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105 Pencil (Apsara/Natraj) with FSSAI name print as per sample106 Pen (Pikpens) with FSSAI name print as per sample107 Conference pad with print as per sample108 Letter head with print as per sample109 Visiting cards with print as per sampleNOTES :1. The rates of items 1-73 shall be submitted on the above given format.2. Prices/Rates against all items should be quoted excluding Taxes. Taxes if any shall be indicatedseparately.3. Tenderers should furnish samples of the item alongwith rates as asked for. Samples submittedafter tender opening time shall not be accepted.4. Selected Firm/Agency should deliver the items at site at free of cost.5. The FSSAI will not be bound to accept the lowest quotation and Rate contract can be placed onany other supplier whose samples/items are found superior or as per the requirements of FSSAI. Thedecision of the FSSAI shall be final in this regard.SIGNATURES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>TENDER</strong>ING FIRM WITH SEALNAME <strong>OF</strong> THE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY:(IN BLOCK LETTERS)CAPACITY/POSITION IN COMPANY:IN WHICH <strong>TENDER</strong> IS SIGNEDCOMPLETE POSTAL ADDRESS <strong>OF</strong> COMPANY:PIN CODE:TELEPHONE Nos. : LANDLINEMOBILEFAX NO.Deputy Director (GA)

I M P O R T A N TI N F O R M A T I O N1. PURCHASER: FSSAI.2. CONSIGNEE: Director (Admin).3. PERIOD <strong>OF</strong> CONTRACT: One year from the date of conclusion of Rate Contract. Contractperiod may be extended for further one year depending uponrequirements with mutual agreement.4. FIRM & FIXED RATES: Prices should be quoted on a firm & fixed price basis. Request forenhancement of contracted rates shall not be considered underany circumstances. Tenders with variable prices or seekingprovision for enhancement of prices/contracted rates shall berejected straight away without any consideration.5. NON TRANSFERABILITY: This tender is non-transferable.6. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Terms & Conditions as set out in this Tender Document shall haveto be complied with by the tendering firm. Offers not complyingwith such terms & conditions shall be ignored/rejected at thediscretion of this Authority.7. EARNEST MONEY: An amount of Rupees Rs. 10,000/- only has to be submittedDEPOSIT by way of Demand Draft in favour of Senior AccountsOfficer, FSSAI payable at New Delhi, along with the original copyof the tender submitted by the firm. Payment by any other modeshall not be acceptable. Photocopy of the Demand Draft, shouldbe attached along with the Duplicate copy of the tenderdocument. Offers received without EMD shall be rejectedstraightaway and will not be considered under any circumstances.EMD of tendering firms who submit the sealed quotations butwithdraw the same before expiry of the tender validity date maybe forfeited at the discretion of FSSAI. EMD is refundable withoutany interest to the firm or supplier on expiry/termination ofempanelment and the EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will bereturned within one month from the date of selection of finalbidder.Signature of the bidder

8. PRESCRIBED FORMS: Tenders of firms received in the format prescribed in this tenderdocument shall only be considered. Offers not received inprescribed format shall be ignored and no correspondence in thisregard will be entertained. Telegraphic/Telex/Fax/ Email/Letterhead/Quotations will not be accepted and ignoredstraightaway.9. <strong>TENDER</strong> FEE: Tendering firms are required to furnish a non –refundable tenderfee of Rs. 500/-(Rupees five hundred only) in the cash, along withthe Tender. Tender Document can also be downloaded fromFSSAI website www.fssai.gov.in. Firms using Tender Documentdownloaded from FSSAI website will have to submit DD of Rs.500/-( Non –refundable) in favour of Senior Accounts Officer,FSSAI at New Delhi.10. LATE/DELAYED <strong>TENDER</strong>S: Tenders received after closing date and time prescribed in thisenquiry shall NOT be accepted under any circumstances.11. FSSAI’s RIGHTS: FSSAI reserves the right to reject any tender/all tenders in full orpart thereof without assigning any reasons.12. LEGAL CONTRACT:- The supplier shall execute a legal contract agreement along withundertaking in duplicate on stamp paper worth Rs. 50.00 orstamp paper of appropriate value (charges to be borne by thesupplier), immediately after the receipt of the award letter butnot later than by 15 days of the date of issuance of award letter.The subsequent matter will be got typed on judicial papers ofappropriate Court fee Stamps worth Rs. 1/-affixed on each page.A copy of award letter duly stamped (Court) and signed on eachpage is also to be attached with this contract agreement. Eachpage of this contract agreement should be duly stamped & signedby the authorized signatory of the firm. A copy of power ofattorney in respect of the authorized signatory, that he isauthorized to sign the contract on behalf of the firm, is also to beattached with the contract agreement. All disputes are subject tothe exclusive jurisdiction of competent Courts and <strong>For</strong>ums in NewDelhi only.Note: - Contract agreement is to be signed at FSSAI, New Delhi. Contract agreement by post shallnot be entertained.Signatures of the bidder

G E N E R A L I N S T R U C T I O N S1. The Annual Rate Contracts concluded as a result of this Tender Inquiry shall be governed bythe ‘Terms & Conditions’ and other relevant instructions as contained in this TenderDocument.2. The prices/rates quoted should be indicated in words as well as in figures.3. Tenderers are requested to quote their prices on a firm & fixed basis only for the entireperiod of the Rate Contract. Tenders of the firms received with prices quoted on variablebasis shall be rejected straightaway.4. Tenders should be submitted in duplicate. Duplicate copy of the tender set should containthe same sets of documents as enclosed with the original tender.5. Quotations qualified by such vague and indefinite expressions such as “subject to priorconfirmation”, “subject to immediate acceptance” etc. will be treated as vague offers andrejected accordingly.6. Tenderers are requested to enclose a copy of their valid certificate of PAN No., TAN No,Service Tax No. with their tender.7. Tenders received without Tender Fee Coupon, EMD amount by way of DD or PayOrder/Banker’s Cheque in the name of Senior Accounts Officer, FSSAI, New Delhi will not beconsidered at all.8. The tender documents can be obtained from room no. 0321, 3 rd floor, FSSAI, FDA Bhavan,Kotla Road, New Delhi on payment of Tender Fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only)non- refundable on any working day between 10.30 am to 5 pm.9. Tenderers may note that if the date of tender opening given in this Tender Document isdeclared to be a gazetted holiday, the tender shall be opened on the next working day at thesame timing. In such an event the closing hours for receipt of tenders in FSSAI will standautomatically extended up to 1500 hours of the next working day in the Government offices.10. Late/delayed tenders received in FSSAI due to any reason whatsoever will not be acceptedunder any circumstances.11. Tendering firms are at liberty to be present or authorize a representative to be present atthe opening of the tender at the time and date as specified in the Schedule. The name andaddress of the representative authorized to attend the opening of the tender on behalf of atendering firm should be indicated in the tender. The representative so deputed should alsobring with him a letter of authority from the firm for having been authorized to be present atthe time of opening of tender. The name and address of permanent representative of thefirm, if any, should also be indicated in the tender. Representatives of firms who have notsubmitted the tender or representatives not possessing authority letter from the tenderersor outsiders shall not be allowed to attend the tender opening process.Signatures of the bidders

12. The tenders should be submitted in double cover. The First cover should contain DD/Banker’s cheque, Tender Fee Coupon/DD, Registration Certificate copy from DGS &D ortrade license or any other, any other State Govt., copies of Supply Orders and successfulexecution of the Contract for past performance, Copy of PAN No., Audited Balance Sheets,or Income Tax return, Sale Tax registration or copy of Constitution of firm/company, TheSecond cover should contain the prescribed tender form duly filled in and signed along withthe quoted prices. Both the covers, the 1st and the 2nd cover should be put in a bigger coverand this outer cover should be wax sealed. Both the covers shall be opened simultaneouslyon the original tender opening date itself. Sample(s) wherever required as per tender maybe deposited separately on or before the tender opening date.The sealed tender envelope should be super scribed as under:“<strong>TENDER</strong> NO. No. 07-05/GA/2011-FSSAI“<strong>TENDER</strong> FOR <strong>SUPPLY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>STATIONERY</strong> AND GENERAL <strong>ITEMS</strong> TO FSSAI”13. The sealed tender should be dropped in the Tender Box kept near Reception at 3 rd floor ofFSSAI, FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002.Signatures of the bidder

T E R M S A N D C O N D I T I O N S1. The Rate Contracts shall be valid for the period of one year from the date of awarding theContracts. The Annual Rate Contract awarded as a result of this Tender Enquiry will be in the natureof a Standing offer. Actual Supply Order may be placed from time to time against the RCs concludedon the basis of such rate contract(s). No guarantee can be given as to the minimum or actualservices usage.2. EMD will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within 30 days after award of the RateContract to successful bidders.3. FSSAI reserves the right to conclude parallel Rate Contracts with a number of suppliers andplace Orders on any of such firm that may be the most economical to it or suitable to itsrequirements.4. In the event of any disputes arising out of the execution of Rate Contracts/Supply Orders,the matter will be referred to Director (Admn.), FSSAI and his decision shall be binding to both theparties.5. <strong>For</strong> judicial adjudication, the disputes, if any, arising out of the Contract/Service Ordersagainst the Rate Contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in New Delhi only.6. Intending Tenderers will have to furnish a copy of their PAN No., TIN No. and Sale TaxRegistration Number (proof to be attached).7. Authorized Signatory/ Signing of Tender:Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with contract must specify thecapacity in which the tender documents are signed as:a.) a ‘sole proprietor’ of the concern or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor;b.) a partner of the firm, if it be a partnership firm, in which case he must have authority to executecontracts on behalf of the firm and to refer to arbitration disputes concerning the business of thepartnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or by a power of attorney duly executedby the partners of the firm.Signatures of the bidder

NOTES:i.) In case of partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or general power of attorneyduly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamped paper duly sworn or affirmed byall the partner admitting execution of the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney.The attested copy of the certificate of registration of firm should also be enclosed along with thetender.ii.) In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business ofpartnership firm has been conferred on any partner, the tender and all other related documentsmust be signed by all partners of the firm.iii.) A person signing the tender form or any documents forming part of the tender on behalf ofanother person should have an authority to bind such other person and if, on enquiry it appears thatthe persons so signing had no authority to do so, FSSAI may, without prejudice, cancel the contractand hold the signatory liable for all costs, consequences and damages under the civil and criminalremedies available.8. The tenderers should sign at each page of the tender and all its Annexure. NO PAGE SHOULD BEREMOVED /DETACHED FROM THE <strong>TENDER</strong> <strong>DOCUMENT</strong>.9. The tendering firms will have to give a declaration to the effect that they have not been Blacklisted or their business dealings with the Government bodies have not been banned.10.1 The prices charged for the stores supplied under the Contract by the supplier shall in no eventexceed the lowest price at which the Contractor sells the Stores or offer to sell stores of identicaldescription to any person(s)/organization (s) including the FSSAI or any Corporation of a StateGovernment or any statutory undertaking of the Central or a State Government, as the case may be,during the period till performance of all Supply Orders is completed. If at any time during the saidperiod, the Contractor reduces the Sale price, sells or offers to sell such stores to anyperson(s)/organization (s) including the Purchaser or any Statutory Undertaking of the StateGovernment, as the case may be, at a price lower than the price chargeable under this Contract, heshall forthwith notify such reduction or Sale or offer of Sale to the FSSAI and the price payable underthe Contract for the stores supplied after the date of coming into force of such reduction or sale oroffer of sale stand correspondingly reduced.10.2 The supplier shall furnish the following certificate to the Paying Authority along with each billfor payment for supplies made against the Rate Contract.“I/We certify that there has been noreduction in sale price of the Stores of Description identical to the Stores supplied to FSSAI under thecontract herein and such Stores have not been offered/sold by me/us to any person(s)/organization(s) as the case may be up to the date of the bill/the date of completion of supplies against thiscontract at a price lower than the price charged to FSSAI.”Signatures of the bidder

11. Indenting Authority: FSSAI.12. Consignee: Director (Admn.),FSSAI, 3 rd floor, FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road, NewDelhi-110002..13. Terms of Delivery: FSSAI Store, 3 rd floor FSSAI, FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002.14. Delivery Period: Within 10 days of the placement of confirmed supply order onthe firm or as stipulated in the Supply Order.15. Payment Terms: 100% payment shall be released within 15 days on satisfactoryreceipt of the goods/articles ordered. Advance payment will notbe made under any circumstances.16. Dispatch Instructions: Stores are required to be delivered at the FSSAI, 3 rd Floor, FDABhavan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002 on free delivery withoutany extra charges to the consignee’s premises.17. Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance and the supplier will be responsible till theentire stores contracted for, arrive in good condition at the destination.18. GUARANTEE/ WARRANTY:The supplier shall guarantee that the stores, articles sold/supplied to the purchaser under thiscontract shall be of the best quality and workmanship and new in all respects and shall be strictly inaccordance with the specification and particulars contained/ mentioned in the Tender enquiry. Thesupplier shall guarantee that the said goods/stores articles would continue to conform to thedescription and quality aforesaid for a period of twelve months, if during the aforesaid period of 12months the said stores/goods/ articles be discovered not to conform to the description and qualityaforesaid or not giving satisfactory performance or have deteriorated, the decision of the purchaserin that behalf shall be final and binding on the supplier and the purchaser shall be entitled to callupon the supplier to rectify the goods/stores/articles or such portion thereof as is found to bedefective by the purchaser within a reasonable period or such specified period as may be allowed bythe purchaser in his discretion on/an application made thereof by the supplier and in such an event,the abovementioned warranty period shall apply to the goods/stores/ articles rectified from thedate of rectification thereof. In case of failure of the supplier to rectify or replace the goods etc.,within specified time, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover the cost with all expenses from thesupplier for such defective stores.Signatures of the bidder

19. All firms are required to submit the following along with their quotation failing which theiroffer will be ignored:a) Name and full address of their Banker with their Account Number.b) List of organisation/offices to whom the bidding firm has made supply for the last 3 years.c) Performance statement for the year 2010-2011 in respect of Stationery and General itemssupplied, must be submitted in the format enclosed at Annexure-“1” to this tender document.d) Financial status of the firm- enclosed tax returns for 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.20. Tenderers who are registered with DGS&D/NSIC for a particular item should submit thephotocopy of Registration Certificate with all amendments up to date.21. Duties & TaxesSales Tax: Tenderers should indicate whether the prices quoted are exclusive or inclusive ofsales tax. They should indicate the rate (s) of VAT/ Local Sales Tax (as may be applicable) andCentral Sales Tax with & without <strong>For</strong>m-“C”. In case, they are exempted from payment ofsales tax, a copy of the Exemption Certificate issued by the appropriate authority may befurnished.22. <strong>TENDER</strong>ERS ARE REQUESTED TO QUOTE THEIR RATES ON F.O.R DESTINATION BASIS(Free delivery to the consignee's premises).23. The decision of the FSSAI shall be final as to the quality of the stores and shall be bindingupon the tenderers and in case of any of the articles supplied not being found as per specificationshall be liable to be rejected or replaced and any expenses or losses caused to the suppliers shall beborne by the supplier. It will be the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that articles supplied areof the best quality and free from all defects.24. Item-wise price should be quoted. In case of bundled price, the offer shall be summarily rejected.25. Liquidated Damages: In case the firm does not complete the supply within delivery period,action will be taken against the firm to recover from the contractor as agreed liquidated damagesincluding administrative expenses and not by way of penalty a sum equivalent to 2 % per week ofthe price of any stores which the contractor has failed to deliver/install within the period fixed fordelivery of such stores. Where delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period, thetotal damages so claimed shall not exceed 10% of the total price of stores required.26. Inspection: The inspection of the materials shall be carried out by authorized representative ofFSSAI at its store.27. The FSSAI reserves the right to reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason.Signatures of the bidder

PERFORMANCE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2010-11ANNEXURE-1Name of the Firm.........................................1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Contractno.Descriptionof StoresQuantity Value OriginalDeliveryPeriodQuantitysuppliedwithinoriginalDPLastsupplypositionPresentpositionreasonsdelaywithforSignature of Bidder

D E C L A R A T I O NANNEXURE-2From:-M/s………………………………….……………………………………..……………………………………..ToDear Sir,The Director(Admn.),Food Safety and Standards Authority of India,3 rd Floor, FDA Bhavan, Kotla RoadNew Delhi-110002I/We have read and understood the contents of the Tender and agree to abide by the terms andconditions of this Tender.I/We further undertake that none of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors of the firm was or isProprietor or Partner or Director of any firm with whom the Government have banned /suspendedbusiness dealings. I/We further undertake to report to the Deputy Director (GA), FSSAI immediatelyafter we are informed but in any case not later 15 days, if any firm in whichProprietor/Partners/Directors are Proprietor or Partner or Director of such a firm which isbanned/suspended in future during the currency of the Contract with you.Yours faithfully,(Signature of the Tenderers)Name:Designation with Seal of the FirmDated.

ANNEXURE - 3<strong>TENDER</strong> FEE COUPON<strong>TENDER</strong> NO.: 07-05/GA/2011-FSSAI Dated: ____________ 2012<strong>TENDER</strong> SET NO.:ISSUED TOM/s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Against request letter No. _________________________________Dated______________ 2012 andpayment of an amount of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in cash.<strong>TENDER</strong> <strong>DOCUMENT</strong> ISSUED ON_______________________________

1. Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, Jeevan Tara Building, 5, Parliament Street,New Delhi - 110 001, Ph.: 011-23361320/324,45738100/8200,Fax : 011-3340497,23345536.2. M/s. National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF), Deepali Building" (5thFloor), 92, Nehru Place, NEW DELHI - 110 019.3. M/s. Alpha Traders, SF-203, RG Complex, Near Petrol Pump, Sec-8, Rohini, Delhi-85.4. M/s. Anil Trading Company, 1967, Kucha Chelan, Khari Baoli Delhi.5. M/s. Badri Vishal Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.202, 1 st Floor, EMCA Chamber 51, Darya Ganj, NewDelhi-2.6. M/s. B.B. Enterprises, A Block 83/1, Road No. 2, Mahipal Pur, New Delhi.7. M/s. Bharat Trading, 27-D/1, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi-49.8. M/s. Kendriya Bhandar, Central Govt. Employee Consumer Co-operative Society Ltd., EastBlock, No. X, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-66.9. M/s. Crescent Stationers, 2 nd Floor, SHIV HANUMAN MANDIR COMPLEX NEAR PALIKA PLANPANCHKUIAN ROAD, NEW DELHI10. M/s. Comfortnet Trading Co., 25 Nathu Singh Market, Masoodpur, Basant Kunj, New Delhi-70.11. M/s. Duaco Equipments, 2154, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Paharganj, New Delhi12. M/s. Ekta Enterprises, LG-5, LUSA Tower, Commercial Complex Azad Road, New Delhi-33.13. M/s. Fairdeal Creation, A-5/349, 1 st Floor, Pashchim Vihar, New Delhi-63.14. M/s. Gupta Stationery Mart, 1932 Kucha Chelan, Khari Baoli Delhi-6.15. M/s/. GEE DEE Enterprises, D-44/10, East of Kailash, New Delhi.16. M/s. Pritam Sales Corporation, 2153/1, Gali Hanuman Parsad, Masjid Khazoor, ChawariBazar, Delhi.17. M/s. U.K. Trade Link, 3795/23, Bhagwati Market, Gali Khowali, Chawri Bazar, Delhi-6.18. Vijay Stationery Mart, 18, Palika Place Annexe, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi-01

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