improving but difficult wicket and achieved a total of 8/102. Excellentcontributions from Les Derbyshire (26 ret) and young Zane Kahn (20 n.o.) (son of Pat).CC of NSW struggled all day with especially good bowling from Zane Khan (3/19) and Colin Walker(2/9). They were dismissed for 97 with Fallon (26) and Smith (21) the best of our Northern neighbours.It was a close and enjoyable game and capped off what was a great weekend in spite of the earlier wetconditions. The camaraderie between the XX1X <strong>Club</strong> and the CC of NSW was excellent and I am surethat all parties are looking forward to next year’s fixture.NB: Caloundra RSL increased its membership by 10% on the Friday night of our arrival. How werethose gorgeous bootscooters???Ron ShuggManager28

AMurray AbblittDavid AitkenIan AitkenTimothy AlderBarry AndersonGloria AndersonGraeme AndersonJohn AndersonMark AndersonPeter AndersonDavid ApplebyPeter AshtonIan AshwellWilliam AthertonRobert AustinBKenneth BaddeleyKimbal BakerDavid BarclayPaul BarkerColin BarnesRobert BatrouneyStephen BattyAndrew BeachamEdward BeachamEdward BeachamPeter BedfordJohn BellJohn BennisonLindsay BirrellLeslie BlackbellGene BlackleyKeith BollardRobert BoothGraham BoydDavid BroadJeremy BroadGraeme BrownGraham BrownGregory BrownGraeme BulginPaul BuntingGary BurkePhilip BurnAdrian ButlerMark ButlerMaxwell ButlerCNorman CarlyonWilliam CarrollBruce CassJohn CateIan CaveGeoffrey ChancellorBrian ChaplinJeffrey ChapmanMichael ChestermanAndrew ChisholmBruce ChurchStephen ChurchIan CoatesGeoffrey CockerellAndrew CokerPeter CollinsGeoffrey CormackDaryl CoxRonald CrawfordDavid CrewdsonDarren CroftDean CroftRobert CroftDavid CrowAndrew Crozier-DurhamDNeil DalrympleWilliam DalrympleLeslie DarbyshireSimon DartRobert DaviesFrank DellowMichael DelvesJohn DillonKathleen DillonFrederick DoddBarry DonaldsonTimothy DonohueDonald DouglasBarry DoveJeffrey DunstanERobert EdmendsMark EdwardsRichard ElvinsRichard ErringtonRobert EvansFClive FairbairnWayne FarrPeter FaulknerGregory FebenColin FelthamJohn Fenton29

F (cont.)Michael FernonGeoffrey FidlerCharles FildesCharles FildesGregory FisherDennis FogartyLuke FogartyRichard ForsythMark FosterBoyd FoxNeale FraserJohn FreerPeter FrenchGColin GalbraithReginald GearyAnthony GillardWilliam GillardCharles GoreShaun GrafJohn GrahamJohn GrangeJohn GregoryMichael Gretton-WatsonJohn GunnHIan HammetRichard HarrodGeoffrey HartAlastair HawkinsCameron HeadRoss HennigBruce HexterJustin HickieKieran HickieThomas HickiePeter HollingsJacob HoogendoornRonald HopkinsBryan HorskinsGraeme HowarthJack HuxtableJFrancis JaenschChand JainRobert JakobiPhillip JamesFrank JenkinAndrew JohnstonChristian JohnstonDavid JohnstonDavid JohnstoneDavid JonesHuw JonesWilliam JonesKRowan KennedyAndrew KentJohn KentIan KervilleJames KettyleSalim KhanNoel KilbyPeter KingPhilip KingstonDavid KirbyPeter KnightMichael KnoxPeter KnuppelLRobert LambTroy LambAndrew LamontMark LangleyHarold LaverLloyd LaverJohn LillJoram LinstenBob LloydStephen LongneyEdward LynchMPhilip Mac IsaacJohn MacaulayRobert MacDonaldScott MacDonaldAlasdair MacGillivrayJohn MacKinnonJohn MacWhirterIan MaguireFraser MainGary MarrVictor MastersGeoffrey MathersBarry MattersRussell MattersAnthony Mc CaffertyDonald Mc CannJohn Mc CarthySteven Mc CookeAnthony Mc Cormick30

M (cont.)John Mc CormickIan Mc CubbinIan Mc DonaldTrevor Mc DonaldJames Mc EwenAllan Mc LeanDonald Mc QueenLeonard MillQuentin MillerRobert MitchellBruce MoirJeffrey MorganDavid MorrisJeffrey MossDonald MoyesNigel MurchColin MurphyNTimothy NortonOMichael OatenLloyd O'BrienPeter O'DonnellStephen O'FlynnJeremy OliverPeter O'RourkeAndy OsmentPChris PantlinDennis ParkesDavid ParkinsonDoug PatrickAndrew PayneRussell PeakeDavid PeddieChristopher PenmanIan PerdriauC PetersFrederick PhillipsMarcus PhillipsWayne PhillipsGrant PinderRobert PollockGeoffrey PonsfordRichard PoultonJohn PriestleyArthur PritchardHamish PurdeyQAnthony QuintnerRAnthony RadfordBen RaesideDavid RaesideJack RaesideRobert RalphAndrew RamseyNoel RamseyMichael RattenburyAndrew ReidDouglas ReidJames ReillyDarren RennieDouglas RetchfordWinston RickardsKenneth RileyBrian RobertsonNeil RobertsonDorothy RobinsonJohn RobinsonKim RockmanJohn RotsteinPhillip RowanManson RusselAnthony RyanSMichael SalterTimothy ScalesMatthew ScholtenHarold ScurrahMichael ShatinPaul SheahanFrancis SheehanDavid ShepherdMichael ShollyRonald ShuggRobert SinclairRoderick SitlingtonMichael SlatteryAndrew SmalleyPeter SmithRaymond SneddonStephen SpargoNeville SpearsTrevor SpryMathew StahmerWilliam StahmerRichard StarkMatthew SteinDaryl StephensStuart StockdaleJeremy StoneRandall StrongmanDavid Strudwick31

S (cont.)Ian StuartDavid StrudwickIan StuartClive SymonsJames SymonsTGraeme TateRobert TempletonDavid ThomasJohn ThompsonGregory ThomsonJohnThomsonRichard TindaleAlan TinnerMichael TinsleyGraham TownleyRick TownsendPeter TwyfordVDavid VineGraeme VineWGeoffrey WagstaffJohn WaiteColin WalkerEdward WalkerAndrew WallisHugh WalpolePeter WaltonPeter WaltonAndrew WarrenGavin WhitePhillip WhiteMichael WhitemanNeil WilliamsWilliam WilliamsJonathan WilsonRobert WilsonTimothy WinterTaylor WolfKenneth WoolfeDaryl WraithChristian WriedtAndrew WallisHugh WalpoleYDavid YoffaMichael YorkMichael York32

APPLICATIONFOR MEMBERSHIPAPPLICANT INFORMATIONXXIX CLUBTitle: Telephone: (Home)First Names:Surname:(Work)(Mobile)Address:Email:Date of Birth:MCC Membership Card No.:Suburb:State:Postcode:Are you a current regular player? Yes No (tick box)If Yes, What <strong>Club</strong> & Grade? <strong>Club</strong> GradeIf No, What Past <strong>Club</strong>/s & Grades? <strong>Club</strong> Grade<strong>Club</strong>GradeIf you no longer play, would you be interested in:- Umpiring: Yes No (tick box)Team Managing: Yes No (tick box)Scoring: Yes No (tick box)APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP• I hereby make application to join the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> and enclose my payment of $100.00, which includes the entrancefee of $50.00 and the annual subscription of $50.00. (Please note that a new <strong>Club</strong> tie is provided upon acceptance ofyour application.)• I am a financial member of the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.• I agree, if elected, to be bound by the rules and regulations of the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>.Signature:PROPOSER & SECONDER• I personally know the person who is hereby nominated as a proposed member of this <strong>Club</strong> and I am pleased to recommendthe application.• I am a financial member of the MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong> of at least 12 months standing.Proposer’s DetailsSeconder’s DetailsFull Name:Signature:Date:Full Name:Signature:Date:PAYMENT DETAILS(tick box) Cash Cheque (payable to MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>) Money Order Credit Card (Bankcard, MasterCard or Visa only)Card No.:Cardholder’s Name:Expiry Date:Cardholder’s Signature:Forward to: MCC XXIX <strong>Club</strong>C/- <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, PO BOX 175, EAST MELBOURNE, 8002or FAX: 9650 568233

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