Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University

Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University

Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University


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5CONFERENCE PAPERS AND OTHER PRESENTATIONSConference Papers“Measuring the Punitive Intentions of <strong>State</strong> Governments” (with Michael P. Fix).Presented at Annual Conference of the Law and Society Association. Boston, MA:May, 2013.“Winning Words and Winners‟ Minds: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of PresidentialDebates and Popular Vote Success” (with Stacey Kirkland). Presented at AnnualConference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL: April 2013.“The Reality of Jurisprudence: The Use of Interpretive Methods in the Opinions ofJustices Scalia and Breyer” (with Cynthia Cates and Wayne McIntosh). Presented atthe 84th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Orlando, FL:January 5 th , 2013“A New LIWC at the Language of the Law: Examining the Content of Supreme CourtOpinions.” (with Pamela C. Corley, Robert M. Howard and Wayne V. McIntosh)Submitted to the (cancelled) American Political Science Association Annual Meeting.New Orleans, LA: September, 2012“The Rise of Liberal Originalism? An Examination of the Ideological Use of FederalistCitations in Supreme Court Opinions and Briefs.” (with Pamela Corley and RobertHoward) Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association.Honolulu, Hawaii: June 9, 2012“The Federalist as Classical Liberal Case for a Constitutionally Limited WorldRepublic.” Presented at the 70 th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political ScienceAssociation. Chicago, IL: April 14, 2012“The Influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs on U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Content:Evidence from Federalist Citations.” (with Pamela Corley and Robert Howard)Presented at the 70 th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political ScienceAssociation. Chicago, IL: April 12, 2012“Supreme Court Briefs and Legal Advocacy: The Influence of the Federalist PaperArguments on Supreme Court Outcomes.” (with Pamela Corley and Robert Howard)Presented at the 83 rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association.New Orleans, LA: January 14, 2012“The Dangerous Necessity of an External Enemy: James Madison on the RepublicanUses of International Anarchy and the Impossibility of a World Republic.” Presentedat the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC:September 4 th , 2010

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