Listed buildings in Stroud - Stroud District Council

Listed buildings in Stroud - Stroud District Council Listed buildings in Stroud - Stroud District Council
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Listed Buildings In the Parish of StroudThe Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is required to compile lists of buildings of specialarchitectural or historic interest. These lists have been prepared for every Civil Parish in Stroud District. TheDistrict Council is frequently asked to confirm whether a building is listed, or what is the significance of thevarious Grades of building. To help people making these and similar enquiries, we have copied all the entriesfrom the Stroud list into this document.How to use this documentEach entry in the lists contains the following information. At the head of each entry are a number of items,which assist in locating and identifying key things about the listed building. These are as follows;National Grid Civil Parish/ Village/Reference No. Town/City Street NameSerial NumberOf list entryAddress ofBuilding(s)Date when buildingwas first listedGroup Value NoteGrade of buildingThis is followed by the descriptive notes about the building. These notes to each entry have no legalsignificance and are intended primarily for identification purposes and should not be treated as acomprehensive or exclusive record of all the features that are considered to make the building worthy oflisting. It should be remembered that listing confers protection on all the structures at that address, and thatthe protection applies to both interiors and exteriors of buildings, regardless of their Grade. The descriptivenotes are always arranged in the same order and will describe the building in architectural terms.Street names are always set out in alphabetical order, and the points of the compass are used to identify whichside of the street is being described. If there is no date shown, this means that the buildings being describedwere first listed at the date of publication of the current list. In the case of Stroud Parish, this is 25 th June 1974.Listed Buildings fall into three Grades, namely Grades I, II* (TWO STAR) and II. Around 95% of buildings areGrade II, with the two higher Grades attracting the remaining 5%. Whilst Grade I buildings are described asbeing of exceptional interest, it should be remembered that listing confers equal protection to all three Gradesof building.

<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs In the Parish of <strong>Stroud</strong>The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is required to compile lists of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest. These lists have been prepared for every Civil Parish <strong>in</strong> <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong>. The<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is frequently asked to confirm whether a build<strong>in</strong>g is listed, or what is the significance of thevarious Grades of build<strong>in</strong>g. To help people mak<strong>in</strong>g these and similar enquiries, we have copied all the entriesfrom the <strong>Stroud</strong> list <strong>in</strong>to this document.How to use this documentEach entry <strong>in</strong> the lists conta<strong>in</strong>s the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation. At the head of each entry are a number of items,which assist <strong>in</strong> locat<strong>in</strong>g and identify<strong>in</strong>g key th<strong>in</strong>gs about the listed build<strong>in</strong>g. These are as follows;National Grid Civil Parish/ Village/Reference No. Town/City Street NameSerial NumberOf list entryAddress ofBuild<strong>in</strong>g(s)Date when build<strong>in</strong>gwas first listedGroup Value NoteGrade of build<strong>in</strong>gThis is followed by the descriptive notes about the build<strong>in</strong>g. These notes to each entry have no legalsignificance and are <strong>in</strong>tended primarily for identification purposes and should not be treated as acomprehensive or exclusive record of all the features that are considered to make the build<strong>in</strong>g worthy oflist<strong>in</strong>g. It should be remembered that list<strong>in</strong>g confers protection on all the structures at that address, and thatthe protection applies to both <strong>in</strong>teriors and exteriors of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, regardless of their Grade. The descriptivenotes are always arranged <strong>in</strong> the same order and will describe the build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> architectural terms.Street names are always set out <strong>in</strong> alphabetical order, and the po<strong>in</strong>ts of the compass are used to identify whichside of the street is be<strong>in</strong>g described. If there is no date shown, this means that the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> be<strong>in</strong>g describedwere first listed at the date of publication of the current list. In the case of <strong>Stroud</strong> Parish, this is 25 th June 1974.<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs fall <strong>in</strong>to three Grades, namely Grades I, II* (TWO STAR) and II. Around 95% of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> areGrade II, with the two higher Grades attract<strong>in</strong>g the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 5%. Whilst Grade I <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> are described asbe<strong>in</strong>g of exceptional <strong>in</strong>terest, it should be remembered that list<strong>in</strong>g confers equal protection to all three Gradesof build<strong>in</strong>g.


NOTES ON BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR RtSTOIIC INTERESTList<strong>in</strong>gThe Secretary of State' for the Environment is required to compile lists nf <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special ,architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest. The adm<strong>in</strong>istration of both local and national colservation pOliciesis based on these lists, which are constantly under revision.Hhbthe <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> ar* chosnThe pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of selection for these lists were orig<strong>in</strong>ally drawn up by an expert com ttee of architects,antiquaries and historians, and are still followed. All build<strong>in</strong>g; built before 1700 which survive <strong>in</strong>anyth<strong>in</strong>g like their/orig<strong>in</strong>al condition qualify for list<strong>in</strong>g as dd most <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of 1709 to 1840. Between1840 and 1914 only <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of def<strong>in</strong>ite quality and character 4ualify and the selecti 6 n is designed to<strong>in</strong>clude the pr<strong>in</strong>cipul works of the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal architects.Selected <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of 1914 to 1939 are also considered. In choos<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, particular attention is ,paid to: {Special value with<strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> types, either for architectural or plann<strong>in</strong>g reasons or as illustrat<strong>in</strong>gsocial and econonic history (for <strong>in</strong>stahce, <strong>in</strong>dustrial buildihgs, railway stations, bchools, hospit4as,theatres, town halls, markets, exchanges, almshouses, prisonp, lock-ups, mills). /Technological <strong>in</strong>novation or virtuosity (for <strong>in</strong>stance castof concrete).on, prefabrication, o the early useAssociation with well-known characters or events. 1 /Group value, especially as examples of town plann<strong>in</strong>g (for <strong>in</strong>stance, squares, tevillages).ces or modelA survey is carried out by the Departnmnt's Investigators of Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs, for each local autholityarea, and <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> at4 classified <strong>in</strong> grades to show their relative importance. }.Grade 1. Thest are b ild<strong>in</strong>gs of outstand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest (les than 5 per cent of tbe listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> 0far are <strong>in</strong> this grad).Grade I I.These are <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special <strong>in</strong>terest, which warrant every effort be<strong>in</strong>g made to preserve.them. (Some r 4 rticularly important <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Grade I' are classified as Grade II*.)(Note: The'e was previo0sly a Grade III which did not for' part of the statutbry list. Many of the ,;,<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> thich were shown as Grade III when the lists wete first ccmpiled are now considered to ' ,, special irterest by modrn standards - particularly where they possess 'group value'. These buil,li ?(nre thereifore be<strong>in</strong>g added to the statutory lists as these are revised.) l,J<strong>Listed</strong>\ Bui <strong>in</strong>gs and Ancienti Monumonts ,'listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>' as descried <strong>in</strong> these notes are <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> listed by the Secrdtary of State for the\Environmn&at as be<strong>in</strong>g of spec::al archit*ctural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest.They are;lermally, <strong>in</strong>habitet i <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>.'Sch,dued atcient monuments'are <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> or other structujes scheduled under the Ancient MonumentActs. 4hey a~d usually unoccupied. In any case where a listed build<strong>in</strong>g is also ayscheduled monument tiecontrol provislons of the Ancient Monuments Acts supersede those <strong>in</strong> the Town and Pountry plann<strong>in</strong>g Act:.I')I.'

Vi- EXPLANATORY NOTESTCwN AND COUNT i1971 pLANNIr ACT SECTION 54 a. Each entry <strong>in</strong> the schedule shows the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation (as appropriate)SECOND LIST of Build<strong>in</strong>gs of Special Achitectural or historic InterestAs at 25 JINE 1974set out <strong>in</strong> the form here described:-DISTRICT OF ST'ROD (GLCUCESTrP.SHIPE) National Grid Civil Parish/ Village/(that part compris<strong>in</strong>g the forrer Urban <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>) Reference No Town/City Street NameWI~EAS Serial number Address of1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 the Secretary of list entry Build<strong>in</strong>g(s)of State for the Environment (here<strong>in</strong>after called "the Secretary of State"),with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performane ofDate when build<strong>in</strong>gtheir functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic, <strong>in</strong>terest, is required to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>; croup alue note Grade of2. it appears to the Secretary of State that the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> described <strong>in</strong> the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>chedule hereto are <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest;3. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to himDescriptive notesappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knw.ledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;aNppr-ToHpEreO than Se petary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise ofn tere pie, conferred mn; b. The descriptive notes <strong>in</strong> each entry have no legal significance and are <strong>in</strong>tendedNO- O of t State, Seretary <strong>in</strong> exrce of the per confrred o primarily for identification purposes and should not be treated as a comprehensivehim by secticn 54(1) of the Act, hereby compiles the list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> Of or exclusive record of all the features which are considered to make a build<strong>in</strong>g-_special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest described <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto. -1 worthy of list<strong>in</strong>g.This list is cumulative and records all <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> previous lists -. i c. The follow<strong>in</strong>g abbreviations may be found <strong>in</strong> the descriptive notes:-compiled by the Secrstary of State or his predecessors under the Town and c = ircaCountry Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 194 to 1971 for the stated part of the aformentionedCentAM = Ancient Monument<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> area <strong>in</strong> addition to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> now listed for the first time.^~~~~ S~.~~~~~~ . ~~~~.NM4R = National Monuments RecordBuild<strong>in</strong>gs previously listed (under the aforementiqqed Act or earlier legislationfRCHM = Royal Commission on Historic Monumentsare to be treated as listed from the date appear<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st the entry. WhereVCH = Victoria County Historyno date appears aga<strong>in</strong>st the entry the build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> question is to be treated as i other, mre recognisabl, abbreviations may also be found eg approx., cf. qv.listed from the date appear<strong>in</strong>g above.CERTIFIED TFIS DAY of.1 % 10 Ti/IA Tl' P 1. ./ . I l l

T0N AD COUNTRY P -AmI ACT 1971, SECTION 54SECOND LIST of Build<strong>in</strong>gs of Special Architectural or Historic InterestAs at 25 JUNE 1974DISTRICT OF STROUD (GLCUCESTE~P£HIRE)(that part compris<strong>in</strong>g the forrer Urban <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>)WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 the Secretaryof State for the Environment (here<strong>in</strong>after called "the Secretary of State"),with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance oftheir functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest, is required to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;2. it appears to the Secretary of State that the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> described <strong>in</strong> theschedule hereto are <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest;3. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;NOW THEEFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred onhim by section 54(1) of the Act, hereby compiles the list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> ofspecial architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest described <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto.This list is cumulative and records all buildirngs <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> previous lists,compiled by the Secretary of State or his predecessors under the TOwn andCountry Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 1944 to 1971 for the stated part of the aforementioned<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> area <strong>in</strong> addition to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> now listed for the first time.Build<strong>in</strong>gs previously listed (under the aforementioned Act or earlier legislatiorare to be treated as listed from the date appear<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st the entry. Whereno date appears aga<strong>in</strong>st the entry the build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> question is to be treated aslisted from the date appear<strong>in</strong>g above.SCERTlFIED THIS DAY QA TU1 COTPYE,ECUIVE-~OFFIMCEE~~ ~ ~ 1.

EXPLAIIATRy NOTESa. Each entry <strong>in</strong> the schedule shews the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation (asappropriate) set out <strong>in</strong> the form here described:-1.Local authorityVillagereference number Civil Parish AdesoBVilligageStreet Nane..... ~~Address of Buildlng(s)Serial number ofentry <strong>in</strong> listDate when build<strong>in</strong>gwas first listedGrade of build<strong>in</strong>gGroup value note2.Descriptive notesb. The descriptive notes at Part 2 of each entry have no legal significanceand are <strong>in</strong>tended primarily for identification purposes and should not betreated as a comprehensive or exclusive record of all the features whichare considered to make a build<strong>in</strong>g worthy of list<strong>in</strong>g.c. The follow<strong>in</strong>g abbreviations may be found <strong>in</strong> the descriptive notes:-C = CenturyA.M.= Ancient MonumentN.M.R. = National Monuments Record 0R.C.H.M. = Royal Commission on Historical MonumentsV.C.H. = Victoria County Historyd. The same serial number may be shewn as referr<strong>in</strong>g to more than one itemparticularly if the properties concerned are <strong>in</strong> close proximity.

EXPLANATORY NOTESa. Each entry <strong>in</strong> the schedule shows the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation (as appropriate)set out <strong>in</strong> the form here described:-National Grid Civil Parish/ Village/Reference No Town/City Street NlameSerial numberAddress ofof list entry Build<strong>in</strong>g(s) -Date when build<strong>in</strong>gwas first listedCroup Value noteGrade ofbuild<strong>in</strong>gDescriptive notesb. The descriptive notes <strong>in</strong> each entry have no legal significance and are <strong>in</strong>tendedprimarily for identification purposes and should not be treated as a comprehensiveor exclusive record of all the features which are considered to make a build<strong>in</strong>g-,worthy of list<strong>in</strong>g.c. The follow<strong>in</strong>g abbreviations may be found <strong>in</strong> the descriptive notes:-c = Circa0C = CenturyAM = Ancient MonumentNMR = National Monuments RecordRCHM = Royal Commission on Historic MonumentsVCH = Victoria County Historyother, more recognisable, abbreviations may also be found eg approx., cf., qv.

SCHEDULEThe foRow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the list:S8580s STROUD ACRE STREET822- /5/100015 Salvation Army ChapelhFIIMethodist chapel, now used by Salvation Army. 1763, extended 1796; restored 1980s. Coursed andsquared stone with hipped slate roof The regular octagon plan of 1763 was extended <strong>in</strong> 1796 bydoubl<strong>in</strong>g the length of the sides and rebuild<strong>in</strong>g the NW end. 2-storey external elevations with 1980sglaz<strong>in</strong>g bar sashes and bracketed timber hood over double doors with overlight; the NW end hasfuill-height blocked semi-circular arched w<strong>in</strong>dows set over late C20 w<strong>in</strong>dows. Interior has early C t 9gallery with panelled front set on cast-iron columns; roof rebuilt after fire damage <strong>in</strong> 1929. This isthe oldest surviv<strong>in</strong>g example of an octagonal plan Methodist chapel. Octagons, which were favouredas a plan form byjohn Wesley, represented the most extreme manifestation of the importance of thesernon and the centrality of the word <strong>in</strong> the Methodist tradition: Wesley himself preached here <strong>in</strong>1765, the extension of 1796 not only reta<strong>in</strong>s the octagon <strong>in</strong> elongated form but also represents anearly surviv<strong>in</strong>g example of an extension dat<strong>in</strong>g from a major period of Methodist expansion.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateT A ELLINGFORDDated: 1 /2 - Department of National Heritage


1* 5227 BATH ROAD(West Sid e )so 8404 6/106arriage house <strong>in</strong> gardenf The CedarsII2.1736 (dated). Formerly part f Fromehall Mills (qv). Hammerdressed rubble.Modern pitched roof. 2 ra es of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds (all blocked).Segment-headed carriage or: keystone with date and grotesque mask.1.5227 BATH ROAD(West Side) )so 8404 6/107Frome HallII*2.C17, altered <strong>in</strong> early C18, and aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> )t 8. Xmner-dressed rubble. Pitched|slate roof. Ma<strong>in</strong> (west) front ashlar. \AsAslar c neys.West front late C18. 2 storeys. Mould\ eave /cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course.5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with g <strong>in</strong>g bars, central w<strong>in</strong>dow Venetian.,Porch with Tower of the W<strong>in</strong>ds capitals, f entablature, modillion cornice andblock<strong>in</strong>g course.Central block C17. 2 storeys wi tt s and semi-basement. 2 ranges of doublehung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g i pla<strong>in</strong> raised surrounds on north elevation,mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with h Toounoss i nattic land semi-basement, and oval oculus<strong>in</strong> gable end.V62East elevation has 3 range,r 1oned f mn w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds, all blockedexcept for 1 which has aotck glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.South elevation has 1 ow nge, of which 1st floor w<strong>in</strong>dow has mullion and Jhoodmould. W<strong>in</strong>g s ha/t races of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows and hoodmoulds, otherwise --3 storeys' and 3 of uble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>ga Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow wfth c ements to north.Interior Aas 1 ground f1or room, wa<strong>in</strong>scotted throughout with mid-C18 fieldedpanell<strong>in</strong>g.\ Dentilled ornice. Chimneypiece flanked by fluted Roman Doric pilasters,tak<strong>in</strong>g full entablat e with triglyphs and guttae. Raised panel over chimneypiece.1 very elabprate mi- C18 stone chimneypiece, <strong>in</strong> upper room. Shouldered architrave,scrolled <strong>in</strong> centre with Rococo shell ornament between scrolls, and swag belowthem. IdStaircase: mtd 8, with rail ramped to newels, and spirally fluted balusters.Very elaborat,e id Cl9 cast iron fireplace <strong>in</strong> downstairs room.2 7i

0SCSO 8505 SW STROUD ACRE STREET(off, north-west side)5/501Gazebo <strong>in</strong> gardens of fheAcGazebo or Summer house. Early C19. Limestone columns,wood entablature, all set aga<strong>in</strong>st wa 1 <strong>in</strong> f lemish gardenwall bond; slate roof to lead cap ng. A semi-circularpavilion to conical roof, beh<strong>in</strong>d which rises the brickwall which drops to entablature height on either side.Stone or rendered cheeks, pa' of Roman Doric columnson 2-step stone stylobate. entral open<strong>in</strong>g has pair ofdoors, two side open<strong>in</strong>gs pai ed casements, all <strong>in</strong> smallpanetimber, with later p wood fill<strong>in</strong>gs to lower partof doors, rendered panels below w<strong>in</strong>dows. Simple 2-partentablature. Back<strong>in</strong>g wa , stone coped, extends c. 8 mto left and c 2.5m to rght. The build<strong>in</strong>g stands somewhatneglected with<strong>in</strong> the rounds of the Acre (not listed),half way between Acre reet and Parliament Street. Interiorhas stone paved floo nd plastered half-domed ceil<strong>in</strong>g.Signed by the authority ofThe Secretary of StateM A L ROSSA Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of the Environment'&>V&v UAU tt gt31'bh-.

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54SEVENTH AMENDMENT OF 2 LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD(GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 and the Secretaryof State for the Environment Order 1970 there<strong>in</strong>after collectively called "thepr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act") the Secretary of State for the Environment and his predecessors underthe Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act's 1944 to 1971 (here<strong>in</strong> AtrO called "Secretaryof State"), with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong>the performanceof their functions under the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> ofspecial architectural or historical <strong>in</strong>terest, isor were required to compile listsof such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and may amend any listso compiled;2. on 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. the Secretary of State considers that the said list should be amended by theaddition of the build<strong>in</strong>g mentioned <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto;4. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to him appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, NOW THEREFORE theSecretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the aforementioned powers hereby amends the saidlist <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.CERTIFIED D O

15/ 05-'0 -11-:'07-FAX-20 DCMS - 003/003The follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the listSCHEDULE0S 84 05 STROUD BATH PLACE882/0/100.23 Nos. 26 and 27Pairof houses, c18Z0. Ashlar fronts of limestone, sides and rear of rubble construction with quo<strong>in</strong> extensions to rear with brick walls. Slate roofs Each house is of three storeys, two bays wide.Project<strong>in</strong>g plnths and str<strong>in</strong>g course. Six panelled doors. Bl<strong>in</strong>d w<strong>in</strong>dows to the outer bay of eachhouse's upper floors with trompe ['oeil pa<strong>in</strong>ted sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. LaterVictorian sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. Modem0' porch addition to 26. Interior to 26 reta<strong>in</strong>s doors, cupboards. fire surround on the first floor, woodenstair and panel partitions; <strong>in</strong>terior of 27 not <strong>in</strong>spected.IISigned by authority of theSecretary of StateDAVID McLARENl.Dated: g A-Ird Z7co DepartmentforCulture, Mediatrprei \~~~~~~~~and Sport

1 ~~~~~~~~3rf /li '5227 I~~ ,lBATH ROAD(West Side)i~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Lightpill Mill(Formerly listed under Lightpill)11SO 80 SW 28/567 14.8.67.I II s12. 'I'Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal range early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Corrugated iron roof. 4 storeys.10 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and brick voussoirs.1 mid-C19 ashlar attic dormer with clock and moulded gable cop<strong>in</strong>g taken on pilasters.Chimney at south end: ashlar: square pl<strong>in</strong>th with bull-nosed sill: taper<strong>in</strong>g octagonalchimney with cornic<strong>in</strong>g.Range to west at south end: mid C19. Elamrnerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roofpith louvred skylights. 4 storeys and basement. 11 ranges ofndustrialmullionedw<strong>in</strong>dowsw<strong>in</strong>dows.with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 3rd floor. Arch with keystone <strong>in</strong> basementt o take mill stream.hay ge to east at north end: mid C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof.S treys. 9 ranges of paired arched w<strong>in</strong>dows. Tower <strong>in</strong> re-entrant angle betweenhis and pr<strong>in</strong>cipal block has hipped and sprocketed slate roof.2 7 BATH ROAD!*' Ldk%dooro-4 i~c-a4 (West Side)|*~~~ I O~~~~Cotswold Mills House~s~~d So0 SW 28/81 1.5.(Formerlylisted under Lightpill), so oO sw 28/'o' 1.5.51.(137. Rubble. Cotswold stone roof. Steep pitched gable. 3 storeys. 2- and-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows and dripmoulds. Oval w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> gable.5227 RBEDFORD STREET(West Side)I !t~~~~~~~~ ~Congregational0o 8505 3/c. 1.5.51.ChurchItarly C19. Faced <strong>in</strong> ashlar. Horizontally grooved base. Fluted 3/4 'Ionic columnstupport<strong>in</strong>g entablature and pediment. Central Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow with Ionic order.* ricldows either side (doublehung sash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). Circular entrance hallith horizontally grooved ground floor and doorway with Tower of W<strong>in</strong>ds columns.pper floor has fluted Cor<strong>in</strong>thian pilasters support<strong>in</strong>g entablature, dentil cornicend leaded dome surmounted by cupola. Back parts have tall semi-circular-headed<strong>in</strong>dows.

5227 BEDFORD-STREET(West Side) -SO 8505 5/109 1.5.51.Sunday SchoolII2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Deeply project<strong>in</strong>g modillion eaves cornice. Horizontallyrusticated ground floor. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars,1 door with semi-circular fanlight and long and short Jambs and voussoirs.1,5227 BEECHES GREEN(South Side)_____________Sacristy of the Churehof the Immaculate ConceptionSO 8505 5/111 -IIIIGV2.Mid C19. Former school. Coursed rubble. Ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched slate roof.2 storeys. Buttresses along north side. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows on ground floor. Po<strong>in</strong>tedmullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1st floor, with gables above.The Church of the Immaculate Conception, its Presbytery. Sacristy and Parish Hall,the Convent of St Rose of Lima. The Rosary, and Beechville form a group.5227 BEECIES GREEN(South Side)SO 8405 5/112S0 8505 5/112Parish Hall of the Churchof the Immaculate ConceptionII\GV|2.Mid C19. Former school. Coursed rubble. Ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched tile roof.K 1 storey. Rose w<strong>in</strong>dow at west end. 3 lancets at east end.north side. Bellcote on east gable end.Grouped lancets alongThe Church of the Immaculate Conception, its Presbytery. Sacristy and Parish Hall.the Convent of St Rose of Lima, The Rosary, and Beechville form a group.I4 iI

5227 BEECHES GREEN(South Side)-------------Church of the Immaculate ConceptioniSSO 8405 5/113so 8505 5/fl3!2.1858. Architect Charles AlbanuSouthBuckler. Roman Catholic Parish Church. hock-facedrustication with ashlar dressiigs. Pitched slate roof. Aisled. 5-bay po<strong>in</strong>tedarcade. 2 small chapels off aisle, 1 off North aisle. Quatrefoil oculi<strong>in</strong> clerestory; bar tracery <strong>in</strong> aisle w<strong>in</strong>dows, and "East" w<strong>in</strong>dow; rose w<strong>in</strong>dow at"West" end.IIGVTh Church of the Immaculate Conception, its Presbytery. Sacristy and Parish Tallthe Convent of St Rose of Lima. The Rosary, and Beechville form a group.S1.5227 BEECHES GRHEEN(South Side)______________SO 8405 5/114SO 8505 5/114IIGVConvent of St Rose of Lima2.1867. Architect Benjam<strong>in</strong> Bucknell. House of Dom<strong>in</strong>ican sisters. Coursed rubblewith ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched tile roofs. 3 storeys and attics.guttersStone ra<strong>in</strong>wateron prom<strong>in</strong>ent corbels at eaves level. Coped gables and kneelers. Staircase -turret with pyramidal sprocketed roof, crowned by wooden bellcote: w<strong>in</strong>dowsalonggradedl<strong>in</strong>e of stairs. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows. some with hoodmoulds, some with Caernarvonarches. 2 timber-framed oriels runn<strong>in</strong>g through 1st and 2nd floor levels, andlmore at 2nd floor level only. Porch with tiled roof, taken on wooden brackets./Chapel (added 1888-95 to Bucknell's design) is aisleless. 5 baysribof quadripartitevault<strong>in</strong>g and polygonel ohevet. Colonnettes taken on corbels; Remois passagebeh<strong>in</strong>d. Plate tracery <strong>in</strong> w<strong>in</strong>dows.The Church of the Immaculate Conception, its Presbvterv. Sacristy and Parish Hall,the Convent of St Rose of Lima. T e Rosary, and Beechville form a group.I1.5227 BEECHES GREEN(South Side)SO 8405 5/53St Rose's Special School2.Late C18. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Eaves cornice and parapet. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>g courseabove ground floor. 5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Door with oblong fanlight <strong>in</strong> Tuscan porch with 4 columns.!

1. 15227 BEECHES GREEN(North Side)so 8405 5/117West GrangeIJ |~~~~~~~2. 11866. Architect Benjam<strong>in</strong> Bucknell. Ashlar. Pitched tile roof. Grouped ashlarchimney stacks. 2 storeys and attics. Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor. Stonera<strong>in</strong>water gutters taken on prom<strong>in</strong>ent corbels. 3 ranges of mullion and transomw<strong>in</strong>dows. Central bay projects and is crowned by coped gable with f<strong>in</strong>ial and kneelers.Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould <strong>in</strong> gable end.1. I5227 BISLEY ROAD(North Side)SO 8505 5/118No 1 (Fiveways)No 3 (Granville House)II2.Early C19. Ashlar front. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attics. Mouldedwooden eaves cornice. 4 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with arched lights, diagonalglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and hoodmoulds. 2 gables with similar w<strong>in</strong>dows and elaborate bargeboards.2-storey canted bay with mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with arched lights and diagonal glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. 2 str<strong>in</strong>gcourses and crenalleted parapet. Fretwork porch with segmentalroof.~~~~~I5227 BISLEY ROAD(North Side)SO 8604 NW 26/16No 129 (<strong>Stroud</strong> Poor LawInstitution <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gThe lock-up3II2. 11836. Ashlar. Pitched stone roofs. 3 storeys. Double panopticon with adm<strong>in</strong>istrative<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> centre. Chapel with cupola, Gothick w<strong>in</strong>dows and fragments of <strong>in</strong>ternalwall pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>gs. Super<strong>in</strong>tendant's house of 1899. Lock-up with cells and DeadRoom.6U!

SCHEDULEIn the entry for:-SO 8405 STROUD BEECHES GCEEN(north side)5/117 West GrangeIIthe description shall be amended to read:House. 1866 by Benjam<strong>in</strong> Bucknell. Built of limestone ashlar with tileroof and grouped ashlar stacks. Double-depth plan with rear stair halland additional rear w<strong>in</strong>gs, mostly for services. Asymmetrical GothicRevival style. 2 storeys and attics. Garden front of symmetrical 3-w<strong>in</strong>dow range has gabled and slightly project<strong>in</strong>g central bay: stonemullionedand transomed w<strong>in</strong>dows of 2- above 3-lights to outer bays and2-light attic w<strong>in</strong>dow above 4-light and 6-light w<strong>in</strong>dow to centre. Otherelevations have similar fenestration but are treated asymmetricallywith hipped stair tower, service w<strong>in</strong>gs of one and two storeys and dateand name of house carved <strong>in</strong> relief over chamfered segmental-archeddoorway to <strong>in</strong>ner porch on right. Interior: orig<strong>in</strong>al features <strong>in</strong>cludepanelled doors, moulded architraves, moulded cornic<strong>in</strong>g, carved stonefireplaces and ribbed ceil<strong>in</strong>gs to porch, stairhall and 2 front rooms;large stairhall with M<strong>in</strong>ton tile floor and open-well stair withchamfered balusters and quatrefoils to str<strong>in</strong>g.Signed by authority of thSecretary of StateDated:CL' ~~~~~~~s a71W~~~~P2.JH'iE1,0Npr orr a

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199015th AMENDMENT OF 2nd LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and ConservationAreas) Act 1990 ("the Act") requires the Secretary of State, forthe purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of localplann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions underthe Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate<strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the HistoricBuild<strong>in</strong>gs and Monuments Commission for England and such other 0persons or bodies of persons who appear td him appropriate ashav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>,considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner setout <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powersconferred on him by Section 1 of the Act, hereby amends the saidlist <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.CERTIFIED TH5,Ea i DA TRUEEXECUTrr19 TO BEuu-YP\-ICERL

1.5227 BISLEY ROAD(South Side)____________SO~ 98604 NW 26/1~ ~No 114 (Lodge to Cemetery)SO 8^604 NW 26/119II2.Mid C19. Ashlar. Modern pitched roof. Paired ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys.1 gable. Mullion and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.1.Ii 5227 BISLEY ROAD(South Side)-_-_---------r.=~~~~~~~~~SO 8604 NW 26/120II~Gatepiersto Cemetery2. ,Mid C19. Ashlar. Acanthus f<strong>in</strong>ials._e i ,II35227 BISLEY ROAD(South Side)-------------so 8604 NW 26/121Cemetery ChapelI~2.Mid C19. Ashlar. Pitched stone roofs. Central 3-storey tower, over po<strong>in</strong>tedarch, surmounted by broach spire. 2 gabled chapels flank<strong>in</strong>g tower, each with1 po<strong>in</strong>ted arched w<strong>in</strong>dow with Decorated tracery. Porches to north and south.5227 BISLEY ROAD(South Side)SO 8604 NW 26/122…_____--…mNo 122mII2.Mid Clg9. Hammerdressed stone. 2 storeys. Crenellated parapet. Casements withdepressed arches. Canted bay with depressed arches and hipped roof.7

1,5227 BISLEY OLD ROAD(South Side)SO 8505 5/123No 2 (The Nook)II2.C17. Rendered. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. 2 ranges of mullionedcasements, 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow withi hoodmould. 2 1 -storey extensions to north and south,that on southi with stone Pitched roof.. ~~1.5227 BISLEY OLD ROAD(South Side)i >otOl Hill House .SO 80 NE 27/124 L l il HouseIIrl/2.C18 with early C19 front. Hammerdressed stone, with rendered front. Doublepile. Hipped stone roofs. Ashlar chimney. 2 storeys. Crenellated parapet.4 casement w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and hoodmoulds on 1st floor, 4 po<strong>in</strong>ted double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and hoodmoulds on ground floor. Mid C19 ashlarporch with po<strong>in</strong>ted parapet. Oriel w<strong>in</strong>dow with casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars above.West elevation has 1 Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow with double hung sashes and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 BISLEY OLD ROAD(North Side)Uso 8605 SW 24/128II~~~~~~, Cairngall and HigheroftiI2.I,id C19. Ashlar. Mansard slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. Moulded eavescornice. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor. West front ias 4 ranges ofdouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, 2 yeux-de-boeuf <strong>in</strong> the attic and Tuscan colonnade.of ashlar form<strong>in</strong>g verandah to ground floor. South front has 3 ranges of double-hungsashl w<strong>in</strong>dows and canted bay at east end. 3 segment-headed attic dormers withdouble-hung saslh w<strong>in</strong>dows, and 1 oeuil-de-boeuf over canted bay. Rusticated porchwith paired Tuscan columns and segment-headed panelled door withi sculpted headon keystone. Elaborate glass conservatory to east.I8I

5227 BOWBRIDGEI ~ SO 8504 6/6 1.5.31.Tile Chestnuts(Formerly listed asThe Chestnuts Lodg<strong>in</strong>g House)II2.C18. Coursed rubble with ashlar facade. 2 storeys. 5 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-hungsash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bers). Cont<strong>in</strong>uous sill at lst floor and band floorIMoulded stone cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Hipped slatefanlightroof.andDoor3/4 Tuscanwithpilasters and pediment and 5 steps up.5227BOWBRIDGEThe Old Dye Works(now Orchard and Peers Warehouse)II2.Early or mid c19. Only surviv<strong>in</strong>g part of Bowbridge Mill. HammerdressedPitched slate roof.stone.2 storeys and attics. 5 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows withcasements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 planked door on each floor. Rema<strong>in</strong>s of hoist.1' >~ 5227 BOWBRIDGE LANESi(West Side)SO 85 04 6/131Mulberry Cottage11 ~~2.C17. Hammerdressed stone. Front rendered. Modern pitched roof.2Ashlarstoreyschimneys.and attics. 4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>barsfront. 4 ranges of mullioned casements beh<strong>in</strong>d. 2 attic dormers.IIGVMulberry Cottage and No 5 form a zroup with The Fields. Cowle Road.9

5227 BOWERIDGE LANE(West Side) |SO 8504 6/9 1.5.51. NO 6 (Daneway)IIGV2.C16/17. Rubble. Cotswold stone roof. Gable. 3 storeys. 2-light stone mullionsand casements. 2 1-light po<strong>in</strong>ted w<strong>in</strong>dows. Date 1674 carved on a w<strong>in</strong>dow sill.Orig<strong>in</strong>ally part of "The Fields."Mulberry Cottaze and No 6 forms a group with The Fields, Cowle Road. |1.15227 BOWBRIDGE LANE(West Side)SO 8504 6/,132 No 52II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2.No 30 (Ivy Cottage) 2Mediaeval. Now terraced cottages. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeysand attics. 4 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on east side. West side has 2 casementswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (one with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars) and 1 c14 2-light mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dowwith cusped archies. Project<strong>in</strong>g chimney breast on east side with battered watertable, and tall ashlar stack.1.5227 BOWBRIDGE LANE(West Side) ' Aso 85o4 6/135Field HouseII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2.C17 with C18 front. Ashllar. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>gcourse. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor. Cont<strong>in</strong>uous sill band to lst Ifloor w<strong>in</strong>dows. 4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.North front is ashlar, 3 storeys with parapet. 6 ranges of mullioned casements,paired under hoodmoulds, now masked by largely modernised C18 extension. 2 gableswith cop<strong>in</strong>g, and 1 oval oculus <strong>in</strong> each.East front ashlar, 2 storeys with moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course.3 ranges of C19 mullion and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 paneldoor <strong>in</strong> absidial conch.

.3 ~ l5227 BOWERIDGE LANE(East Side)~~SO~ 85o4 6/11~5 ~(HeavensSO 8504 6/135Nos 75 & 77View)II2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched and sprocketed roof. 2 storeys.1 range each of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 segment-headedplanked door each.1.5227 BOWBRIDGE LANE(East Side)SO 8504 6/136No 81 (V<strong>in</strong>e House)& No 81A (V<strong>in</strong>e Cottage)<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g gates to south ofhouse, and arch to northIIiGV2.Mid C19. Hammerdressed rubble. 3 storey. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with iron glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow arched with bar tracery; hoodmoulds; some sta<strong>in</strong>ed glass;l orielw<strong>in</strong>dow; 1 canted bay with crenellated parapet. Gables with elaborate bargeboards.Porch with ogival roof and columns with croeketed capitals. 1 palred chimneystack.Iron gates with urn f<strong>in</strong>ials.Arched gateway to garden on north: crowstepped parapet: wooden gate with archedand cusped panell<strong>in</strong>g.Nos 81 to 97 (odd) form a group with Bowbridcge House. London Road1.5227 BOWBRIDGE LANE(East Side)SO 8504 6/140No 93 (Eyrie Cottage)IIGV2.C17. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched pantile roof. 2 storeys and attics. 2 rangesof modern casements <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs with pla<strong>in</strong> architraves. 1 attic dormerwith modern casements. 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow blocked with bricks <strong>in</strong> northsgableend.Nos 81 to 97 (odd) form a zrouD with Bowbridze House- London Road.

1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5227 BOWBRIDGE LANE(East Side)SO 8504 6/141No, 95 (Wishanger Lodge)No 97 (The Croft)II GV 3I2.Rear part of Bowbrddge House, London RoadEarly Cl9. Hammerdressed stone. 3 storeys. 1 range each of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. No 95 has orig<strong>in</strong>al door with blocked fanlight. No97 has a Crown Insurance Company token.Nos 81 to 97 (odd) form a group with Bowbridze HouseLondon Road.5227 ' \' BRIDIE ROAD(East Side)SO 8204 NE 16/142Gladstone Build<strong>in</strong>gsII2.Mid C18. Ashlar. Modern hipped roof. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice. 5ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded embrasures, keystones, .and bull-nosed sills. 2 modern doors <strong>in</strong>serted.1. V5227 BRIDGE ROAD\(East Side)EBLEYSO 8204 NE 16/28 1.5.51.Bridge House(Formerly listed under Ebley)II2.Late C18, <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g fragments of a C16/C17 house. Ashlar. Mansard roof.j storeys. 5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Centraldoorway with fanlight and rusticated pilasters, entablature and modillion cornice.Central w<strong>in</strong>dow on lst floor has fluted rusticated pilasters and entablature.Rear elevation has 1 door framed by C16/C17 banded pilasters and Doric entablature;and another with banded 016/C17 voussoirs and strapwork cartouche. Interiorhas good fireplaces and cornices.12

5227 BRIDGE ROAD(East Side)I

5227 BUTfLEf -w OHLrso 8504 6/148Bridge CottageIIGV2.C18. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 1 storey and attics.2 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 planked door. 2 attic dormers with casementsand glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> on the East Side of Butter Row Hill form a grou.1. 3I5227........ ,_Vale Cottageso 850o4 6/149 1IIGV2.C18. HIammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 2 flush frameddouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st floor. 1 casement with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars on ground floor. 6 panel door <strong>in</strong> moulded frame with panelled reveals.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> on the East Side of Butter Row Hill form a group.5227 suTlT htso 8504 6/150Rose CottageIIGV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. Ashlar chimney.1 range of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> on the East Side of Butter Row Hill form a grouD.14

5227 BUTTLER L(E~Side)so 8504 6/151The LaurelsIIGV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Mansard slate roof. 2 storeys. 1 range of casementswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 6 panel door. Extension to east with segmental oriel w<strong>in</strong>dow,with double-hung sashes and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Al,l tho build<strong>in</strong>^ lietngd Vll l5= Ses 3 B: flitl fornt l oro l o iagowp5227 nTZ4iE)nZuw I Kso 8404 6/154BUTTER ROW WEST(South Side)RODBOROUGHButts CottageII2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys and attic.1 range of casements, 1st floor with mullion and hoodmoulds.15

5227 QBUTT'ER ROW WEST(South Side)RODBOROUGHiso 8404 6/155Pr<strong>in</strong>ness Royal CottaptsNo 311 GV|2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys with attics.3 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (2 ir0b, 2 with leadglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). 3 attic dormers with casements with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (2 iron).1 planked door.Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Royal Cottages and Prospect Cottages form a ~rounon the North Side of Butter Row West.with Elm Cottae1.5227 R ¢Jtlv ouG( BUTITER ROW WEST(South Side) )RODBOROUGHSO 840o4 6/156Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Royal CottagesIIGV2.Early lg9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brickwith attics.chimney.12rangestoreyseach of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>gattic dormerbars.each with1casements. 1 planked door each. 3IIPr<strong>in</strong>cess Roval Cottages and Prospect Cottages form a aroun with Elm Cottaeon the North Side of Butter Row West.1.5227SO 8404 6/158BUTrER ROW WEST(South Side)RCDBOROUGHProsnArt CottagesNo 1IIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 1 storey and attic.2 modern casements. 1 attic dormer with casements. Extension of 2 storeys:side elevation brick: 1 casement with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 plate glass w<strong>in</strong>dow.Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Royal Coattges and ProsDect Cottages form a group with Elm Cottageon1 the North Side of Butter Row est.16

U~~~~~5227 QdjDf32otoC)* BUTTER ROW WEST(South Side)RCDBOROUGH----------------Prosonet CottaaesSO 8404 6/157No 2IIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of casementS withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 storey extension with pitched stone roof.Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Royal Cottages and Prospeot Cottages form a group with Elm Cottageon the North Side of Butter Row West.1*5227 -Do'DCScc- c ~ v -so 8o04 6/161BUTTER ROW WEST(South Side)RODBOROUGHIRodbhrorih TrerraceRosedene <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g garden rail<strong>in</strong>gsIIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. Brick chimneys. 3 storeys.2 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs along garden wall tostreet.Rodborou~h Terrace with <strong>Stroud</strong> View Terrace on the North side form a group.1.5227 BUTTER ROW WESTi-oi) D o\t~_t.C (North Side)RCDBOROUGHso 8404 6/162Rowan CottageIIGV2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched£stone roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys. 1 rangeof casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Rowan Cottage. The Butts, Shed to The Butts and Ivy Cottage form_a aroun.

5227BUTEMR ROW WEST(North Side)RODBOROUGHSO 8404 6/163IIGVThe Butts2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of mullionedcasements with hoodmoulds.Rowan Cottage. The Butts: Shed o The Butts andy ZCottage form a group.I1.5227 koI ?3 0R3 cs o BU'T"ER ROW WEST(North Side)RCDBOROUGHSO 8404 6/166 Cotswold Lodge 3II2.Late C018. Ashlar. Modern pitched roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys and attics. I3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (ground floor ones marg<strong>in</strong>al).3 attic dormers with double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.I1*5227D (30 BUIIER ROW WEST1(.GOX CGo R,J'CA v(North Side) /RCDBOROUGHISO 8404 6/167IIRodborough House,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g gatepiers towest of the house2.C18. Iiammerdressed rubble. Pitched stoneandroof,attics.catslide3 rangesbeh<strong>in</strong>d.of double-hung2 storeyssash w<strong>in</strong>dowsdormerwithwithglaz<strong>in</strong>gcasementbars.and lead1 atticglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Brick extensioncasementto southonwithgroundiron1 floor, and 2 double-hungst floor.sash w<strong>in</strong>dowsAshlar gatepierswith glaz<strong>in</strong>gwithbarsirononoverthrow.~18 JiA

SCHEDULE1.5227 THE ACRESo 8404 6/100Fir Tree CottageIIi.2.Early C19. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimneys.2 storeys and attic. 2 canted bays with hipped stone roofs on groundand s 1st floors: mullioned casements with po<strong>in</strong>ted arches.THE ACREFir Tree Cottageshall be amended to readTHE BUTTSFir Tre'e CottageV >Signed by authority of the* Secretary of StateAn Assistant Secretary <strong>in</strong> theDated the 30 OCT 1975 Department of the Environment

HB 17DBC30~~~~~~~~ 30 OOctober *5TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54FIRSTAMENDMENT OF LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDIstRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCEST&ISHIRE)WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 and the Secretary ofState for the Environment Order 1970 (here<strong>in</strong>after collectively called "the pr<strong>in</strong>cipalAct") the Secretary of State for the Environment and his predecessors under theTown and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 1944 to 1971 (here<strong>in</strong>after called "Secretary of State".,with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance oftheir functions under the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, is or were required to compile lists of such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and may amend any list so compiled;'. on 25 June 1974 , the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>.Jf special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>(thattpart compris<strong>in</strong>g theformer Urban <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>);3. the Secretary of State considers that the said list should be amended by theamendment set out <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto;4. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to him appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>; ,NOW THEREFORE the Seoretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the aforementioned powers herebyamends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the sohedule hereto.DAY OK¥1 lo TO 5A TI;t'2 L' ,.EXECUT(VE OFFICER

5227 THE BUTTS(East Side)so 0~ 840~4 61171 ~Bryn-belloI IGV2.Early C19. Hamnerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys with attics.2 ranges of casements witl glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Mid C19 porch. 1 attic dormer withcasement and glaz<strong>in</strong>g barAll the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a group.4 5227 QoC&U,r THE BUTTS(East Side)ScSO8404· 6/172 SunnybankIIGVC17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof, with gablets at gable peaks. 1 storeyand attics. Casement, w<strong>in</strong>dows throughout, some mullioned.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a group.(5227 itdo couC THE BUTTS(West Side)SO 8404 6/175Inglenook CottageIIGV2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of moderncasements. 1 range of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. 1 storey extensionto north and west with lean-to stone roofs.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a grouo.19

5227SO 8404 /176IIGVHtoroKE BUTTS(West Side)InglenookIngleook2.C18/early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimney.2 storeys. 2 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.All thelisted build<strong>in</strong>izs <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a frout.1. _5227 o TIE BUTTS(West Side)so 8404 6/177The Old Fleece, and Nos 1 & 2(Fleece Cottages) <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>grail<strong>in</strong>gs of gardenIIGiGV2.Early Gig. Hammerdressed rubble. Ashlar front. Pitchedparapets.stoneAshlarroof.chimneys.GableTriple pile. 3 storeys.sash3w<strong>in</strong>dowsranges ofwithdouble-hungglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs with urn f<strong>in</strong>ials to road.All the listed build<strong>in</strong>ga1.<strong>in</strong> The Butts form a gro,u.'5227THE BUTTS(West Side)'ISO 8404 6/179Rock ViewIIGV2.Early C19. Ha&rmerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attic.2 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 planked door. 1 storeyextension with lean-to stone roof.All the listed buildis <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a nrouo.20

DSTOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971. SECTION 5413th AMENDMENT OF 2nd LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL ORHISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 54 of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with aview to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of>,their functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>,and may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25th June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of<strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gsand Monuments Commission for England and such other persons or bodies ofpersons who appear to him appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and<strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should beamended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.* (NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferredon him by S.54 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner setout <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.HSD DOC 2 (Rev 12.87)

scThe follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>shall be added to the list:SO 8305 SE STROUD CAINSCROSS ROAD14/571 Marl<strong>in</strong>g SchoolGVIISchool. 1889-94 by W H Seth-Smith; founded <strong>in</strong> 1887 by Sir Samuel Marl<strong>in</strong>g,a local clothmaker. Limestone ashlar. Stone tile roofs with coped gableends. Ashlar gable end, lateral and axial stacks with moulded cornices.The plan comprises the great hall on left (west) with row of classroomson either side and masters' room and entrance on south end; l<strong>in</strong>ked by along cloister to the headmaster's house on right, which also conta<strong>in</strong>sd<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g room, kitchen and dormitories etc. Jacobean and Wrenaissancestyles. The great hall on left (west) has large stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dow onsouth gable with shaft above ris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to stack at apex. Below the w<strong>in</strong>dowa small s<strong>in</strong>gle storey office with pyramidal roof, arms and motto <strong>in</strong>parapet and round arch doorway set back on right. On either side of hallgabled s<strong>in</strong>gle storey classrooms with large stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows raisedat centres. Beh<strong>in</strong>d the classrooms on each side of hall 2 large lateralstacks with moulded volutes and 2 shafts with arched l<strong>in</strong>k at top. Largewooden bell-turret on ridge with f<strong>in</strong>ials on corners and copper-clad ogeecupola with tall weathervane. Low cloister on right (east) with leadedtimber w<strong>in</strong>dows on stone pl<strong>in</strong>th and stone tile roof, l<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g hall withheadmaster's house on right; this is a 2 storey and attic block withasymmetrical gables to front and entrance on right side with gabled porchand pla<strong>in</strong>er dormitory w<strong>in</strong>g at rear (north); all stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dow:;.Interior: Great hall has gallery at north end on corbel brackets, dias atsouth end, ornate hammer and tie-beam roof and dado panell<strong>in</strong>g. Theflank<strong>in</strong>g classrooms (now library) have vaulted plaster ceil<strong>in</strong>gs. ThoSheadmaster's house with simple Jacobean style open-well stairs, d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>W -room, kitchen and dormitories are now used as sixth form rooms. Sources:The Build<strong>in</strong>g News 10/1/1890; The Builder 315/1896; Kellyrs Directory ofGloucestershire 1914.SO 8305 SECAINSCROSS ROAD14/572 Sundial <strong>in</strong> courtat Marl<strong>in</strong>g SchoolGVIISundial. Dated 1691 on later pl<strong>in</strong>th dated 1889. Limestone. Polygonalsundial with bronze gnomons, on gadrooned baluster. The moulded squarepl<strong>in</strong>th has monogram on one side and date 1691 on other side<strong>in</strong>scription: -"TAK TENT O' TIME ERE TIME BE TINT". The stepped base has dp'The provenance of the sundial is not certa<strong>in</strong>.,nlc ai /

SSO 8305 SESCHUILECAINSCROSS ROAD14/573 Rail<strong>in</strong>gs,wall, piers, andgates to southand south westof Marl<strong>in</strong>gSchoolGVIIBoundary rail<strong>in</strong>gs and gateway& Circa 1889-1894, probably by W H Seth-Smith, architect of Marl<strong>in</strong>g School (qv). Limestone ashlar dwarf wall withsquare ashlar piers at <strong>in</strong>tervals with ball f<strong>in</strong>ials and iron rail<strong>in</strong>gsbetween. Two gateways, to school on left, the other to headmaster's houseon right, with taller gate-piers, also with ball f<strong>in</strong>ials, the left handgateway with iron double gates with scrolled crest<strong>in</strong>g.Source: The Builder 23/5/1896 (illustrated).Sign:-' MtDated:- 30g

5227 THE BUTTS..4s(West Side)3SO~Nos 1 to 4 (consec)gRock Cottages', <strong>in</strong>cludipg8~ 6/180o ~rail<strong>in</strong>gs to garden5 4 N;o-II 2 c~, c-~ cox ci)GV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attics.2 ranges each of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. (No 2's lead).1 attic dormer each with casement and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (except for No 4's). 1 segmentheadedplanked door each. Mid-01Cl9 iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> front of Nos 2-4 (consec).All the listed build<strong>in</strong>cs <strong>in</strong> The Butts form a group.3-.5227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(North Side)SO 8405 5/181Dirleton HouseII2.Early C19. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof with project<strong>in</strong>g eaves on brackets. 2storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse. 4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. Porch with unfluted Greek Doric columns tak<strong>in</strong>g dentilled entablature, andpedimental block<strong>in</strong>g course. Mosaic floor with runn<strong>in</strong>g fret border. 6-paneldoor with oblong fanlight. l-storey extension to north. Moulded cornice andblock<strong>in</strong>g course. 1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(North Side)Iso50 8405~~ _V182Nos 106 to 112 (even)IIGV2.Early C19. Terraced cottages. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2storeys and attics. 1 range each of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1 attic dormer each. 1 door each with 6 fielded panels and oblong fanlights.Nos 106 to 114 (even). The Firs. and Nos 126 to 130 (even) form a groun.p,

1i5227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(North Side)ISO 8405 5/183No 114(Prospect House)IIGV2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 3 storeys. Mouldedeaves cornices. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Tuscanporch with full entablature and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 6-panel door with semi-circularfanlight.Nos 106 to 114 (even). The Firs, and Nos 126 to 130 (even) form a zrou= .1.5227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(North Side)SO 8405 5/184The Firs(The Probation Office)IIGV2.ILate C18. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeysrMouldedand attics.eaves cornicePla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourseand block<strong>in</strong>g course. 4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 canted bay on ground floor. Door with oblong fanlight.2 modern attic dormers.Nos l06 to 114 (even). The Firs, and Nos 126 to 130 (even) form a grouD. |3I'15227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(North Side)SO 8305 SE 14/187II--m--mm--m--m--.---No 174 (Downfield House)IEarly C19. Rendered. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimneys.Moulded2 storeyseaves corniceand attic.and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Bargeboards to gable ends. 3 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1 st floor. 3 French w<strong>in</strong>dows on ground floor beh<strong>in</strong>d mid-C19 verandahwith hipped stone roof. Early C19 verandah with tent roof on eastCg19side.extensionUrdto rear.223~22~~I

5227 CAINSCROSS ROAD(South Side)SO 8405 5/188No 57 (Barhill)I3 I %6Mrt il 4At -[--K 2e3' \ct-h ft"wxVI2. D MyKltX 7(el16Mid C18. Ashlar front. Ilipped slate roof. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves corniceand parapet. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. East elevationhas 3 storeys, 2 contemporary canted bays on ground and 1 st floors, and doorflanked by Tuscan 3/4 columns tak<strong>in</strong>g full entablature and pediment. South frontE has roofless porch with full entablature taken on Tuscan columns with flutedneck<strong>in</strong>g.I__a1.5227 CAINSCROSS ROADK. (South Side)---------------No 5730 8405 919SO 8405 5/19~1.5.51.(Lower Gannicox)|III2.0C17 or possibly earlier. Ma<strong>in</strong>ly hammerdressed rubble. Modern roofs. Ashlarchimneys. South front mid-C18: brick with ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s. 5 storeys. 7 ranges* of double-hurg sash w<strong>in</strong>dows wih glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. End 2 bays canted on 1st and groundfloors; oculi over. Central 3 bays project with pediment, and oculus <strong>in</strong> tympanum.Stucco doorway with pulv<strong>in</strong>ated frieze, dentilled pediment and Tuscan pilasters:has been moved from centre to left. Central ground floor w<strong>in</strong>dows round-arched.1+l.K 5227 (< CAINSCROSS ROADg SO 8405 5/1095¾> / Stables/to Lower Gannicox,\ and adcent wall to the east2. //Mid C 1 8. Brick. Ashlar dress s. Pitched/tone roof. 2 storeys.IPla<strong>in</strong>Copedstr<strong>in</strong>geourse.parapet. 5 bays, of wh# h Nos 1, 3 a 5 break forward and are crownedby pediments with ball f<strong>in</strong>ials. No 1 has 5/centred arch with keystone on groundfloor, and oculus with 4 keystones above. No 2 has 1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowwith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and keystone on ground 10cr, and blocked semi-circular lunettewith keystone above. No/3 has door wit keystone on ground floor, and Venetianw<strong>in</strong>dow above. No 4 has,i casement wih laz<strong>in</strong>g bars, and 1 planked door withfanlight and keystone pn ground floor and blocked semi-circular lunette withkeystone above. No 5/apparently late 019, but obscured by creeper. North elevationhas 1 gable with roupd arched loft door. Contemporary brick wall with ashlarcop<strong>in</strong>g and piers.j: _~~~~~~~~2

522' CALLCU,ELLSO R406 Sw 2i/93 1.5.51,No 1(Callowell Farmhouse)IIcGV2.C16/C17. Ppbble. Cotswold stone roof. Gabled. 3 storeys. 2- 3- and 4-lightstone mullions and dripmoulds.Callowell Farnhouse. the Barns and cart shed, and Nos 2 and 4 to 8 (consec)form a group.1.5227 CALIOELL/SO 3406 SW 21/191Barn at Callowell FarmIIcGV2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 3 slit w<strong>in</strong>dows. 1 double door.Callowell Farmhouse, the Barns and cart shed, and Nos 2 and 4 to 8 (consec)form a group.1.522 7So 8406 SW 21/193CALIThIELLNo 2~~~~II ~ GV2.C18/early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 2storeys and attics. 2 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 casement w<strong>in</strong>dow<strong>in</strong> gable end at attic level.Callowell Farmhouse, the Barns and cart shed. and Nos 2. and 4 to 8 (consec)form a groU.,24

a m1.5227 CALLOWELLISO 8406 SW 21/197~~~~~~~~~~~~No 8IIGV2.Early Cg19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranrigesof segment-neaded casements and 1 segment-headed door.Callowell Farmhouse, the Barns and cart shed, and Nos 2 and 4 to 8 (consec)form a grou,...5227 CALLOWELLo 8o NW 29/198Callowell HouseIIGV2.Mid 019. Hammnerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 3 storeys.3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. Double door with oblong rear with 1 range of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.W<strong>in</strong>gU 5227 CASTIE STREET(South Side)Uw~~~~~~~~~~~Theso 85c4 6/11 1.5.51.IICastle, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g shamcastles on garden wall to north(Formerly listed as The Castle)2.C 17, largely rebuilt <strong>in</strong> C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Modillion eaves cornice. 4ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and crown<strong>in</strong>g cornices. Tuscanportico to door with crown<strong>in</strong>g pediment. Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dows and 1 mullioned casementon south side. 2 castellated turrets, 1 round, other square, attached to gardenwall on north.25

5227 CASTLE SREET(South Side)Corbett EuseanSo 85t4 6/205IIICorbett House andgeCorbett House Lodge2.Early e19. Ashlar. Double pitched roof with deeply project<strong>in</strong>g eaves on mouldedbrackets. 2 storeys and attics. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars (lst floor only), outer ones <strong>in</strong> slightly recessed panels with depressed archedheads. Door with 3 fielded panels, fanlight and flank<strong>in</strong>g lights. South fronthas 2 round-arched w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> gable ends. 2 storey service w<strong>in</strong>g?Corbett House Lodge) to north.n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.15227 CASTLE STREET(South Side)<strong>Stroud</strong> Methodist Church380 3505 5/206so 8534 6/206III1S76 (dated). Rock-faced rustication with ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s. Pitched slate roof.2 storeys. Palladian temple front: coupled Ionic pilasters tak<strong>in</strong>g entablaturewith pediment. Acroteria. Oculus <strong>in</strong> tympanuni. 2 arcuated w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, keystones, moulded surrounds and imposts on Ist floor. Round arched doorway<strong>in</strong> Baroque surround. 2 storey flank<strong>in</strong>g bay with 1 range of casements each, andramped cop<strong>in</strong>g to roof.5227 CASTLE STREET(South Side)SO 8505 5/207TII<strong>Stroud</strong> Teacher's Centre, 3<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g rail<strong>in</strong>gs to yard2.1844. Former Black Boy School. Ashlar. Pitched tile roof wilth coped gables onkneelers. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys. Mullion and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmouldsand diagonal iron glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Octagonal clock; C01 figure of Black Boy strik<strong>in</strong>gbell on corbel table, po<strong>in</strong>ted hood over. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs with fleur-de-lys f<strong>in</strong>ialsround school yard.26 1

15227 CASTIE STREET(North Side)so 8504 6/2o8No 7 (Castle View)II2.Early C19. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. 3 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 panel door with fanlight. Elaborateironwork porch and balconies to upper w<strong>in</strong>dows. 1 attic dormer.5227 CASTIE STREET(North Side)so 8504 6/12ANo 8IIGV2.C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Parapet. 3 ranges of flush framed double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Door with oblong fanlight.Nos 8 to 1l(consec) form a group.I1.5227 CASTIE STREET-(North Side)SO 8504 6/209NIIGV2.C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Parapet to roof. 1 range of modern casements.Nos 8 to 11 (consec) form a grQougp.27

1. a5227 CASTLE STREET(North Side)so 8504 6/210IIGVNos 10 and 112.Late C18. Stuccoed. 3 storeys. parapets to roofs. 2 ranges each of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Doors with oblong fanlights.Nos 8 to 11 (consec) form a ~roup.1.5227 CHAPEL IANE(West Side)EBLEYSO 8204 NE 16/211IIGV2.1840 (dated). Former British School. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof. 1 storey.Moulded wooden eaves cornice. Pla j str<strong>in</strong>gcourse below w<strong>in</strong>dows. 5 bays, dividedby pilasters on south elevation, double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1 bl<strong>in</strong>d semi-circular arch bow str<strong>in</strong>gcourse on south elevation, 2 on east.Extension of 1896 (dated) Hammerdressed stone. Hipped slate roof. 1 storey.Moulded wooden eaves co ice. 6 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.C1. a-, it C C; - Gesf/I- '2 '5227 CHAPEL LANE(West Side).... Inmetery rail<strong>in</strong>gso0 8204 NE 16/212 r ;III2. 1Mid C19. Iron. Elab te.II28t

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199018TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:) . Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any hst so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a lst of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3 The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the saidlist should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> shall be removed from the list:-SO 8204 NE STROUD CHAPEL LANE(West side), Ebley16/212 Cemetery Rail<strong>in</strong>gsSO 8204 NE STROUD CHAPEL LANE(West side), Ebley16/213 Congregational Chapel,<strong>in</strong>dud<strong>in</strong>g wall and gatesSO 8204 NE STROUD CHAPEL LANE(West side), Ebley16/214 Cottage adjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gConggtional Chapel oneast sideIn the entry for:SO 8204 NE STROUD CHAPEL LANE(West side), Ebley16/211 County Pr<strong>in</strong>ary School

the entry shall be amended to read:SO 8204 STROUD CHAPEL LANE(West side), Ebley16/211 Ebley Chapel and attachedboundary walls to east(Fornmerly listed as:CHAIELIAME, (Westside)EbleyCounty Pr<strong>in</strong>rnay School)GVHIK *> Chapel, former British School. Dated 1840, with extension of 1896. Coursed and dressedlimestone, with ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs and facade: slate roofs with boxed eaves. S<strong>in</strong>gle-cell formerschoolroom, with 1896 extension to north side. The 1840 build<strong>in</strong>g has bl<strong>in</strong>d arches to theground floor under large sashes above, formerly 12-pane but with horzontal glaz<strong>in</strong>g barsremoved. South front, fac<strong>in</strong>g the newly-formed Hunt<strong>in</strong>gdon Close, has 5 sashes and bl<strong>in</strong>d arches,separated by broad pilasters, a broad ciil band and an eaves band. At east and west sides there isa very large 12-pane sash, taken below the l<strong>in</strong>e of the cill band, and flanked by sash each side(similar to south side sashes). At the east (entrance) end there is a raised stone commemorativepanel under the central sash. Lower hipped range of 1894 to north, also with eaves band andboxed eaves: pair of part-glazed doors under a pla<strong>in</strong> fanlight, <strong>in</strong> very deep arched reveals, to theleft; long return front has 6 irregularly-spaced sashes, and the west end has a deep-set archeddoor, as at the entrance, on 3 stone steps, and a small 2-light casement. Interior not <strong>in</strong>spected.Subsidiary Features: ashlar east boundary wall, stone-coped with pair of central cast-iron gatesflanked by piers with heavy weathered stone capp<strong>in</strong>gs; similar but smaller piers term<strong>in</strong>ate the wallat either end. At the south end is a lower wall <strong>in</strong> coursed stone with capp<strong>in</strong>g, stopped to thesouth-east corner of the chapel, and with a s<strong>in</strong>gle small iron gate at its junction with the ma<strong>in</strong>wall.Signed by authorty of theSecretary of StateT A ELUINGFORDDated: /S (1luA Higher Executive Ofticer <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of National Hertage

I5227 CHAPEL IANE(West Side)US0 8204 NE16/213SO 8204 NE16213<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gOngregational Chapel,wall and gatesII ~~ ~ ~~~GV/A2.1881 (dated). Countess of Hunti don's Connexion. Ashlar. 2 storeys. 5 bays.Pedimented central 3 bays, fla ed by pilasters. Full entablature, balustradeand crown<strong>in</strong>g urns. Str<strong>in</strong>gcou e above ground floor, and moulded acanthus str<strong>in</strong>geourseat impost levels. Round ar ed w<strong>in</strong>dows with bar tracery on lst floor. Bl<strong>in</strong>darcade and round arched d rs on ground floor, all with moulded voussoirs andkeystones. Polygonal ap e on north side. End elevations pedimented, with acroteria.Wall with ashlar piers elaborate iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs and gates.3 Chapel established 1 foundation stone of present build<strong>in</strong>g laid 1880 by Mr[Marl<strong>in</strong>g of Stanley ark (plaque).U~~~~5227 CHAPEL LANE(West SideEBLEYI S0 8204 NE 16/214Cot ge adjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g CongregationalC pel on east sideIIGV2./Late c18. Hammerdressed rubble (South elevation rendered). Pitched slateroof. Ashlar chimney. 2 stor s and attics. South elevation has 3 ranges ofW~ > double-hung sash wmndows w glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and door with oblong fanlight. East(e^ elevation has 1 range of ouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, 1 rangeof casements with glaz bars, and 2 attic casements with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.- 5227 cup< N*227So 8204 NE 16/215-iG'U/ManseWest Side)EBLEY/II s\2.1798, enlarged 1845 (dat ). Hammerdressed rubble (South elevation rendered).Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. North elevation pedimented with 1 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dow with gl <strong>in</strong>g bars on lst floor, and canted bay on ground floor.Schoo, Chanel, Cottage ad.<strong>in</strong>ig Chaanel and Cemeterv Rail<strong>in</strong>gs form'a RouD.29

1)° 250 0~~I1.Jt L AN5227 LANE- (; st Side)so 82o4 NE 16/216@ /No 6 (Cedar Cottage)2. /C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. 1 mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmo <strong>in</strong> north end, and 1 <strong>in</strong> west elevation. Other w<strong>in</strong>dows modern.1.15227 CHAPEL STREET(North Side)SO 8505 5/40Nos 10 to 12 (consec) -II2.C18. S<strong>in</strong>gle composition. Ashlar. C19 pitched tile roof. 3 storeys. Eavescornice and parapet. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor. 4 ranges of easementsfldouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows on ground floor. 2 central ranges break forward sli:g._-,and are crowned by pediment, with blocked lunette <strong>in</strong> tympanum.5227 CHAPEL STREET(North Side)!SO 8505 5/221No 17IIGV2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s and dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Mid-C19 pitched slateroof with ornamental crest<strong>in</strong>g. 2 storeys and attics. 3 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 door with flat hood on consoles. 1 oculuswith pla<strong>in</strong> embrasure, blocked. Mid C18 bricked up w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> south end, withpla<strong>in</strong> embrasure and keystone. Rema<strong>in</strong>s of ashlar gable cop<strong>in</strong>g and chimney pl<strong>in</strong>th.Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould on east side.No 17 forms a _roun with Nos 1 to 3 (consec) Queen Souare

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:S08204NE STROUD CHAPEL LANE (East side),Ebley16/216 No. 6 (Cedar Cottage)25.6.74I.11Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateDated:PAUL ALSEYDepartment for Culture,Media and Sport\

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199028TH AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL ORHISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town andCountry Plann<strong>in</strong>gAct 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest, tocompile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and he may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thesaid list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.STPOU i .I*Qc;n, WiCD THIS-/ 2 ,5'5DAY OFTO 'EATRUECOPY -riX,Prs,_s%

52~~~ ~~~CHAPEu ~~~27 STREET(North Side)SO R505 5/222Queens Square.No 1IIGV2.C'7. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched pantile roof. 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould.Early CI9 extension to north. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of slid<strong>in</strong>g sash w<strong>in</strong>dows withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.INo 17 forms a group with Nos 1 to 3 (consec) Queen Square1.5227 CHAPEL STREET(North Side)Queen's Square3 No 3SO 8505 5/224| IIGV2.Early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof.2 ranges of modern casements <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs.Brick chimneys. 3 storeys.3 No 17 forms a group with Nos 1 to 3 (consec) Queen Square.5227 CHAPEL STREET(North Side)Nos,30 & 31 P-I,e5 % ' iSO 8505 5/41 N 1 ,\ -IIGV2.C017. Faced <strong>in</strong> rough cast. Cotswold stone roof, 2 and 3 storeys. No 31 has gable.2- and 3-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows and dripmoulds.Nos 2°A. 3) and 31 form a group with the Old Chapel.31

5227 CHAPEL STREET(North Side)SO 8505 5/226TheII GV K <

SCHEDULE 11. CHURCH PLACE5227 (West Side)RODBOROUGHSO 8404 6/230IIaVNo 1, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g gardenwall to south east2.Mid C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitohed stone roof. Ashlar chimney. 1 storey andattio. 1 range of mullioned oasements. 1 door with tiled hood on wooden bracket.1 storey extension to west with lean-to roof and 1 mullioned casement. Garden wall:hammerdressed rubble with ashlar cop<strong>in</strong>g.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place form a group. together withRose CottaRe. Churoh Cottage. the raised pavement. and the reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gwall to the ohurchyard of St Mary Magdalen's Churoh. Walkley HillSCHEDULE 21. BATH ROAD5227 (West Side)SO 8404 6/106 \ / Carriage house <strong>in</strong> gardenSO ~~~8404 61/~~106 ~ofThe CedarsII2.1736 (dated). Formerly of Fromehall is (qv). Hammerdressed rubble.Modern pitohed roof. 2 rages of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds (all blocked).Segment-headed carriage or: keystone with date and grotesque mask.1. / CHAPEL LANE5227 / (W est Side)EBLEYSO 8204 NE 16/215ManseII2.1798, enlarged 1845 (dated). erdreed rubble (South elevation rendered).Pitohed slate roof. 2 etore s. North eleation pedimented with 1 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g b on let floor,\and canted bay on ground floor.Sohool Chael. Manse Ctae ao<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong> Ch and Cemetery Rail<strong>in</strong>gs form a'~up.9.

SCHEDULE 3The group value notes appear<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st t entries for:SO 8204 NE 16/211 County Primary Soho, Chapel Lane, EbleySO 8204 NE 16/212 Cemetery rail<strong>in</strong>gs,/ pel Lane, EbleySO 8204 NE 16/213 Congregational C pell <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g wall and gates, Chapel Lane, EbleySO 8204 NE 16/214 Cottage adjo<strong>in</strong> g Congregational Chapel on east side, Chapel Lane,Ebleyshould be amended to readsThe County Primaa y SohooS / the Cemetery rail<strong>in</strong>gs, the Cogregational Chapel<strong>in</strong>olud<strong>in</strong>g wall and gat . and the Cottage ad.o<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Congregational Chapel oneast side form a Aroup.1. BISLEY OLD ROAD5227 (South Side)so 80 NE 27/124Hill HouseIn the above entry:Hill House shall beed to read Lypiatt Hill House1 / BURFORD DRIVE5227Nos i to 3 (consec)(Upper Gannioox)so 8405 5/146 .In the above entry:Nos 1 to 3 (oonseo) (Upperioox)shall be amended to reNo 1, No 2 House), and No 31. BUTTER ROW HILL5227 (East Side)In the entries for SO 8504 6/148 Bric tageso 8504 6/149 V cottaeso 8504 6/1i se CottageBUTTER ROW HILL(East Side)shall be amendo read2.

1.5227 -) CHURCH PIACE52c2o u3

5227 CHURCH PIACEQcxi2iDcro- toiziA(East Side)RODBOROUGHso 8404 6/25B1.5. 51. Church of St I.ry Magdalene,- Gates and wall on west and northsides of churchyardGV2.C15 Tower: otherwise 1842: architect Thomas Foster. Ashlar. Perpendicular style.Pulpit of 1624. W<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> north aisle by Willement (1845). Mid C19 iron gates:monolithic gatepiers. Wall of hammerdressed rubble with ashlar cop<strong>in</strong>g.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place form a grouD. tozether with Rose Cottaze,Church Cottage, the raised pavement and the reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>r wall to the Churchvard <strong>in</strong>Walklev Hill.1.5227 CHURCH PIACE(East Side)RCDBOROUGIIso 8404 6/235Rodborough Endowed SchoolIIGVC17. Former Cloth Hall. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys.5 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with casements, those at north end with hoodmoulds.'1 arched door.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place form a group. together with Rose Cottage, /Church Cottage, the raised pavement and the reta<strong>in</strong>irng wall to the Churchyard <strong>in</strong>Walklev Hill.,5227 CIIIRCH ROADCAINSCROSS~o as4to blo4 sw 17/26.Nw 17/~2St Matthews ChurchS. 1.S.51.2.1835-7. Architect Charles Baker of Pa<strong>in</strong>swick. Ashlar. Nave taken on cast ironcolumns. Chancel 1898: architect K Plank.34

| 5227 CHURCH STRET(East Side)| No 25(Formerly listed asNos 24 & 25)t SO 8505 5/75 1.5.51.II2.Dated 1766. Dressed stone. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. 4 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded embrasures, keystones and bull-nosed3 sills. Coved eaves cornice and bed-mould.I~~~~~~~~~~~i 5227 '1CHURCIH STEET(West Side)s 1.5.51. , >;The Vicarage.X1, - Garden rail<strong>in</strong>gs at The Vicarage.U SO 8505 5/74II2. XDated 1635. IHammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 3 storeys. 3 gables.i Various 2- and 3-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows witil hood moulds. OVal w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong>gable. C19 iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs with spear f<strong>in</strong>ials, and iron gate piers with fretworkbrac<strong>in</strong>g.1.5227 COWLE ROAD(East Side)ffipttSO 8504 6/10 II* iGVThe Fields(Formerly listed <strong>in</strong> Bowbridge Lane)2.C1.7 with early/mid C18 front. Asnilar. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. M,odillioneaves cornice and parapet. 5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, with glaz<strong>in</strong>gI bars. moulded architraves and keystones. Door with fanlight and moulded stonearchitrave. Cl9 porch with 2 Ionic columns, dentilled cornice and pediment.Flank<strong>in</strong>g this are C19 oblong bays replac<strong>in</strong>g orig<strong>in</strong>al ground floor w<strong>in</strong>dows. 3modern attic dormers, replac<strong>in</strong>g ones with alternate triangular and segmentalpediments. Rear has mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.I Interior. Staircase contemporary; panelled to dado height; dado ramped topr<strong>in</strong>cipal munt<strong>in</strong>s which are fluted Cor<strong>in</strong>thian pilasters; turned balusters; columnarnewels. Ma<strong>in</strong> ground floor room wa<strong>in</strong>scotted throughout; modillioned and dentilledcornice. Chimneypiece has overmantel with shouldered architrave and very elaborateI acanthus carved scrolls; flanked by giant fluted Cor<strong>in</strong>thian pilasters tak<strong>in</strong>gfull entablature. 1 lst floor room wa<strong>in</strong>scotted throughout. Fireplace with flutedkeystone; overmantel; fluted Roman Doric pilasters with full entablature, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g35

triglyphs and guttae. Back room on ground floor has 2 ogee-headed recesses,formerly w<strong>in</strong>dows.The Fields forms a xrouo with Mulberry Cottage and No 6 Bowbrid&e Lane.1.5227 CROSSHAIDSCAINSCROSSSO 8305 SE 14/21Sundial and MilepostII2.1754 (dated). Cyl<strong>in</strong>drical pl<strong>in</strong>th with iron plate <strong>in</strong>scribed "To <strong>Stroud</strong> 1 mile."Upper part square with sundials on 2 sides, and on the 2 rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sides "Beholdnow is the Accepted Time" and " Seek ye The Lord while lie may be found."5227 \ >bo mu&j DARK IANE(North Side)SO 8404 6/236Salem CottageIIGV2.1828 (dated). Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. Gable parapets.1 ashlar chimney. 2 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 storey extensionto North, with pitched stone roof. Fretwork porch.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Dark Lane form a grouD.5227 DARK LANE(North Side)SO 8404 6/239Woodb<strong>in</strong>e CottageIIGV2.Late C18/early C19. Hammnerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys.2 ranges of iron casements. Fretwork porch with tent roof.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Dark Lane form a groupo.36

31ST AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICINTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act") requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>gauthorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>gAct 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Monuments Commissionfor England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to her appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>gspecial knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended<strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section 1 ofthe Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.j STPC it !V;'5 ,Wi2 001' ,|g ^ OCT 2001 Lv

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> shall be removed from the list:SO 8404 STROUD BATH ROAD (West side)6/107 Frome Hall25.6.74SO 8304 NW STROUD DUDBRIDGE ROAD (West side)Dudbridge17/240 The Bridge Inn Public House 025.6.74S08304NW STROUD DUDBRIDGE ROAD (West side)Dudbridge17/241 Nos. 1 to 4 (consecutive)Bridge Cottages25.6.74SO 8304 NW STROUD DUDBRIDGE ROAD (West side)Dudbridge17/243 Vale Stores.25.6.74S08304NW STROUD DUDBRIDGEROAD (West side)SO 8304 NEDudbridge17/245 Sandl<strong>in</strong>gs18/24525.6.74

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199032ND AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICINTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act") requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>gauthorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>gAct 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Monuments Commissionfor England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to her appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>gspecial knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended<strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section 1 ofthe Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.4i-' O -r S . . _- oc tn - 1 3

The follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the list:SCHEDULESO 8346 0481 STROUD DudbridgeW2- J / JaO 2-4 Crane at Dudbridge WharfCrane at Dudbridge Wharf. 1854, by John Stevenson of Preston. Wrought and cast iron with woodenjib. The rotat<strong>in</strong>g, hand-operated crane consists of a central pillar over a base-plate (concealed at timeof <strong>in</strong>spection); The wooden jib, 7.3m long, rises at an angle of 47 degrees and was designed to carryloads of up to five tons. Attached to the cast-iron frame is a geared w<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g mechanism, with a cha<strong>in</strong>runn<strong>in</strong>g to the top pulley; the jib is strengthened with a pair of wrought iron rods runn<strong>in</strong>g from w<strong>in</strong>chto pulley. The ma<strong>in</strong> cast<strong>in</strong>gs of the sides of the frame bear the <strong>in</strong>scription <strong>in</strong> raised capita( letters'JOHN STEVENSON CANAL FOUNDRY PRESTON'.History: this crane was supplied <strong>in</strong> 1854 at a cost of £200. 18s. 2d. to replace an earlier crane on the<strong>Stroud</strong>water Canal (constructed 1775-1789; abandoned 1959). it is the last surviv<strong>in</strong>g crane on the<strong>Stroud</strong>water or Thames and Severn Canals. Source: Ray Wilson, '<strong>Stroud</strong>water Canal Cranes',Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology Journal (1994), 57-62 and (1995), 21-25.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateDated: 2 < i (PAUL McCORMACKDepartment for Culture, Mediaand Sport

| 5227 GEIDGE ROADest Side)DUDBRIDGESO 8304 NW 17/240I tThe Bridge InnPublic HIouseIIGV2. /Early clg. pa<strong>in</strong>ted haneresed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 3ranges of segment-head casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Th_ B e Indnze Cottaes fom a group.IA 1./* ) 5227 DUD IDGE ROADI| 80 o304 NW 17/2'43.

I5227 DUDBRIDGE ROAD(West Side)DUDBRIDGEso 8304 NW 17/244IIGV INos 1 & 2 (Bay Tree House)U2.Early Clg9. Aslhlar. Pitched slate roof, masked by parapet. Ashlar chimneys.3 storeys. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Door withsemi-circular fanlight, and iron lattice work porch with tent roof.Vale Cottages, Vale Stores and Bay Tree House form a group.1.V-5227 DUDBRIDGE ROAD522~ t(West Side)/ - ~ ~DUDBRIDGES0 8304 NW 17/245SO 8304 NE 18/245< lCl g ) ~~~~l<strong>in</strong>gsII -- GVTI GV~~~~~~~2. flMid C18. Brick. Modern pitched roof. 'Brick chimney. 2 storeys and attic.East elevation has 2 ranges of flush framed 'buble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows witl glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, and door with late c18 tent-roofed porch onk amental iron brackets.South elevation has 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, ashlarvoussoirs and triple keystones; semi-circular lunette <strong>in</strong> ashlar surrounddoor with<strong>in</strong> gable;elaborate C19 fanlight, and early Clg9 fretwork iron porch with tentroof. 2-storey extension on west; 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1 stfloor, and segment- headed casements on ground floor. < ?Sandl<strong>in</strong>gs forms a group with Nos 1 to c) (consec) Gladfield Sauare.1.I5227 DUDBRIDGE ROAD(West Side)DUDBRIDGEUSO 8304O 8304NWNW17/25017/250IINos 1 to 3 (consec)(Gladfield Gardens)2.Late C18. Ashlar. Modern hipped roof. 2 storeys. Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse. 4Moulded eavescornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 5 bays with double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, those either side of door canted. Door with fielded panels, semi-circularfanlight, and stopped flut<strong>in</strong>g to doorcase.RiAU

5227 FARHILL LANE(East Side)PAGANHILLSO 8305 NE 12/97Farmhill HouseII2.C17/18. Additions <strong>in</strong> 1880. Stone. Cotswold stone roof. Stone chimneys. 2and 3 storey. Stucco mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows.I__1.5227 FARMHILL LANE(West Side)wSO 8305 N1256<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>ge, so 8305 NE 12/256| II~~~~~~~~~~~~PAGANHILL_____________~~~~~- - - - - - - -Farmnhill Lodge,rail<strong>in</strong>gs2.Presumably 1834 (date of adjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Arch: qv). Former lodge. Ashlar. Hippedslate roof. 1 storey. Entablature with cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 2 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Door with oblong fanlight. Tuscan porch with2 square columns flank<strong>in</strong>g 2 cyl<strong>in</strong>drical ones. Ashlar step. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs withurn f<strong>in</strong>ials.1FARMHILL5227LANE(West Side)PAGANHILLIU~~~~~~~ ~~~Archway, formerly to Farm HillPark (Formerly listed underPagamhill).SO 8305 NE 12/80 1.5.51.II2."Erected to commemorate the abolition of slavery <strong>in</strong> the British Colonies, August1 st 1834."1 Stone arch flanked by coupled pilasters and crowned with entablatureand dentil cornice.I\ \'I :59

1.5227 FARR'S LANESO 8505 5/257IINos 1 to 3 (consec)(Rose Cottages)I2.C17/C18. Coursed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys andattics (No 3 has 1 storey and attic). 1 range of casements each (No 2'sandmullionedwith lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). 2 attic dormers with casements. Liverpool and(?) London Fire Insurance Badge dated 1836.5227 FAR WESTRIPISO 8205 NW 7/258Nos 1 to 3 (consec)II2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys.of segment-headed1 range eachcasements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. No 1 has a segment-headed plankeddoor.:.5227so 8205 NW 7/260C~ - PY FAR WESTRIP INo 7II2.Early C19. Hiammerdressed rubble.segment-headed casements.Pitched tile roof. 2 storeys. 1 range of/ I40!

ii5227 FAR WESTRIPSO 8205 NW 7/261Rose CottageII2.C18. Hannerdressed rubble. Steeply pitched tile roof. 2 storeys. 2 rangesof picture w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al segment-headed open<strong>in</strong>gs with brick voussoirs.1.5227 FOLLY LAiEUPLANDSSO 85o5 5/2g2* f so 8505 5/262The BirchesII2.C17, with C18 front. Coursed rubble, ma<strong>in</strong>ly rendered. Front ashlar. Modernpitched roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys ard attics. Front ias pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcou-se,moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and shutters. Door with oblong fanlight, flanked by 2 mid-C1lcanted bays with battered stone roofs. Rear elevation has str<strong>in</strong>gcourse and 2ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows. 3 attic dormers with casements. c17 extensionwith 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow to south.1.5227 FOLLY lANEUPIANDSSO 8505 5/263Upper BirchesII2.C17, witih ClS front. Coursed rubble. Ashlar front. Modern pitched roof. Ashlarchimneys. 2 storeys. Front has pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse, moulded cornice and block<strong>in</strong>gcourse. 3 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on lst floor, 1 Frenchw<strong>in</strong>dow, and 2 modern casements on ground floor. Rear elevation has 2 rangesof mullioned casements, partly obscured by modern extension to Birches GreenCottage.41

5227 FOLLY IANEUPLANDSSO 80 NE 2/266Wickridge Farm HouseIIGV2.Late C18. Ashlar front. Modern pitched roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys.Moulded eaves cornice, and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse. 3 ranges ofmodern casements <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs with pla<strong>in</strong> raised embrasures. 12 paneldoor with oblong fanlight <strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> raised embrasures. Extensions to rear withmullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.All the build<strong>in</strong>rs <strong>in</strong> Wickridge Farm form a rroun.1. 05227 FOLLY IANEUPLANDSSO 80 NE 2/267Cottage to North ofWickridge Farm HouseIIGV2.C18S/early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched and sprocketed stone roof. Brickchimney. 2 storeys and attic. 2 ranges of segment-headed casements, and 1 ofmullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. 1 attic w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> gable, mullioned, withhoodmould.All the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Wickridge Farm form a Rroup. 11.5227 FOLLY IANEUPLANDSSO oO ~SO NE2/2682/2680o

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:-SO 80 NE STROUD FOLLY LANEUplands2/268 Barn to South West ofWiddidge Farm HouseSigned by authority of theSecretary of StatePJ HE~ONA Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal <strong>in</strong> theDated: ?"'- tQsCe.t4e1 .- /795 Department of National Heritage

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199017TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the Distrct of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the saidlist should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

5227 FOXMOOR LANE(West Side)EBIEYSO 8204 NE 16/269Wallace CottageIIGV2.Early C19. IHammerdressed rubble. 2nd floor brick. Pitched stone roof. 3 storey.1 range of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 segment-headed plankeddoor. Extension on west and north, also hammerdressed rubble with pitched stoneroof: gable projection at north, with planked barn doors ris<strong>in</strong>g through 2 storeys.Wallace Cottage and Malt House form a erouṇ5227 FXMOOR IANE(West Side)EBLEY5 8204 NE 16/270Malt HouseIIGV2.C18. Brick, with hammerdressed rubble south elevation. Modern pantiled roof.Brick chimneys. 2 storeys. Brick modillion eaves cornice. 3 casements withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st floor. Modern doors on ground floor. Extension to southwith 1 storey and attic: casement with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Wallace Cottage and Malt House form a rouo.1.5227 t oa J -L- C_. FOXMOOR LANE(West Side)EBLEYSO 8205 NW 7/271Barn at Croft FarmII2.C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 pairs of barn doors.43

5227C~t sS c~c)cFGXMOOR IANE(East Side)EEEYSO 8205 SW 9/274The CottagesNo 2.No 3 (Little Crybb).No 4.~~~IIGV2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. No 4 has gabled projection 3to west. 1 range of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars each, those on ground floor (and1st floor of No 4) with hood moulds.Nos 1 to q (consec) The CottaRes, form a grouD. tosgether with shed oDo0site No 6.5227 sc'Scro &0SO 8205 SW 9/275FOXMOOR LANE(East Side)EBLEYThe CottagesNos 5 & 6IIIGVMid C19. Brick. North elevation harnmerdressed rubble. Pitched pantiled roof.2 storeys. Ashlar str<strong>in</strong>gcourse over ground floor. 1 range of casements withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars each. Gabled hoods on wooden brackets over each door. No G has1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould <strong>in</strong> north elevation.Nos 1 to 9 (consec) The Cottages. form a rouD, together with shedooosite No . ,)1.I5227 C--, S- c5a~ FCXMOOR LANE(East Side)EBIEY____-------_S0 8205 SW 9/277IIGVThe CottagesNo 9 (Ivy Cottage)2.Early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched pantiled roof. Brick chimneys. 3storeys. 2 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, 1 on ground floor segment-headed. *INos 1 to (consec) Tle Cttages frm a gro°u? together with shed °o o°site N°o443

I 522730 a205 NE 8/279FOCKMOOR LANE(East Side)EBLEYRed House Farmhouse* 2.Mid C18. Hammerdressed stone. Modern pitched roof. Ashlar3 rangeschimney.of segment-headed2 storeys.casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.staircaseInteriorwithhasturnedmid 018balusters. Brick w<strong>in</strong>g to south, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gc18 fielded1panell<strong>in</strong>groom withthroughout, and late c19 iron fireplaces.5227GEORGE STREET(North Side)II2.:Late c18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>geourse above3 eaveslet floor.corniceMouldedand block<strong>in</strong>g course. 2 ranges of double-hung5's withsashglaz<strong>in</strong>gw<strong>in</strong>dows.bars.NoNo 5 has an elaborate mid-Cl9 cantedNo 4bayhasshopan excellentfront.late-cl9 shopfront, with 2 semi-circularglazed semi-dormers,glazed bayssetandon marble pl<strong>in</strong>ths.5227SO 8505 5/282GEORGE STREET(North Side)-------------No 9II2.Early clg. Rendered. 3 storey. Str<strong>in</strong>geourse abovecornice1st floor.and block<strong>in</strong>gMouldedcourse.eavesDepressed semi-circularwithbaydouble-hungon 1st and 2ndsashfloors,w<strong>in</strong>dow with Gothick glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.withMidcontemporaryclg canted bayfasciashopfront,and letter<strong>in</strong>g.45

5227 GEOGRG: STREET(North Side)so 3505 5/58 1.5.53.<strong>Stroud</strong> Subscription RoomsII2.1833. Architect Charles Baker of Pa<strong>in</strong>swick. Stone. 2 storeys. 5 w<strong>in</strong>dows. Centralportion set forward slightly (3 w<strong>in</strong>dows with semi-circular heads). Modillioncornice and pediment. Porte cochere with Tuscan columns and balustraded balconyover.I1.5227 GEORGE STREET(North Side)Nos 13 to 15 (consec) /SO 8505 5/322III2.IWith Nos 2 to 20 (even) Kendrick Street (West Side).5227 GEORGE STREETCENTRE ISLANDSO 8505 5/288 Clock 3~~~~II @ \2\< /~~~~~~2.Mid Cl9. Freestand<strong>in</strong>g ashlar ower. 4 Cor<strong>in</strong>thian columns set <strong>in</strong> corners, carry<strong>in</strong>gfull entablature with fret motif on frieze, and dentilled cornice. Anthemia. Fish-scal'dome, with acanthus f<strong>in</strong>ial/ 4 clocks <strong>in</strong> panels on each face, with pendant swags.Pl<strong>in</strong>th has plaques on 3V ides and low door on 4th.5227 GLOUCESTER STREET(East Side)SO 8505 5/62 1.5.51.Police StationII2.Included for older portion only. C1.. Ashlar. 3 storeys. 3 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-hungsash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). Central w<strong>in</strong>dows have architraves. Door with fanlight,3/4 Ionic columns, entablature, dentil cornice and pediment.46I

'V L '-SCHEDULEThe entry for:5227 GEORGE STRPEETCENTRE ISLANDSO 8505 5/288Clock11shall be replaced by:SO 8505 STROUD GEORGE STREETCENTRE ISLAND25.06.74 Clock Tower(Formerly listed as: George Street882/5/288 CENTRE ISLANDClock)Clock tower. Circa 1910-12. Freestand<strong>in</strong>g ashlar tower. Four Cor<strong>in</strong>thian columns set <strong>in</strong> the comers,carry<strong>in</strong>g full entablature with fret motif on frieze, and dentilled cornice. Anthemia. Fish-scale dome,with acanthlus f<strong>in</strong>ial. Four clocks <strong>in</strong> panels on each face, with pendant swags. Pl<strong>in</strong>th has plaques onthrce sides and low door on fourth side. The Clock Tower is built over an underground publiclavatory which is not of special <strong>in</strong>terest.IISigned by authority of theSecretary of StateM A M REDMONDDaetd pd: $AUY I/7 DepartmentofNationalHeritage

24TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of localplann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town and CountryPlann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile listsof such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and he may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25th June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsConlilission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to him appropnriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should beamended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW TI -IEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him by SectionI of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

* The follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> shall be added to the list.SC ~_DU=LSO 8505 STROUD JUNC. RUSSELL ST/GEORGE ST5/503 3 K6 telephone kiosks(Nos 4096, 4435, 4650)GVIITelephone ikiosks. Tvpe K6. Desirned 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by,vari-,s contractors. Cast iron. r Sclare kiosks dwith d-ed roos. rperfora-te'rowns to tcp panels a arg<strong>in</strong> lazirn to <strong>in</strong>s and ocrs.Signed a " o,Secrekiry 7 of StatetheDated; ,, '-'' _STEVEN \VATTSA Senior E!xecuti:ve Officer <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of the Environment

BSOTOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54aFh ~-AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIALARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 54 of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 ("the Act") requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to theguidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functionsunder the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historicp<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and may amend any list socompiled.2. On 25 June 19 74 the Secretary of State compiled a list of<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> thedistrict of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs andMonuments Commission for England and such other persons or bodies of personswho appear to him appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest- <strong>in</strong>,such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the mannerset out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred onhim by S.54 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong>the Schedule hereto.CERTIFIED TH4IS DAY OPHSD DOC 2 (Rev 12.87)E'uPrVc. OFFICER

'VL 1V well-preserved example of late Cl9 public house architecture <strong>in</strong> a favoured style, complete withits stable yard.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateT A FLLINGFORDA Higher Executive Officer <strong>in</strong> theDated: /i 3 lS (9 Department of National Heritage

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199019TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a hst of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the saidlist should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

Ii~1 .5227SO 8505 5/289GLCUCESTER STREET(East Side)No 6 (Dangerfields Transport)III2.Late C18. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted brick. Pitched and sprocketed modern roof. 2 storeys. 2ranges of segment-headed casements with glazkng bars. Ogival arched door.1.I 5227 GLOUCESTER STREET(East Side)~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~No9 -- SO 8505 5/290 o|I II* 2.Mid C18 front to earlier build<strong>in</strong>g. Stucco. 3 storeys. Pediment. 2 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and keystones. Door with keystone.1 clg9 shopfront and 1 cl9 canted bay w<strong>in</strong>dow.£' 1.5227V>~~~~~~ ,,.%>*..',- SO 8505 5/291GLOUCESTER STREET(East Side)The Greyhound InnPublic HouseII2.Late 019. Ashlar. Hipped stone roof with project<strong>in</strong>g eaves. 2 storeys and attics.Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse. 1 gable each to Gloucester Street and Lansdown corner: parapetOrielwith semi-circular break upward, and l<strong>in</strong>kedbrickbyarchsemi-circularto adjacent brick chimney. Pla<strong>in</strong> mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.ironArtbracketsnouveautak<strong>in</strong>g notice and relief model of greyhound. 2 fasciawithboards,"The Greyhound Inn" <strong>in</strong> Arts-and-Crafts letter<strong>in</strong>g.47

5227 GUNHOUSE LANE(West Side)SO 8504 6/293Elm CottageIIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges ofsegment-headed w<strong>in</strong>dows fram<strong>in</strong>g 2 round-arched casements each, Large <strong>in</strong>dustrialw<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> rear.All the listed build<strong>in</strong>rs <strong>in</strong> Gunhouse Lane form a group.5227 GUNHOUSE LANE(West Side)so 8505 6/294SO Thrupp 8505 6294 LodgeSIIGV2.Early C18, with early g19 addition. Rendered. C18 part has pitched tile roof,lg9 part slate. 2 ranges of oblong w<strong>in</strong>dows fram<strong>in</strong>g round arched casements.Modern door.All the lasted build<strong>in</strong>ks <strong>in</strong> Gunhouse Lane form a zroup.5227 GUNHOUSE LANE @(West Side)SO 8504 6/295The ElmsIIGV2.Early C18. Rendered. Pitched tile roof. 2 ranges of oblong w<strong>in</strong>dows fram<strong>in</strong>ground-arched casements. Round arched door with mid Cl9 ashlar porch. l-storeyextension with 1 oblong w<strong>in</strong>dow fram<strong>in</strong>g round arched casements.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Gunhouse Lane form a group.48

II~~ .5227 GUNHOUSE IANE(East Side)so 8504 6/296Gun HouseIIGV2.C17. Rendered. Stone roof. 3 storey. Early C19 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow withmoulded surrounds on ground floor. L4ullioned casements with hoodcmoulds on 1stand. 2nd floors. South West w<strong>in</strong>g hammerdressed rubble with mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dowspaired under hoodmoulds. C19 ashlar extension to north east with porch, pairedashlar chimney stacks and mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Gunhouse lane form a group.15227 HIGH STREET(South Side)so 8505 5/299Nos 2, 3 (i 3AII2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. 3 ranges of double-hungsashes with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Ground floor modern, except for 1 6-panel door withmoulded l<strong>in</strong>tel and fanlight, 1 pane of which has figure "3" <strong>in</strong> florid gilt type.13 i.5227 HIGH STREET(South Side).S0 8505 5/302Nos 9 C o10IIGVEarly C18. Rubble: rendered front. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics.Rusticated long and short quo<strong>in</strong>s. 4 ranges of flush-framed double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (No 10); casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (No 9).Nos 6 to 11 (consec) form a group.49

1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)SO0 8505 5/303No 11IIGV2.Early elg. Hammerdressed rubble. Rendered front. Pitched slate roof, 2 storeysand attics. 3 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 blocked w<strong>in</strong>dowon 1st floor. 2 attic dormers. Ground floor modern. East side has 1 door and1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> ashlar embrasures.Nos 6 to 1 (eonsec) form a zroup.1* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~\5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)30 8505 5/304No 15II2.Early/mid C18. Rendered front. 2 storeys. Rusticated quo<strong>in</strong>s. 3 C19 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al moulded embrasures (arohitraves shouldered at top andbottom, triple keystones, and bull-nosed sills). Modernground floor. Staircase<strong>in</strong>side with fluted balusters, and rails ramped to the newel.5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)S0 8505 5/305No 16II2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. Ground floor modern.5o

1.5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)SO 8505 5/306No 22II2.Mid Clg front. Rendered. Orig<strong>in</strong>al ashlar chimney. 2 storeys and attic. Rusticatedquo<strong>in</strong>s. Mid C19 shop front. I mid Cg19 canted bay w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1st floor. 1 atticdormer with double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.*5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)I/ V307 ~No so 8~~~~o~~23SO 8505 5/307II2.Mid Cl9 front to C16 or C17 <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, which reach right back to ThreadneedleStreet. Hammerdressed rubble. Renderedfront. 3 storeys. Wooden eaves cornice.1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow on 2nd floor; 1 canted bay w<strong>in</strong>dow on lst floor; modernshopfront on ground floor. Rear extension has pitched tile roof with sprocket<strong>in</strong>g;1 range of stone mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds, 3 flush-framed double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on lst floor; 3 more double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 2 blocked w<strong>in</strong>dows on let floor; 1 row of arcaded open<strong>in</strong>gs,1 door with chamfered surrounds, and some modern open<strong>in</strong>gs on ground floor.i)1.5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)SO 8505 5/57 1.5.51.Nos 28 & 29II2.Early C19. (1823?). Brick faced <strong>in</strong> ashlar. 2 shops with cont<strong>in</strong>uous fasciasupported by orig<strong>in</strong>al Doric columns. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows each (double-hungsash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). Pilasters through upper floors with caps enriched withegg-and-dart and pla<strong>in</strong> parapet.51

5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)so 8505 5/309No 32IIGV2.C17/C18. Rendered. 2 storeys. Moulded wooden eaves cornice. 1 C19 oriel w<strong>in</strong>dowon lst floor. Ground floor modern. Pitched slate roof with sprocket<strong>in</strong>g andproject<strong>in</strong>g purl<strong>in</strong>s. Corner taken on irregular squ<strong>in</strong>ch.Nos 32 to 36 (consee) form a rouo, of historical as well as arohitecturalimportance, s<strong>in</strong>ce they are the snlv surviv<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>es surround<strong>in</strong>g The Cross,the historic centre of the town.1.5227 HIGH STREET(South Side)So 8505 5/310 Nos 33 and _34IIGGV2.Early/mid C18 front to probably earlier build<strong>in</strong>g. Rendered. 2 storeys and attic.Moulded wooden eaves cornice. Rusticated quol<strong>in</strong>s. 2 ranges of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows (1 with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars) <strong>in</strong> elaborate surrounds with keystones and bull-nosedsills. Iate C19 shopfront with some sta<strong>in</strong>ed glass.Nos 32 to 35 (consec) form a group, of historical as well as architecturalimporta~ce. s<strong>in</strong>ce they are the onlv surviv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> surroundn4n The Cross. Ithe historic centre of the town.N1.5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)so 8505 5/55 1.5.51.Nos 46 & 47II2.C17. 4 storeys. 2 gables. 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow (each). Gables have 1-light stone w<strong>in</strong>dowswith dripmoulds, rema<strong>in</strong>der double-hung sash, but No 46 has a small bay w<strong>in</strong>dowon lest floor and a C19 bowed shop type w<strong>in</strong>dow on ground floor. Slate roof.52_______

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199022ND AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of localplann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town and CountryPlann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of spedal architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile listsof such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25thjune 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommuission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear. to her appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should beamended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULEThe entry for:5227 STROUD HIGH STREET(North Side)SO 8505 5/312 No 53IIGVshall be replaced,by:S08505 STROUD HIGH STREET(North Side)882- / 5/312Nos 52 and 53IIGVShop. Early C19. Ashlar with slate roof concealed beh<strong>in</strong>d parapet. Comer build<strong>in</strong>g of three storeyswith rounded corner of 3 bays <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g blank to central w<strong>in</strong>dow on second floor, 2 further bays toHigh Street and 5 further bays to The Shambles. Second floor w<strong>in</strong>dows 6 pane sashes, first floorw<strong>in</strong>dows 12-pane sashes. Moulded eaves, cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above firstfloor to High Street front and Tuscan pilastrade on either side of the corner, on rusticated basementto the left. Two right hand bays project. Elevation to The Shambles has cornice ramped to lowereaves height to right bay. Late C19 plate glass w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs to ground floor.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateT A ELLINGFORDDated: 2 q ('1% Department of National Heritage

5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)S0 8505 5/54 1.5.51.The Bedford ArmsIIGV2.partly on corner of Church Street. C17. Stone faced <strong>in</strong> cement. 3 storeys.Gable with enriched oval with 2nd floor 2-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dow. 1st floordouble hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. Side elevation <strong>in</strong> Church Street has gable with stonemullion w<strong>in</strong>dows. Tile roof.The Bedford Arms, Nos 53 to 'S (consec) form a rroun with all the listed build<strong>in</strong>ps|<strong>in</strong> TheL Market.I1.5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)No 53 ~ J~-J SO 8505 5/312 Nv NV u-IIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above 1 st floor. Eavescornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 2 east bays break forward. Corner to The Marketrounded. 3 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows on 2nd floor, and 1 blocked w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> corner.3 modern plate glass w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1st floor, and 1 <strong>in</strong> corner.Elevation to The Market has Tuscan pilastrade on horizontally rusticated basementafter south bay, then after 1 more bay, cornice is ramped to lower eaves height., Five double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st and 2nd floors, and 1modern plate glass w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1st floor. Late clg9 shop front with plate glass? ~ w<strong>in</strong>dows, apart from round corner, where upper part has lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1range of blocked w<strong>in</strong>dows at north end.I I Church Street elevation has 5 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1stfloor (2 flush-framed). 3 plate glass w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs on groundfloor.The Bedford Arms, Nos 53 to 55 (consec) form a group with all the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>| <strong>in</strong> The Market.I1l53

5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)so0 8505 5/314No 55IIGV2.Mid 018. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Cornice, block<strong>in</strong>g course, and pediment taken onmoulded consoles. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars onlet and 2nd floors.The Bedford Arma. Nos n3 to 5' (conSec) form a nroun with all the listed build<strong>in</strong>Es<strong>in</strong> The Market.5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)so 8505 5/316No 58IIGV2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched pantile roof. 2 storeys. Cornice, block<strong>in</strong>g courseand pediment. 1 Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow with entablature and Tuscan pilasters, doublehung sashes and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Modern shopfront on ground floor.Nos 57 to 62A (consec) form a grou.5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)No 59Sp 8505 5/317 59IIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 4 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on lst and 2nd floors, west bay slightly recessed.Trabeated carriage entrance at west end of ground floor, rema<strong>in</strong>der modern shopfront.Nos 57 to 2A (consec) form a grou.I

SC* DULE1.75227 HIGH STREE1(North Side)SO 8505 5/315IINo 57019 front to early-mid C17 build<strong>in</strong>g probably orig<strong>in</strong>ally with gables to the street.

2 May 1 .TOWN. AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54FOURTHAM~ DMENT OF LIST OF BUILDINGS OF' SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT 0F STROUD (GLOUCESTESHIRE )WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 and the Secretary ofState for the Environment Order 1970 (here<strong>in</strong>after collectively called "the pr<strong>in</strong>cipalAct") the Secretary of State for the Environment and his predecessors under theTown and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 1944 to 1971 (here<strong>in</strong>after called "Secretary of State"),with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance oftheir functions under the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, is or were required to compile lists of such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and way amend any list so compiled;2. on 25 June 1974 , the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>of special erchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the<strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>(that part compris-ng the former Urban <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>);3. the Secretary of State considers that the said list should be amended by theaddition of the build<strong>in</strong>g mentioned <strong>in</strong> the Schedn1.e hereto;4. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to him appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;NOW TEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the aforementioned powers herebyamends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto.CETIFIED THIS DAY OFo' tTO 9;, 1'"'j2 tr. E YBE

SCHEDULESO 8505 STROUD HIGH STREET(east side)5/502 K6 Telephone KioskII G.V. No. 04536 3092Telephone kiosk, Type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Madeby W. McFarlane of Glasgow. Cast iron. Square kiosk with domed roof.Unperforated crowns to top panels and marg<strong>in</strong> glaz<strong>in</strong>g to w<strong>in</strong>dows and door,/*3Dated ? . 9 &Sir-nc:d Ly .._Secretary of Sct:o:L f thei > -. ~M. A. L. ROSSi - A Frnc?l i n fo Dczpartmentof the Enviroflsnt

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 548TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICINTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 and the Secretaryof State for the Environment Order 1970 (here<strong>in</strong>after collectively called "the pr<strong>in</strong>cipalAct") the Secretary of State for the Environment and his predecessors under the Townand Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 1944 to 1971 (here<strong>in</strong>after called "Secretary of State"),with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of theirfunctions under the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest, is or were required to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, andmay amend any list so compiled;2. on 25 June 1974 , the Secretary of State compiled a list of<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the district of<strong>Stroud</strong>;3. the Secretary of State considers that the said list should be amended by theaddition of the build<strong>in</strong>g mentioned <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto;4. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to him appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the aforementioned powers herebyamends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto.'3BA -I-rU, .dCTO BEHB 17d /

5227 HIGH STREET(North Side)so 8505 5/318Nos 60 & 6111 GV2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 5 ranges of double-hurgsash w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1st and 2nd floors; bays 1, 3 and 5 break<strong>in</strong>g forward and crownedby pediment-shaped gables; w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> bays 2 and 4 flanked by bl<strong>in</strong>d recessed panels.Modern shop fronts on ground floor.Nos 57 to f,2A (consec) form a group.

5227 HIGH STREET(Nortn Side)So 65.5 5v/5JII<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Offices2.Early/mid C18. Pebbledashed. 2 storeys and attics. Cornice and parapet. ;,.ansardslate roof. Moulded strirgcourse above ground floor. 7 ranges of double-hungsasn w<strong>in</strong>dows witl, glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, stone bolection mrioulded architraves,aid bull-nosedkeystonessills. Early/mid C19 extension. Rendered. Asilar pl<strong>in</strong>t,-, quo<strong>in</strong>sand entablature. Brick block<strong>in</strong>g course and chimney. 2 storeys. 2 rangesmodeoernofw<strong>in</strong>dows.15227 TE HIILL(West Side)SO 84PJ5 5/98 14. .7 .The HiillIIDate stone 1,3C4. Stone built iiercnant's ..ouse. Cotswold stone roof. 2 gables.3 storeys. 4 w<strong>in</strong>dows (2 and 3-lignt stone mullions with cont<strong>in</strong>uous dripmouldon ground floor) C19 alterations.1 / 35227 TIHE HILL(West Side)(IIArchway at The Hillto the south east of the house2.C17. Arcnied gateway with keystone arnd impost mould<strong>in</strong>gs. Pediment over, with3 acroteria and ball f<strong>in</strong>ials. Dated 15l-? <strong>in</strong> ty<strong>in</strong>panwn with merchant's mark.56____U

1.5227 HOLLOW LANE(East Side)so 85~5 5/321The ChestnutsII2.C18. Ashlar. Pitched roof. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and parapet.Shaped gable ends. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Mid-Clg9 1-storey projection along soutil side: 2 tripartite double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowsflank<strong>in</strong>g door witls round arch, moulded imposts and veussoirs, keystone <strong>in</strong> recessedpanels. 2 storey extension to north: rendered: pitched stone roof.1.5227 JOHN STREET(North Side)SOI 5~ 8505 5/325 ~Theso 8505 5/325Baptist ChapelII2.Early C19. Ashlar front. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys crowned by pediment.3 ranges of round arcied w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, m<strong>in</strong>oulded imposts and keystones.Oval oculus <strong>in</strong> pediment. Rendered porch with panelled doors and semi-circularfanlight: circular w<strong>in</strong>dows either side. Flank<strong>in</strong>g bays with 1 door each withsemi-circular fanlight; parapet with semi-circular acroteria on each side.1.5227 JOHN STREET(South Side)SO 8505 5/60No 9II2.Early Cl9. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 5ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Horizontally rusticatedground floor. Central bay slightly recessed; door flanked by pilasters. 1-storeyextension to south. Ashlar. Moulded eaves cornice. 4 bl<strong>in</strong>d w<strong>in</strong>dows with triplekeystones.57

.~~~~5227 ZENlRICK STREET(West Side)so 85,5 5/322Nos 2 to 20 (even)II2.With Nos 13 to 15 (consec) George Street (North Side). A s<strong>in</strong>gle design. MidC19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Modillion eaves cornice witii block<strong>in</strong>g course. Modillionpediment flanked by urns above eaves cornice of Nos 13 and 14 George Street.Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above 1st floor. Cont<strong>in</strong>uous impost mould<strong>in</strong>g to lst floorw<strong>in</strong>dows. Rusticated quo<strong>in</strong>s. 18 round-arched double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with keystonesand moulded voussoirs on 1st floor of Kendrick Street elevation, 9 on GeorgeStreet elevation, 2 on Threadneedle Street return, and 1 on corner of Tnreadneedleand Kendrick Streets. The same number of double hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with mouldedsurrounds on 2nd floor of each elevation. Ground floor has horizontal rusticationand dentilled cornice taken on composite pilasters, of which those flank<strong>in</strong>g Nos10 and 14 survive. No 15, George Street, however, has an arcade of 5 bays withkeystones, moulded imposts and voussoirs. Modern and Cl9 shopfronts.a1.5227 KING STREET(West Side)So 85`'5 5/326Nos 23 & 25II2.C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 5 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Mid C19 shopfronts with Tuscan '/_pilasters.1.5227 KING STREET(East Side)SO 8505 5/328The Co-operative StoresII2.Early lg9. Ashlar. 3 storeys. MIoulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course takenon giant pilaster order. 5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows on Russell Street,and 9 on K<strong>in</strong>g Street. Miodern shlopfronts. 2 storey mid-C19 extension <strong>in</strong> RussellStreet; moulded eaves cornice and blockl<strong>in</strong>g course; 2 ranges of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> miioulded surrounds, lst floor ones segment-lheaded, 2nd floor ones withornamental aprons.

5227 KING STREET 1PARADEso 85C5 5/329No 3Early Cg9. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Full entablature and block<strong>in</strong>g course taken on3 Tuscan pilasters. 2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. IModern shopfronton ground floor.5227 KINGSCOURT LANE b= (East Side)RODB3OROUGH,''V~iStr<strong>in</strong>ger's Courtso 84C4 5/83 l.5.51. (Formerly listed under Rodborough)'II2.c16/17. Rubble. Cotswold£stone roof. Gables.Stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows dripmoulds.C5227KINGSCOURT LANE(East Side)RCDBOROUGHNo 45 (Sunnyside)8404 6,/84 (Formerly listed as Stanfields Cottages) Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 3 storeys. Gable with oval w<strong>in</strong>dow.2- and 3-lighlt stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows witih dripnoulds. The 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows on ist floorhave cont<strong>in</strong>uous dripmould.I }\.59

1,5227 KINGSCOURT LANE(East Side)RODBOROUGHSO 8404 6/331 1.5.51.No 47 |(Formerly listed as Stanfields CottaEes)Ir* cGV i2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. Gable with oval w<strong>in</strong>dow.2- and 3-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows with dripmoulds.Nos 49 to 49 (odd) and Nos 55 & 57 form a0rou.5227 KINGSCOURT LANE(East Side)RODBOROUGHSO 8404 6/332 1.5.51.No 49 (Vale View)(Formerly listed as Stanfields Cottages)II*GV2.C17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 3 storeys.stone mullions with dripmoulds and lead lights).2 w<strong>in</strong>dows. (2-lightNos 45 to 49 (odd) andl Nos 55 & 57 form a nroup.5227 KINGSCOURT LANE ;(East Side)RODBOROUGHSO 8404 6/333II*1.5.S1.GVNos 55 and 57 (Garth) /(Formerly listed as Stanfields Cottages)2. /c17. Coursed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 3 storeys. 3 w<strong>in</strong>dows (3-1ight Tudormullions with dripmoulds). 2 storeys bay with 5-light Tudor mullion. 1 iightw<strong>in</strong>dow blocked <strong>in</strong> gable. Orig<strong>in</strong>al door with stone flat Tudor arch and date1649.Nos 45 to 49 (odd) and Nos 55 & 57 form a groun.60

5227 LANSDOWN(North Side)_____________SO 8505 5/335IINo 12.Mid C19. Rendered. Rusticated ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s, keystones and cont<strong>in</strong>uous impostband. 3 storeys. Parapet to roof. 3 ranges of round arched double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows. Modern shop front.1.5227 LANSDOWN(North Side)------------SO 8505 5/336IINo 22.Mid C19. Rendered. Rusticated ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s, keystones, str<strong>in</strong>gourse, and cont<strong>in</strong>uousimpost band. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course, 3 rangesof round arched double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 4-panel door withsemi-circular fanlight.1.5227 IANSDOWN(North Side)SO 8505 5/337School of Science and ArtII2.1890-9. Architects J. P. Seddon and W. Ii. C. Fisher. Rock-faced rustication:ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched tile roof. Arcuated w<strong>in</strong>dows with deeply mouldedvoussoirs, divided by colonnettes with stiff leaf capitals. 1 gable over slightlyproject<strong>in</strong>g bay to Lansdown: canted bay to Lock<strong>in</strong>g Hill: oriel on corner. Gabledporch on grouped colonnettes.1 st floor balconies either side of oriel. Bandof carv<strong>in</strong>g below 1st floor w<strong>in</strong>dows. Parapet and machicolations.61

5227 IANSDOWN(South Side)30 8505 5/3403Christian Science TempleII2.1879. Rock faced rustication witl ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys.Polygonal projection at south end: canted bay at north. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows onground floor, mullioned and transomed on Ist floor, bar tracery <strong>in</strong> both. Rosew<strong>in</strong>dows at north and south ends.5227 LANSDOWN(South Side)SO 8505 5/341County LibraryNII1873, altered 1888. ArchiteŽ\k4illiam Clissold. Former Grammar School. Ashlar.Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. Project<strong>in</strong>g 2 storey central bay crowned bytraceried parapet, with mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1st floor, and door on ground floorwith hoodmould and stiffleaf label stops. 1 range of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows eitherside of this, those on ground and 2nd floor with arched heads, and with polychromereliev<strong>in</strong>g arches: gables above, with 1 portrait bust each <strong>in</strong> quatrefoil roundel.Square bell-cote, diagonally placed, with tiled fliche. Stairs flank<strong>in</strong>g centralbay, with ashlar gate piers, and iron gates. 2 storey projections at eitherend, with lean-to roof, and 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow each with polychreome reliev<strong>in</strong>g arches.S1. . -5227 LIBBY'S DRIVE__----- --- __ --- __ -_30 8605 NW 22/78SO 8505 5/78 1.5.51.Old Court Ilouseand No 7 (willowstream)(Formerly listed as New MillsCourt, Slad Road)IIGV2.1Late C17, withl mid-C 1 8 fronlt, now partly masked by l-storey modern factory. Frontashlar. 2 storeys. Canted bay, with double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars and moulded embrassures. Central w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1st floor has Gibbs surround.Doorway, round arched with triple keystone.62

Rema<strong>in</strong>der hammerdressed rubble, with pitched stone roofs. All w<strong>in</strong>dows mullionedcasements, those on north side with hoodmoulds. Embrassures of 2 C18 sash w<strong>in</strong>dowsrema<strong>in</strong> (partly blocked) on north side, and of 1 (completely blocked) on southside. South side has 1 C17 str<strong>in</strong>gcourse, part of an C18 modillioned eaves cornice,and 1 mid C18 lead ra<strong>in</strong>water head. C18 extension to east, largely obscured byfactory. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Blocked balustrade mask<strong>in</strong>g roof. Pla<strong>in</strong> w<strong>in</strong>dowembrasures. Mid Clg extension still further to east. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong>str<strong>in</strong>g courses. Modern hipped roof.Old Court House No 7 and No 6 form a vroup.1.5227 LIBBY'S DRIVENo 6 (NJew Mlills CourL) rvso 8505 5/342 3Mid C19. Ashlar. Hipped stone roy. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above groundfloor, and moulded eaves cornice/on east elevation. 3 ranges of double-mungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows. East elevationjs late C19 tripartite "Ipswich" w<strong>in</strong>dow on groundfloor, and mullioned double- ung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow above.Old Court House- No 7 an No£orm a roup.1.227 \za\LITTE LONDON ROADwo v osoro Sk(WestSide)so 84o4; G/344Lilac CottageIIGV2.Cl1. 0lammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeysand attics. 3 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on lst floor, 4 onground floor. 2 attic dormers with casements.Lilac CQtta-ge formsof aoart erouo with Sion liouse; and Nos 3 a& 4 Tabeack Wa.63

641.5227 ro LITTLE LONDON HOAD(West Side)so 84o4 6/345Zion CottageIIGV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of casements,with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 2 modern casements on ground floor.Zion Cottage forms part of a group with Grey Stone Cottage and Hilltrove Cotta eTabernacle Walk.1.5227 LODGEMOOR LANESO 8404 6/347so 8405 5/347Lodgemoor iM,illsiIIGV2.1871-3. Architect James Ferrabee of Brimscombe. Rebuilt after fire of 1871to similar ground plan to previous mill (circa 1815). Mill on site s<strong>in</strong>ce atleast 015. Red brick with blue brick pilasters and voussoirs, panels of yellowbrick above 2nd floor w<strong>in</strong>dows. 3 storeys and parapet. 12 ranges of round archedw<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and w<strong>in</strong>g to north at west end. Eng<strong>in</strong>e house at eastend: 4 bays: 1 storey: 2 round arched w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> north elevation,set <strong>in</strong> recessed panel of yellow brick under s<strong>in</strong>gle reliev<strong>in</strong>g arch.Lodgemoor Mills. Lodgemoor Mills Office Block. Nos 1 & 2 Lodgemoor Cottages and a<strong>in</strong>Lodgemoor MilJs Bridge form a group together with Fromehall Mills.1.5227 LCGEIEMOOR LANESO 8405 5/88so 840o4 6/88 1.5.51.Lodgemoor Mills Office Block(Formerly listed under Ca<strong>in</strong>scross)II*GV2.C17 nucleus: hammerdressed rubble with pitched stone roof. 3 storeys. 3 gableson west side. Various mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows, some with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Early/mid C18 extension to south. Brick on west side: ashlar on east. Pitchedstone roof. 3 storeys. East elevation has lo ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded stone architraves and bull-nosed sills. Door <strong>in</strong> horizontall.rusticated surround with applied Ionic columns, tak<strong>in</strong>g segmental dentilled pediment.To south of this extension is a C17/C18 block. H1ammerdressed stone. Modernpitched roof. 3 storeys. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows, 1 with hoodmould. 2 oval oculi<strong>in</strong> gable end.

ERSCHEDULEIn the entry for:1.5227 LIBBY'S DRIVESO 8505 5/342No 6 (New Mills Court)IIGV2.Mid C19. Ashlar. Hipped stone roof. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>g course aboveground floor, and moulded eaves cornice on east elevation. 3 rangers of doublehung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. East elevation has late C19 tripartite "Ipswich` w<strong>in</strong>dow onground floor, and mullioned double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow above.Old Court House, N°7 and NO6 form a GroupThe description shall be amended to read:2.W<strong>in</strong>g of mill build<strong>in</strong>g, late C18 or early C19, reconstructed as freestand<strong>in</strong>g house,early C20. Ashlar and coursed rubble. Stone roof, hipped at south-west end.South-west elevation has tripartite w<strong>in</strong>dow on ground floor, orig<strong>in</strong>ally sashed,now with early C20 "Ipswich" w<strong>in</strong>dows,the upper lights with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars; pla<strong>in</strong>str<strong>in</strong>gcourse; double w<strong>in</strong>dow on first floor now with plate glass sashes; andmoulded eaves cornice. South-east and north-east elevations <strong>in</strong>corporate re-usedCllor early C18 mullioned casements and cont<strong>in</strong>uous hoodmould. North-westelevation rebuilt early C20. Interior early C20. Included for GV with Old Courtand No 7.Signed by AuthorityOf the Secretary of StateP N BRISTOWA Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal <strong>in</strong> theDep&rtmerit 'f thre Environment

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54FIFTH AMENDMENT TO 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (Gloucestershire)WHEREAS1. by section 54(1) of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 and the Secretary ofState for the Environment Order 1970 (here<strong>in</strong>after collectively called "the pr<strong>in</strong>cipalAct") the Secretary of State for the Environment and his predecessors under the Townand Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Acts 1944 to 1971 (here<strong>in</strong>after called "Secretary of State"),with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of th )functions under the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Act <strong>in</strong> relation ot <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest, is or were required to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled;2. on 25th of June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of speciaarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>3. the Secretary of State considers that the said list should be amended by theamendment set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto;4. the Secretary of State has consulted those persons who appear to him appropriateas hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>,such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>;NOW THEREFOREthe Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the aforementioned powers herebyamends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the schedule hereto.CETFED This DY6A1 CTIV 7 E1 ~~ TO §CC?EHB 1 7dEXECJ?'EF6Ri

To south of this aga<strong>in</strong> is a late C18 l-storey w<strong>in</strong>g, with 4 much larger double-hungsash wmndows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.To north of everyth<strong>in</strong>g is an early C19 block. Hammerdressed rubble. 3 storeys.5 ranges of segment-headed w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 range of load<strong>in</strong>g doors.doors.Interior of early or mid C18 block has staircase (now divided <strong>in</strong> 2) with flutednewels and fluted munt<strong>in</strong>s to dado wa<strong>in</strong>scott<strong>in</strong>g, turned balusters, and handrailramped to newel. Until recently it had a Ch<strong>in</strong>ese Chippendale back stair (now<strong>in</strong> <strong>Stroud</strong> Museum). In late C18 w<strong>in</strong>g is a chimneypiece and overmantel of circa1740-50. Stone. Palladian type with some earlier details (eg gadroon<strong>in</strong>g), butsome Rococo details as well. Fireplace has gadrooned surround, then shoulderedarchitrave with acanthus flank<strong>in</strong>g fluted urn with serpent handles, support<strong>in</strong>gpulv<strong>in</strong>ated frieze with oak leaves and flanked by Rococo scrolls <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>gwolfs' heads. Overmantel flanked by Ionic columns, then festoons of flowers,has female mask <strong>in</strong> sunburst with arms and musical <strong>in</strong>struments <strong>in</strong> spandrels.Broken scrolled pediment with egg-shaped urn and swags.Lodi2emoor Mills, LodRemoor Mills Office Block- Nos 1 & 2 Lodgemoor Cottages andiodgemoor Mills Bridge form a zroun top:ether withl Fronmehall Mills.3i 5227 LODGEMOOR LAtEso o405 5/90oNos 1 & 2(Lodgemoor Cottages)IIGVMid C18. Former stables, with 1 cottage attached at west end. Brick. 2 storeys.parapet. Pitched stone roof. Ground floor w<strong>in</strong>dows round arched, with keystones.1 st floor has blocked lunettes. Pediment with oculus. Stable doors with 3-centredarch. 2 orig<strong>in</strong>al ra<strong>in</strong>water heads. Cottage at west end is brick, with pitchedtile roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of segment headed casements. Early Cg19 additionat east end. Hliammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics.3 ranges of segment-headed w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 attic weav<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>dow.1 range of load<strong>in</strong>g doors and w<strong>in</strong>ch hoist at east end,Lodgemoor Mills Lodgemoor Mills Office Block. Nos 1 & 2 Lodgemoor Cottages andLodgemoor Mills Bridge form a grouo tozether with Fromehall Mills.* 1.5227 LCDGEMOOR IANES O 8404 d/89 1.5.51.Lodgemoor Mills Bridge(Formerly listed under Ca<strong>in</strong>scross)IIGV2.C18. Stone bridge. Modillion cornice and balustraded parapet. Rusticated arch.Lodgemoor Mills, Lodzemoor Mills Office Block, Nos I & 2 Lodgemoor Cottages andLodemoor Mills Bridge form a group together with Fromehall Mills.65

5227 LCODGEMOOR LANE30 8404 M 558 14.8.67.Fromehall tMills(Formerly listed under Ca<strong>in</strong>scross).L!GVYEa-iy C19. Said <strong>in</strong> 1608 to have been even older than Lodgemoor Mills. Hammerdressedrubble. Modern pitched roof. 4 storeys. 8 bays with segment-headed w<strong>in</strong>dowsand stone arches. Pl<strong>in</strong>th to former chimney. 017/C18 range to south of ma<strong>in</strong>olock. Huammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 4 storeys. 10 ranges of mullionedcasements.lod!emoor Mills Lodgemoor Mills Office Block, Nos 1 & 2 Lodgemoor Cottages andL,odgemoor Mills BridRe form a group together with Fromehall Mills.5227 LONDON ROAD ,(South-West Side)SO 80 SE 27/348Ma<strong>in</strong> block at Stafford MIlls-7~~I ~GV2.C18/early Clg9. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. 4 rangesof bipartite w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on north and south elevations, some casement,some double-hung sash. Ground floor open<strong>in</strong>gs modern. 2-storey extension toeast with lean-to slate roof: 1 bipartite double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars on north and south elevations.fle <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> at Stafford Mills form a groun.5227 LONDON ROAD(South West Side)SO 80 SE 27/351Stafford HiouseStafford HouseIIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar front. Pitched stonle roof. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of 2-lightGothic w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds, casements and lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Similar door.Tebjb,ld<strong>in</strong>Gs at StaffordMills form a groUD.66

02. The Koup value note should be amended to read BridAg Cottae,Vale Cottage. Rose Cottage, and loe 1 and 2 The Laurels (cov). Bowbrideform a groun.1. /BJTTER ROW HILL5227 (East Side)SO 8504 6/151The LaurelsIn the above entry:BUITTER ROW HILL(East Side)The Laurelsshall be amended to read:BDW IDGENo 1 The LaurelsThe group value note should be amended tread:Bridge Cottae, Vale Cottage, Rose Cotte, and Nos 1 and 2 The LaurelsBowbridge form a grmou. /1. MUTTER ROW HILL5227 (East Side)SO 8504 6/152No 2In the above entryBUTTER ROW HILL(East Side)No 2shall be amended to readsBOWIMIDENo 2 The LaurelsThe group value notemould be amended to read:Bride Cottage, Vale ottage. Rose Cottage, and NoB 1 and 2 The Laurelsform a ro'D.Bowbridge3.

1. / THE BUTTS5227 (West Side)S0 8404 6/180Nos 1 to 4 (oonseo)(Rook Cottages) <strong>in</strong>olud<strong>in</strong>grail<strong>in</strong>gs to gardenIn the above entry:Nos 1 to 4 (oonseo) (Rook Cotte)amended to read Nos 1 to 4 (gardens of Nos 2 to 4 (oonseo<strong>in</strong>olud<strong>in</strong>g rail<strong>in</strong>gs to garden shall beRook Cottages <strong>in</strong>olud<strong>in</strong>g rail<strong>in</strong>gs to1. LONDON ROAD5227 (South-West Side)so 8505 5/59Nos 47 to 53 (oonsec)IIGV2.018/19. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows. (Double hung sash). Nos 47 and 48 are red briokwith stone keystones and voussoirs. No 49 (Sesame Shop) faced <strong>in</strong> stone. Nos 50to 53 are plastered and have early C19 dooroases; No 53 (The Merry-mouth Cafe)has also pediment dooroase at bowed type shop front.Nos 38 to 43 (oonseo) form a group with Nos 10 to 14 (oonseo)The desoriptive notes should be amended to read:on the North East side.2.Nos 47& 48 Early C19, partly rebuilt <strong>in</strong> faosimile <strong>in</strong> 1965. Red brick, No 48is rendered. Three storeys, three w<strong>in</strong>dows, those of No 47 have segmental heads.Pla<strong>in</strong> doors. Parapet, slate roof. No 48 London Road front is ashlar with oornioeand parapet. Modern shopfront. Two storeys, three w<strong>in</strong>dows, sashes with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, oentre blooked. Four bay modern blook to left (1965).No 49 is two storeys, one bay with large tripartite sash over modern ground floor.Parapet roof not visible.Nos 50 to 53 (oonseo) Early C19. Rendered. Three storeys, moulded cornice,slate toof. Two w<strong>in</strong>dows each storey, keystone heads; sashes; glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars tofirst and second floors of Nos 50 and 51. No 53 has modern b* w<strong>in</strong>dow to groundfloor. Nos 50 and 51 have paired doorways with gabled porch; six panel doors withlosenge strip surround. No 52, similar, without porch, and No 53 similar but withadded modern surround with broken pediment and Wedgwood medallion.The group value note should be deleted.1. SLAD ROAD5227 (North Side)No 197 (Lower Woodlands)so 8605 NW 22/470 No 1994.

5227 LONDON ROAD|I~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~(Sou-th West Side)SO 8504 6/9A 14.8.67.Arundell Mill and Arundell iMill Cottage(Formerly listed as Arundell Mill,Bovwbridge )II*i 1.2.C3t7, with Cl0. extension. Former dyeworks, now part carpenter's shop, and partdwell<strong>in</strong>g. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched stone roof. T-shaped plan. Stone mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dows.f',- ~,5227 LONDON ROAD(South-ltest Side)S _oso R5o4 /3552,Nos 389 to 43 (consec)Late Cl13. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted ashlar. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> eaves cornice and parapet. GiantTuscan pilaster order, with anthemia at top and bottom of pilasters. 2 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars per house, pla<strong>in</strong> architraves andsills. 1. round-arched door with fanlight per house. No 41 has canted bay w<strong>in</strong>dowon ground floor with guttae to architrave, dentilled console, and block<strong>in</strong>g coursewitth decoration of pediments and acroteria <strong>in</strong> shallow relief. No 43 has modernisedgromnd floor.Nos n3to 43 (consec) form a group with Nos 10 to 14 (consec) on the North East side.2.Cl,/1;/. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows. (double hung sash). Nos 47 and 4'1 are red brick·with stone keystones and vouissoirs. No 40 (Sesame Shop) faced <strong>in</strong> stone. Nos 50to 53 are plastered and have early C19 doorcases: No 53 (The Merry-mouth Cafe)has also pediment door-case and bowed type shop front.3| Maq3 tno 44( ^^) form aE-+ 4 roun w" bn]i toi 14 (ennRonn n r the Nor4th Eat i4e, .-67

5227 LONDON ROAD(South West Side)SO 8505 5/356No 58II2.Late C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above groundfloor. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st and 2ndfloors. Modern shopfront.1.5227 LONDON ROAD(North East Side)SO 8505 5/357Frome House2.Late C18. Ashlar. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of double-iung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars, those on 1st floor with bowed iron balconies. 6 panel door, with wroughtiron porch: elaborate supports and tent roof.1.5227 LONDON ROAD(North East Side)so 8504 ,/359Nos 12 and 13IIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed stone. 3 storeys. Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor.2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 modern canted bayon ground floor. 1 6 panel door witlh oblong fanlight. Oval sundial on elaboratecorbel.Nos 10 to 14 (consen) form a arouo witih Nos 38 to 43 (consec) on South West side.68

I~~~~~55227SOU~ 85o4 6/53~60 ~NoS0 8504 6/360LONDON RCOAD(North East Side)14 (The Mkanse)GV2.Early C19. Ashlar. 2 storeys and attics. Moulded eaves cornice and parapet.Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>geourse above ground floor. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (1 w<strong>in</strong>dow blocked). 3 attic dormers with casements. 1 6 panreldoor with oblong fanlight.Nos 10 to 14 (consec) form a wroup with Nos 58 to 43 (consec) on South West side.5227 LCNDON ROAD(North East Side)SS O 8504 6/8 1.5.51.Bowbridge House(Formerly listed under Bowbridge)IIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. 3 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double hung sash), those on groundand 1st floor 3-light, the central one be<strong>in</strong>g Venetian. Central portico with2 Tuscan columns and pediment. Crown<strong>in</strong>g cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Interior.Quite good contemporary fireplaces.Bowbridge House forms a zroup with Nos 8l to 27 (odd) Bowbridge Lae.I1.5227 LOVEDAY'S MEADBADBROOKSo 8505 5/361Upper GrangeII2.Early C18 or earlier. Rendered. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics.Parapet, ramped at either end to a pediment crown<strong>in</strong>g each of the end elevations.3 ranges of mullioned casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, and 1 range of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. West elevation has 2 ranges of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows withi glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> raised embrasures, and 2 false attic w<strong>in</strong>dows<strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> raised embrasures. Attic dormer with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> rear.69

5227 LOVEDAY i MUADso 8505 5/362IIttG orge CottageC18/early C19. Hammerdressed rubble./Pitched slate roof. Brick chimney. 2storeys. 3 ranges of casements with laz<strong>in</strong>g bars.5227 LOVEDAY'S MEAD/ BADBROOKso 8505 5/364085/ Barn at Grange Farm !2.c17/C18. Hammerdressed rub e, M4odern asbestos roof, catslide on south sideto cover cartsheds. Water. table. Porch with barn doors and mallioned w<strong>in</strong>dowwith hoodmould. /5227 LOWER STREET(North Side)SO 8504 6/365Nos 3 & 4IIGV2.C17. Coursed rubble (No 4 faced with ashlar). Pitched pantile roofs. 2 storeys.No 3 has 1 range of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 planked door. No 4 has1 mullioned casement on 1st floor and 1 casement with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on groundfloor.Nos 3 to 5 (consec) form a groun with Nos 54 to 60 (consec) on the South Sideand with Hemlock Well House. SprZ<strong>in</strong> Lane.'j'O

Si~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iSO 8505 STROUD LOVEDAY'S MEAD, Badbrook5/364 Barn at Grange Farm25.6.74Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateDated: \ O

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:-SO 8505 STROUD LOVEDAY'S MEADBadbrook5/362 Grange CottageIISTignd by authority of theSecretary of StateP. J. HERONA Senior Executive Officer <strong>in</strong> the~~~~~~~~~Dated; ~Department of the Environment',. ., ........... i

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54flrhAMENDMENT OF SECOND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICINTERESTSDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 54 of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 ('the Act') requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to theguidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functionsunder the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic *<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and may amend any list tocompiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> ofspecial architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs andMonuments Commission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons whoappear to him appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out<strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE, the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred onhim by S.54 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> theSchedule hereto.CERTIFIED THIS DAY. OFHSD DOC 2 (Rev.12.87)fl d9 TO BEEXCCUT1VE OFFICER

IS30 8504 6N367II22 LOWER STREET(North Side)lo 6 (Melbourne House)2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. 1 ashlar chimney. 3 storeys. Bloclk<strong>in</strong>Lcourse to rooi'. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above grounzd floor. 3 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 panelled door with semi-circular fanlight,and vaulted hood with trefoil motif <strong>in</strong> rail.5227 LOIER STREETf (North Side)5.0O 85 42/J Nos 8 &- 9SO 85C4 f/13 1.5.51.IIGVHE 2.C17. Rubble. .lodern slate roof. 2 gables. 3 storeys. Various 2-lig;lt stogiemullion w<strong>in</strong>dows and dripmoulds. No 9 faced <strong>in</strong> toughcast. io 8 has good stonecchimney stacks, and modern shopfront added.Nos 8 P& 9, Nos 11 to 19 (consec ) form a czrouoSouth Side.with Nos 43to 90 (consec ) on thle({*} 5227 LOWER STREET(North Side)so 8534 6/368Nos 11 & 12IIGV2.C18. Pebbledash. Pitched pantile roof with sprocket<strong>in</strong>g. Brick chimney. 2storeys and attics. 2 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 2 attic dormerswith casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Nos 8: 9 Nos 11 to 19 (consec) form a group with Nas 43 to S0 (consec) on theSouth Side.71 I

5227 LOWER STREET(North Side)so 8504 6/14 1.5.51.IIGVNos 15 to 18 (consec)[Formerly listed as Nos 15 to 17(consec)]C17. Rubble faced <strong>in</strong> rough cast or cement. Partly Cotswold stone roof and partlyWelsh slate. 2 gables. 3 storeys. Various 2-light stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows anddripmoulds. go 17 has C18 bay shop type w<strong>in</strong>dow. No 18 has date <strong>in</strong>scription1695.Nos 8 & g a Nos 11 to 1 (consec)] form a roun with Nos 43-to S0 (consec) on theSouth Side.1.5227 LOWER STREET(North Side)so 8504 6/370No 19IIGV2.C18. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. 3 rangesof casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Nos 8 & o 4 Nos 11 to 19 (consec) form a pxroun with Nos 43 to '0 (consec) on theSouth Side.1.5227 LOWER STREET(North Side)SO0 8504 6/371Castle Bank and yarrowII2.Mid C19. Polychrome brick, with aslilar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched slate roof. Groupedchimneystacks. 2 storeys with attics. 2 gables with 1 casement each. 2 oblongbays with casements. 2 ranges each of casements, those on ground floor withmullions and transoms. 2 doors with decorated panell<strong>in</strong>g and diaper pattern tiles<strong>in</strong> tympana of reliev<strong>in</strong>g arches.

5227 LOWER STREET(Soutlh Side)SO 8504 6/372Nos 26 to 28 (consec)II2.C17. Rendered. Pitched stone roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys and attics.1 range each on both north and south sides of mullioned casements, those on groundfloor with hoodmoulds. 1 attic dormer each with casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)SO 8504 6/374Nos 33 & 34IIC17. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of mullionedcasements with hoodmoulds.1.5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)SO 8504 6/375No 36•j IIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 3 storeys. 2 rangesof segment- headed casements, 1 with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Nos 36 to 38 (consec) and No 40 foxm a crouD.73

1.5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)SO 8504 6/376Nos 37 & 38IIGV2.Early/mid C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attic.1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1 st floor, and i double-hung sash with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong>moulded wooden frame on ground floor. 6 panelled door with flat hood on elaborateconsoles. No 38 has 2 storeys, 1 casement with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, 2 segment-headedplanked doors, and 1 mullion w<strong>in</strong>dow with hood-mould <strong>in</strong> rear.Nos 36 to 38 (consec) and No 40 form a Rroup.1. (5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)SO 8504 6/378No 43IIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges ofsegment-headed casements.Nos 43 to 50 (consec) form a group with Nos 8.9 & 1. to 4 (consc) on thleNorth Side.1.5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)SO 8504 6/379No 44~~~~II~GV2.C17/C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Rendered front. Modern pitched roof. Brickchimney. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of casement w<strong>in</strong>dows.Nos 45 to 50 (consec) form a group with Nos 8. 9 & 1l to 19 (consec) on theNorth Side.74

1.5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)I SO 8504 6/380IIGVNos 45 to 47 (consec)2.C17/c18. Rendered. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys. Ist floorset back slightly from ground floor. 1 range each of flush framed casementswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 4-panelled door each <strong>in</strong> deep reveal.Nos 43 to 50 (consec) form a group with Nos 8. 9 d: 11 to 19 (consec) on the5227 LOWER STREET(South Side)so 8504 Y/381Nos 48 to 50 (consec)(The Iew Inn Public Hlouse)11 GV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys.4 ranges of segment-headed casements. No 50 has door with oblong fanlight.Nos 43 to 50 (consec) form a group witkh os 8, 9 a 1 to 1 lg (consec ) on theNorth Side.*1.5227 TIDE i4AlUaET(West Side)SO 8505 5/385Church <strong>in</strong>stituteIICGV2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched tile roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys and attics.3 ranges o' double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with &laz<strong>in</strong>t bars. 2 attic dormers. 2mid C19 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows on ground floor. Verandah to grolund floor on irmnsupports, consistil4n of Tuscan columns tai-<strong>in</strong>g depressed arches with keys, andwith circles <strong>in</strong> spandrels: flat roof with ends of joistls jrojectilngAll the listed buildi<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> The Market form a group. toKether with Nosand The Bedford Arms. Hiah Street53 to ';55(consec75

1.5227 THE lARKET(West Side)_____ _____SO 8505 5/386IIGVChurch Hall2.Early C19. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Gianb Tuscan pilastrade tak<strong>in</strong>g full entablatureaid block<strong>in</strong>g course. Cround floor has bl<strong>in</strong>d arcade between pilasters. 1st floorhas 6 mullion and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows (1 blocked). Verandah to ground floor on ironsupports, consist<strong>in</strong>g of Tuscan columns tak<strong>in</strong>g depressed arches with keys, andwith arches <strong>in</strong> spandrels: flat roof with ends of joists project<strong>in</strong>g.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> The Market form a £zrouD, together with Nos 53 to 55 (consecand The Bedford Ams: High Street.3.,5227 THE r'ARKHET(East Side)___________SO 8505 5/53Town lallII~~~*~~GV2.1596. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys, and 2 attic storeys.Central gable with 1 mullioned attic w<strong>in</strong>dow on each floor, both with hood moulds.3 mullioned and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows on 1st floor, those at either side with hoodmoulds. Central w<strong>in</strong>dow is an 8-light oriel crowned by a cornice and taken ona central pier, which is progressively corbelled out by means of elaborate scrolledbrackets. Aga<strong>in</strong>st this pier abut 2 Tuscan columns, on high pl<strong>in</strong>ths, each tak<strong>in</strong>ga full entablature and an elaborate scroll. Ground floor has 2 4-centred archeswith moulded voussoirs, flank<strong>in</strong>g 2 round arches with lions masks on keystones.2 massive C19 buttresses to ground and 1st floors.2 flank<strong>in</strong>g mid Clg9 staircase w<strong>in</strong>gs: ashlar: battlemented parapets: str<strong>in</strong>gcourseswith lions' heads masks: paired lancets with polychrome reliev<strong>in</strong>g arches: quatrefoiloculi above with polychrome voussoirs.Mid C19 extension to north: ashlar: 2 storeys: battlemented parapet: 3 rangesof mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.Before these Clg9 alterations were made the Town Hall was presumable free-stand<strong>in</strong>g;<strong>in</strong> which case it belongs to the same type as the town halls of M<strong>in</strong>ch<strong>in</strong>hampton,Tetbury and Dursley; but ow<strong>in</strong>g to the slop<strong>in</strong>g site, a variant on this theme.All the lited build<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> The Market form a group. to ether with4 Nos 53 to 55(consec) and The Bedford Arms. High Street.76

5227 TIE MARKET(North End)so 8505 5/2 1.5.51.Church of St LawrenceBGV2.Parish church. West tower C14, restored. Rema<strong>in</strong>der 1866-8: architects Wilsonand Wilcox of Bath. Carv<strong>in</strong>gs, font and pulpit by Joshua Wall. Reredos (1872)by G G Scott the Younger. Good monument to Thomas Stephens (d. 1613) by SamuelBaldw<strong>in</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>: other good late C18 monuments, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g one by W Paty.| All the listed build<strong>in</strong>rs <strong>in</strong> The Market form a grouD. together with Nos 53 to 55 (consecand The Bedford Arms, High Street.1(e 5227 MEADCW IANE(South Side)DUDBRIDGESO 8304 NW 17/387Blue RowNlos 1 to 4 (consec)2.Early C19. Terraced cottages. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitchied tile roof. 2storeys. 3 ranges each of modern casements <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al segmental open<strong>in</strong>gs.I1.( 5227 MEAOW LANE(South Side)DUDBRIDGEIios 1 to 3 (consec)SO 8304 NW 17/388II2.C17. Terraced cottages. Rendered. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attics.4 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.I.-

5227 MIDDIE HILL(North Side)SO 8505 5/389Hillside HouseII2.Early C19. Ashlar friont. Pitched slate roof. 1 ashlar chimney. 2 storeys.Block<strong>in</strong>g course to roof. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1 door with semi-circular fanlight.1.5227 MIDDIE STREET(NIorth Side)so 8505 5/38III'o 32.Ci17. Coursed rubble. Slate roof. Gable with Victorian bargeboard. 3 storeys.2 w<strong>in</strong>dows (stone mullions and transoms with cont<strong>in</strong>uous dripmould). Ground floorrusticated and pa<strong>in</strong>ted C19 shop front.1.5227 MIDDIE STREET(North Side)Nos 22 & 23SO 8505 5/37 1.5.51, oIIGV2.C16/17. Rubble. 'o 22 has Cotswold stone roof, No 23 slate. 2 storeys anddormer. 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow, (2- and 3-light stone mullions and dripmoulds). No 23 hasmodern shop type w<strong>in</strong>dow but has gable end with 2 blocked 2-light stone mullionw<strong>in</strong>dows and dripmoulds, form<strong>in</strong>g nice group with No 24, which is slightly setback from road.IINos 21 to 27 (consec) form a group.781I78I

5227 MIDDIE STREET(North Side)SO 8505 5/36 1.5.51.IIGVNos 24 & 252.C16/17. Stone faced <strong>in</strong> rough cast. Cotswold stone roof. 2 gables. 3 storeysand 4 w<strong>in</strong>dows. (2- and 3-light stone mullions, dripmoulds and lead lights) plusadditional 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows. No 24 has small oval w<strong>in</strong>dow high <strong>in</strong> gable with leadedlights.Nos 21 to 27 (consec) form a zrouD.5227 4I)DIE STFEET(North Side)so 8505 5/35IIGVNos 26 & 272.C16/17. Cement faced. Slate roof. No 26, 2 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows (2-light stonemullions.) No 27, gable. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows (2-light stone mullions). Doorswith chamfered stone surrounds.Nos 21 to 27 (consec) form a grouo.5227 MIDDIE STREET(North Side)So 85-:5 5/34Nos 43 & 44(Devonshire Villas)II2.C16/17. Roughcast fronts. Tile roof. 2 gables Jo<strong>in</strong>ed by new parapet. 3 storeys.Either 2-light stone mullions and dripmoulds, or 2-light casements.79

5227 MIDDLE STREET(North Side)so 85;D5 5/396Nos 52 & 53II2.Early c19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeysand attics. 2 ranges of segment-headed casementsvoussoirs.with glaz<strong>in</strong>gNo 53barsnasanda doorbrickwith an oblong fanlight.1.5227 MIDDIE STREET(North Side)SO 8505 5/33Nos 55 to 57 (conseo)(Tr<strong>in</strong>ity Cottages)II2.C16/17. Roughcast fronts. Cotswold stone roof. 3 small gables now Jo<strong>in</strong>ed byparapet. 3 storeys. 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow (2- and 3-light casements).1.5227 MIDDLE STREET(South Side)S0 85D5 5/398No 72V2.Late c18. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys.andMouldedblock<strong>in</strong>geavescourse.cornice3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Porch with ogival roof and drop tracery. Door with oblong fanlight.80

!*~~r5227 14IDIAND AVEDUE1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~1S ' /Nos1 2< &SO 045 5/31 1.5,51, o.\

5227 NELSON STREET(South side)_____________so50~ 85'.5 5/43so~No85:5 5/43IIGV11 (Nelson House)2.C18. Stone. Hipped and sprocketed Welsh slate roof. 2 storeys and attic.eavesCovedcornice. 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Nos 11 to 15 (consec) form a group.1.5227 NELSON STREET(South Side)SO 8505 5/4'0No 12 (Walcourt House)IIGV2.C18. Stone, Welsh slate roof. 2 storeys. Wood modillion eaves cornice. 3ranges of casement w<strong>in</strong>dows, with mullions and transoms on 1st floor.Nos 11 to 15 (consec) form a group.1.5227SO 8505 5/4~%1NELSON STREET(South Side)No 13IIGV2.C18. Stone. Cotswold stone roof. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and parapet.2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and ground floor shop w<strong>in</strong>dow.Nos 11 to 15 (consec) form a group.82

I' 152 2 7 NELSON STIEET(South Side)so 85:5 5/4(2No 14iiGV2.C18. Rendered. 3 storeys. 1 range of segment-headed double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 6-panelled door with oblong fanlight.3, Nos 11 to lr5 (consec) form a grouo.1.5227 NELSON STREET(South Side)so 8505 5/45 Nos 19 & 20IIGVEarly C19. Ashlar. 2 storeys. 4 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-}hung sashi and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars).Central portion projects slightly with pediment. Crown<strong>in</strong>g cornice and parapet.Central 2 5-panelled doors witnL fanlighlts and semi-circular recess over, with2 elliptical w<strong>in</strong>dows above. Either side modern project<strong>in</strong>g shop w<strong>in</strong>dows. R.H.S.|*· Forecourt wall.Nos io to 22 (consec) form a groun.v 1.5227 NELSON STREET(South Side)so 85n5 5/45vNo 21IIGV2.C15/17. Hammerdressed rubble. 3 storeys: gable. 2- and 3-lignt stone mullionw<strong>in</strong>dows with hloodmoulds. Blocked oval oculus <strong>in</strong> 3rd floor. Ground floor modern.I1.iNIosig to 22 (consec) form a Aroug.

5227 NELSON STREET(South Side)SO 85¥5 j/4C4No 22 (The Duke of YorkPublic House)IIGV2.G,iZd C19. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted brick. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. Miouldedstucco cornice and parapet. 3 ranges of double-hung sashi w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars <strong>in</strong> moulded stucco embrasures with cornices. Door with oblong fanlight <strong>in</strong>same embrasure. 2 attic dormers.Nos 19 to 22 (consec) form a grouD.5227 NELSON STREET(South Side)SO 85^5 5/425No 25II2. 3Early C18. Rendered. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attics. Coved eavescornice. Rusticated ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s. 2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars on 1st floor with pla<strong>in</strong> ashlar architraves and keystones. 1 attic dormerwith casement.1. 05227 OLD PAINSWICK ROAD(West Side)SO 8: NW 29/69 1.5.51.The Homestall(Formerly listed asThe Culls, Wick Street)II2.C07/18. Stone. Cotswold stone roof. 3 gables. 3 storeys. 2- and 3-lightstone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows. Blocked oval w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> gables. C19 "Gothic" bay w<strong>in</strong>dowand porch. Good diagonal chimney stacks.84I84_

.1i 1,5227 OLD PAINSWICK ROAD(East Side)so 8C NE 2/406ilawkwood CollegeII2.1845. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Hexagonal ashilar chimneys. 2 storeys andattics. Front has 5 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds, and 3 gableswith 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow each. Porch with po<strong>in</strong>ted arch, hoodmould, stiffleaflabel stops, and diagonal buttresses. Remnants of an earlier house <strong>in</strong>clude casementw<strong>in</strong>dow at rear, with 1755 scratched on it.1i5227 OLD PAINSWICK ROAD(East Side)SO 80 NE 29/4C7Lodge to Hawkwood CollegeII2.1845. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. l storey. Diagonally placed ashlar chimneys.Coped gable ends. Mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.1.5227 OLD PAINSWICK ROAD(East Side)so 80 NE 29/408Gateposts at Hawkwood CollegeII2.Mid C19. Ashlar.Flank<strong>in</strong>g walls.Octagonal with pyramidal caps surrounded by crenellations.85

5 2 2 7 OLD RECTORY CLOSEr) j {RODBOROUGHSO 840 6/409The Old RectoryIIII2.16;8C. Former Weavers' cottages. Converted <strong>in</strong>to "a gentleman's residence" 18`5.Altered 1842 on becom<strong>in</strong>g Rectory. Divided <strong>in</strong>to 2 houses <strong>in</strong> 1958. Hammerdressed Irubble. Pront rendered. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys andattics. 4 ranges of tripartite mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with po<strong>in</strong>ted casements (1842).2 gables with unusual term<strong>in</strong>als to cop<strong>in</strong>g (168o) and tripartite mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows Iwith po<strong>in</strong>ted casements. Porch withi po<strong>in</strong>ted barrel vault, crenellations, f<strong>in</strong>ials,scrolled angle buttresses and roll mould<strong>in</strong>g (1805). Double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (1805) on rear elevation.1.5227 PAGANHILLAlma Terrate30 8~o~ NE lg/411 Nos 4 to 6 (consec)SO 83S5 NE 12/411lIIGV2.Early elg. Hammerdressed rubble. Hipped slate roof to No 4, Nos 5 and 6's modern.Brick chimneys. 2 storeys. 1 range each of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g Ibars, Nos 4 and 5 with another range each of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars.A-lma Terrace and Maypole Terrace form a group with Baptist Hall and Yew Tree Cottage.U1.5227 PAGANHILLSO 8305 NE 12/412MavynoletrraceNos 1 to 5 (consec)IIGV2.-Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimneys. 3 storeys. /2 ranges each of segment-headed casements and 1 segment-headed planked door each.Alma Terrace and Maypole Terrace form a group with Baptist Hall and Yew Tree Cottage.l85 :4

I1.|3 5227 PAGANHILLThe Old Crown Inn: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PublicHouseI ~~SO 8305 NE 12/65 1.5.51. Public HouseIIGV2.C17/18. Cotswold stone roof. Stone.stone mullions and dripmoulds).2 gables. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows (2-light| Thle Old Crown Inn Public House, and Crown Cottames form a aroun with Nos 7 and 85227 PAGANHILLIll1.5.51. Nos 1 to 5 (consee)!~(.~|~~~~~~~~~ ~(Crown Cottages).14.8.67. No 6 (Crown Cottages)[Formerly listed as No 1 Parkend|i SO 8305 NE 12/66~~~~II~~GV2.Row of C18 Cotswold style cottages. Stone. Cotswold stone roof. 2 storeysand dormers. 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow (2-light stone mullions and dripmoulds). No 5 is dated1714.The Old Crown Tn" Public House and Crown Cpttages form a group with Nos 7 and 8i ark End.1.5227 PAGANHILLSO ~~[Nos~ 8305SO 8305 NW 11/94Nw 11/94SO 8305 NE 12/94 14.8.67.Field PlaceI to 3 (consec)]|| 'IIU ~~2.C15 (date stone of 1477 found). Altered <strong>in</strong> C16/C17. Front largely mid-C18 Gothic,with alterations <strong>in</strong> mid-Cl9. Interior altered <strong>in</strong> mid-C20. Ashlar. Slate roof.2 storeys. E-shaped front. C19 crenellated parapets to gable ends, of whichorig<strong>in</strong>al f<strong>in</strong>ials survive. Po<strong>in</strong>ted mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows. Central 3-storey porch(mid-C18) with cont<strong>in</strong>uous po<strong>in</strong>ted w<strong>in</strong>dows, quatrefoil panelled decoration, andembattled parapet. 1 C16/C17 panelled door survives <strong>in</strong> attic.87

.1- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5227 PAGANHILL 1SO 8305 NqE 12,/415Wall and Entrance Gateway toField Place to the east and southleast of the houseII2.Mid C18. ilamerdressed rubble. Embattled top. Gatepiers with panelled sidesand elaborate crowns with crocketed f<strong>in</strong>ials. Panelled gates.1. A5227 PAGANHILLS0 8305 NE 12/416Courtyard Wall to Field Placeto the north east of the houseiII|2.Includes 4 c18 f<strong>in</strong>ials: 1 egg-shaped, 1 ogival and crowned by ball, 2 wreathed<strong>in</strong> very elaborate swags and garlands and surmounted by p<strong>in</strong>eapples.1. i5227 PAGANHILLUpfieldS( 8305 NE 12/95 'II2.Early 019. Stone. Slate roof. Gables. 3 storeys. Stone mullion w<strong>in</strong>dows with 3tracery. Interior has shaped rooms, and good Regency staircase. Cli l<strong>in</strong>telwith 2 "Great Beasts" and some foliage <strong>in</strong> very flat relief <strong>in</strong>corporated overback door <strong>in</strong> 1874. 1I'88 1I

!5227 PAGANHILL LANE(West Side)PAGANHILL AfD CAINSCHROSSli~ ~Upfield ~~ ~~~V418SO 8305 NE 12/418Cottage5 II2.Mid Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Paired ashlar chimneys.2 storeys. 1 range of mullioned casements with hoodmoulds. 1 range of moderncasements. 1 modern attic dormer.1.SO0 8305 SE 14/419- ~~~~~~~5227Cit#oJ6CPAGANHILLLANE(West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSS_…-__- _______Spr<strong>in</strong>g HlouseIIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof with bargeboards at gableends. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of segment-headed casements withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Berkeley, Sor<strong>in</strong>~ Villa and Sor<strong>in</strong>g House form a grouD.5227 PAGANHILL LANEC GI)cr> S (West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSSSO 8305 SE 14/420Spr<strong>in</strong>g VillaIIGV2.C18. Ashlar. Modern hipped roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys and semi-basement.2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 bl<strong>in</strong>d w<strong>in</strong>dow overdoor. 1 attic dormer with casement. 4 stone steps up to door, flanked by ironrail<strong>in</strong>gs. Semi-basement has 1 segment-headed planked door, and 1 segment-headedcasement.Berkeley, Spr<strong>in</strong>g Villa and Snr<strong>in</strong>z House form a group.89

'5227 CA. sc,toS PAGANHILL LANE(West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSS £so 83-5 SE 14/421BerkeleyIIGV2.C17/C18. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched slate roof. Lower half of one chimneyis ashlar with moulded cornice. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows withl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g hoodmoulds. 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow on ground floor is similarly l<strong>in</strong>ked with the door.1 range of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Berkelev, Spr<strong>in</strong> Villa and Sor<strong>in</strong>ouse form a wrour.5227 / scr S PAGANHILL LANE(West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSSSO 83Y5 SE 14/422K<strong>in</strong>gley CottageIIGV2.Early or mid C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys.2 storeys. 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 paneldoor with oblong fanlight. Lattice-work porch with tent roof.K<strong>in</strong>ley Cottaoe, Jas <strong>in</strong> Villas and Henley House form a arou with Ns 2 to 14 (even)Westward ioad.5227 l522 7PAGANI.ILL PAGANHILL LANE,(West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSSSO 8305 SE 14/4253Nos 1 & 2 (Jasm<strong>in</strong> Villas)IIGV2. 1Early C19. niammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeysand attics. 4 ranges of segment-headed casements (No l's modern). 1 attic dormerwith casements.K<strong>in</strong>nlev Cottage Ja_sm<strong>in</strong> Villas and ienley House form a Rroun with Nos 2 to 14 (even)Westward Road .g90 _

I,l5227 CA tSc 5c- . 5 PAGANHILL LAlE(West Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSSSO 83G5 SW 13/424so 8305 SE 14/424Henley HouseIIGV2.Early C19. Hammrnerdressed rubble. Ilipped slate roof. 2 storeys and attic.1 range of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 attic dormer with caseracnt.[K<strong>in</strong>glev Cottage: Jasm<strong>in</strong> Villas and llenlev House form a grouD with Nos 2 to 14 (eveniWestward Road.1,5227 C^A i hS-c PAGANIIILL LANE(East Side)PAGANHILL AMD CAINSCROSSS~rlso .8305 SE 14425SO .8305 SE 14/425Albert TerrapeNos 1 to 4 (consec)GV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 3 storeys.1 range each of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 door each withoblong fanlight. No 4 has elaborate and delicate wrought iron porch with tentroof.Albert Terrace and Brook House form a grouD.5227 Ct, - c oCSS PAGANIILL LANE(East Side)PAGANHILL AND CAINSCROSSso 8305 SE 14/426Brook HouseIIGVC17 or earlier. Part harnmerdressed rubble; part coursed rubble; part rendered.Harmmerdressed range has stone roof; rema<strong>in</strong>der slate. 2 storeys. 5 mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds, of which 1 has lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Rema<strong>in</strong>der are C19casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Albert Terrace and Brook House form a group.91

5227 PAGANHILL LANE(East Side)PAGANEILL AND CAINSCROSSSO b305 SE 14/43oGate piers to Penn WoodII2.Mid C19. Iron. Unfluted baseless Tuscan columns with large cast iron horse'sheads on top of capitals.1.5227 PAINSWICK RQOAD(East Side)so 8o NW 29/431No 1 (Grove Cottage),Grove Mill,IIGV2.Grove Mill is a former malt<strong>in</strong>gs, now 4 cottages.Early C19. Hammnerdressed rubble. Pitched tile roof. 1 storey and attics.3 modern casements and 3 attic dormers. iGrove Mill and Grove House form a grouD.1.5227 PAINSWICK ROAD I(East Side)SO 80 NW 29/432IIGVNo 2 (Grove End),Grove Mill2. 1Grove Mill is a former rnalt<strong>in</strong>gs, now 4 cottages.Early C.9. Former kiln to malt<strong>in</strong>gs. i1ammerdressed rubble. Pyramidal slateroof. 2 storeys. 1 range of modern casements.Grove Mill and Grove ilouse form a grouo.92

5227 PATIHSWICK ROAD(East Side)3 5~0 80 IN~ ~Grove 29/45~SO 80 IiW 29/434HouseII GV °2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Coped gables. Ashlar ciiimneys. 3 storeys.4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows witnii glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 Clg9 canted bay wilndowon ground iloor. Door with 6 fielded panels and semi-circular fanlight.Gr-oveMll and Grove House form a -rouo.1.5227 PAINSWICK ROAD(East Side)SO dn NW 29/435Malt<strong>in</strong>gs at Salmon's Spr<strong>in</strong>gBreweryBreweryI_2..lid C19. Brick. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. 15 bays, dividedby pilaster strips and crowned by brick eaves cornice. 14 ranges of w<strong>in</strong>dowson ground floor, bl<strong>in</strong>d panels on 1st floor. C attic dormers.Interior: floor taken on cast iron columns throughout. Kiln at north end: squareplan with pyramidal slate roof, l<strong>in</strong>ed tliroughout: floor of perforated ceramrnictiles: 2 fixed w<strong>in</strong>dows.1.5227 PAINSWICK ROAD(East Side)so50~ 8405~ 5Y68~ Brewery House)SO 8405 5/68SO 80 lW 29/68 1.5.51.IIClothier's Hlouse to formerSalmon's Mill at Salmon'sSpr<strong>in</strong>g Brewery(Formerly listed as Salmon's Spr<strong>in</strong>g2.1593 (date on fireplace) and 1607 (date on door). Hammerdressed rubble. Pitchedstone roof. Paired aslilar chimneys, placed diagonally. 2 storeys and attics,with basement on west side. Str<strong>in</strong>gcourse above ground floor. L-shaped block,witli project<strong>in</strong>g 3-storey porch. Mullion and transom w<strong>in</strong>dows with dripmouldsthroughout, each range surmounted by gable with attic w<strong>in</strong>dow. 1-storey extensionto southi: hammerdressed rubble, pitched stone roof, coped gable. Interior: IC16/C17panelled partitions on both floors: early C18 wa<strong>in</strong>scott<strong>in</strong>g to staircase.ri;

1.5227 PAINSWICK ROAD(West Side)W1nd srPlaneNos 1 to 5 (oonsec)|SO 80 NW 29/436 No to 5 (coeIIGV2.Late C18. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. Coped gables. 3 storeys.1 range each of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 1 range each of trompe l' oeuilw<strong>in</strong>dows. 1 door each with 6 fielded panels and semi-circular fanlights.Nos 1 to 5 (consec) W<strong>in</strong>dsor Place. Nos 1 & 2 W<strong>in</strong>dsor Villas Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottageand Woodville form a group.1.5227 PAINSWICK ROAD 0'(West Side)SO 80 NW 29/439..............WoodvilleII GV |2.Mid C9lg. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 canted bays on both floorswith str<strong>in</strong>gcourses, cornices and parapets, and with mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows. Porchwith Caernarvon arch, surmounted by arched w<strong>in</strong>dow with cusped tracery and hoodmoulds.2 storey extension to north, with 1 range of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars and hoodmoulds; 1 open 4-centre arch with hoodmould.Nos 1 to 5 (consec) W<strong>in</strong>dsor Place- Nos 1 & 2 W<strong>in</strong>dsor Villas. Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottageand Woodville form a groun.IIa1.5227 PARK ENDSO 8305 NE 12/96Park End HouseIIIGV2.C17. Rendered. Pitched stone roof. Paired ashlar chimneys with cornic<strong>in</strong>g.2 storeys and attics. 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars,both surmounted by a gable.East elevation has 1 blocked w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould on ground floor.Ambrose Ceottage Court Cottace, Park End House, Park End Cottage, Hillcot andN, 2 Park End form a group__ _ _94__ __

) 5227 PARK ENDso 8305 NE 12/442Park End CottageIIGV2.C17. Roug2hcast. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodnouldon ground floor, all others C19 casements. /Ambrose Cottage: Court Cottage. Park End House, Park End Cottageand No 2 Park End form a grouo.Hillcot1.5227 PARLIAIENT STREET(South Side)so 8505 5/445IIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves corniceand block<strong>in</strong>g course. 3 ranges of double-hiung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Nos 6 to 12 (even) form a group.1.,5227 PARLIAr,ENT STREET(North Side)'ISO 8505 5/449IINos 15 & 172.C18. Rendered. Pitched and sprocketed slate roof. 2 storeys. 1 range eachof mullioned casements.95

5227 PARLIAMENT STREET(North Side)Nos 21 & 23so 5o5 5/3 ° 1II2.C17/Clq. Coursed rubble. Hodern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attics. 5 rangesof mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows w'th hnodmoulds. 2 planked doors.1.5227 PARLIAMENT STREET(North Side)so 8505 5/77 1.5.51.Church of Sa<strong>in</strong>t Alban2.l915-6.Neo-Norman Mission Church.522f7so ?5d5 5/450PICCADILLY(South Side)_-- _--_----Piccadilly MillEast Block (Messrs Wilkes)IIGV2.YMid CIQ. Red brick. Yellow brick voussoirs. Ashlar gable cop<strong>in</strong>g. Pitched tileroof. 3 storeys and attics. 13 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. 2 attic dormers, slate-hung. 3 w<strong>in</strong>dow ranges <strong>in</strong> end elevations with circularoculus <strong>in</strong> gable end.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Piccadilly form a group.o6

Ii 1.5227 PICCADILLY(South Side)1lso 8505 5/451Piccadilly Mill West Block(Lower Street Motors)IIGV2.Ilid C19. Red brick. Yellow brick voussoirs. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys.7 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, segment-headed on ground floor. 3ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> end elevations. 1 doorwith 6 fielded panels and oblong fanlight.All tdhe listed build<strong>in</strong>as rgoup. <strong>in</strong> Piccadillv form a4 ) 1.5227 PICCADILLY(South Side)so 8505 5/452Nos 18 & 19IIGV2.C17. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted hammerdressed rubble. Mlodern pantiled roof. 2 storeys, with 2gables. 4 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1 st floor, 5 on ground floor.All tihe listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Piccadillv form a wrouD.1.5227 TIE i'AIII(West Side)SO 8406 SW 21/453Pla<strong>in</strong> House2.Early or mid C19. hiarrnerdressed stone. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar clim'eys.2 storeys. 3 ranges of mullioned casemerlts with hoodmoulds.ii97

5227 TIIE PIAIII(East Side)SO 840' SW 21/454ollo 1IIGV2.Early lg9. Hammerdressed stone. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys. 3 rangesof segment-headed casements (1 blocked). Modern extension not listed.Nos 1 to 3 (consec) form a groupo.1. /5227 THE PLAIN(East Side )so 8406 SW 21/455 A) 2IIGV2.C18. Rendered, wi ashlar quo<strong>in</strong>s. Pitched slate roof with coped gables. Brickchimney. 2 stors. 2 ranges of casements. Door with 6 fielded panels, fanlight,and C19 gabled cod.Nlos 1 to 5 (donsec) form a grouD.1. 15227 PUCKSI1OIESO 8305 NW 11/79 1.5.51.The Mill House(Formerly listed asThe Chestnuts)II2.Early C18. Rubble faced <strong>in</strong> pa<strong>in</strong>ted brick with long and short chamfered stonequo<strong>in</strong>s. Cotswold stone roof. 3 storeys. 3 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-hung sash, glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars) with architraves, keystones and bull-nosed sills.98IIa

Department for Culture, Media and Sport 2-4 Cockspur Street Tel 020 7211 6911Architecture and Historic Environment Division 2 London SW1Y SDH Fax 020 7211 S Gould<strong>Council</strong> OfficesEbley Mill<strong>Stroud</strong> Our Ref: SD 1517/02GloucestershireGL5 4UB21 February 2003Dear Ms GouldPLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS ) ACT 1990BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTEREST2 THE PLAIN, WHITESHILL, STROUDI refer to your letter of 23 September 2002 <strong>in</strong> which you appealed aga<strong>in</strong>st the list<strong>in</strong>gof the above build<strong>in</strong>g.The Secretary of State has considered the matter very carefully and has decided that2 The Pla<strong>in</strong>, Whitesfill should not rema<strong>in</strong> on the Statutory List. It has, therefore, beendeleted from the list today.I enclose a copy of the deletion document for your <strong>in</strong>formation.Yours s<strong>in</strong>cerelyMr Deji DaviesList<strong>in</strong>g and Archaeology Branch2 4, Sk Rt)' 'LJ . nSI'Q 'N INV'1TfPEOPLEINVESTOR IN PEOPLE

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 19903 6th AMENDMENT OF THE 2nd LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIALARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOLUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Townand Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 june 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to herappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thesaid list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.N.~~N

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:-SO 8406 SW 21/45525-JUN-1974THE PLAIN(East side)NoZGVSigned by authority of theSecretary of StateELAINE PEARCEDated: i!\sE J,j 2SX 3 Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 19903 5th AMENDMENT OF THE 2nd LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIALARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Townand Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to herappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thesaid list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOWTHEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.STROUD0 3 DEC 2002 f

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g entry shall be removed from the list:-SO 8305 NW 11/45825-JUN-1974GVPUCKSHOLEPark Farm HouseIISigned by authority of theSecretary of StateELAINE PEARCEDated: -i : Department for Culture, Media and Sport

3 4TH AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIALARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (CLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Townand Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and he may amend any list so compiled.2. On 2 5 th June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thesaid list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:S08404 6/459RODBOROUGH HILL5227 (West Side)Nos 1 & 2(GVIISigned by authority of theSecretary of StateDated: /~ (~ CHRIS SMITHDated: lrl | 5 | O Department for Culture, Media and Sport

5227 PUCKSHOIESO 0 8305 NW 11/458Park Farm HouseC18. ammrdress Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. 4 ranges of moderncasements with ab<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs. 1 storey extension to west.2 store¥ and hayloft attached to rear.1.5227 ODBOROUGH HILL|t °dk~° ,/\/(West Side)RCDBOROUGIIv S o4 v 459/II GVK*) so 84044/ '.19 Nos 1 & 22.C17. Coursed rubbX. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimney. 2 storeys and attics.1 range each of sements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (No l's mullioned and with hoodmould).No 1 has 2 sto y c18 extension to east, with hipped slate roof, shop w<strong>in</strong>dowon ground f or, and flush-framed double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on1st floor /iNos1 to 3 (consec) form a arouc with the Pr<strong>in</strong>ce Albert Inn, The Butts.ii 1.5227 ROWCROFTSO 8405 5/50Nos 1 to 10 (consec)<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs to areasof Nos 1, 2, 3 and 6IIGV2.c18. Ashlar. Slate roofs. 2 storeys and attics. Moulded eaves cornice andblock<strong>in</strong>g course, remped progressively up hill. 3 ranges of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows each. Doors with pla<strong>in</strong> architraves and fanlights. Nos 4 and 10 havecrown<strong>in</strong>g pediments with circular w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> tympana. No 10 has a 2-storey extension,break<strong>in</strong>g forward <strong>in</strong> centre: 1 range of tripartite double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, crown<strong>in</strong>gcornices and sills on consoles.Nos 1 to 11 (consec) form a arouo with the raised oavement and railngs.99

5227 Rfl3ROFINo tlSo 34,5 5/461GVII2.CiA. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof. 2 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice and parapet.5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars (1 blocked). 1-storey earlyCI01 extension flank<strong>in</strong>g north side: Tuscan pilasters tak<strong>in</strong>g full entablature andblock<strong>in</strong>g course: 2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, door with oblongfanlight. 5Nos 1 to 11 (consec) form a group with the raised pavement and rail<strong>in</strong>grs1.5227 BOWCROFTSo 8405 5/462Raised pavement andrail<strong>in</strong>gs, runn<strong>in</strong>g fromNo 10 to just south ofrailway viaductIIGV2.C18/early C19. Raised pavement with 39 cast iron posts and rail<strong>in</strong>gs. Taper<strong>in</strong>gcolumns with coved capitals and ball f<strong>in</strong>ials.Nos 1 to 1 1 .oonsee) form a group with the raised pavement and rail<strong>in</strong>gs.Il5227 SELSIEY ROAD(East side)DUDBRIDGEso s304 SW 10/82SO 8304 SE 20/82 5.4.73.Dudbridge HouseII* GV |2.Mid ciS. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof. 3 storeys. Band course above ground floor.Modillion eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 5 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, and cont<strong>in</strong>uous sills to ground floor. 1 -storey flankirg pavilionseither side: 2 bays each, outer ones crowned by pediments.Interior. Hall has 2 doorways with shouldered architraves, pulv<strong>in</strong>ated friezes andbroken pediments. Staircase with turned balusters, fluted columnar newels; handrailramped to newels; wa<strong>in</strong>scott<strong>in</strong>g to dado level with fluted munt<strong>in</strong>s. Back stairsof Ch<strong>in</strong>ese Chippendale pattern, with fretwork struts, and runn<strong>in</strong>g fret motif anopenstr<strong>in</strong>g. Ma<strong>in</strong> room wa<strong>in</strong>scotted throughout. Dado with egg and dart mould<strong>in</strong>g.Oblong parcels above dado, framed by egg and dart mould<strong>in</strong>g. Elaborate mouldedmodillion cornice. Marble fireplace <strong>in</strong> shouldered surround. Chimney piece with jegg and dart mould<strong>in</strong>g. Shouldered overmantel with runn<strong>in</strong>g fret motif <strong>in</strong> architrave,and broken pediment over. Doorcase with shouldered architrave end cornice withdentils and egg and dart motif. Maahogany panelled doors with brass urn handles.100

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the list:-SO 8304 NE STROUD SELSEY HILL,DUDBRIDGE882/18/10000 Lower Dudbridge HouseGVIIHouse. Late C17, refronted <strong>in</strong> early C19 and extended to rear <strong>in</strong>mid Cl9. Coursed and roughly dressed limestone; rendered tofront and to rear extension; mid C19 brick left gable end;stone-coped Welsh slate roof and mid Cl9 ridge and end stacks.3-unit plan, with entry between 2 units on left; mid C19parallel rear left range. Front with 3 cross gables of 2 storeysand attic. 6-w<strong>in</strong>dow range of early C19 6/6-pane sashes set <strong>in</strong>plat surrounds; 3/3-pane dormer sashes. Mid C19 half-glazeddoor set <strong>in</strong> flat-roofed porch with stone cheeks. Two doorwaysto former service end on right. Hood mould. over C17 two-lightchamfered stone-mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow to rear. Mid C19 rear range hastripartite plate-glass sashes. Interior not <strong>in</strong>spected but likelyto be of <strong>in</strong>terest.K.Dated: t U 1172.h:ed by authority of tsS3cre:ary of StateJ. I-ERfOlNA Sei:r E;acuive Officer In t*eD<strong>in</strong>Da;'.msnt of tha EnvironmMt

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199015th AMENDMENT OF 2nd LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and ConservationAreas) Act 1990 ("the Act") requires the Secretary of State, forthe purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of localplann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions underthe Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled.2. On 2SJune 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate<strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the HistoricBuild<strong>in</strong>gs and Monuments Commission for England and such otherpersons or bodies of persons who appear to him appropriate ashav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>,considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner setout <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powersconferred on him by Section 1 of the Act, hereby amends the saidlist <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto., i lf CE,t','--,¢i "4.- ,, i{lj

II1,5227 SELSLEY ROAD(West side)DUDBRIDGESO 8304 NW 17/464SO 8304 SW 19/464IIFlour Milll,> A-K 4K )2.1 84 9(date). Hammnerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof with coped gables. 5-st-kiey.-7nranges of w<strong>in</strong>dows. 1 range of load<strong>in</strong>g doors. Internal iron columnstak<strong>in</strong>g floors throughout.1.5227 SLAD ROADg(K iA~~~~~~~~ ~(Northside)SO 8505 5/466Nos 163 and 16530 8505 5/466II2.C18. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof with overhang<strong>in</strong>g eavesand paired moulded consoles. 1 storey with attics. 5 segment-headed casements.2 planted doors. 3 attic dormers with casements. l-storey outhouse to eastand west.1.5227 SIAD ROAD(North side)------------Tower <strong>in</strong> garden ofSO8 5/6 7 No 167 (The Vicarage).SO 8505 5/467II2.Mid C19. 1lammerdressed stone. Embattled parapet.I'I5227 SLAD ROAD(North side)SO 8505 5/468IINo 169, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>ggarden gategarden gate2.Early C19. Rendered. Ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs. Pitched slate roof with ashlar gable101

cop<strong>in</strong>g and kneelers. Yellow brick chimneys. 2 storeys. Decorated wooden bargeboard.4 ranges of mullioned arched w<strong>in</strong>dows with diagonal iron glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and hoodmoulds.Polygonal porch with embattled parapet, trefoil decoration and ogival archeddoor. Garden gate: arched as}lar with planked door and elaborate iron handle.I1.5227 SLAD ROAD(North side)SO 8605 NW 22/469No 173(Peghouse Cottage)III2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted coursed rubble beh<strong>in</strong>d. Pitched roof,Imodern beh<strong>in</strong>d, stone <strong>in</strong> front. 2 storeys. 2 ranges of segment-headed casementswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.5227 SLAD ROAD(North side)No 197 (Lower Woodlands)NO 199SO 8605 NW 22/470 No 199II2.Mid C18. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong>str<strong>in</strong>gcourse over ground floor, mou ed eaves cornice and parapet. 7 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows wi> 'glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and moulded embrasures. 1 lateClg9 canted bay. Brick extes ion to rear with pedimented ashlar porch on Tuscan -columns, and 1 double-hun~ sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and moulded embrasures.1.5227 SLAD ROADI(North Side)'ASO 8605 NW 22/471Stable beh<strong>in</strong>d No 197II2.Mid C19. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 round-arched double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on ground floor with cont<strong>in</strong>uous impost band. 1loft door with depressed arch..!102

UII2.Mid 018. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong>str<strong>in</strong>goourse over ground floor, moulded eaves cornice and parapet. 7 ranges ofdouble-hungs ash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and moulded embrasures. 1 late 0C19canted bay. Briok extension to rear with pedimented ashlar porch on Tuscancolumns, and 1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bare and moulded embrasures.The descriptive notes should be amended to read:2.Mid C18. Ashlar front. Pitohed slate roof. Ashlar ohimneys. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong>str<strong>in</strong>goourse over ground floor, moulded eaves cornice and parapet. 7 ranges ofdouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and moulded embrasures. Upper floorsashes to No 197 replaced <strong>in</strong> alum<strong>in</strong>ium. 1 late C19 canted bay. Brick extension torear with pedimented ashlar poroh on Tuscan columns and 1 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowwith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and moulded embrasures.)Signed 1b authority of theSecretary of StateH L WARBURTONAn Assistant Seoretary <strong>in</strong> theDated the 22 June 1976 Department of the Environment02- A5F

5227 SLAD ROAD(North Side)SO803W2 24No 201 (Lodge to No 203), so 8605 NW 22/72III2.Mid C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys and attic. 2ranges of mullioned casements. 1 attic dormer with casement.I 5227 SLAD ROAD(North Side)~ SO 8605 NW 22/473lio 203II2.Late C18. Asijlar. Hipped slate roof. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse aboveeach floor. Moulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 3 ranges of double-hung1 sash w<strong>in</strong>ldows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Tuscan porch to door with semi-circular fanlight,fluted Greek Doric half-columns and full entablature. 2 early C19 canted bays,partly fluted.1 1.5227 SLAD ROAD(North Side)SO 8605 NW 22/4746 Stables to No 203' II/ i J ,ij 1 I,1' 2.Late Cl8. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong>l sta'<strong>in</strong>gcourse. Pla<strong>in</strong>tI eaves cornice and bloclkirg course. Centre breaks forward: pediment, with circularclock, and double doors with depressed arch. 2 modern w<strong>in</strong>dows.103

I1. '5227 SIAD ROAD(North Side)SO 8605 NW 22/475IINo 205 3I2.Early C19. Ilammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attics.1 range of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. l-storey extension withlean-to roof._~~~~~~1.5227 SLAD ROAD(North Side)S0 8605 NW 22/476Nos 207 to 211 (odd) I/II2.Early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys(Nos 209 and 211 with attics). 4 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 2 atticdormers with casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.I~~~1.~ ~~~~~~~.5227 R itSSO 8605 NW 22/477Early c19. Hammerdressed bble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys.2 ranges of casements glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 planked door.14I104!1l

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199027TH AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL ORHISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (`the Act")* requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town andCountry Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, tocompile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and he may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thev said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.SWROU.3D D!9 TR l.-.SVU C1 ' UC!', TfCERTIFIEDTiS /s 6 x DAY OF .1 5 JUN! 1999 eS~~~~-A TRUE_CoF'y,o ca

SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be removed from the list:SO 86 05 NW STROUD SLAD ROAD(North side)882/22/477 No. 21725.6.74II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateDated: 27/kDepartment JT A ELLINGFORDfor Culture, Media and Sport_^~~~~~

1.5227 SLAD ROAD(North Side)_-__________SO 80 bE 2/71II80 8 NE~ 2/~71± ~Wade'sFarmhouse2.C17. Rubble. Cotswold stone roof. 2 gables. 3 storeys. 2 w<strong>in</strong>dows (1- 2-and 3-light stone mullions and dripmoulds).1.5227 SLAD ROAD(South Side)____________SO 8505 5/478III~British School, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>grail<strong>in</strong>gs to street~~~~~~~~~~ I2.1840 (dated). Ashlar. Modern pitched roof with gable cop<strong>in</strong>g and kneelers. 2storeys. 5 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. Panel with "BritishSchool. 1840", <strong>in</strong> Gothic letter<strong>in</strong>g. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs with fleur de lys f<strong>in</strong>ials.1.5227 SLAD ROAD(South Side)so 8505 5/73No 36 (Brook House)2.C18. Coursed rubble. Ashlar front. P estone roof. 2 storeys. Mouldedeaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. anges of 2- and 3-light stone mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dows. Door with 6 fiel .I105

5227 SPRING LANEHemlock Well HouseSO 8504 6/480IIGV2.Mid C18. Ashlar front. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice.Pediment on 2 corbels over 2 north bays; otherwise parapet to roof. 4 rangesof double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 panel door with oblong fanlight<strong>in</strong> porch with corbelled hood.lHemlock Well House forms a group with Nos 54 to 6Q (consec) on the south sideof Lower Street. and Nos 3 to 5 (consec) on the north side of Lower Street.5227 SPRINGFIELD ROADUPIANDSSO08505 5/481'_oUplands HouseTII2.Probably C17, but altered <strong>in</strong> C18, and extensively <strong>in</strong> Clg9. Hammerdressed rubble,except for 3/4 of entrance front which is brick. Roof partly stone, partly modernpantiles. Ashlar chimneys. Entrance front has 2 storeys and attics, and 4 gablesof irregular width. South one is of hammerdressed rubble, and has 1 range ofmodern casements. Rema<strong>in</strong>der are brick and have 6 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows withglaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, 1 round arched staircase w<strong>in</strong>dow, 1 segment-headed door and 4 double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars <strong>in</strong> the gables. Rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sides have mixture ofC19 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows, modern casements and mullioned casements with hoodmoulds.1. s5227 STRATFORD ROAD(North Side)SO 8405 5/67 1.5.51.Stratford ParkMid C18. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Modillion eaves cornice. 5 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, of which central 3 break forward and are crownedby pediment: 1st floor Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dows with Cor<strong>in</strong>thian pilasters: Ionic pilasterson floor.ground10 I

BSOTOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 54I Oth 1AYENDYENT OF , 2 d LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIALARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 54 of the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>g Act 1971 ("the Act") requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to theguidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functionsunder the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic<strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and may amend any list socompiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the<strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs andMonuments Commission for England and such other persons or bodies of personswho appear to him appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>,such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the mannerset out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred onhim by 5.54 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong>the Schedule hereto. TIFiED THJS Dw1 13 TO BEA TrtW (ZOT'?HSD DOC 2 (Rev 12.87)

The follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the list:SCHEDULESO 8405STATION ROAD5/504 Railway Stationand footbridgeRailway station and footbridge c.1845 with additions of 1890 and 1914. Probablyby I K Brunel, for the Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway, additions forGreat Western Railway. Limestone rubble end ashlar with Welsh slate roofs. The*a,)up platform is a Brunel 'cottage' with extensions of 1890 and 1914. Bridge todown platform probably 1914. Earliest build<strong>in</strong>g (up side): Coursed ashlarlimestone on chisel dressed limestone pl<strong>in</strong>th project<strong>in</strong>g chisel dressed limestonequo<strong>in</strong>s and raised ashlar dress<strong>in</strong>gs to w<strong>in</strong>dows. Ashlar chimneys, (one partlyre-built <strong>in</strong> reconstructed stone) with high level drip course mould<strong>in</strong>gs. Parapetsto gables and blue Welsh slate roof. Platform canopy with dogs tooth or chevrontimber fascia, supported partly on cast iron cantilever brackets with circularmotif. Down platform build<strong>in</strong>g c.1914: coursed ashlar limestone with project<strong>in</strong>gdetails, pl<strong>in</strong>th and ashlar surrounds to flat arched doorways, all generallydetailed to match earlier build<strong>in</strong>g on up platform. Platform canopy and low monopitched roof with modern felt cover<strong>in</strong>g. Various chamfered timber mullion andtransom w<strong>in</strong>dows with some open<strong>in</strong>g casements to both <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>. Orig<strong>in</strong>al upplatform build<strong>in</strong>g is rectangular <strong>in</strong> plan with project<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>g on north-east side,with extensions to re-entrant angle, and at both ends. Down platform build<strong>in</strong>g isrectangular plan with bay w<strong>in</strong>dow at south-east end. Interior of both <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>divided <strong>in</strong>to various station offices, wait<strong>in</strong>g rooms etc, with no features ofparticular <strong>in</strong>terest. Steel and timber covered footbridge l<strong>in</strong>ks up and downplatforms at north-west end. Platforms at north-west end carried over valley androadway on bridge and blue eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g brick viaduct. Group value with viaduct, a'railway goods shed (q.v.) and Hill-Paul Mill build<strong>in</strong>g to south-west. Build<strong>in</strong>g Worig<strong>in</strong>ally for C and GWUR with Brunel as consultant eng<strong>in</strong>eer. Taken over by GWR<strong>in</strong> 1844. (GWR Magaz<strong>in</strong>e July 1946, AGM Report 1936 for C and GWUR).IISigned by autheriay of theSecretary of StateDatedSTEVEN WATTSA Sernior Executive Officer <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of the Environment

The ;ol]ow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g sh.ll be added to the list:SCHEDULESTROUDSTATION ROAD(South end)5/500 Railway Goods Shedand OfficesII II *t g ) Railway goods shed. c.1845; addition of c.L8SO; by I K Brunel for WesternUnion Railway. Goods shed: coursed and squared rubble limestone; ashlardress<strong>in</strong>gs; ashlar chimney, part rebuilt <strong>in</strong> brick; Welsh slate roof (removedFebruary/March 1984). Offices: ashlar limestone; ashlar chimneys, Welsh slateroof. Tudor revival open shed; 2-storey office attached at west end. North(road) side: offset buttress at each end of elevation; central 4-centred archedroad vehicle doorway; 4-w<strong>in</strong>dow casement fenestration to office wth centraldoorway; chamfered surrounds to doorway and casements; eaves-mounted chimneywith moulded cap; office extende, to right with s<strong>in</strong>gle-storey flatparapet-roofed addition; further doorway and casement to match. South (rail)side: offset buttresses to ends and one centrally: 2 sets of four 4 -centredarched blocked lancets; pa<strong>in</strong>ted letter<strong>in</strong>g above reads: "G W R STROUD STATIONEXPRESS GOODS TRAIN SERVICES/AND TRANSITS BETWEEN IMPORTANT TOWNS"; scatteredcasements to goods office; parapet-mounted chimney with moulded cap to flatroofed addition. East end: parapet-gabled with 4-centred arched road vehicleto right; rail open<strong>in</strong>g to left <strong>in</strong> early C20 with steel l<strong>in</strong>tel. West end:parapet gabled with gabledoffice project<strong>in</strong>g from between two 4-centred archways,left for road vehicles, right for rail. Raised <strong>in</strong>ternal load<strong>in</strong>g platform cutout for road vehicle load<strong>in</strong>g positions; timber boarded goods office aga<strong>in</strong>stay ) north wall; timber stair to upper floor of goods office; trussed rafterandpurl<strong>in</strong> roof. Office extended c.1890 probably replac<strong>in</strong>g very small lean-tooffice; steel-framed early C20 extensions to east demolisi)ed c.1976 leav<strong>in</strong>gorig<strong>in</strong>al build<strong>in</strong>g. Built to a Brunel standard design; now,the) only survivorthisoftype. - /(E T MacDermot History of the Great Western Railway, vol. i, 1964; G Biddleand 0 S Nock, The Railway Heritage of Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1983).This build<strong>in</strong>g was previously listed grade II on 3 April 1985 on list no 47.Signed by auh-r;:y of theSecretary of StateSTEVEN WATTA Senior Executive Officer <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of the Environment

Hav<strong>in</strong>g carefully considered aDl the evidence, the Department has decided to acceptEnglish Heritage's advice and this build<strong>in</strong>g will, therefore, rema<strong>in</strong> on the statutory list atGrade 11. The description has, however, been amended to reflect the recent researchundertaken by you.You wil be glad to know, however, that the Conservatory to the North East of StratfordPark was listed today <strong>in</strong> Grade 11 hav<strong>in</strong>g been judged to be of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest. The list entry for the gateway to the north of Stratford Park Mansion hasalso been amended to <strong>in</strong>clude the kitchen garden walls. I enclose a copy of the amendedhst description for your <strong>in</strong>formation.Yours s<strong>in</strong>cerelyaDuncan GalbraithList<strong>in</strong>g Branch

In the entry for:-SO 84 055/67 1.5.51STRATFORD ROAD(North side)Stratford Park(0 the entry a<strong>in</strong>d descrption shalJ be amended to read:SO 84 05 STROUD STRATFORD ROAD(North side)5/67 Stratford Park1/5/51GViHouse, s<strong>in</strong>ce 1936 <strong>in</strong> local authority ownership. Built <strong>in</strong> thelate C17 for the Gard<strong>in</strong>er family, with <strong>in</strong>itials G.G. (GilesGard<strong>in</strong>er) and date 1674 <strong>in</strong>scribed on l<strong>in</strong>tel to rear.Remodelled and extended to front (south) <strong>in</strong> c1780s, probably0 by Anthony Keck for Nathaniel W<strong>in</strong>chcombe; top (third) storeyremoved <strong>in</strong> 1892.Built of squared and coursed limestone, with ashlar fronts tosouth and east;parapetted slate roof with ashlar stacks.PLAN: C17 house extended to front (south) to make double-depthplan with central stairhall.EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, with bracketted cornice and plat band toC18 east and south elevations. 4-bay south front with parapet(remodelled 1890s) swept up to ashlar stacks, 6/6-pane sashes<strong>in</strong> square-headed architraves, and blocked w<strong>in</strong>dows flank<strong>in</strong>gentrance (remodelled 1892) with Ionic porch and 1890s doorwayand architrave. 5-bay east elevation with pedimented centralbay: similar first-floor sashes, the tall ground-floor sasheshav<strong>in</strong>g large 4-pane bottom sashes. Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow withCor<strong>in</strong>thian capitals to first floor of central bay, above widetripartite w<strong>in</strong>dow articulated by Ionic capitals and withhalf-glazed door to right of 6/9-pane sashes.West elevation has late C17 stone-mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows, some withleaded lights and with a variety of chamfers, ovolo andcavetto mould<strong>in</strong>gs; l<strong>in</strong>tel with <strong>in</strong>itials and date above doorwaywith late C17 cyma-moulded architrave and late C18 6-panelleddoor. Similar 2-light w<strong>in</strong>dows to rear (north) elevation,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g projection now with flat roof.

INTERIOR: (rooms are described <strong>in</strong> relation to front or southelevation).Front hall and ground-floor room to left remodelled <strong>in</strong> 1890s,the latter with panelled dado and fireplace. Pr<strong>in</strong>cipalground-floor rooms had fireplaces replaced <strong>in</strong> 1890s, but somelate C18 fireplaces with neo-classical enrichment havesurvived, notably <strong>in</strong> first-floor rooms. Ground-floor room torear right has reta<strong>in</strong>ed late C18 panelled dado. Enrichedplaster cornices with neo-classical ornament to ground-floorroom to right, rear d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g room and central stairhall (nowsubdivided); also to stair land<strong>in</strong>gs (fluted brackets tocornice as <strong>in</strong> stairhall) and to most first-floor rooms.Orig<strong>in</strong>al jo<strong>in</strong>ery <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g panelled doors and shutters, thedoors reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g orig<strong>in</strong>al brass fitt<strong>in</strong>gs. The stairhall has af<strong>in</strong>e late ClS open-well staircase with guilloche andhoneysuckle motifs to patterned cast-iron balustrade, and atfirst-floor level opens out through arches with rosettes topanelled <strong>in</strong>trados <strong>in</strong>to two vestibules to front and rear. LateC18 service stair to rear left with stick balusters and rampedhandrail.HISTORICAL NOTE: The Stratford Park estate belonged to theGard<strong>in</strong>er family between 1653 and 1778, when it was bequeathedby Sarah Gard<strong>in</strong>er to James W<strong>in</strong>chcombe of Bownham Park,Rodborough. It was his son who remodelled the house. The lateC18 work bears strong similarities to the local work ofAnthony Keck, whose Gloucestershire commissions <strong>in</strong>cludedBowden Hall, Atcombe Court and Flaxley Abbey.SOURCES: K<strong>in</strong>gsley N, "The Country Houses of Gloucestershire(Vol.II, 1660-1830)", Chichester 1992.In the entry for:-SO 84 05STRATFORD ROAD(North side)5/482 Gate <strong>in</strong> Stratford Park tonorth of the housethe entry and description shall be amended to read:

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199016TH AMENDMENT OF 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURALOR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act")requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance oflocal plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and mayamend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architecturalor historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.K. 3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to himappropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that thesaid list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.

0SCHEDULEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g build<strong>in</strong>g shall be added to the list:-SO 84 05 STROUD STRATFORD ROAD(North side)5/10004 Conservatory to NE ofStratford ParkGVnConservatory. Late C18, probably built at the same time as theremodell<strong>in</strong>g of Stratford Park (qv) <strong>in</strong> the 1780s. Built ofbrick and faced on south, east and west elevations <strong>in</strong>limestone ashlar; all orig<strong>in</strong>al glaz<strong>in</strong>g and roof structure nowmiss<strong>in</strong>g. Rectangular plan. One storey. Cont<strong>in</strong>uous mouldedcornice. Semi-circular arched w<strong>in</strong>dow open<strong>in</strong>gs to 8-bay southelevation and to 3-bay east elevation; steps rise tosemi-circular arched doorway <strong>in</strong> west elevation. Interior hasstone flag floors with orig<strong>in</strong>al iron decorative grates next tow<strong>in</strong>dows; to centre is separately listed urn (qv).

'OMP"VSO 84 05 STROUD STRATFORD ROAD(North side)5/10005 Kitchen garden walls andgateway <strong>in</strong>ecdiately to thenorth of Stratford Park26/6/74GVHGates, gatepiers and walls. Mid C1i wrought-iron gates tocentre of east side with rococo scrolls to overthrow, flankedby later C18 capped ashlar piers and with stone steps andflank<strong>in</strong>g walls ris<strong>in</strong>g up to garden. Walls enclose formerkitchen garden and are stone-coped throughout. Mid C18 Englishbond brick wall run from gates to meet NE corner of StratfordPark (qv). North, west and south walls are of late C18 brick,contemporary with the conservatory (qv), to <strong>in</strong>ner elevationsand of limestone rubble with pilaster buttresses and somelater buttresses to outer elevations. Wall is also attached toNW corner of Stratford Park, where it <strong>in</strong>cludes traces of a-late C17 house demolished <strong>in</strong> the 1950s.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateT A ELLINGFORDDated: 0° c r lt9 '.A Higher Executive Officer <strong>in</strong> theDepartment of National Heritage

5227 STRATFORD ROAD(North Side)SO 8405 5/67A 14.8.67.IIIron bridge <strong>in</strong>Stratford Park to theeast of the house2.Early C19. Cast iron, with ornamental circles <strong>in</strong> spandrels and balustrade.1.5227 STRATFORD ROAD(North Side)so 8405 5/482Gate <strong>in</strong> Stratford Park tothe north of the house2.Early C18. Iron. Elaborate.I1.5227 S TR R5227 STRATFORD ROAD(North Side)S0 8405 5/483Urn <strong>in</strong> Stratford Parkto the north of the houseIILate C18. Sculpted stone, after antique.In roofless conservatory. Very elaborate.I107107

5227SO 8405 5/484STRATFORD ROAD(South Side)Stratford LodgeII2.Early Cl9. Ashlar. Modern hipped roof. 2 storeys.andModillionparapet.eaves3 rangescorniceof mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. Arched porchparapetwithand octagonal turrets at corners. Po<strong>in</strong>ted arch w<strong>in</strong>dow above this with<strong>in</strong>tersected tracery and hoodmould.1.5227 STRATFORD ROAD '*(South Side)SO 8405 5/485Stratford CourtStratford CourtII2.Late C18. Hammerdressed stone. Hipped slate roof. Ashlar chimneys.Crenellated2 storeys.parapet5with machicolations. 4 ranges of po<strong>in</strong>ted arch<strong>in</strong>tersectedw<strong>in</strong>dows withlead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and band of floral mould<strong>in</strong>gwithalllabelround;stops.hoodmouldsCanted porch with crenellated parapet, pierced quatrefoilsand arrowslits, and po<strong>in</strong>ted3arch with elaborate floral mould<strong>in</strong>ghoodmouldaround voussoirs,and label stops. Crenellated porch on north side. 1 storey extensionto west.l1.5227SO 8305 IE 12/485STRATFCRD ROAD(South Side)No 121 (Felix House)'3\II2.Early C19. ilammerdressed rubble. Hipped slate roof. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys.2 ranges of modern casements <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al segment-headed open<strong>in</strong>gs. latticeworkporch with tent roof. 1 blocked round arched w<strong>in</strong>dow above.108 _ ~I108· UI

1.| 5227 SUITAER STREET!s~~ 5227 ~~~~~~(North side)SO 8505 5/489SO 8505 5/489I:|>~~~~~~~~~Nos3 to 15 (odd),<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g rail<strong>in</strong>gs to area.| II2.|S Early C19. Ilamnerdressed rubble. Pitched and sprocketed slate roof. Brickchimneys. 2 storeys and basement with area. 1 range each of casements, segment-hleadedon ground floor and basement. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs to area.1.5227 SUr,ER ST}EET|5 (North side)< 8605 'yO SW 24/491 lNo 69 (Pear Tree Cottage)C18. Coursed rubble. Pitched slate rxoo'. Brick chimney-s. 2 storeys. 3 rangesof casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, those <strong>in</strong> ground floor segment-headed. 2 doors.2 storey extension to west: hannmerdressed rubble: pitched and sprocketed slateroof: 1 range of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.5227 SUMMER STREET(North side)so 8605 SW 24/492JNo 71 (Iona),8. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys. 2 rangesof mullioned iron casements. 1 6-pailelled door with C19 mould<strong>in</strong>gs.1.5227 SU?,ER STREET(North Side)S 8605 NW 22/496No 159 (Slade Cottage)IIGVR Mid C19. Ashlar.1 planked door.Modern pitched roof. 2 Storeys. Ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.I No 139 forms a group with Slade hlouse. & Slade use former stabes.109

1. 'A5227 SUi[,ER STREET(North side)SO 8605 NW 22/76 1.5.51.Slade HouseII* GV J2.Early/mid C18. Ashlar. Hipped stone roof. ) storeys. Eaves cornice and parapet.4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded architraves,and bull-nosed sills. 1 doorway with Tuscan pilasters, entablature and pediment.1 doorway with bolection-moulded surround.Interior. Hall with stone flagged floor, and chimneypiece with shouldered architraveris<strong>in</strong>g upwards at centre through pulv<strong>in</strong>ated frieze. Staircase with turned balusters,columnar newels, wa<strong>in</strong>scoted to dado height, with fluted Corithian pilasters asmunt<strong>in</strong>s: rail and dado ramped to newels and munt<strong>in</strong>s respectively. 1 outstandirngpanelled room: apsidal niches'with blocked Gibbs surrounds, flank<strong>in</strong>g chimneypiecewith mirror <strong>in</strong> shouldered architrave over: giant fluted Ionic coulmns carry<strong>in</strong>gentablature with pulv<strong>in</strong>ated frieze.No 139 forms a groun with Slade House, and Slade House former stables. /l ~ ~ ~ __ _ _ _ ' *,a..5227 SUIMSR STREET(North side)_____________SO 8605 NW 22/497Former stables toSlade House.IIGV2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attics. 2 mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dows l<strong>in</strong>ked by hoodmould on 1st floor. 2 more now blocked, part of hoodmouldsurviv<strong>in</strong>g. 1 mullion w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> gable at attic level.No 139 forms a oroup with Slade House, and Slade House former stables.5227 SUMMER STREET(South side)S0 8505 5/498Nos 16 to 24 (even)IIGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roofs. Brick chimneys. 2storeys. 6 ranges of segment-headed casements. Modern doors.Nos 16 to 36 (even) form a arouo.I110/3

E| .5227 SUIqER STREET(South Side)| Nos 26 to 32 (even)<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g rail<strong>in</strong>gs to gardensSO 8505 5/499SO 8605 SW 24/499I2.IIGVIt Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched tile roofs. Brick chimneys. 2 storeys.5 8 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 planked door each.Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs outside gardens of Nos 26 and 30.| Nos 16 to 36 (even) form a rou.1.5227 SUMMER STREET3. (South Side)SO 8605 SW 24/501II2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roofs, catslide beh<strong>in</strong>d. Ashlar ,| chimneys. 3 storeys. 1 range each of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>gU' 1)5227 SUME4R STREET(South Side)I IIso 8605 SW 24/502Nos 84 to 88 (even)(Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottages)2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roofs. 2 storeys. 3 rangesof segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 3 planked doors.I

5227 TABERNACLE PITCH(North Side)so 80 sw 28/503The Mlanse~~II ~~IGV2.Early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Rendered front. Modern pitched roof. AslLarchimneys. 2 storeys aid attics. Moulded ashlar eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course.4 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows witi glaz<strong>in</strong>g Dais. 2 attic dormers withdouble-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.The Manse, and n Taber acle Cottage form a grou with the Congregation a TabernacleTabernacle Walk.5227 Tad 2oroB aEERNACLE WALK(East Side)RCDBOROUGIIso 8404 6(506Nos 3 & 4IIGV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeys andattics. 1 range of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. No 4 has a pitched stone roof,3 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st floor, 4 on ground floor, and 2 plankeddoors.S<strong>in</strong> House and Nos 3 & 4 form a zroun with Lilac Cottage. Little London Road.1.5227 ? TAEIRNACLE WALK(East Side)RCDBOROUGHIISO 8404 6/509Hillgrove CottageIIGV2.C18. Rubble. Modern pitched roof. 1 storey and attics. 2 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. 2 attic dormers with casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.Grey Stone Cottage & Hilgrove Cottage form Dart of a iroup with Zion Cottage,Little London Road.112

I 1,522 7 svTAERIIACIE5-C79 2;WALK(East Side)RODBORCOUGHso 8404 6/85so 80 SW 28/85Congregational TabernacleIIGV2.C18/19 front. Ashlar. Entrance with Tuscan columns <strong>in</strong> antis. Project<strong>in</strong>g 1storey w<strong>in</strong>gs either side with 1 blocked w<strong>in</strong>dow. Central Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow. Sideelevation 2 storeys. 7 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-hung sash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 st floorsemi-circular heads; ground floor cambered heads, all with keystones.)The Cornrezational Tabernacle forms a grouo with The Manse and Tabernacle Cotdta£eTabernacle Pitch.1.5227 TAEERNACIE WALK(West Side)RCDBOROUGHSO 404 6/511Sevenrl viewNo 1IIC18. Iiairnerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attic. 1 rangeof casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 attic dormer with casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 TABERNACLE WALK5 RODBO~OUGII(West S ide )RCDBOROUGHso 8404 6/510SeveNo 2ViewII2.C 17. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. 2 storeys and attics. 1 rangeof mullioned casements witni hoodnoulds on south side. 1 modern attic dormer.U3

5227 THRUPP LANE(Soutnl Side)THRUPPso 80 SE 27/1The Thrupp,IIEarly C19. Ashlar. 3 storeys. 4 w<strong>in</strong>dows (double-hung sash and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars).Door with fanlight and elegant stone portico with 2 Tuscan columns and entablature.Crown<strong>in</strong>g cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. Stable yard to north west. Extensionto north, with 2 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 31.5227 TI1UPP IANE(South Side)THRUPPNo 52III2.C18/C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 ranges ofcasement w<strong>in</strong>dows.Is5227 Ph THRUPP IANE(South Side)THRUPPMarlyn House(Formerly listed asSO 80 SE 27/227/SOaBE272 Cottage, Thrupp)IIA2.Early C19. Ashlar. Mansard roof. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Wrought iron verandah to ground floor.114I.

5227 THRUPP LANE(South Side)THRUPPso 80 SE 27/513II1.5.51. Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottage(Formerly listed as cottageattached to Thrupp Cottage, Thrupp)Rail<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> front ofWoodb<strong>in</strong>e CottageGV2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Mansard slate roof. 2 storeys and attics. 3 rangesof mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. 3 attic dormers withz casements. 1 ashlarchimney. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs to road.Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottage forms a group with Nos 4q9 153 5% 57 59 & 60.1.5227 -t-C u ¢SO 80 SE 27/3THRUPP LANE(North & West Sides)THRUPPNo 49IIGV2.C16/17. Coursed rubble. Steep pitched pantiled roof. 2 storeys. 3 rangesof 3-light stone mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds.U Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottage forms a 7rouD with Nos 49. 53, 55. 57. 59 & 60.5227 TIRUPP LANE(North & West Sides)THRUPPso 8o SE 27/515Nos 57 & 59IIGV2.Eirly C19. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched stone roof. 3 storeys. 2 ranges eachof segment-headed casements (No 59's with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars). 1-storey extensioneach to north and south respectively (No 57's with stone roof).Woodb<strong>in</strong>e Cottage forms a sroun with Nos 49, 55, 57, ,759 & 60.115

1.5227 h e PTHRUPP LANE(North & West Sides)TIIRUPPso 80 SE 27/4Thrupp FarmhouseII2.C17/C18. IIammerdressed stone.mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows.Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. Gable. Stone1.5227 THRUPP(NortWest Sides)2.C18. Hammerdressed stone Pitched stone roof. Weather vane.1.5227 TRINITY ROAD(East Side)so 85o04 615 1.5.51.Holy Tr<strong>in</strong>ity ChurchB2.1838. Architect Thomas Foster of Bristol. Ashlar. Nave of 6 bays, lit by talllancets. Polygonal apse, seperated by triple arcade from nave. 3 lancets atwest end, flanked by turrets and buttresses.Holy T<strong>in</strong>ityChurc116

5227 TTRINITY ROAD3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~(West Side)SO. ~ 8504 c ~~~~Nos 1 to 4 (consec)so 8504 6J518II2.C17. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roofs. Brick chimneys. No 1 has1 storey: No 2 1 storey and attic. No 3 2 storeys: No 4 2 storeys and attic.1 range each of mullioned casements (No 4 has 2 ranges, with hoodmoulds). Nos2 & 4 have 1 mullioned attic w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> gable, No 4's with hoodmoulds.I 1.5227 WALYJIEY HILL(North Side))Thcc1Aam..4ERCDBOROUGHso 8404 6/519Rodborough CourtII2.1888. French Renaissance style mansion. Ashlar. tiled roofs. Tower. Pedimenteddormers. Carved tympana. Frieze with over-sized triglyphs. SMullion and transomw<strong>in</strong>dows. Very ambitious wa<strong>in</strong>scott<strong>in</strong>g throughout <strong>in</strong>teriors; especially <strong>in</strong> d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>groom which is stylistically an amalgam of Arts-and-Crafts and of Beaux-Arts <strong>in</strong>fluences.1.5227 WALKIEY HILL(North Side)RCIDBOROUGIso 8404 6/520Rose CottageIIGV2.Early C19. Ashlar. Modern pitched roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys. 2 rangesof tripartite arched casements with lead glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Arched door.Rose Cottages, Church Cottae, the raised Davement and the reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>r wall to thechurchyard zarden form a groun together w,ith all the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place.*117 317

5227 WALKEY IIILL5Ro 227o l co(North Side)RODBOROUGHso 8404 6/522Raised pavement, immediatelyeast of Rose CottageIIGV2.ibid C19. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs. Steps up.Rose Cottage, Church Cottage. the raised pavement and the reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g wall to thechurchvard zarden form a group together with all the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place.5227 WALKLEY HILL(North Side)RCDBOROUGHiso 8404 6/523Reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g wall to gardenof St Mary Magdalen's Church;runn<strong>in</strong>g west from just southof Rose CottageIIGV2.Probably C19. Hammerdressed stone. Ashlar cop<strong>in</strong>g.Rose Cottage: Church Cottage, the raised pavemelnt and the reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g wall to thechurchvard garden form a group together with all the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Church Place.5227 f WAULIEY HILL4D-3

U 5227so 8404 6/525WAUIEY HILL(North Side)RODBOROUGii-rne BouilevardNO 3IICAV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys and attics. 2 segment-headedcasements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st floor, and 3 on ground floor. 1 attic dormernThewith casement w<strong>in</strong>dow.Boulevard form a group.(9./5227 WALKIEY HILLI 'RCBIBOROUHso 8404 6/526(North Side)RaDBOROWGHThe BoulevardNos 4 d:|I II GVI2.c17/C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof.£ 2 storeys and attics.2 ranges of mullioned casements, No 5's break<strong>in</strong>g forward and crowned by gable.3 The Boulevard form a grouD.| 5227 d 2ooovS O cBaWALKLEY-o ~SO 8404 6/527IIILL(North Side)RaDBOROUGHThe BoulevardNo 6IIGV2.C17/C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar chimneys. 2 storeysand attics. 2 ranges of mullioned casements. 1 attic dormer with casement.The Boulevard form a gproun.119

5227 WALLBRIDGE U(East Side)SO 8404 6/569 14.8.67.Wallbridge HouseII2.lid C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Moulded eaves cornice. 5 ranges of double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Door with fanlight and pediment. Interior:staircase with columnar newels, and rails ramped to newels. Good C18 plasterworkthroughout. Good C18 fireplaces.1.5227 WALTT BEIDGE(East Side)SO 8404 6/527 14.8.67.IIOuthouse to west ofWallbridge House(Formerly listed withWallbridge House)I2.Mid C18. Ashlar. 2 storeys. Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow with Gothick glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1stfloor. 2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on ground floor.1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~15227 WALLBRIDGE(East Side)so 8404 6/528m_______mm_mWallbridge MillPr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g DepartmentJII2. 3C18. Hammerdressed stone. Pitched and sprocketed slate roof. 2 storeys. Groundfloor has 2 round arched w<strong>in</strong>dows flank<strong>in</strong>g round arched door, all with blockedembrasures. Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1st floor. Circular oculus with 4 keystones<strong>in</strong> gable end.120fI

3 5227 WALLBRIDGE(West Side)SO 8405 5/99 25.5.55.No 13, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>grail<strong>in</strong>gs to canal towpathII2.Early C19 canal house faced <strong>in</strong> ashlar. Central block breaks forward. 2 storeys.3 sash w<strong>in</strong>dows. Very tall crown<strong>in</strong>g pediment with oval w<strong>in</strong>dow <strong>in</strong> tympanum. Eitherside 2 storey w<strong>in</strong>gs of one w<strong>in</strong>dow with simple cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course (thaton the right has trcnmpe l'oeil 1st floor w<strong>in</strong>dow and that on left conceals a baywhich projects towards the canal at the back and is built out <strong>in</strong> brick with sashw<strong>in</strong>dows with stone keystones and voussoirs). Interior has simple Regency fireplaces,otherwise little decoration and a later staircase. Front door has 6 panels (4 ''fielded and 2 flush) end rectangular transom light over. Early C19 cast ironrail<strong>in</strong>gs border<strong>in</strong>g canal towpath.) J5227 WALIBRIDGE(West Side)|I~ _ , <strong>Stroud</strong> ~~ Brewery MBlt<strong>in</strong>gsSO 8405 5/87A'IIMid-Cl ick malt<strong>in</strong>gs with Wesh slate roof and conical vent turrets. The w<strong>in</strong>dowshave stone dress<strong>in</strong>gs. The nterior which conta<strong>in</strong>s malt houses and kilns is supportedon iron columns. /~~~~~~~~~~~~mim5227 WESTRIPSO 8205 NE 8/528Westrip Lodge<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g iron rail<strong>in</strong>gsIIGV2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Brickl; chimneys. 2 storeysand attics. 2 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with hoodmoulds. 2 attic dormerswith C19 bargeboarded gables. C19 porch with bargeboarded gable. Iron rail<strong>in</strong>gs<strong>in</strong> front of garden.All the listed build<strong>in</strong>is <strong>in</strong> Westr<strong>in</strong> form a iroup.m121

1.5227 f - WESTRIPSO 8205 NE 8/529Westrip Falmi HouseIIGV2.Apparently early C19. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Ashlar c'lirnneys.2 storeys and attics. 2 ranges of mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 rectangularibay, runnilg through 2 storeys, witl crenellated parapet. 2 fretwork porches.3 attic dormers with ornamental bargeboards.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> WestriD form a grouD.1.5227 W.wESTH WESTRIPSO 8205 NE 8/534Granary to Westrip FarmIIGV2.Early C19. Hamrnerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. 1 storey and attic. 2segment-headed doors and 2 attic dormers with ornamental bargeboards.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> WestriD form a aroun.5227 -c&w.d ± WESTRIPso 8205 NE 8/53'Stable to Westrip Farm r *IIGV2.Early C19. Ham~uerdressed rubble.Load<strong>in</strong>g door on 1st floor.Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. Stable door.All the listed build<strong>in</strong>zs <strong>in</strong> Westrio form a group.I122i

3I5227 WESTRIPso 82c5 NE 8/531Barn to Westrip FarmIIGVEarly C1. Hlamrnerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Barn doors.All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Westrip form a group.1.5227 I^. d^)r WESTRIPSO 8205 NE 8/533Off-Licence Cottages3~ 2.Mid C19g. Haamnerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 3 storeys.4 ranges of mullioned casements.I, All the listed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> <strong>in</strong> Westrio form a group.5227 WESTWARD ROAD(Nortil Side)50 8,~ SW 13/535 Nos 2 to 6 (even)SO 8335 SW 13/5358305 SE 14/535ii~~ sw 13/GV 8305II lid C19. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Brick chimneys. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourseabove ground floor. 1 range each of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars(except for modern w<strong>in</strong>dow on 1st floor of No 2).Nos 2 to 14 (even) form a urouo with K<strong>in</strong>glev Cottage: Jasm<strong>in</strong> Villas andHenlev iHouse. Paganhill Lane.U123

WESTWARD ROAD5227 (North Side)SO 8305 SW 13/53 6No|IIGV|2.Mid C1°. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof with overhang<strong>in</strong>g eaves. Ashlar chimneys.3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>g above each floor. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. Central range <strong>in</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uous recessed panel. Ground floor hasrusticated quo<strong>in</strong>s, and Venetian w<strong>in</strong>dows with segmental heads and keystones.6 panel door with segment-headed fanlight and keystone.)-S 2 to 14 (even) form a group with langley Cottage. Jasm<strong>in</strong> Villas andHenley House. Paganhill lane.5227 CA (ASCfl-S WESTW4ARD ROAD(North Side)SO R3Y5 S'q 13/537lNos 10 to 14 (even)IIGV2.Early Cle.. Ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Ashlar chimneys. 3 storeys. Ground floorhorizontally rusticated, with pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>g course above. Moulded eaves corniceand block<strong>in</strong>g course. 6 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, thoseon ground floor set <strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> recessed panels. 1 6-panel door each, also <strong>in</strong> pla<strong>in</strong>recessed panels, with semi-circular fanlights and mould<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> spandrels.Nos 2 to 14 (even) form a group with K<strong>in</strong>gley Cottage. Jasm<strong>in</strong> Villas andHenley House. Paganhill Lane.5227 WESTWARD ROADCAs i t>SCjtSS(North Side)SO 8304 N, 317/5451TIIClare Villa2.Early C].9. Ashlar. Hipped slate roof with project<strong>in</strong>g eaves taken on coupledconsoles to south. Corniced ashlar chimneys. 2 storeys. 3 range of double hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 6 panel door with oblong fanlight, and entablaturewith pediment and acroteria taken on reeded consoles. Modern porch.1,24

5227 WESTWARD ROAD(North Side)SO 8204 NE 16/547No 210Early Cl9. Hammerdressed rubble. Modern pitched roof. Brick chimney. 2 storeysand attics. 2 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 WESTWARD ROAD(North Side)_____________rN, Nos 230 & 2326) SO 8204 NE 16/548* II2.Late C18. Ashlar. 3 storeys. Noulded eaves cornice and block<strong>in</strong>g course. 3ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 2 doors with 6 fieldedpanels and oblong fanlighlts. Ashlar steps to door of No 230, flanked by ironrail<strong>in</strong>gs.1.: 5227 WESTWAgD ROAD(North Side)< b,0 SO 8204 i 16/549Nos 262 to 282 (even)JSO 8204 NE, 16/549 /IIGVEarly C19. Rendered. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. Brick modillion eavescornice, rendered over. Pedimented centre with attic storey. 2 ranges of segment-headedcasements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars each. 1 planked door each. 2 round arched attic,w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> central pediment.125

.15227 WESTWARD ROAD(North Side)so o204 NE 16/551No 288IIGV2.Mid C18. Brick. Pitched slate roof. 2 storeys. Brick modillion eaves cornice.3 ranges of modern w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> Orig<strong>in</strong>al open<strong>in</strong>gs with keystones. Porch with tentroof.Nos 286 to 292 (even) form a grouo.1.5227 WESTWARD ROAD(North Side)so 8204 NE 16/552No 290 (The Yews)No 292.II0GV2.C18 front to older house. Brick. Pitched stone roof. 2 storeys. Gabled centralbay, with bl<strong>in</strong>d semi-circular arch ris<strong>in</strong>g up through 2 storeys. Ground floorw<strong>in</strong>dows have keystones. One has 2 ranges of double hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gbars. The other has 2 casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, one segment-headed.Nos 286 to 292 (even) form a 2rouo.1.5227CAP s c-oSSWESTWARD ROAD(North Side)so 8204 NW 15/553No 316 (Brookside)II2.Early C19. Brick. Stone quo<strong>in</strong>s and keystones. Modern pitched roof. Ashlarchimneys. 2 storeys. 3 ranges of segment-headed casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.126

M/L/1/9/HAS/PDepartment of the Environment /Room C9/10 Direct L<strong>in</strong>e 071-27A3992 Marsham Street Switchboard 071-276 3000London SW1 P 3EB Fax 071-276 0818Telex 22221 DOEMAR-GGTN 276Director of Plann<strong>in</strong>g, Leisure & TourismYour reference<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Ebley MillWestward RoadOur referenceSTROUD HD/5227/274/1 28Glos 0L5 4TY DateIC JnniiRry 1q91Dear Sirk/ * )EBLEY MILL, WESTWARD ROADI am writ<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>form you that the above-mentioned build<strong>in</strong>g has been upgraded toII*.I enclose a copy of the amended list entry for your <strong>in</strong>formation. Copies of thedocument will shortly be forwarded to the relevant departments of the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>in</strong>normal way.theYours faithfullyJ CLARE V . ....List<strong>in</strong>g Branch ..... ...X ) ENC '' .. . 1...S ~..r 3......

PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 199033RD AMENDMENT OF THE 2ND LIST OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICINTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:* '. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the Act") requiresthe Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and with a view to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>gauthorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of their functions under the Act and the Town and Country Plann<strong>in</strong>gAct 1990 <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, and she may amend any list so compiled.2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretaryof State, hav<strong>in</strong>gconsulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs and MonumentsCommission( for England and such other persons or bodies of persons who appear to her appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g*,Ipecial knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended<strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on her by Section 1 ofthe Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> the Schedule hereto.AT UEco T° TEFDAYo

SCHEDULEThe entry for:SO 8204 NE STROUD WESTWARD ROAD (south side)882/16/570 Ebley Mill14.8.6711*shalt be replaced by:S08Z04NE STROUD WESTWARD ROAD (south side)882/16/570 Ebley Mill14.8.6711*Woollen mill, now council offices. 1818 for Stanley and Stephen Clissold, extended to north andclock tower added by G F Bodley for S S Marl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 1862; restored for <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>1987-90. Squared limestone; Welsh slate roofs, hipped to 1862 block and gabled to 1818 block;stone lateral and end stacks to 1818 range; project<strong>in</strong>g from west elevation of 1862 range is largestack with moulded base to tapered octagonal shaft with moulded capp<strong>in</strong>g. L-plan with long 1818block to'south of 1862 block which has boiler house to west. 1818 block of 4 storeys and 18 x 3bays: segmental-arched doorways and 2-light segmental-arched w<strong>in</strong>dows each with central mullion;cont<strong>in</strong>uous roof dormers with canted roofs, much restored. 1862 block of 5 storeys and 6 x 6 bays:articulated by shallow pilasters which frame flat-arched w<strong>in</strong>dows and semi-circular arched top-floorw<strong>in</strong>dows; all w<strong>in</strong>dows of cast-iron with small panes. Project<strong>in</strong>g stair/clock tower <strong>in</strong> south west anglebetween blocks has steeply pitched French Gothic roof with iron crest<strong>in</strong>g and weathervane. Lowone-storey boiler house projects to north-east.Interior: <strong>in</strong>cludes timber floors supported by timber gird<strong>in</strong>g beams with <strong>in</strong>serted cast-iron columnsfor additional support; brick arches to ground floor mark sites of orig<strong>in</strong>al culverts to water wheels.1862 range has stone stair and lift shaft to south west angle. The site was bought by the Clissolds<strong>in</strong> 1799: the traditonal <strong>in</strong>ternal timber construction of the mill contrasts with the advancedconstruction of nearby Stanley Mill (q;v) which was built <strong>in</strong> brick around a cast iron frame. The 1818block was powered by 5 water wheels; steam power was <strong>in</strong>stalled by 1862 for SS Marl<strong>in</strong>g whoacquired the mill with his brother <strong>in</strong> 1840. Bodley designed nearby Selsley Church for Marl<strong>in</strong>g, itsFrench Gothic style match<strong>in</strong>g the tower at the mill.Includ<strong>in</strong>g Greenaway Build<strong>in</strong>gs to west of Ebley Mills: The detached western <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of Ebley Mill,which together with the mill comprise the rare and important survival of a functionally-<strong>in</strong>tegratedearlyC19woollen mill complex. Thewestern group consists of two multi-storeyed <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> attachedto the east and west sides of the rema<strong>in</strong>s of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-storeyed shed. All <strong>in</strong> Cotswold limestone, withtwo and three-tight multioned w<strong>in</strong>dows. Early to mid C19. The east build<strong>in</strong>g, on a north-south axis,is of two storeys and ten bays, probably dat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> part from circa 1825 or earlier. Three light w<strong>in</strong>dows1

and gabled slate roof. A wagon entrance <strong>in</strong> the east elevation and a former tak<strong>in</strong>g-<strong>in</strong> door <strong>in</strong> thesouth end suggest the ma<strong>in</strong> function was warehous<strong>in</strong>g. A later two-storey tranverse build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> brick,now form<strong>in</strong>g the west side of the site entrance, replaced the orig<strong>in</strong>al north end. The largerfive-storeyed west build<strong>in</strong>g is of ten bays, with three-light w<strong>in</strong>dows and a gabled slate roof. Probablyadded <strong>in</strong> the mid C19, replac<strong>in</strong>g a smaller build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the same position. Its large size, fenestrationand absence of tak<strong>in</strong>g-<strong>in</strong> doors suggests it orig<strong>in</strong>ally accommodated manufactur<strong>in</strong>g processes. Atwo-storeyed w<strong>in</strong>g of six bays projects westwards from the north end and may have formerlyconta<strong>in</strong>ed steam plant. The shed between the <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> has mostly been replaced by a wide-span lateC20 roof, although the orig<strong>in</strong>al scale and construction of the shed are <strong>in</strong>dicated by the surviv<strong>in</strong>g northend wall and south end bay.Interior: east and west <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of joisted floors supported by timber props with timber k<strong>in</strong>g-postroof trusses. No clear evidence of steam power is visible, but the shed is likely to have been used forpowerloom weav<strong>in</strong>g. The surviv<strong>in</strong>g south end bay of the shed is of pegged timber constructionsuggest<strong>in</strong>g an early Cl 9 date. It is probably an unusual survival of the first stage <strong>in</strong> the developmentof the weav<strong>in</strong>g shed. The group as a whole is similar to the juxtapostion of late C19 weav<strong>in</strong>g shedswith multi-storeyed ancillary <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> seen <strong>in</strong> the textile <strong>in</strong>dustries of other regions.SOURCE: English Heritage survey report; West Block Ebley Mills; 1997.Signed by authority of theSecretary of StateY . P~ces. r*) AMICHAEL PARSONSDated: I k.a-jo x Department for Culture, Mediaand Sport2

; ''HD2P890 - 2D17BSOIPLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION-AREAS)'ACT"1990..14th AMENDMENT OF 2 1 nadt - -LISTOF Bs BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL.ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTERESTDISTRICT OF STROUD(GLOUCESTERSHIRE)WHEREAS:1. Section 1 of the Plann<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>Listed</strong> Build<strong>in</strong>gs and Conservation Areas) Act 1990("the Act") requires the Secretary of State, for the purposes of the Act and withview to the guidance of local plann<strong>in</strong>g authorities <strong>in</strong> the performance of theirfunctions under the Act <strong>in</strong> relation to <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of special architectural orhistoric <strong>in</strong>terest, to compile lists of such <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> and may amend any list socompiled.,'2. On 25 June 1974, the Secretary of State compiled a list of <strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong> of specialarchitectural or historic <strong>in</strong>terest situate <strong>in</strong> the <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong>.3. The Secretary of State, hav<strong>in</strong>g consulted with the Historic Build<strong>in</strong>gs andMonuments Commission for England and such other persons or bodies of persons whoappear to him appropriate as hav<strong>in</strong>g special knowledge of, and <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>, such<strong>build<strong>in</strong>gs</strong>, considers that the said list should be amended <strong>in</strong> the manner 'set out <strong>in</strong>the Schedule hereto.'NOW THEREFORE the Secretary of State, <strong>in</strong> exercise of the powers conferred on him bySection 1 of the Act, hereby amends the said list <strong>in</strong> the manner set out <strong>in</strong> theSchedule hereto.HSD DOC 2


1.5227 WESTWARD RQAD(South Side)-------------So 8204 NE 16/556No 176(Cambridge House)II2.Early C19. liammerdressed rubble. Pitched slate roof, with coped gable. Brickchimneys. 2 storeys and attics. 5 ranges of segment-headed double-hung sashw<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars. 1 segment-headed 6-panel door <strong>in</strong> deep reveals. 3attic dormers with segment-headed casements and glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars.1.5227 WESTWARD RCOAD(South Side)so 82o4 NE 16/557No 177II2.C18. Hammerdressed rubble. Pitched stone roof. Aslilar chimney. 2 storeys.2 double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1st floor. Early C20 shopfronton ground floor.1.5227 WESTWARD ROAD(South Side)_____________SO 8204 NE 16/558IINos 191 and 1932.Early C19. Stucco. Pitched slate roof. 3 storeys. Pla<strong>in</strong> str<strong>in</strong>gcourse aboveeach floor. 3 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, centralone <strong>in</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uous recessed panel. Ground floor has 1 tripartite double-hungsash w<strong>in</strong>dow with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, 1 3-panel door with oblong fanlight, and 1 proJect<strong>in</strong>glate C19 shopfront with dentilled cornice.128

l1oI5227 WESTWARD ROAD(South Side)SO 8204 NE 16/24 1.5,51.Nos 207 to 213 (odd)(Formerly listed as No 4Crossley Build<strong>in</strong>gs andNo 7 Crossley Build<strong>in</strong>gs, Ebley)GVI 2.016/C17. Coursed rubble. Cotswold stone roof. Gables. 3 storeys. Stone mullionedw<strong>in</strong>dows with hocdmoulds. Doorway with moulded stone surround. Nos 209 and 211altered <strong>in</strong> early Cl9 to have 4 ranges of casements with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars and 2 doorswith oblong fanlights.Nos 201 to 213 (odd) form a zrouD with the outbuild<strong>in</strong>rs of No 235.I: a _ _5227 WESTWARD ROAD(South Side)ISO 8204 NE 16/561No 235 (Ebley House),<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g gatesMid Cl9. Vermiculated ashlar. Pitched slate roof. Elaborate grouped ashlar|' -- chimneys.- -2 storeys- and attics; 3-ranges- of mullioned- and transomnw<strong>in</strong>dows- onsouth elevation. 1 canted bay on ground floor. Porch with parapet and archedentrance taken on attached columns. 2 gables with 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow each. 1ttic dormer with elaborate parapet <strong>in</strong> manner of C15 French hotel. Heraldicbeasts on acroteria and kneelers. l-storey extension to west, with semi-circularbay w<strong>in</strong>dow. Mlassive gatepiers and elaborate iron gates.3 5227 WESTWARD ROAD(South Side)SO 8204 NE 16/563No 2552.C17 (presumably contemporary with adjacent houses, whose fragments are <strong>in</strong>corporated<strong>in</strong>to Nos 247-51). Rendered. Stone gabled roof. 2 storeys and attics. Southfront has half a gable abutt<strong>in</strong>g No 251, and 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould.West front has 1 mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dow with hoodmould on ground floor, and 2 eachon 1st and attic floors.

5227 CA cCR WEST(ASuD ShOAD(Soutl Side)so o2o4 NW 12/5s5IINo 307 (White iiouse)2.Late C18. Asiilar. Pitcled slate roof. 3 storeys and parapet. Pla<strong>in</strong>l stri icourseover ground floor. 3 ranges of double-hiung sash wi<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>re bars. Doorwith oblong fanlight.5227 WiiITEIIALL(Nortli Side)Nos 1 52 2so 8505 5/18 1.5.51. s 1III2.Early C18. Ashlar. Pitched and sprocketed stone roof. Paired ashlar chimneys.3 storeys and attics. Coved eaves cornice. 6 ranges of double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded frames. Ground floor has C18/C19 wooden bay w<strong>in</strong>dows, |and stone porches with rusticated pilasters. West elevation has 1 range of double-hnun l/sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars, moulded stone architraves and bull-nosed sills.No 1 has a mid-Cl9 extension with 1 range of tripartite double-hung sash w<strong>in</strong>dowswith glaz<strong>in</strong>g bars on 1 st and 2nd floors, and tripartite mullioned w<strong>in</strong>dows onground floor.1. ,IEL5227 WNITEHALL(South Side)so 8505 5/17 1.5.51.Nos 9 to 11 (consec)IIGV2.C17. Pa<strong>in</strong>ted rubble. Cotswold stone roof. 3 storeys. Various 2-light mullionw<strong>in</strong>dows withl dripmoulds, or casement w<strong>in</strong>dows.Nos g to 13 (consec) form a Lroup.130

5227 (South Side)SO 8505 5/566 GV No 12II2.Early C19.chimneys.bares.Pibbledashed. Hipped slate roof with overhang<strong>in</strong>g eaves. Asbhar2 storeys. 2 ranges of horizontally-slid<strong>in</strong>g sash w<strong>in</strong>dows with glaz<strong>in</strong>gNos 9 to 13 (consec) form a groupi~ 1. WY.WITEHALL5227 (South Side)80 8505 5/32 GV No 13lI2.C16/17. Rubble. Slate roof. 2 gables at right angles. 3 atoreys, 1 w<strong>in</strong>dow eachaide. (2-and 3-light stone mullions and drip moulds).Nos 9 to 13 (conseo) form a groupSigned by authority of theSecretary of StateDated the 25 June 1974A Pr<strong>in</strong>cipl theDepartment of the Ewvirorment

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