Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University

Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University

Curriculum Vitae - Georgia State University


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Department of Political ScienceLangdale Hall<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>38 Peachtree Center Ave. STE 1023Atlanta, <strong>Georgia</strong> 30303Tel: 404.413.6136 / Fax: 404.413.6156mevans33@gsu.eduACADEMIC POSITIONMichael C. EvansNovember 2013Assistant Professor. 2009-present. <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Department of PoliticalScienceEDUCATIONPh.D. 2009. <strong>University</strong> of Maryland, Department of Government and PoliticsExamination Fields: American Politics and Politics/Philosophy/Public PolicyM.A. 2002. Political Science, Western Washington <strong>University</strong>Examination Fields: Political Theory and American PoliticsB.A. 1999. Politics/Philosophy/Economics (PPE), Western Washington <strong>University</strong>PUBLICATIONSEvans, Michael. (Forthcoming, 2014). Review of (Mark A. Graber, author) A NewIntroduction to American Constitutionalism. In Law and Politics Book ReviewEvans, Michael. (Forthcoming, 2014). “The Twelfth Amendment.” In (Stephen L.Schechter editor) Encyclopedia of American Governance. Macmillan / CengageLearning. Farmington Hills, MI.Evans, Michael and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz. 2012. “Perpetuating the Myth of theCulture War Court? Issue Attention in Newspaper Coverage of U.S. Supreme CourtNominations.” American Politics Research 40(6): 1026-1066.Thorpe, Rebecca; Michael Evans; Wayne V. McIntosh; and Stephen Simon. 2010.“Amicus Curiae Participation and Impact on U.S. Supreme Court Fifth AmendmentTakings Decisions.” In (McIntosh and Laura Hatcher editors) Property Rights andNeo-liberalism: Cultural Demands and Legal Actions. Ashgate Press. Surrey, UK.Evans, Michael. 2008. Review of (Gregory S. Alexander, author) The Global Debateover Constitutional Property: Lessons for American Takings Jurisprudence.Published in Law and Politics Book Review: Vol. 18, No. 10: pp. 884-897

Evans, Michael; Wayne McIntosh; Jimmy Lin; and Cynthia Cates. 2007. “Recounting theCourts? Applying Automated Content Analysis to Enhance Empirical LegalResearch.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 4(4): 1007-1039.CURRENT AREAS OF RESEARCHMeasuring and explaining the rhetorical, interpretive and linguistic content of SupremeCourt opinions and briefs; Madisonian constitutional thought; political effects of theConstitution‟s electoral rules; psycholinguistic analysis of presidential rhetoric,personality and leadership; measuring and explaining U.S. public support for torture anddrone warfare.ARTICLES IN PROGRESS“The Reality of Jurisprudence: The Use of Interpretive Methods in the Opinions ofJustices Scalia and Breyer” (with Cynthia Cates and Wayne McIntosh). [Underreview at Justice System Journal]“External Enemies as Dangerous Necessities for Republican Liberty: Resurrecting aMadisonian Dilemma” [Under review at Journal of American Political Thought]“Public Support for Torture” (with Peter Lindsay, Jason Reifler and Ian Thomas). [Underreview at Polity]“A New LIWC at the Language of the Law: Examining the Linguistic Content ofSupreme Court Opinions” (with Pamela Corley, Robert Howard and WayneMcIntosh) [Under review at Judicature]“Going Publius: Assessing the Influence of Party and Amicus Briefs on the SupremeCourt‟s Use of Federalist Citations” (with Pamela Corley and Robert Howard)[Finalizing for submission]“Vying for Founding Authority: Ideology, Time and U.S. Supreme Court FederalistCitations” (with Robert Howard and Pamela Corley) [Finalizing for submission]“Winning Words and Winners‟ Minds: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of PresidentialDebates and Popular Vote Success” (with Stacey Kirkland) [Preparing forsubmission]“Presidential Term Limits and Candidate Quality: Reassessing the Impact of the TwentysecondAmendment” (with Daniel Franklin). [Preparing for 2014 Annual Conferenceof the Midwest Political Science Association]2

3TEACHING, MENTORING & PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH/INNOVATIONPedagogical Research/InnovationProject Co-Investigator (with Dr. Carrie Manning and Dr. Toby Bolsen). Fall 2013 –summer 2014. “Testing Effects of Traditional, Online and Hybrid Pedagogy Modelson Student Learning and Engagement in Political Science 1101 (Introduction toAmerican Government)”. Internal GSU grant ($40,000) awarded by the Provost andCenter for Instructional Innovation.Courses Taught(Graduate) Teaching in the Digital Age: American Government. POLS 8998 – <strong>Georgia</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (GSU): summer 2013(Graduate) Studies in Public Law: United <strong>State</strong>s Constitutional Theory & Development.POLS 8139 – GSU: spring 2012Introduction to American Government and Politics. POLS 1101 - GSU: spring 2010,summer 2012, summer 2013Introduction to Political Research. POLS 3800 - GSU: fall 2009, May 2010, May 2011,spring 2012, spring 2013United <strong>State</strong>s Constitutional Law. POLS 4130 - GSU: spring and fall 2011, fall 2012, fall2013Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. POLS 4131 - GSU: spring 2010American Judicial Process and Courts. POLS 3140 - GSU: fall 2010Graduate Thesis AdvisingShea, Michael. M.A. thesis defended 8/22/2013. “Are Europeans Really from Venus? AComparative Study of War-Making and <strong>State</strong>-Making in the US and EU”Nash, Harold. M.A. non-thesis paper project completed 7/29/2013. (untitled)Towery, Matthew. M.A. thesis defended 11/16/2012: “Beyond Libertarianism:Interpretations of Mill‟s Harm Principle and the Economic Implications Therein”Yarbrough, Grant. M.A. thesis defended 4/5/2012: “Achieving Genuine Moments fromOrdinary Origins: Sheldon Wolin, Hannah Arendt and Jacques Ranciere onDemocracy”Hall, Precious. PhD dissertation defended 4/10/2012: “Rhetoric and Campaign Language:Explaining New Electoral Success of African American Politicians in Non-MinorityDistricts”

4Walker, Carol. Ph.D. dissertation defended 7/15/2010: “The Buck Stops Here: ThePresident as Manager of the U.S. Economy during Crisis”Invited Lectures and Training Seminars“Understanding the Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Divide”. Guest Lecture forDaniel Young‟s “Political Science Research Methods” course (POLS 3800). <strong>Georgia</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, February 6, 2013.“Foreign Policymaking and the „Two Presidencies‟ Thesis.” Guest lecture for DanielFranklin‟s “American Chief Executives” course (POLS 4180). <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong>, November 17, 2011.“The American Founding as Creation Myth.” Guest lecture for Dr. Molly Bassett‟s“Religious Dimensions in Human Experience” (RELS 6080), <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong>, September 23, 2010.“Bibliographic Reference Acquisition, Management, and Sharing with Zotero.” Trainingseminar for <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Department of Political Science graduatestudents and faculty. September 25, 2009.“Rhetoric, Influence, and Decision Making on the U.S. Supreme Court: A Digital TextAnalytic Approach.” Invited lecture at SUNY at Buffalo: December 9, 2008“Using Digital Text Analysis Software for Social Science and Humanities Research.”Invited training seminar at George Mason <strong>University</strong>‟s “Technology Across the<strong>Curriculum</strong>” faculty working group. Fairfax, VA: February 28, 2008RECENT RESEARCH GRANT WORKJune 2012 – June 2013: Co-Project Leader (with Michael Fix) for <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> Center for Human Rights and Democracy Politics of Sentencing andMandatory Minimums Project Leader AwardTotal amount awarded: $5,000Project Title: "Examining Variation in <strong>State</strong> Punitiveness”Fall 2006 – Spring 2009: Project Director for the NSF - Funded UMD Digital DocketProjectTotal amount awarded: $767,996. BSC-0624067, September, 2006 to August, 2009.Official title: “DHB: A Computational Approach to Understanding the Dynamics ofthe Judicial System.” PI: Wayne McIntosh. Co-PI‟s: Cynthia Cates, Lee Strickland,and Jimmy Lin.Responsibilities: Served as liaison between Principal Investigators from threedepartments; coordinated and mentored a ten-member team of undergraduate researchassistants; assigned tasks to graduate research assistants from several departments;co-authored papers; and made presentations at professional conferences.

5CONFERENCE PAPERS AND OTHER PRESENTATIONSConference Papers“Measuring the Punitive Intentions of <strong>State</strong> Governments” (with Michael P. Fix).Presented at Annual Conference of the Law and Society Association. Boston, MA:May, 2013.“Winning Words and Winners‟ Minds: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of PresidentialDebates and Popular Vote Success” (with Stacey Kirkland). Presented at AnnualConference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL: April 2013.“The Reality of Jurisprudence: The Use of Interpretive Methods in the Opinions ofJustices Scalia and Breyer” (with Cynthia Cates and Wayne McIntosh). Presented atthe 84th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Orlando, FL:January 5 th , 2013“A New LIWC at the Language of the Law: Examining the Content of Supreme CourtOpinions.” (with Pamela C. Corley, Robert M. Howard and Wayne V. McIntosh)Submitted to the (cancelled) American Political Science Association Annual Meeting.New Orleans, LA: September, 2012“The Rise of Liberal Originalism? An Examination of the Ideological Use of FederalistCitations in Supreme Court Opinions and Briefs.” (with Pamela Corley and RobertHoward) Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association.Honolulu, Hawaii: June 9, 2012“The Federalist as Classical Liberal Case for a Constitutionally Limited WorldRepublic.” Presented at the 70 th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political ScienceAssociation. Chicago, IL: April 14, 2012“The Influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs on U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Content:Evidence from Federalist Citations.” (with Pamela Corley and Robert Howard)Presented at the 70 th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political ScienceAssociation. Chicago, IL: April 12, 2012“Supreme Court Briefs and Legal Advocacy: The Influence of the Federalist PaperArguments on Supreme Court Outcomes.” (with Pamela Corley and Robert Howard)Presented at the 83 rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association.New Orleans, LA: January 14, 2012“The Dangerous Necessity of an External Enemy: James Madison on the RepublicanUses of International Anarchy and the Impossibility of a World Republic.” Presentedat the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC:September 4 th , 2010

6“Media Coverage of U.S. Supreme Court Judicial Confirmations: Constitutional Debateor Culture War?” (with Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz.) 81 st Annual Meeting of theSouthern Political Science Association. Atlanta, GA: January 7-9, 2010“Textualism vs. Active Liberty: Testing the Doctrinal Approaches of Justices Scalia andBreyer.” (With Cynthia Cates, Rebecca Thorpe, and Wayne McIntosh). Presented tothe Annual Conference of the American Politics Group, <strong>University</strong> Of London, UK:January 3-5, 2008“Toward a Collaborative Model for Social Science Cyberinfrastructure Development:Lessons from the Digital Docket Project.” (With Wayne McIntosh). Presented at theThird International Conference on e-Social Science. <strong>University</strong> of Michigan, AnnArbor: October 7–9, 2007“Recounting the Courts? Applying Automated Content Analysis to Enhance EmpiricalLegal Research.” (With Wayne McIntosh, et al.). Presented at the Conference onEmpirical Legal Studies. Austin, TX: October 28, 2006"Beyond the Double Standard: Comparing U.S. Supreme Court Decision Making inProperty vs. Civil Rights Cases: 1978 – 2005." (With Rebecca Thorpe). Presented atthe Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL: April20, 2006"Patterns of Judicial Influence: Tracking Regulatory Takings Policy in the Lower FederalCourts." (With Ken Cousins et al.). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPolitical Science Association. Washington, DC: September 1, 2005"Using Information Technology to Examine the Communication of Precedent: InitialFindings and Lessons from the CITE-IT Project.” (With Wayne McIntosh, et al.).Presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association.Oakland, CA: March 17, 2005"Only Words or Data? Assessing the Relative Policy Positions in Supreme Court Briefsand Opinions.” (With Wayne McIntosh and Cynthia Cates). Presented at the AnnualMeeting of the American Political Science Association. Chicago, IL: September 2,2004Presentations“Race and the 2012 Presidential Election (I and II).” Invited presentations at OakhurstPresbyterian Church (Decatur, GA). September 22, 2012 and November 17, 2012“Going Publius: Assessing the Influence of Party and Amicus Briefs on the SupremeCourt‟s Use of Federalist Citations.” Presentation at <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>‟sDepartment of Political Science Colloquium. April 27, 2012

7“Why James Madison Would Think a World Republic is Desirable and Impossible (andWhy this Matters).” Presentation at <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>‟s Department ofPolitical Science Colloquium. September 29, 2010“Anarchy, Liberty, and the Balance of Powers: Explaining Alexander Hamilton'sAmbivalent Republican Leadership.” Paper presented to the <strong>University</strong> of MarylandAmerican Politics Workshop: April 25, 2008“The Digital Docket Project: Computer Assisted Textual Data Analysis of the SCOTUSCorpus.” Presentation to the Second Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities andComputer Science. Evanston, IL: October 22, 2007“Mixed-Methods Computer Assisted Textual Data Analysis for Social Science andHumanities Research: A Practitioner‟s Perspective.” Invited presentation to the UMDHuman-Computer Interaction Lab. College Park, MD: October 18, 2007“Testing the Usefulness of Applying Automated Content Analysis Methods for Legal andPolitical Science Research.” Presentation to the Working Group on AutomatedContent Analysis at the Annual Meeting of the American Political ScienceAssociation. Philadelphia, PA: September 1, 2006PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIPSReviewer: American Politics Research, Justice System Journal and Journal of EmpiricalLegal StudiesManuscript Reviewer for Rutledge Press (2012)Test Bank Question Writer for Rutledge Press (2011)Current member of American Political Science Association, Southern Political ScienceAssociation, Midwestern Political Science Association and Law and SocietyAssociationHONORS AND AWARDS2007 Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) Winnemore DigitalDissertation Fellowship2006 Phi Delta Gamma Graduate Fellowship for Interdisciplinary ScholarshipMETHODOLOGICAL SKILLS AND TRAININGExpert-level user of Provalis QDA Miner and WordStat text analysis softwareIntermediate-level user of STATA statistical softwareBeginner-level user of R statistical softwareTraining in categorical data analysis, matrix algebra, and rational choice theory received at2005 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

8REFERENCESWayne McIntoshDept. of Government and Politics<strong>University</strong> of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742301.405.4156wmcintosh@gvpt.umd.eduStephen ElkinDept. of Government and Politics<strong>University</strong> of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742301.405.4156selkin@gvpt.umd.eduKarol SoltanDept. of Government and Politics<strong>University</strong> of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742301.405.4135ksoltan@gvpt.umd.eduMark Graber<strong>University</strong> of Maryland School of Law<strong>University</strong> of MarylandBaltimore, MD 21201410.706.2767mgraber@law.umaryland.eduIrwin MorrisDept. of Government and Politics<strong>University</strong> of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742301.405.8633imorris@gvpt.umd.eduJames GimpelDept. of Government and Politics<strong>University</strong> of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742301.405.7929jgimpel@gvpt.umd.edu

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