Eaton Aftertreatment System (EAS) for On-Highway Diesel ... - EERE

Eaton Aftertreatment System (EAS) for On-Highway Diesel ... - EERE

Eaton Aftertreatment System (EAS) for On-Highway Diesel ... - EERE


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12 th <strong>Diesel</strong> Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research Conference<strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong> (<strong>EAS</strong>) <strong>for</strong> <strong>On</strong>-<strong>Highway</strong> <strong>Diesel</strong> EnginesHaoran Hu<strong>Eaton</strong> CorporationAugust 22, 2006© 2004 <strong>Eaton</strong> Corporation. All rights reserved.

Agenda‣ Challenges and Opportunities‣ The Development of <strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong><strong>System</strong> (<strong>EAS</strong>)‣ Summary

Challenges of Stringent <strong>Diesel</strong> EngineEmissions RegulationsEvolution of ON-<strong>Highway</strong> Emissions RegulationsParticulates g kW -1 h -10.14US 20040.<strong>Eaton</strong><strong>Aftertreatment</strong>entJA 2005<strong>System</strong>EU 5US 2010 US 2007EGR012 3‣ <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong>s AreRequired to Meet 2010 Ultra-lowNOx Requirements‣ Most Probable Solutions:• Urea SCR Catalysts• NOx Adsorber (LNT)CatalystsNO x g kW -1 h -1Challenges and Opportunities:‣ SCR Catalysts Requires Urea Supply Infrastructure, which Is Unlikely to be Available<strong>for</strong> North America Market by 2009‣ NOx Absorber (LNT) <strong>System</strong> has Higher Fuel Penalty and Durability Concerns‣ A New <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong> Is Required

<strong>Eaton</strong>’s Innovative SolutionEngineOutLNTUreaSCR• NH3 Generated during FuelRich Regeneration Process• Urea Is Converted into NH3• SCR Needs NH3, not Urea<strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong> (<strong>EAS</strong>)EngineoutFuelRe<strong>for</strong>merLNTNH3SCRSCRoutFeatures:‣ Fuel Re<strong>for</strong>mer Converts HC to H2/CO During LNT Regeneration‣ LNT Produces Ammonia During Regeneration‣ SCR Catalyst Stores and Uses Ammonia <strong>for</strong> Further NOx Reduction‣ Reduced Catalyst Volume and Cost‣ Synergistic Use of LNT/SCR Catalysts‣ Improved Durability

Chemical Kinetic Mechanism of <strong>Eaton</strong><strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong>Chemical kinetic MechanismFuelRe<strong>for</strong>merCHO 2H 2 OFuel Re<strong>for</strong>merCatalystCOH 2CH 4 + ½O 2= CO + 2H 2CO + H 2O = CO 2+ H 2LNTTrapping (lean)NONO + ½O 2= NONO 22LNT CatalystO 2O 2BaO + NO 2+ ½O 2=Ba(NO 3) 2Regeneration (rich)CHCOLNT CatalystH 2Ba(NON 3) 2= BaO + 2NO + 1½O 22CO NO + CO = ½N22+ CO 2NH 35/2H 2 + NO = NH 3 + H 2 OSCRNO xNH 3N 2SCR CatalystO 2H 2 O4 NO + 4 NH 3 + O 2 = 4 N 2 + 6 H 2 O6 NO 2 + 8 NH 3 = 7 N 2 + 12 H 2 ONO + NO 2 + 2 NH 3 = 2 N 2 + 3 H 2 0

Developed Chemical Kinetic Models <strong>for</strong><strong>System</strong> SimulationSample LNT SimulationSample SCR SimulationNOx (ppm)1000Exp NOx at SCR Inlet400 1000Simulation900 Exp NOx at SCR Outlet300Experiment750200 500NH3 (ppm)100 250 300NOx [ppm]800 Sim NOx at SCR InletSim NOx at SCR Outlet7006005004002000 0 10060 80 100 120 140 0time (sec)0 500 1000 1500 2000Time [sec]Fully Transient Kinetic Models:‣ Kinetic Mechanisms (21 reactions) Are the Result of Extensive Research‣ Calibrated Kinetic Parameters With Engine Test Data‣ Excellent Tool <strong>for</strong> Catalyst Development and <strong>System</strong> Simulation

Two Fully Equipped EngineDynamometers <strong>for</strong> DevelopmentEngineoutFuelRe<strong>for</strong>merLNTNH3SCRSCRoutPer<strong>for</strong>mance Development– DDC S60 14L Engine• 500 hp @ 2100 rpm– Re<strong>for</strong>mer +LNT +SCR– Fuel Dosing <strong>System</strong>– Emission Measurement BenchesDesulfation Developmentflow– CAT C9 2004 ACERT Engine• 350 hp @ 2300 rpm– Re<strong>for</strong>mer+LNT+SCR– Fuel Dosing <strong>System</strong>– Emission Measurement Benches LNT

Excellent NOx Reduction Efficiency atSteady State Test ModesNOx Concentration (ppm)800 2000C100 Average NOx EfficienciesLNT: 74%, SCR: 44%, <strong>System</strong>: 85%700 1500600 1000LNT NH 3 OutRe<strong>for</strong>m er500 500Fueling400 0SCR NH 3 Out300NOx Eng Out12.9 g/cycle200 -1000NOx LNT OutNOx SCR Out3.4 g/cycle 1.9 g/cycle100 -1500-500NH3, ppm and Fueling, grams/min0 -2000500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000Time (s)Engine Dyno Steady-state C100 Mode:‣ Demonstrated the Effectiveness of NOx Reductions in Both Total NOx Conversions andNOx Spikes (up to 50%) Reduction‣ NH 3Generated During LNT Regeneration and Can Be Stored in SCR Catalyst <strong>for</strong> NOxReduction‣ SCR Can Contribute up to 20% NOx Reduction Relative to Engine Out NOx

Demonstrated NOx Reductions With 13-mode Steady State Test1000NOx concentration (ppm)90080070060050040030013 Mode Average NOx EfficienciesLNT: 72%, SCR : 32%, <strong>System</strong>: 81%Engine-out NOxLNT out NOxSCR out NOx20010000 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 1680 1800 1920Time (sec)WR2227D2Engine Dyno 13 Mode Steady-state Tests:‣ Over 80% NOx Efficiency, Less Than 4% Fuel Penalty <strong>for</strong> MY 2004 HD <strong>Diesel</strong> Engines, andAround 2% Fuel Penalty <strong>for</strong> 2007 Compliant Engines‣ Significant Reduction in NOx Spikes‣ Fuel Re<strong>for</strong>mer Improves Catalyst Per<strong>for</strong>mance at Lower Temperature

Less Frequent Desulfation and ImprovedLNT Durability1.2BSNOx - gm/HP-HR10. Reduction inDesulfation FrequencyLNT <strong>On</strong>lyLNT + SCRUS ‘010 NTE010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Desulfation Interval - (Hours)LNT Durability Improvement by Less Frequent Desulfation:‣ SCR NOx Reduction Compensates <strong>for</strong> Loss in LNT Per<strong>for</strong>mance Due to Fuel SulfurPoisoning.‣ Less Frequent Desulfation is Required Comparing With LNT <strong>On</strong>ly <strong>System</strong>s‣ Improved LNT Durability by Up to 30% Due to Less Frequent Desulfation

<strong>System</strong> Per<strong>for</strong>mance and Integration on VehicleRoad Test‣ Freightliner Century Class Truck1.00350‣ 2004 DDC S60 Engine‣ Real-time NOx Conversions in TargetedRange‣ Parameters Measured Include:–––––Exhaust NOx & O2 (6 positions)Exhaust Flow Rate (2 positions)Exhaust Temp & Pressure (6 positions)Engine Parameters via J1587Engine EGR and VNT PositionsNOx Efficiency0.903000.800.702500.602000.500.401500.301000.20500.100.0009:44:38 9:46:05 9:47:31 9:48:58 9:50:24 9:51:50 9:53:17 9:54:43TimeSCRLNTFuel Re<strong>for</strong>merFuel Doser

Simulated <strong>System</strong> Size and Packaging with2010 NOx Compliant Per<strong>for</strong>manceNOx Conversion Efficiency1009080706050‘Optimized Baseline’Lower cost & sizeHigher cost & size2010 NOxCompliant401 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4(LNT+SCR) Volume divided by ESVBased on system simulation w/ USEPA 2007 compliant engine

More Space-Efficient Than Urea BasedSCR <strong>System</strong>UREA SCR:SCR catalyst: 2.5x – 3.5x ESVHydrolysis catalyst: 0.5 x ESVDOC: 0.5 x ESVDPF: 1.5 – 2.0x ESVTOTAL SYSTEM VOLUME: 5.0 – 6.5x ESV+ 4.0 – 6.0 x ESV urea tank volumeTypical Urea SCR <strong>System</strong>SCRUrea TankHydrolysis catalystUrea DoserDPFFuel DoserEngine<strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong><strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong>:LNT + SCR volume: 2xRe<strong>for</strong>mer catalyst: 0.5x ESVESV (engine swept volume)DPF: 1.5 – 2.0x ESVTOTAL SYSTEM VOLUME: 4.0 - 4.5 x ESVSCRDPFLNT NH 3Fuel Re<strong>for</strong>merFuel DoserEngine

Good <strong>for</strong> the Environment andSuperior Value <strong>for</strong> Our CustomersTypical Urea SCR <strong>System</strong><strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong>SCRSCRUrea TankHydrolysis catalystUrea DoserDPFLNT NH 3DPFFuel Re<strong>for</strong>merFuel DoserFuel DoserEngine• Urea Infrastructure Investment Required• Driver Intervention Required• Tankage/Weight Penalty Required• Penalty <strong>for</strong> “Failure to Fill” Required• Dual Dosing <strong>System</strong>s Likely• Urea Price VolatilityEngine• No Urea Required• Simple, Convenient in Operation• Smaller Package Size• No Weight Penalty• Single Dosing <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Eaton</strong> <strong>Aftertreatment</strong> <strong>System</strong>Summary‣ A New Pathway to Utilize SCR Catalysts <strong>for</strong> NOx ReductionWithout the Need of Urea Infrastructure‣ An Innovative Method to Mitigate LNT Durability Concerns‣ Demonstrated Technical Feasibility <strong>for</strong> Meeting 2010 EmissionsRegulations• Achieved Over 80% NOx Reduction Over 13-mode SET Test With LessThan 4% Fuel Penalty <strong>for</strong> MY 2004 HD <strong>Diesel</strong> Engines, and Around 2%Fuel Penalty <strong>for</strong> 2007 Compliant Engines• Developed and Validated Chemical Kinetic Models For <strong>System</strong> Modelingand Simulation• H2 Generated By Fuel Re<strong>for</strong>mer Improves LNT Regeneration andDesulfation Per<strong>for</strong>mance• Developed Control Strategies <strong>for</strong> <strong>System</strong> Per<strong>for</strong>mance Optimization• Gained Experience in Desulfation, Package, Installation and <strong>System</strong>Integration• Demonstrated NOx Reductions and LNT Regeneration During <strong>On</strong>-roadDriving Conditions

12 th <strong>Diesel</strong> Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research ConferenceQuestions?Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank <strong>Eaton</strong> Corporation <strong>for</strong> itspermission to publish this work, and would like to acknowledge the supports of <strong>Eaton</strong><strong>Aftertreatment</strong> Team.Contact: HaoranHu@<strong>Eaton</strong>.com© 2004 <strong>Eaton</strong> Corporation. All rights reserved.

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