REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature

REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature

REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature


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JOINT COMMITTEE ONGOVERNMENT AND FINANCEMaterials Distributed<strong>May</strong> 28,2009

I I Februsry 10.20093:00 - 4:00| p.rn. Joirt commlttee or Government and Fharce!SerateHouseIfonttiu Cttalt Thompson, Cbsire Chalir BoggsHelmickC€putoI rou"r webster' Sharpe(absetrt) While. @ AmsteadI D* BorderIISneaker Thompso4 Cahair, presided-ITIII III- Il. Approval of Mhqt€sUpon motion by Presiden: Tonbli4 pmperly adopte4 the ninutes ofthe January 13,2009, meeting wereupp-".C2. Com.Elttee ReporbUpoo.otion by PresidentTombliq properlyadopted,thefollowingconnineeeports forthe2008 inlerimperiod were accepted:Agriculture and Agri-brEine$9 Committee (se@tor Edgelt and Del€ate stemplo, chaLs)Joint Standing Committc€ on Financ€ (senaror Helnick and Del€Ele white, c'haiF)forot f"f-ug"aeBt Review CoEmission (S€oator Hehdck and Del€are crosier, chairs)Joint Sanding Committee on Govemment Orgadution (senalor Bol,vmall and Del€gare MorBp& chaiB)Pa q Recreafion and Natural Resources Subconmittee (Serutor Fol'nine" Cll'i.; D€l€sre El&idge and Del€goteWelh CochaiB)! Joint Stsoding Committee on Pensions and Relirement (snEror Foster and D€legare spencsr, chairs)Select Committee B - Vetemns' Issues (Senaror Hmter dd Del€ste Fleisclsuer, chsiB)-fSetect Committee C - Irt"sfiucture (sena@r Unger and Dolegate H!ur&8y, cbais)- S€lect Committee D - Health (s€ldor Prezioso aid Delegate Pedug cbaiu)Select Commiuee E - Broadband (Ssnator Ungerand Del€p@ Bro',vning, cbal$)ISelect Commiuee F - Volunt€er Firc Depaftoents (senaor chafin ald DolegBte caputo, cbairs)- t egislative OveNight CoEmission ou VorKorce InvestEent for Economic Developmeff (Ssn6or M€ebe*d Del€cde Tuckor. chaiB)tI3. comEittee Re{q€stsf,IItIJqdlciary Srbcommlftee C - Pr6ldetrt TombtinUpon motion by President Tornbliq properly adopted the lodg'ng and meal expense rpinbursementt"quot f- David RottEErL wes approved

IIIItIIEIItttIIIIII4. oveMee of Impact of Fedenl Stlmulus Package on the Stat€s - Molly RamldelMolly Ransdel, NCSL, talked about the fedeEl economic stimulus plan and alswered questions on thepotential effect that some of the pmposals could have on <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>-5. Updste on T€acher's Retirement Sy8tem Mer€er - Alne LsmbrlghtADne Irmbdght, Dircctor, Consolidabd Public Retirement BoanE addr€ssed buy back issues related tothe Teacher's Retirenett System merger.6. Lotter CoEmi$asior. ceneml Reverue Furd ard UnepDlgllq9!]!..lgq4DglggtdgAllq!]lEq4!Distributed to members ofthe committe€ were the following: lpfiery conmission r€ports for &e monthended Dec€Eber 31, 2008; General Revenue Fund status rcport as ofJanuary 3l, 2009 atrd the UnemploymentCompensation Trus Fund ststus rcport as of December 3 I, 2008. Distributed with each of the repofls was ananalysis aad summary of the reports.7. Department ofTrauportrtlon Report Distributiop - Danny EllisDanny Ellis, Brsiness Malager, D@arhent of High\*ays answercd questions from the Committee.8. PEL{ BRIM and CHIP ReporbThe following monthly PEIA repora werc distibuJed: Montl y Managsment Repo and Prcscaiption DrugRepoft for December 200E. Robert Fsrgpson, Cabinet Secretery, Depatuent of Administrarion, said medicalclaims are ruoning about the same mte as they were last year ai thb timc and prescriptioD claims re vp 9%o.The following reports from CHIP were distributed: A report of emollment for January 2009 and firtancialstalsments for pedod elding December 31, 2008. Secretffy Fergusoo said the new formula has been renewed forthe next 4 '/,years atrd they are looking at olr estimated $43 million for the new formula-The following BRM reporrs were distribmed: An unaudit€d balance sheet snd unaudited incoBe statementfor the period ending December 31, 2008. Seqetary Ferelson reported no u-frrnded liabilities in BRIM. ChuckJones, Dircctor, BRIM, addressed the lack ofqovemge for non-slate employees in state owned vehicles. Mr. Jonesdso said thst BRIM does not Fovide rm-i[sured or uuder-insured moorist coverage for stale vehicl6.9. Leaslns Report. DepartEept ofAdEinistrationA leasing Eport fo! the pedod ofJanuary 1, 2009, tlrough January 30, 2009, was distibuted10. Department ofH€alth &!d Euman Rgourc€s (DHHR) Mopthlv ReportrA Medicaid report dal€d February 2009 'aasdishibuted.2

t I tt. Phsrmaceutical Cost Mapagemedt CouocilIItIA Pharmaceutical Cost MaDsgement Council report was disributed. Shenq PhaEs, Govemor'sPbarmaceutical Advocate and Chair of the Pharmaceuticsl Cost MaoagemeDt Council, said the report was inresDoDse !o a Drevious inouirv from the President12. Itrv€stment MslaseEert Boardao n"estmeot Msnagement Board rcpo dared December 31, 2008, was disEibuted. craig Slaughter,- Executive Director. ans\.!€red ouestions from the Commiuee.IIItIIIITII!tr. Workers' CompensationA workers' compensatioD report dated February 10, 2009, was distributed-14. Board of Tn€sury Report DfutdbutionThe Board ofTreasury Invesnnents Repoft daie4 D€c€mber 2008, was distribded.The meeting was adjoumed.I - ..^-NoTE: The foUowilg reporb *rcre received after the February 2009 meeting and are available upon rcquest atthe Office ofthe Legislstive Msnagen1fDelegEae1Perdue, ChaiF)Commirsion on Intsrstale CoopsralioB (senaror JeDldB add Delegate Pi!o, chsiE)IIIrltIt[lr',t"gi"lurive Ovenight Commissio! oD Health and Hunan ResorEc€s Accoutability (sendor Prezi6o audII

IIIIIIII-IIIII!IIIIStudy Resolutions Passed by One HouseHCR 5 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to study the safety issues ofthose whoprovide home visits to families in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>HCR 6 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finaxce reconstitute Select Committee A onChildren, Juveniles and Other MattersHCR 7 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to continue studying the needs, challengesand issues facing veteransHCR 46 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to conduct a study on expanding the scopeofpractice for optometri stsHCR 53 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to conduct a study on identifying goodperinatal health education models or developing models in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>HCR 58 - Requesting the <strong>Legislature</strong> to establish a Joint Legislative Committee on Substance Abuse and PubhcAssistanceHCR 62 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize the snrdy ofthe creation ofart, entertainment and enterprise districts within political subdivisionsHCR- Requesting that the Joint Comminee on Govemment and Finance authorize the study ofthe frnaacialcondition and regulation of self-insurance poolsHCR 70 - Requesting that the Joint Committe€ on Govemment and Finance authorize a study of the law govemingthe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Board ofProfessional EngineersHCR 7l - Requesting that the Joint Comrnittee on Govemment ard Finaace authorize a study ofthe law govemingthe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Board of ArchitectsHCR 72 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study of the law govemingthe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> State Board of Pharmacy

I.I, J 3I I I-I I I I-Study Resolutions Passed by One House-II I I IHCR 73 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study on the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>Board of Social Work ExaminersHCR 74 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study ofthe feasibility ofadopting a uniform lien filing systemHCR 77 - Requesting a study of compensating state troopers for oFduty time when required to be on standby tobe called back to workHCR 82 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study ofthe Board ofOptometryHCR 83 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govenment and Finaace authorize a study of the law govemingthe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Board of Physical TherapyHCR 84 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study on the AthleticCommission and the rezulation of Mixed Martial ArtsHCR 86 - Requesting that the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study the safety, conservation, andoreservalion of all stalewide trailsHCR 88 - Requesting the Joint Comm.ittee on Govemment and Fhance to appoint a select inlerim committee tostudy the issue ofa constitutional amendment to prohibit the state from recognizing same sex marriagesHCR 9t - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Financ€ to conduct a study on establishing aprogram to pennit medicine aides who are certified to administer cerlain drugsHCR 93 - Requesting the Committee on Govemment and Finance to conduct a study on methadone treatnentcenters in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>HCR 95 - Requesting a study ofthe higher education merit screening advisory committee

E} tr I I,.I 13 E- I T I I T f' I I I I I-Studv Resolutions Passed bv One HouseHCR 108 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study the requirement that all state boards,commissions, committees or councils to be gender balanced and to have proportionate representation ofminoritiesHCR 109 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to study the advisability ofenactinglegislation to modemize the unernployment insurance programHCR ll0 - Requesting that rhe Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance authorize a study relating to requiringblasting contraclors to nodry the State Fire Marshal and local property ownersHCR tt4 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finaace to make a study on improving the abilityofpublic schools to effectively recruit and employ well qualified graduatesHCR I l) - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to study methods to remove the barriers toeducational success that velerans face in the higher education systemHCR 116 - Requesting the Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance to study the need for personal leavebenefits for hisher education faculwHCR ll8 - Requesting a study to analyze and evaluate the operating practices, administrative procedures and legalissues associated with the state administration oftle Division ofHighwaysHCR t23 - Requesting a study on the workers' compensation system and to determine what actions on the part ofthe legislature is necessary to address any problemsSCR 4 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment aad Finance study gray energy research benefitsSCR 5 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Financc study deer/vehicle collisionSCR 21 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study reclassifuing countiesSCR 24 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finaace study implementing year-round school4

IIITIIITlIIIIIItrIIIIIStudy Resolutions Passed by One HouseSCR JI - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study mountaintop removal site usesSCR JO - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment aad Finance study various higher education personneladministration and flexibility issues.SCR 49 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study benefits ofestablishing charter schoolsSCR 53 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study State Rail PlanscR 54 - Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study green initiativesSCR 55 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study regulating railroad walkwaysSCR- Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study proposed new state business andoccupation tax on high-voltage electric power transmission linesSCR 59 - Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study improving and updating severance taxon natural gas and oilSCR 60 - Requesting Joint Committee on Governrnent and Finance study grants thmugh Economic DevelopmentGrant CommitteeSCR 62 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study tax structuleSCR M - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study carbon dioxide cap aad trade proposalsSCR 65 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study fireworks' sale, storage and usageSCR 66 - Requesting Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study costs ofhighways, sewers aad waterprojectsSCR 67 - Requiring Joint Committee on Govemment and Finance study asbestos trust disclosure issues

IIWEST VIRGINIA LEGISLATUREOffce of the Legtslative AudltorIEl Budeet DflionBuluhg 1, Room 3ILW6I mrg|1900 Kann'ha BIed Eqtta Cha 6torr, VY 253054590 , 3U-3474E70I tday 5,2009IEErecuttve SFrnlniry of Lottory, UmmplryEent, cen€ral Rwonue snd Stato Rmd FundReports to Joht Commltt€et I Lottery Commlsslotr as of MlrTh 31. ZXIII 3_[rIApp€ms !o be in good con

tIIBudgd DwstonIBufWry I, Room 314-W6t mt2g| 1900 Ksltawha Bled- EdsTCh erlatoq m'/ 253 0 545 90rI fMEMORANDUIIWEST VIRGINIA LEGISLATTJREWce of the Legislarive AuditorI fo, Honorabte Senate Prealdent TonbllnItonorable House of Delegates Speaker ThoBpsonoate: <strong>May</strong> 5, 2009. 3M3474870IRei Revlew of 9lest Virglnla Lottery Flnanclaf InfonoatlonAs of March 3f, 2OO9 (FY 2009)IIII -IHonorab.Le Me[ cers of the Jolnt Connittee on Governnent andFlnancelf 2Fron: Ellen Cl-atk, CPA (/Dlrector Budget DlvislonLegislat.lve Audltor's Of ficeWe perforned an analysia of the StateEent of Revenues, Expensesand Retalned Earnlngs for the end of the third quarter of flsca.ly".t 2009 (,Iuly - March 31, 2009) frotn nonthly unaudltedflnanclal reporta furnished to our office by the <strong>West</strong> VlrglnlaLottery Corqdsslon. The regults are as followa3fotta:1' REY€6@6:I Grosg lottery revenues are recelpta fron on-lln9 g€ues, l-nstant- games, table galnes and vldeo lottery. fhese gross recelptatoraled-I !,II3.472,O00.00 for .fuly - Iilarch 2009. TabLe gaEesI accounted for 925,690,000.00 of thls total. These gross recelptss were $ 1 , 1 3 7 , ? 4 3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 for the same nonths of the precedlng_ flscal year, 2007 -2OO8. croes lottery revenue Ia down by 2.138froro the precedlng flscal year. Thts nuBber does not lncludeI cormlsglon and prlze deductlong. cross proflt (Gross revgnuesr0lnus comlsslons and prlze costs) for July - March 2009 wasIILotteryJoint Commiuce on Governmen and FinancePage -1-

II"o.r"ry contlnuedS a S O , S 1 3 , O O 0 . O 0 ; for the previous Juty - March 2OOB ir l{asI S 4 9 3 , 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . Expressed as a percentage, gross profit is 0.58EtIIEI Llower for flscal year 2009 than fo! f1scal year 2008.Otrr€t€,tirg l!o@s:op...ting incone was $ 4'12,'I!6,000.00 for JuIy - March 2OOg. EorJuly 2007 - March 2008 it was S 477,880,000.00. ThIs uas adecrease of 1.088. After additlons and subtractlons of nonoperatingIncoEe and expenses, distrlbutions to the state were9460,320.000.00 for July 2008- March 2009.Op€lattEg tra.asfels to t$e gtat€ otr lgest VLrgiaia:I A total of 5450,320,000.00 has been accrued to the state of l{est- Vlrglnla for flscaL year 2008-2009. Thls is on an accrual basisand nay not correspond to the actual cash tlansfers nade durlngt the sane tlne perlod. -( Amounts owed to the different accounLs- accordlng to the tottery Act are calculated nonthly and accrued-to the statei actual cash transfera are often nade based uponll actual cash flow needs of the day-to-day operatlon of ther lott6ry. )tttIItII!IIA schedule of cash transfers folloers:Bureau of Senior ServicesDepartroent of EducationI 58,81s,000.00I 35, r.9r.,000.00Library comnission I 11,554,000.00Higher Education'Centra.l $ 11,049,000.00Tourisn I 7,961,000.00Department of Natura.L$ 3,4 92, 000.00ResourcesDlvision of cu.lture and $ 5,8B0,000.00HistorytotteryPage -2-

ItIIiltIIIflIIEIIItIILottery continuedDepartnent of Education andArtsState Building CorunisslonSchool Buildlng AuthorityE:r6ag8 a lotta:ay hrdGeneral Purpose Fund 65,000,000.00Veterans Instant tlcket FundTab.Le Games State Debt Reductlon El]ndRACETRACK VIDEO LOTTERYTRANSEERS:s 1,213,000.005 9,000, 00o. oo$ 16,2oo,0o0. ooSI'BTOIAIT BI'D@EARX !RENSIERA 9160,3ss,000. 00Economic Developnent Pund 17,100,000.00Excess Lotterv surDlus 18,604,000.00Education Inprovement Fund 27,000,000.00WV InfragtrucLure Council Fund 40,000,000.00Hl gher Education Inprove&ent9,000,000.00FundState Park Improvenent Fund 5,000,000.00Refundable Credit 4,051,000.00School- Building Authority 18,291,000.00TOTAI EXCESS IOTTERY FUND 9204,045,000.00665,000.0012,800,000.00Tourisn Prolrotion Etnd 1.3? 5E $7, 99s, 000.00Lottery

tIIIItIfiItIEtttlIInI!Lottery continuedDevelopment offlce Pxono FundIOEA'.* rrRENAEERI'CASH BASISs2,180,000.00Research Cha-t-Lenge Fund .5t $2,907,000.00Capitol Renovation andInprovenent Fund . 6875Es3, 997, 000. ooParklng carage F\rnd .0625E $363,000.00Park1ng carage Fund 18 $500,000.00Cultura.l FaciliLies ard Cap.Resources Fund .5ECapitol Dome 6 Cap.Improvenents Fund .58Workers Compensation DebtReductlon Fund 7ASI'BIOEAE VIDEO Il()rfERITRAIISEERS:$1,500,000.00$3,814,000.00911,000.000.00934,256,000.00,i4L2,L22,OOO.OOTotal Accrued last FY 2008: 166,967,000.00Total Cash Distrlbutlons .Tuly-June | 4!2,!22,000.00Appl-ied to FY 2008: 166,967,000.00Total Applled to EY 2009 245,155,000.00Accrued for FY 2008 as of March 31 000.00Accrued for FY 2009 as of March 31 215,165,000.00totteryPage -4-

II!P.O.WX2M7CHARLESTON WV 2532It,:nItIIItIilEIIITAFROIIR&Joe lvlonclrnr ItrGovernorMEMORANDUMJofo C.,,,,r,rfir.s qJfu c. L'uqravE,li{odly Rrpdt @ L.(tryMd Flnllng l'trrd 3 l, 2009DAIE AFfl 17,2qP11d! rrFqt ofiie Lr6.ry A-"rl.m ls Foefdsd pE@dto fte St6 tu{leryA!(rTroNe (3o4) 5s8-0su1FAX (301) 55&SZlJofur C MuograveDlrcctqf_h*S"l aF-.*" "ffto Lccay fu fto nm,* Eddlng fd4lh 31, Zf9 ars roded lcety lg9€orc, rhidtodu&c @linq indfir, vld€o l@y 8al6 qd hhle gaooq eas $l3aJ9a,6tr/ hr &r Edh o,fld6!S.tl8tddr .f &trEry nfleolo rs,qts $4?.983p86 E do ft( th€ rudh of I\t rlh b fte d€stgi'hd skre,gn t6sp€( S€dsb Bi[ 150, Veteoae l.|rstad fid



Ifl3ItfttIIIIIIttIItIItAS&mqrEetAlseCash dd .a!h lSaiElldAffilcodrd sbddy&re!!9nd6did@lorrtddb ffiOftr(dsTdEIC@dA!*!t-*.ddef€6d.td @!hed d oqEtisMIiR$d!6 !sl,t h td4 lls @qtcttdolCbrihtneAI!3r @brr; &Fdd@ anl o,rn*darwcqt lAeT.tal Ncdo@A!6eldlA!€s{BIIAEII.Mf,8 AI{D NEf AS8B]!IGqdl&fdft&eArled nirFFfr'E,r|at;Ir''ltffi b fr sSd6 dlf€d VngidaRd|nFtEd@d,bA@Fl/!'leOfucry.@ld lt"nFli&Cdpdio ddtuSd@IEL! ot$gdn@!T@l CE dl,&lr[d.sDtuid l.6tqr{ @.t tlg'{.'a &6s@cEAlqdsT@ll}ffi&sl&.A66Ied.d ha@f @ItMd6E6(d.dtr)Uorldd;tsd rs- C@d ( sftro tl)DRce.4.d @(F!r{B l0)T'hl lld/l€r*Tdt r lrh$dRdlllraAsdsIh6ryirg!6sa!rdhgdlIEtd€@ftrr&l!t6tl!rd!.ITOTTERY IINADICIAIS ATTACHMENTSWNIVIBiGINIALOI'TByBAI,AT{G SEEBI!'(hltruar&)tMorI3tM6 47,583&& w\6t2zfi#Sor1rffs8ot 836l3:ta,@'r]'l3a35r8I 215163we1J548,4tts2S8@-Ih@dttrd-----------:_-2S503:t2ogt5,498sprq00'$ 3'35nIJ@r 30,?!cg r844lt3.%3mt02595D52r158,4Ctt%1?F98Q447)52St63,864&Sns l649dttzst16n361'I29219J932t9'593',rt

IflIttIIIIIItIIfiIII;UIILrn&ryE@csO!{r! e@!sI@g@!!Brtukrddo ldhtIlffiildeoktutTrl&gm6(b&!g6rs|Mg@lsR@&irlrDftuyLtftdvfle! tdbtT&log@L6@{troFbL€s|lt3tdFnrsL€stddrd16Eddcfu!!dcdGraIffi,rffiurdiFq@Atlrtl6'iEed@e6IbCe6drLEhdtllreTCL-*'.M@aqr'dFrdlEbiElR€@lrts-I!,{ai ed et|El}{ndnoft!!'.rqiti$r,lrE6qwOfrrq6$!grffiWf,fIVIBGINIALOTI TSTAMdU{!I@BEVENIIEq@WEIANIT CEA]ICTSTVIuI{DNTTASSEEF&@NINEMO{EIXmO! trrDEnUAnCE3l 2Up6[@d').ftndtb{t-Orq.ringhmBN@!!.odhgfrle6(@.)hs.datrch.@tIhqedqtor@-@BIdldqt,s8D&rlbhsb-.r"t-qr"66sdlsDhlfu 6'iiFil'q.{|lr.!ni{,Mn{6olb&edwd,rrtrCtrb 'EEd'6rl&t&!@f€as*lBdrd8 ofpddllidE46d.f@dCUME{TMqIiEZXD M6 4AE S 9,7681'J64 $tn76sn B@t.8t3tptflt16L@84J93 l]9J{34G68a741 W318 4tzt4le5a9 l8rs9tp4 rM6014r __gq3m1,@4rT!3XIrJ80a,sr4'EeFv"qE!'i"9fr @ehEEf tatdfrlFtr!6&ld'r-"-'r.LOTTERY FINANChTS ATTACHMENTS5'ott7p2I'l5Ssj9YEINToDAENMc 64219 $ 64ET,fu Bdrl'' eBN30q876 s623423.Olt 8gS0r$167,, ljs734a43566,t4s4',tmttt349rqr0594f-Att5l459Jr8,^N4fl&49q534#5'@TD.59at9@96ll33,659Jr,&r&44€99q84649 CF {pss7g 8I G63A219 ,p4{96{J!5s58 wtt6 te 5 ___--s_ tBzsg?4'010lD TX 18rrl.!, 63J58 4n$$ 4nf8!d) 760 ad9 t0)a6t cta,eflD a.gD5J3rr.671176r0435914r&?tt3JUo 00)(6p64) (6,G)GF36) O.Lre)6t?7n (d.r30) ({60,9) (469t80)(drdEr (d9.4,fo 672Jta (176:Nt14 118 n4 l&4ggt 41s5 6448t 43.4896 65.@ 3 44.im I 6JE 3 ASn

ItIItIIIII3tIIIIIIIWESVIAGNqA LOTrf,Y.SIAEI@{II OFCASEBIOW!rON E NIITE MONE IEEIOI' EUD MAf,ff3l. Z]@(Io fr@sdd!)-Ud@dt!d-hllowa t!0 .P"qrtng adrtGsGrhre..iFil fu E dffi @d&'s@ftECarh!syn!6tdl€86!aod cMS4'!fiiEro6la'.Fertllg(!6caFh lEoellsl ty oF.d"rng adynks&hfomtumaF'rN@4.d9 dedd@ ffi'gsdrehslo rlr 6@ dw€s yffi hDlelM@ to pnntdlinfl& 6d oodil€DLtlhd(drb,a-r,rrt Ar@ @*cgD. Edtrv. frldD6.r.€dldA.A !d4 d'8gdt|fr srd rdsEd fdE ErC pddab.h Esdl ttr nqilaltr"r ffiig sgl9ftlrr(hlh Ilm tucrg[hl ddFtd.{ 6,h'Frng ehierdfsru!6r8d.qdbtMCrlh f olis fi @ hEdtrS acrll9tb&. ldffi6€ dhiedfi!ffi hdd h tudrFeorot Ehrrgp rpqitrod.srhprfddbtk@asMtrshl@ (de@) hoad@d.16 cqdEl€rdsGlh @d csst eqriEfld$ -tgddhg dFdodG8h Ed ca!& oqdy9 !ffi . edd.f]ldodsM1.11rr24(6,6)e610{)-lffilQtzJ?/,)6'stqg3,w)20@$ L133,ru(5J3r)43,6t)-.*s!a#(M,345)(5pr0)(E05r)--# =#e!*slxnr&l-#----ffisry15 192,A1'-R@dtdmdq..rr|"gtubEd.dFovlddboll' dngadMksMsrffioq4.Tt6g4ztsoAq!!tr!@ b@|to.'h rtngtot@lo.@hlElrldnlby@igaffillEDrfldad@Ed@ffiqCsq[g!8 h l|hdf"g r65dr ed flfiflttfR:sffi\8g 3:r9(hdala) d.@sso h a!@ ldyaHoqE{ladr)dqedrrhffiy Orllo Ogn)g,(l"n'!'€)d6l!oeb.draaedr

IIII!IIIItIItIIIItINOIE 1 - I,EGSII,AIryD ENACTMEIITWEIT VIRONIA LOTTERYNOIES TO X'INANCXAL grAlUr,IH\TIS]k_WTl Vtdds Lot&rt (LotEy) war es{abfi$od by tbe S@ Lob, Aor leig pssea a6 r:,Iru, xthich qEeted I g-'d lra t *- t*u Tt€asEi drntgnqt"d ss t "StO t ciriy f"aCl-6jtrnrIos€ of lhe Ad was to €stabfrh @d rq"€r.q€ir a riate

It, UIIItEIIIItIIIIIIIPEST VIRGINIA IOTIERI'M)TES TO NNANOAL STATEMET{TTINOIT,2 - SUMMARY OF SIGI\UX'ICAM AOCOUIiIIING polfflTs (cor tnuGd)I.oIRY GAIIIE OpEnATroNrr - lto W€st VtgtDh LoflEry derives tb rEvures ffsm frur bsric tyFof lotery g@€s: iDrdrd, m-tino, vt&o tjpo gn "egaod tible goe& fto f.ottry dovetops rrufrjdegEEe fr€@ro ed pdzs frurtures !o ssnTly rfih irs mehFng lsdr[doq incfoatg agre&tu ",,-1"tnlnlrrnrrn ldLo proelsi@s. AII bod€d rsbflfa @d "gEfficoryls€rt pUofurny if fr"cery a"aconvielri€no€ slq€s s€r"o ar tbe @ary dlftihioa ot-"'.t 5. 6r* * o-tie 6ug.t salrs -to 6egesrml FbUc,Ih€ Lofery-hes o a pivrco 'rt'pst€d_wfth voodc b 'nq"''6"tu€, distjhfC nd povido e gocodgqppott ftr dd on-tre g@rs. Utdrr fu r.r'nr of tbe sglEEm€cfs, 'n6orrtfu fmy pam a peacstagoofgrw rwemros c gros pofit for ths trocdshg @d 'nnnnsdh'€ of &s games,RsR@6 fon insd @n€s ls reoogeed nbeo gmo ti&ecs de sold to tte retailers, Ed tb rclrteddzs "tF "eis rEsord6d bared m tne spocltro Cms fFt"s *uoo. Ildsd dl\k€ ;?t€s @d ldedqz€s do nqt i"al",{" 6e mluo of firo playr twoif frr fu gpose of hseoing &o oddr of wimiug a@"Sales of m-lhe lo6e{y dckEas,de Etde by Uc€nred ag€rd8 to the Fb[o vi6 &e uso of ao,q@dz€dteryi'ah. On-lins s@!s hclEde FOWERBALI€, I mli-stdo ladgoP g@q EOT LOi.I@, aS1td9 ,"p" U-o Cash25 aorto", g@E Daily 3 rod 4 :mbertr gmrq Ed ftEe4 a dsilyg{eoo"- g@s- . Xemoo fu recogrized vrben the sg* sds 6e dokEb to tbe publia frao *fr,"s tirccogfud o fto bsnic of aOuI &awing rcsult*Comisd@ a[e ITidto instut edo rsfdh8 aod o-ths nga'r 6 69 re of ssv€n p€Ecat of grorsYls. A podon of fu ao'rrn'l*lou mf to qc€€d @9 ed @g quat€r p€sld of gmss eiles ney be-pddem "4ryFdzs n@ry& Tte @oud Fd Aodn g'"r'".d Fdu ndrys n eeama aeirc fi.lzsco$. [!_aa'lttl.!n, It(dlss F'd aggfr E€ dd lfinited boDs hrdyEs tLd tnatr'de pUo etaes ovhling d*|b frEry sold 'ndI ' r€t a'lHng hllrs d wtuhg ddds rhsy .reh Ch ; weddy hadr,Ilddl€6, ggd q€d trud lF' * a@oud due b 6e t my. ncaten nay ar* tu aUfe to qd€r "'ritd.,"iinsm ttde trpyd h!8 [d be€n 'rr de frr es Fsvlous Hn*"g p€ilio4 whilo an agds on-lher*min'l oaJ' bo dutrugd imcdvo if pyaem fu lot !€a*rcd €arh rootr. No om ntdle c agemaecom ftra dgdfu @ oftlo l4fierfs sal€s c aocoEts Ea€ivabtq Edoticalh ctredf be€slavg beo ftrminnl d no aloserE 6s dgpbt&l ascoEfr recdvable ls oonsilered'"ec*'y.Raostrark vtd€o lotey ls I s8|f;M vtdeo veasion of totmy gue* Ihe boad4Erdsd g@€sellom a plarcr to phco b.r. fu &e d'"'r.E to be swdod cGdtts yidrh ca eebec bo lEder'led ftr carhor bo lg!tr8tleii ar r,ldltld"l bftr. Tho adD op€red gamrs allow a player to uco coirs, @qny, otok.rtr b plals b6 fu fre.qnre to r€o€dve cr{r q drea ewards whiqh nst bo Ed€@sd fc *.t cued ftr rplay h the cd op€rded gm€s. Tls racersr& vLko lotuy g@Ed gizo otuoreo cod€dgled b ErEd Fi?"s,q odlts, at e sltsded tds of tobl bedr pleyd, d irr* r'tJ'qffe i8 DrtEd'gqdtrd btal vtd€o udlt playoA Th€ Ley recoglnzEs as raoetlaok yl&o lotEy roveue .grusr*n'fnet hs@d eqDtrral€fit to aU vr€ss, lst ofrElsted pda. arnod reqdnEd by;t r'4. to bo pddto 6e @ d local gmm €dnrttieo so t€pqbd a! cnrrwrtdme R@tsat& yideo loflrfyl€giddon bar estab[lb€d s!€aiflp t€qofreor€Ed8 for racoac,k yld€o loffit snd bosd c€rbfoI€sdctios ltrFiting the ltcatrg ftr o!€(ad6 of mosta& virleo lsf€Ey ean6 to l$tse md dogI.OTTERY FINANCIALS ATTACHMEN]S

IIII!ttIIItIII:III!' WES'TVIRGINIAII)TTIRYNOIE TO FIMN(XAL STAIUUETUE-Utraldltld-NOTE 2 - SIIMMARY Or SIGNInCANT ACCOITNIING POIJCIIS (conrhEd)mcrdraslc h Vcst Vfogld4 e$jetc to loaal courfy elecdoas pennidng tbo smo. Tloo legisldoffi€( sdpulds tbo didlhd@ of rsv€mtss fion racanck video lomy gmeo, @d t€qtr€smy Iioared mooto* o bo rcspodblo for acquftIng tho rey equ@eat @d rE'n-ng tho dsksrsoddeal rtth &e co@ of op€(eg md rndothg tho emes,T"i'itsdvld€o loflqt Is also a re[fafud vtdeo y€do qf lothry g@€s, s,bbn w€(e filnt phlod itroperdm h Deoemba 2@1, locdd itr Ufiibd ncmed rAdler seea r€shistEd ftr '.h11 'qAE'nenrTbo erers allow a CsyEtr to [so qMEost to pbcs bds ftr ftg cfinco to tEo€iyo feo gamos u vouoheswldch oay be rcds€ined fu canh The $mtbd vtdoo lottery gamos' pda rfuudma E€ ,larignEl baward udzes, o a @ldd rd of ffil b€ts plry4 @d dze €qpeolE ls nstFd agest btat vid€ocr€ditr pt8yqt llo Loftrrt l€ooglizss a8 limibd vtdeo lottry rsv€f,s 'gro$ dnet hcmd€quival€d to s[ vnge6, lEt drded d4c. Am.sErq tEqut€d ty $afis to be paid to pdwts ert]ngsEe r€pdlsd as cmEissiotrr, Linikd vi6 lotrert p€@it hldrtrs Ee c't"to'ny respodblo fuaoqutiDg squi!@d Ed h.q'lng 60 risk sssodfrd Eth &e ffi of op€m&g tbe g@es.Tablo gmes ao lotEri6 as €€d game iwolves ooddedo, tb posdb tty of a F zE md thsir@@e ls tb€miled Feaqnfoedlyby absiaq wldch tbs cmon lrw of Wo Vnginia lar lorg bfHee &s tfoEe €$trtiql al6'n€trfa of a lotby. Tablo gaoes qs &e dotusiye h'tmglblo fu[sctualFsp€rty of &e sffi of Wed VtgHa. Tahlo grnEs l€Biddo brs efib[eEd M! I€qut€med tutablo g'rn€s ed iloposd oErtafo tEsiodos linriting 6e lio€osfog fu olEtrdi@ of table gm tobme d dog rEadads h <strong>West</strong> Vfugisia, mbj€dto locol coimy slestLEs D€mttdug lhe ems. EachtrrEtla.& lioeDs€d 8s e ageo of tbo lo[ay Comlsdo io oFds Cr€st .lrqgids .atle ea.les 6trslhaYe wrtten rules of plry &E @!h tabto lEds t operceg wldc,h msc bs appored by tto Cm*sdo.AII wagw od py

IIII!IIIItIIIItIIIIWNT VIRGINIA IOTIXRYNOTES TO NNANCIAL STATEMENTI'NOIE 2 - gt MMARY OF SIGI\UTICANT AOCOUTTIING POLI@ (corth&d)rylablo ^!.f'tlttg leas€s Reml ",qI*Ro ftr6e oine 'nsnfhe€nd€d t{atroh 31,2@9 and MErh3t,20S anuffi@d 95a8,621 ood $5Oa,144, reaectinely.The L@y hss adqted I poli.y of .'Ftrali-rng asssE wi6 hdM&al ffi sceeding 95,000.Ib€so sssers hahds leaseou !ryowunsm, affiibql od pohdpinsipny of eoholog Fsprrtt omoo fitrdshirgs sd equipeef nrcosscy o 8dd$€r 6thygmes, re oarded 4 d Dqredadon tr coqued by tbo ccdglclhe dod !st"g th€o tD ten F;liy€sq)MPEllsATEIt4n${.8tr - Ibe Lotery bas aoceuEd $371,165 Ed $29E548 of vacdou ad $0ad946?954 9f d"k !** d Juns 30, 2@8 eld 2qt, respctliveln ftr eedrned obfgdo8 rb Eay dlEin como{d@ \rth Gq€nsdat Bl*nc€s fu wcdiotr ad d* teve sf |be (ee[tr ro of eoployeopy. Erployoes fony yEst h sll e@gd bd uurred mcdo. In accode wi& src rodslpolcieq €mptoF€s bn€d Fid to July l,2q)1, y€$ h ms€d siok lqve @ly upmIsfit€mrd, d yt{d tiEb sch meed learn c.@ be oooverted b employer trt8id @!Es fu !oe.rtffcmd F€ah! cas cowrage or addtthoal pdods of ccedited 8€fltca fu pnposer of dffigcttemem lffi, Fc enTlqte€s hir€d Fic b Jtrly l, t98t, tb I"fi€E p@y8 tfrF/o of fu po*-rotinmed q.sfth caE poem. Tb tmcy psys 5@Z of fu p(drrn fs e'rrl.tnyees hed &ire30, 1988 thwch July l, 2001. The €sindod obtigdim fu d* t€svo is bq€d-oldtuioal rgircn€drrd9s Eil rosd hept4' cao peoims appltcohle to €qrlryeo btg aldr& @toyees ffitd aftu June30, Ztol do not vES h ums€d sic& b6vB"p.'r rdir€Dfft Ar dJule 3{1,2003 &k leave obtt@ios coht'lqd€d infto OPEB(OIhF Po*onploFlEd. Benofits) Itabflfty h Noro 15.NET ASSMa - Not srs€ts ro prea.'rd aa rosfiicfed tE€stlaed sad hv€iced h csfrtrat .,e€{s *6"trt€tr€s€@ fu DrA boo&vaho of all pqaty ad equipaem of eo Lomy.OPEnAnNG XEVENITE AIO WEIllEa - Op€Edg mveuues ad erposes fq fno[Eistrt ftnd. sEqhar tbo.ptery @ Isvauqr md expas6 qsr lEsult &@ trn lditrg s€aviG€s @d Fodu@ @d&liytdlg goods @df6 srvlces. Opeaeg rsv€urcs fu db I"@t E€ d€deed fw povldhg '/Eior$tyIj6 d l@t gm€& Opqieg giF."o"! blude crrrrfitdos, triz, oogb, o&€r dft€ct cosb oftrurtd@ lot€ry gueq md 'anrlFlo.atlw.q'..nn8\ A[ rg\rcmss od qp€Dse! mt n€€fug ddsd.|Fnttlon EB tEpqidl as trotrrpErsthg rEv€d€f, ald €spsc.NOTE 3 - CAN AND CA8E EQnMLElinSAr MEd 31, 2ff8 6e cuying moum of deponlA (odrd) wie fin'""ifl hditrr@s sE e (g10)tbourmd rsfih a hk baleqe (ovordraft) of $41 thourod. Of ths bslroco $l@ ftous8d sar €oyEedby ftd€"tl dFF-tlltqy hsullnrs vi& tb Emaffig b"t-oe 6oll6aliEd sdth i.r-'rftl€s beld by theStEto ofv€st Vtglde'r sgElrt h the S&tsis DaEo.A s'.nrn''y of tbs @o!st 6 rt.foct wffh fto <strong>West</strong> Vfulda Boad of lleamy lry€Sed (gID Is asblol's (h6o!ssrds)IOTTERY FINANCIAIS ATTACHMEN'ISlII

IIIIIIIIItIItIIITIIWEST VIRMIIA II)TTERYNOITS TO XTNANCIAL STAIUUBTIE-U[ar. td-NOIE 3 - QISE AI\D CASE EQIIMLEI{TS (offiuod)Anorc o drpofr rffh thg BTI!ffi31.2q)9vt6,ffiAddtioo Dgkii@g.hne_30.2fr8falg,wths d€pqi" wi& the BTI E€ gt'of th€ Stde of W€d V[giria's coroti t"t d lwtu cash ltsuidittpool nd rs not seFdely ldetrffiehle ss b rp€qtfib tyles of 8€.l|rfi6, hvestEd ln '!m€ i! Fo{d€dto tb LooErt d r@s sp€.ifi€d by fte BTI bssed m tbs btElo 0f rbe drpoe mFMi€il itr ro:&ah totle ffil d€posib of all ffi ageBc&E porddFdg itr tte pooL Such ffnds ae arailable b ths Lotertvfth ovrdglt lodae.NOIE 4- CAIITAL AS8&'ISIA F'nnpirt df cq,ital aset advity for tbo peciod ena"d ArEd 31, 2009 ls as folloB (h frousodr):Capital Als€i8:CosdTcd@ hPmgtssInFuv€mrllbBquipEdAcr@lstedDrredd@Incordcal CocAl Jue 30. Znt85t,w]+16,193Ifdodcal CodAt Julle 30, 2&)8$-u5T-245-AddltiorsIllpEIw@ffi$1,0D$57Eqr&rd tlJ45 1,432-E----tg TIF-LOTTERY FIN6$.IqAS ATTACHMENTS$ (2rt$ ,c28thl€li@r$-NOIE 5 ' PARNCIPAIION IN TEE MULTIATAIT I,OTIERYHiltdcal C6tAt MElh 3t.2IE91,t2016A3817558Hlsbdaal CodAr ltrch 31" 2fl}9$ 1,059wTl13"&16Tb Ifrry is a Mb€( of rhe lfuftLstd Irt€ry (MUSI) r'rtdd op€[es &€ s€d-v€*ltPOVERBAII,@ jaclrFt lotto e@o nd HOT I.oTT@ eme o b€h|f ofuatbbdg gtab lirttedls.Fqnh MUSL rn6n'hfE seur gane ttc,b though lts agE6 ald mok€n E€e&Iy yrts trFnsftrn tO rhsMIISL h m mou eqdmlem to fu tdl pe poot lesd the dd of rizss ws fo €aoh ddo.Is€E FiEs ao paid direcly to the rrfurls by @rh ln8mb€tr loflEry. The pdE poot fuIOU|RBALL@, md EOT I,oTT(E ls 5@/o of €ad dftwing p€rtod's salos, dh nrtni''i'n Jadrpotknols. R€'y@€s d€riv€d futn 6o IoUer/s prd@io in &e Mt SL pOWRBALL@Jelpot qmotu6rnd ad yectod* p€dods Fded IUard 31,2009 vw$3,CX'524 en $7,5ff/,543l0

IIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIW6TVIRGINIA LOITRY, NOIE I1O FII\ANCIAL STA:IEMENTS-Unadlted-NOIE 5 - PARXIqPATION IN IEE MULILSTAIE IpTTERY (codrnu€d)vddle relded trizo 0osts fu tbo mo pedods vem $1,284,886 NA $n,AA,867. REvEnFes dsrivedt@-tb IrttEr/r p'rticipd@ iq 6e EOT LOTrO@ g@e frr tle rn nrh @t y€@-{odato pedodsand€d-ltlsr& 31, 2@ vnre $AP,l44 snd S3,443,O29 cime Fhted pdze oos & fte see hodswne $161340 d$1,717397.MUSL places ?/o of eaah ?OWBRBALI@ &ashg ldod's sales h repro pizo rcservo fnadr tbt9T-p a T4hpgy r€sqve to Fotest lb3 I€W€civE MUSL Prcdud crprps ftom udroscen plzllnhfltriec. Glnrmry, fu MUSL Boad of Dirercm brs plar€d a $-75,000,000 tffi o tbsPOWERBALL@ Pdz Rss€rys Fuld d a $25,000,@ lffi cn tbs Sst Pda RFsenre Fbld Th€soF" .o cnty ts usd c fu

IIItIIIIItilIIIIIIIIWESTVIRGINIAII)ITERYNOIES TO trD{A]\ICIAL STAImUn{TS-UnruiflEd-NOTE 6 - BACITRACK VIDEO II)TIERY (.ohttnrcd)a[o.@d fd dldrfudo! to the State as epe{ifi€d in 6s Rsr€cralk Vld€o Lotery Act or subsequem EtaObdgel as.l.ss.fh.d h NG 9. Amouds ft!'Etln oapitalrehveoeerftnd mEy ba diFr'Ibtted to Eac.hlaci&* if quall$hg erq(oditqes ae nade r,tthin 6o mcy dnse@€; deqqiee @ordactmul*d ir ths fru.t rwqt b fu state efic€ss lo&ry rwemo fu4Tho WV l.oery, alt'ng with &s Rbdo &lnd d Dolssd€ lottsi€s, ptidpAe in Mullt-JdedlctionalWitls Ar€a Pmgf€sdno (MWAP) vtdso gumes. ffir allow each of 6s lotreclos to oftF I higbFogtEsdvo jaolqot lhfl! d}Ey could g.ne'e ahe. MUSL mgo eo pogt€ssivs grfils dd celrgeses"I' 1taddpod a MWAP codbdm fte of 4% of 6o mcnm wag€tr€d. A ---"y of rdaok vid€obtery nvelum for tfio 'ftinrh "qde.l lvlarlh 3t, 2@9 od yea-todats ftIlorn (h thmsandr):T@l e& $tEdG€.Xb (FLes) s@MSIA!.rnnEdtl.tr(hcs t'rdl*l hrornoAffiltdYE c6l&Tdallnlod.Ias rlelHm b sg€d8Rlodl* ddeo Litdy rarc@ieCrrd€rfffi)$ 7840{8o6,sd)(Et?l76gn. (e10)75JCt€t 75{)MdM$ 813,849cB5prtwn79,@(Ft1nj3z(4r2r{,- -34r-' l&str@&?MME 6,,453l?8 S690966Gipr,/'4) (6315,120)(3,ss)@@o6p5,5t4}01G,4T?r'€.s6)673'01|l(t75@)655J31cr79,533)$33rtr $257J84 S2t59tA mroey of ddco lotqy rsvequ€s Fid c ao{ruod fu c€(bfin d@ rh'dr to cdb wfr tbeIoglsldon 6ltws (h Sousards):i&6IeyFondS@Etolss f,et Rrfi'!@! F@dC8pfial RlfurEdrrd FtDdT(&Pr@drnFErt l37YloDwel@Ofil8P(l@d@M 375oAB@rotar'"n "g.ftEd5 %qdbl n@rde A lryovld.dF@d.6fr5 %Pa*hg OaESo fbd.(@5 %Paddlg c@go Ford I %6t@l Fad&ts & C@t X!s@!!3 tud J 9oC@l D@o& Csptlol @ovr@r@ F@d J 9.Pdct'8 Coq.dd(d DdtRldrd@ F@d7 YoTdI ltfioFarrtfog drtlM@IOTTERY FIN'NCIAT,S ATTACHMENTSlrEd3t.ztrg Y€d.{pD&$ 6Fsra82-r,06429331{lal12679s3.9t:t$Jl',sl,93Sur8J36. qtB2J9|2pt940r43f55&)1,5@t@11'd|I 2s7684t:2

tIIIIIIItIIIIItI!tINOIE 7- LIMIIEII VIDFO I'TIERYW6T VIR@{IALOITTRYNOIES TO FINANSAL STATEMENIS-Uuurllfd-UrDbd yie tffiy r6giil4i@ parssd ln 2@l bss €stablsh€d {€sifo requireoreqtr iqoshg cgointEffsdors lhniflng file [ceoailg ftr dtg op€dim of IIEffDd vtd€o fou€ry g@c8 io S,@0 r.rt"'t'"1^placed h llc€ars€d retdletr& Tt€se ltcemed r@ilen mst lold I qDati&hg p€@it ftr tbs sle @do{m$rytior @ F€ds of aloohol c nmJOoxicdng b€€r. Tle LdeE la; ' c.hafg€d crth -tbeadlDirtdAionl @d tEgdsdo of thes€ mecritn€s. fbs bgtEld@ ffifr sdFrldos 6e

IIIIIIIII!tIIIIIiIItNOTE 8 -TADLE GAME (conthud)WtrT VIRCINIA LOITERYNoIES TO FIITAI\dAL 6TAIEi'IEI\TS-UlsrdtedrL@y iable gal'€s b fte qedsl tlnrlr Etahlished ty faih thfiolgbbFd rarElrac,k Oblo gmes lioeoscofufbo pcFrm of l9gulll Ec@.& pur8€sto b6 rlhided sq'-nJ' *o'g w* liceoso ad tratr tsoqd oehrlf!remeat of adued gloss rcod!fis nom all greytound retracks sffh W€st Vftgnds Lqt&(ytablo g@es o tho sp€cial fuds ctsbtlsh€d t'y €aih greibmd racsirark tahle gE-€ lic€rsre ftE e!!t8)tEl[t of lEgula rac€fr8ck plrs€s 60 bs diridsd €qua[y r"x'ng sa-q liceorea Tlasftr two peeceut oftbo {juced gos ncdptr ftm all llcetued racgtrado e &€ Thorougbttrsd DsydoFm€d Flnd md ftsCdistbnrd BEediry D€rvrlof€d Rmd to bE dtvided tr[o @ qfrrmg tbe dsv€lo@edt fi-dq ftaadr@e F!€!S of lbe arffused gros I€adpb fiom sach llenred raaaac& !o lhe cMy co"rnlsdoar of tbcodes vhrm m!€ftaol(8 ailh \to$ Vftgida Loflert tabls g@€s as located to bo dMded tro re".Bqng fte codos. lta!*E tso Fc@t of fto a{imfd gros re@e tom each lto€osed t8lstar& btbo- goveofu bodles of En'llsballiies Tithh ooudes whss ncelraolo vrth W€S Vtginia Lthytabto gmes ce loc&d o pcrlbod 6y ststato. fud tresftc @baE of oe p€[rqt of tbe s4irstgaglpes roo8iptr b 6e govF nlng bodieo of 'rrJ''|l6tblrdcsh rftirih a tac€ftark tabls gUes llCosoe leloced b b dtvtded equs$t rrn ng.fte rrrrnlcltglitiaa fto CmI'riedo vlll fid'ih'te tbs r€msiriDgmo[rb, hs€d& rE&tred to a8 tfoi !!t @ouds h fu Racedrac,k Tabls G@ss Fuds as foltrow:l) Tiarfu fu pEro€d b e s!€dal Gnd ro bo esrtahllsbcd by 6e F.aoiog Cumisdm o lp.'ed fu pynec b tbs pqdm dm fq a|l eoryloyE€r deat]h licmd nang2) TbGrtEn perc€d, to bs divlded @d pdd h equal sbrr€q b €ach coumy co'rrnridrnr h thErhb refurc table gsots Ee !d loaq&43) Iffi ten !€(6ed, to bE dMd€d @d pdd h equrl shlr€d, b the govE fog bodcs ofeaohft'rtldtrFry h tbs stale vrhero tablo gmos ae Dst toEde4 sld4) Ib!fu swEdy-sfo p€0n€dt to the Stats Dett Reducdm Fud.Tfts cash trosGc€d to tb State Deh R€dur{i@ nud h fte (EE Eot6 ls hduded h Noo gNoryer6g Dlftihd@s to tu Stde of Wed Vtglda. Ths tabls gpmes a{us€d gos rEadpt8 tu esnqq gd tEa.todat p€Eiods "idr.,{ I\lcoh 31, 2!09 ruo $9,{8,749 @d yB, O0,1aa, resp€{dv€l&Ib bIowhg Eblo show te llod ad f€ar -b- de bt9l8 of tto pdrllogo u @d Ole ,E rq€ddicrlbdoa (h ttouds) to bs t@s&rr€d ir tb IrrbsEquEd nffil':Mod YTDTsblo at m* Pdvil€gp T6IrnE!€st m Trble nnnFa F!!{lAddirtuiveCdTobl AvdlableftrDlslMmLess DlsHbdiopfRacelkP6oMsTbtrsDghtmd & cryhod Demlqp€d FDldsRaring Copdrdrdon Ptnsi@ Plhl,ffidp8[d€s/Cood€sToial DbtslMoossto DelrtRe&d@ FuldIOTTERY FINS{CIAIS AfiACHMEN'IS$3,91 $25,690t2lap\3,010 235@a5 t,E35Q2fi2)188 1,4890705781 AWlrp4s r-71610,105$r3.4{t4

ItIIIIIIIIItWtrT VIRGilNIA LOTTERYNOTES T1O Ftr{AIIICIAL STAIEMENIS-Uaiudtterf-.NOIE 9 NONOPERAIII\?G DINRIBUTIOIYS 1lo IEE TTATE OF W6T VIRGII\IIAmo Lotery @oalcal$ dishlb@s emftrs tu1 €ac,hfw of moum lncuned od dsieEd ft@Iffbd vfd€o lofi€ry p4 a pcdo d raoetraok vtd€o los€fy tud& b tbo Suo of Wec Vngbia ln9@119 yq 6s lq$ldd. Fq.lhe yed 6dlng J@ 30, 2@ rhs Sltarg T ^oiFt'ftrc hudg€fEd$16$15f J,{2 of estlnced trrofrB of the Irtery &r dlxdMou to deaigrcd qodal-reveme &66of .1s Stale of W€s VirgiE{a. Ufirh regad to tbe Sxab Lofi€ry ftlDd, l€dddo! dilEl@s 6d d€bts€ry19 potnEab bs givma pdEity oy€r all o&q rlFnfqis h n'dnn ss whsE es# F!fu de lot'gg!q b Fovido tu FyE€d of a[ qFotridEd dtdMm& DobC sdvira paynenlr -of St,em,OOOad $1,0@,@0 pel-o"tt' fu 6e 6151 h rnsr'fl.r of each ffaoal y€ar g|rq€nfit hve pqrdity.ft@e8 Eado pursad to iho Stdg Ex6 Lottsrt RsvEmro nnd hsv€ ii'rril- reqdrEm@ "!ch@r€d;pynem,ro 8,608,834 pec'n ntL 5 6u 5"1t€n D@fts de€c,h fiq'al year. h edfition, L€Ctltd;oprovides that, if h ary Ermrh, 6f[E 18 a sho@g of ftld8 ln tre St6 Fr..nr Intery nrmmo Fund toEd@ d€tt s{wioo FyErdt tts necEasuy moura shrll bo ' ed ftm fte $de l.otE[Y Fed tooov€r suc.h Bho&tl & fte SCdelour[tFEd d€bts€ lcs paynm beys bea m'd". R€pttnrotu b fu StO fuCery Fud ao reqrdredtoE llade h ebsequ€llt irmrbr ri fihd( b€8@9 avzikbto. Duing tbo,ml'r* e,'d"d tvlEo! 31,'2@fte L@y 'rqdo eloh dldrdon md acqsed addftloal atshlM@s of $53,3$,422 Tb l,otnry ie alm."m-oFded- {qagensy,"n4 lh€ftft[e d!€s mt lzee I bldgea adoFd tV tp fpgisleE s{""elbe €osM of tb Rffia!& Vldso l"otEry Act' 6o Lotery fu alm Cmrctly nqutea to OiU*nopqq$:nry l(''€r.y op€rad@s aq desrsrh€d h Nob 6. As of Main 3i,2009 tbe l"offiyrytrgTaaaffd adatis'"t dirtibuios l€l&g to nodark vid€o louery opeaioae of $S50p20.)Nsb 7 doscffi€s tb Li''rtrd Vtd€o Lotut Ad sd es 8ffiy dcihlioe rcq!fud !o bs Eade eonttfri-El vid€o totqy q:€dotr& N@ 8 d€db€s 6e Tabts Cmes Acd md er".r.qy dlrtlbldorroqdEd to be Esdo Aom bblo e@6 op@oBA .'rnn-'y of iho cash dldrlHdr|.n"'16 to o€atEh std Forqies to odft|m b lbe lolFt,rifrn frlolw8(htle@ds)BIJI}GTARY DISTRJBIJfiONS_ffiofGFserclcEsSESLevFE*pryqecofEducdmUhsry ConmitdtrnHffi*..*"com;dmNauat ResouroeoDMdm of Culum & EcoryD€,ftmfd of PdrFri(|n &Art8CmddmSohool BddbgAddtyTcdrl S'td Lotrry F@dIvlErh 31. 2m9t:1.800$ 4800Y@+o-Ih$ 5&8ts35,1911755/-11,U97.96r3,4r25.880t2t39.@16.200s l6q3s5.l.lIIIIIIIILOTTERY FINANCIAIS ATTACHMEN'IS

I!tIIIIIIIIItWFTIT VIRGINIA IOITERYM)IEI TO FIMNCXAT STAIEMINTS-{rDaudlted-NOIE 9. NONOFEBAIING DXSTRIBI'UOI\B TO TEE STATE OF WES VIRGINIA(.offir€d)StdE Exc€s, Lotlsry Rsv.€ore f!!d:lgo@do Dsttdo@ed Fllldlllgh!tr E(hodi@ IElEov€t!€ott Futdcieorral Po+me AcooudHigbE(RdrF l.a ImFoYedst Rtudsece Pd lqwv€drd ftlilSoholMldbsAd.dyRefindabls (ke

II!tiltIIII!ItIIIIIINOIE 10 - NFTRICTED NET ASSEISWKT VIRGINIA I.()TTRYNOI]oS TO X'IMI{CIAI, trAIEMENIBOn Juns-l4,2&16, HoDss Bi[ 106 ms €osrtEd by tho We* Vngfida Stme Legi8hdrro to s€{ osideDnEl8nded wlrniilFt'.ivg qoemes of ths Lottqy fo to ee rFnftr frr soce"-p-"". @b["hrd t&l;€oat'!fu tqldgo of trsdff@a lac€rar& vtd€o'I@,a hri"d .;d- ;ffiy srm6 h @ aoodnot b €8cee4.P0,m0,000_beghiry in firoal y@ ZlOi oa oaO ya rtro"gh f';i ,* 1012 TGsssets Ee to bg s€t aside .frr the .t€elon 6d c@sfuctiq ota fuiaing tr fro use oitbg f"Oe"y-acs(ffi othm Shb of W€st Vtgida g;rgurrn€ffit emides. fte htery-cofrlb;rd Ue:OS,93d ; ft"firtrd ftr fiscat yEc 2@t pb! r8tded iftm$ of $1J54,095.NOIE U - C{)MMITMM{TSTbs latEy C{""n|*iotl bas 6et sdde fEds a! !ftsdoed !!t sssh ftr tto aoqdrftim offitus arset&As of Ino 3Q 2008, a r-r"'ce of $5,49'7,Tt0 fs avdaf otudds pposeNOIT T2. DIFERRE' JACKPM OEITGATIONI| AND INVr^SM'BUE |TNX.N IN TRDITPrior b- b€c@hg e memb€r of fte !ftItt-Se Idery h l9S& the Fiz ffuonre d oqbh gsa€sggTd ydf Uy.9 InErt ho-hd€d jsotsot pdzes.'Its lltEy, ; te cliscredo, coulc dse toscE sueh pda in the fm of either e Iq ml payoe* c in cquat iDrfEln s,,rr orlc s pqiod of IOc ? Faa, dumgh Ltrch 31, 2009, rhe Lottd. Las swdud i""my-os a.e*O :.G-pJi"tF- ry*ty9&s68,2S6. Dd[IEd eitu sw@ds l'Ere"i"sd; as eqqvar€@fi-'&[hfrie"to tb€ pres€Ert m[r of fttoro Szo pymem dscoDdrd d ieE$ rOa ib gpye-,-€td:*!1ff -_dt.Pq p-T weno.wu ito l'"r"'rea uem* porao ri oe d.ft*d Ftur;carrulEea ugDg tls €dlbadivE i'rfr-ielt fttlod d Ia!€8'''rdElgftfm7.llo/o6 9.136/o.A mtry_of tho Fss€d vzluo of fu re@airing obllgdos fu deftarod Jadgot pdze awnds followr@tboum&):Pfts€drEhg oftffitrtlgd @ETEd ob[grd@:DlsloDed oblkrrlols oq@dbg[!@d htrEgta!.m€dr-i' louE!tr pqd@ of dftooredobng"tlos a[d ssqdEd fuCEdl,og.{.@ Ftl@ d!!*qEd FiaEwEd ofiftgpn*I.OTTERY FIDIANCIA{S ATTACHMENTSM6!l3l. Zme$-s-Juro 30. Zx)t$ lzl9lan29)Ll7,inl.


IIIIIItIIItIIIIIIIIWEST VIRGIMA II)ITENYNOITS TO FIMNqAL STATEMENITI-Unsdlted-NOIE A- REIRED@IT BXNEFITS (conrhred)Covered,enplgyeg aro tEquir€d b .rEr'n"'r.49lo ofthir salary to &s PERS. Tbe Irfr€qt i! requfu€dto".gd -}nto10.f/o of csvq€d s.'ptoy€€s' salat€F to the PERS. ths rcqufud -ndoyce @d euploy€ccotudbuim perce&g€s b8r'e b€En €sfiblirhcd ed tuged 6m rn6 6 --" ty aao of Oo S,icoT.slFl;t''a Tbe r€q!fted oodihions Es lot adEiatly detffifned; howsvlr, ast&i8l yrluadoDs 6spcdEn€d ,o'lrlitthe L€dsldrle h d€de@iEfng apF!,Fi6 odMoo& lts Iatbry @d €Aloy€oco'dhdcos, fufb lEdod sndtng Mar* 31, ZN)9 qe ss bnsvJs Gr tfious@ds):L.d16y oodfbdi@rF qjky€e qi6lM@!Tctul odlbrdoaM)TE 14 - RISK MANAGB{EIITlrdoh 31. Zmg$55--s79Y6d-to D6Ths LaffEry fu €sp8sd b yadous dd(8 ofloss reldd to b(q t+'ef of, G d'n}"ge to, snd d€stocti@ ofassq enm @d .rniFi{F$ f4iEi€s to €qloy€Ei ad rAral dtsam, Ile Loflrry fdoipdrs ineweraf drk 'n 'rgmem Eog@s sd'nnletEr€d ty tho Stare of W€dvftEfia. P-.h of&rs€ rlEk pooisbsvo-issed sepqato n lifed €nsncisl ttEoIE ot ttsh ole[dflo@. Ibo6o rel'dts tirolfldF ee r€qufrEdsulpl@Enbly i'rf.rEn'tlcE od.ss@ing fre t€cdofldion of aldEs [lhflftles by ttpe of cffi and h-t€r nr'l'n d€ndof€d trmdoa" C@lsfE Gn'n inl datEmrua of tbs hdtvi&al inrumos€derpdse 6ndq c@ bE obffied directly fiom tbeir r€spEciivs .rffi#iro ofro€*WEST VIRGINIA WORKERS' COM.PH{oa.''*IIoN OOMMIStrON (WCt)Ib Stsb d Wost VegHs op€E@d o excluive ffif,@gEd wo*erd omp.rsdm Imarce!E!@ (WCC) Fio! to DEgembq 31, N5. A ferut fu fo pivAizdo of wid!e88,amp€osd@ hsr@ls b !/es! Vttginia Ear Esilbl&hfd trffh lhe rsrEgo of S€ost€ Bitl 1004 ed fuWCC hrd fud waa tirmirpted e&Uive Deoe0lbEr 31, 2105. A pivCizd borircos ciftr.y, Bdd6t€rtAdrdddhafls S€rylo€o @AS! *E esbul&d od becgre 6e addrfidor of ths WCC Otd FE4b.offfif g Jauat 1, 2M, Bd ae'€effnr fu Goved yEars, aod wlll bave dl o,{nrnirtr$rve @dadu&ey iuf,lq+tt pevfosl,| rrcftd h fto WCC tust +''d h 'd?ntritrl?i'gold lsw fablidss mdirttrvlm Eocesdng anl doctdng old lsw dalltre BAS rrill be ldd a nodty sdntHd'dfi|g &s @drdd trtrEmiuln b Fovlds 8 pF@ ad Ewihblo sytu ftr c@eorrdm fu iaiuy suCafood h tho(r}rllss of @d grushg ol|f of €q'loy!€ul Ib rn{''rfiV 'd'ntrSdveeo for ee Yie* Vfunda LoterybE b€6 sst d I lwel 0@rided wfih pdor yw p5/'necrtr d ths lsy rd or gmrr"'r wlll bo€slablhh€d on e qdEl9 r&d 1""k, Tte W€$ Vtglds Irfidt ts r€q&d to gd@eF ln tbo nowFrlolst'€€{ AdDtdrtdtvs S€wtcso @AS) .qlF r.".'e r*d poo! rddah is q€ded to be rde adjlsdo a qrorbly bad*PUBTJCMTPI,oYffiS' tr'{ST'BAN@ AGENCT OMA)lb I"ogEry pdd46 h tbe Pubuo Efodoyes8' Iommce Ag€osy xlhbh Fovid9! @ €qhveebooft Mre pllglm b €mploy€€s. PHA EE8 odqbllrhod bt fte StE o of W€st Vtgfida br SaeI'TTERY FDIANCIAIS ATTACHMENTS$494215,!

IiIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIINOTE 14 - RISKMAI{AG&IU\IT (coldilcd}W6T VIRGINTA II)TITSYNOTHI TO Fn{ANqAL ffiATEtrIIENTSArDd€s, hdd@ dhigbrr €drcd@, B@ds of E&.di@ md coq@Ed 'n+t" of th3 Stala Ioaddidm, looal esy€r@@l edtes dad crtain cloritlblo ad poblfc sewlco,oaanizciom Dy r€$Nto bo eov€Esd by PEA- PEIA Fqvidc8 a bare €o0plstEe tEffdt insmca pogm wldch hchtdtshoaiu! olgica! ndor neaUl frpsapdm ang and bado Eb ad aocideol d€dL UDdqmitilgaad talc ding poliotes ao edlfubat by PEIA, Tho cod of an covEEsSp as ds&adcd by PEA Fhenbo pdd by lhe padcip@. Prsniuns Es edablirb€d by PEIA @d 4s pdd 'nr'r'drly' ad as ds!€qdtdupo4 mog otbea "'ingr, covwge requte4'r"n!qof dsp€odefr, stab v8. nc rdale €mPlayE€{ @dardve emplst€€o E ldired eqlofE€s @d f€yel dCoY€sags uDd€s tbEss Fog@s isllDftod b $1 DrUi@ lituiEe tu l'!qhh lnd $10,0m of E& irerace cowmep.lbe IEIA dsk poot rddlr a[ '{d.Fdr &s hsls ad pre@dou ftarcs of its iuaemity dm. ff$.tss frtry tEd@cd tro rirb of covenzge ti the N{msged cse Orgpddo (MC!) Plrn b fhe plmpovfdeq @d h rr''trfrFEd &e rlrtF d tho 116 lnnrrmco covaagp to 8 lbird pqty iDsr[q. PELAg€gsdy egBs €quiv8l€fr F€miuils ftr pertiotpm h €d&fr fte lndffiirt Pl.@ or 6e MCO PL@.AIbgB{bs, PEA hs€s apodn@ly 205,000 aaivftt8ts, hsludiDg paddpd ad @enraBOAAD (X RtrIK AIID INST'BANG MANACEI'dUIIT (BRIM)Ibe Lotqy pddaipG iq et UIda VirgiDia Board of Rbk'!d riF'rreice ldsDag@fit (E&.ft$ a(r'r'rft.'n d* pol @n€dtly op€rdiFg 88 a o@m ri* EnsgEm€ot md irmrnco pogta ftr allStdo ag€dloics, co|rl@ rEiE, md e bcal g'vE@rffil sgeodd who stsh b p6doi!@. TbIotert peyB m @"u"t poiun b BRIM er b gea'eral irnraaco coyErags. M udgffiddtrg @dEis sstrirg Fltctes a€ €@blfttd by BRIIT^ Tho coc of all corwgp as deeo:rfoed loy BRIM S8[ bspad Uy ru pud@q. The BRIM d* pool rffis lbe ti* of lbo fts $1 nrfilon per fop€Ety €ry€otaad lnruhsee ca6 hwooo d lossss rboye thd lsy€L hces coveaagq tho[gh ror oldde fuermdc dds pogr@ is liniEl b $20O Eflll@ p€r srad, qrl{ea€ to liDffs o[ c€fidil trq€tty. BRIM has$f dllm per @ureirce oov€mgs msimm @ a[ rLtd-paty lhbillty cl,lrnr'NOIE 15- OIEM POSTEMPLOYII{UITT BEi{trITS (OPB)Tfie c.ilsB bs issed $ffirot No. 43, 'lFbndal Reporthg ft( Pod€E4loJtn€d B€o€& Pl@s otbrrTba PenriG Pb,i snd S\ufrmstr No. 45, lAcco@e @d ltndd R@tiDg by BtrPlot€[s tuPo@loynd Bmfrs O&€r 1la P€odor (OPEB) Ihe Smc ffi the Loey hrr psviousltrepctea U ru n"-,*"t stghrnEub aqrts asodabd wfh funs tradoFcim offtdir€€s h hehh b€o€fi!of €uptoyee s€rvtc€s douH bntran fts GASB rtdrmeffi 8e t€!€d d 6e l[tmlss ttat lhs 'cortr't€eubd ddg 6e p€dod8 vrten &e sqricss Ee $naerc

IiIW6T VIRGII\IIA U)TTERYNOTES TO FIITAN(IAI, 6trATEMENTSNOTE 15 - OIgf,R POSTAj'lrLOYndEhIT EEN&FIIE (conrhued)Funds hsve Dd been set sdde to Fy f@Io cods drdirces, but ibe lfqidtu ln rrepolso to the GASB{atedffds, bas tnndE dqr(65' c,h8gEs to .reab tie W6t Vfrgils REdres Eeaf& ilaeet fmc nudGfiBTI atr hwo€6b tost fund, b wblch emplryer cmiMonc fu filrs rE{ires b€afth cosb EayF arsanldd Trl hnEdr4 and vldah fu €EFtld to &dlte fts sepcO enmsr't rEpo,fit8 &gP.P.-Tbe legisld@_reqdrw tro RHBT to AA*-l'" Unougb m a!tuEial &dy, as Fdzftd byGASB No.43, tho ARC(Amal R€quted Co@'dm) vrtid, sbal be sfideqt1p -"t r'1" 6e g6iin a a.{uddv 6oEd @rtr. The ARC rhall bs alloatrd to rcspecdyo qloyem }ncluding freIatery nbo co required by tsrl to remit st led tte 'nintr'rnin 'nnrnal tr€mtr efofrrcm of ru inCRseE@s ootleded by RHBT Sa[ bo lssd to frnd curU OPEB hlthose ctdrn;@d "dnlinlrhdiv€eqeoeos snh tEsidls fus bsld in trud frr fue OPEB ao6, Tte Armal Requfred C@im rdoir $46l.tE pc mployeo ps 'ndnF. h fircst ysar 408, fte Lofiqy pdd p-'ntr',ns of $9S,62S od eoS\Eo of W€VtrgHa thugb tb G€onat Rsyrque Fud a fs LEtb/s rEtntf, t fd VnJATtomds the A@l Requird CodMor As of JEe 30, 20Ot tb Iatery cirrded a UOAiry ofSl 0,073 @ ib baleoe sheed fts OPBB.tlIIItIIIIIINOTE T6 - NEW ACCOT'A:NNG PRONOI'NTqXUEI{TSIt! Go@dtrat AsaoEtrg Smdrrfs Bed (GASB) lsrold StalE rd No. 50, pensio Dlsclouas,@ @EndE€d of O4SB Stdemrm No. 25 md No. 27, itr 2007. This S{dem€d Eqe olsoly '$gnsdisfng9at rrpqdng reqoftemsds fu peodos wfth eoss frr oftrrpodeoplorrntll b€o!filo (bp6) E4m dotog dD, eflhrrnEs inftrrflrrlnr| dbclos€dl h l!&o to frs fi""noi'l sM€db c prEseotEd ar reqdieds'rppl€rff@y lirfrFn'do (RSt) by pengm ptm ad b qhyere 6d trovtd, e€ndo b€n€ffs.-Tlo_n3pddrrg cbagEs rrqufoed by this Stat@sd F rs"d app[cablo ncto iltsoloowo Ed RSI r€qut€r!€ffi ofStd€md No 25, Hrdal Racfug fu |)fu BW tendm Mms md No Llsobmns fqD8ft'€d CodM@ nEq @d No. 2?, Aooo[drg frr p€oddf by $ta!e ad Looal Govecorml^b4ryYc to (ffi@ vrfih rcqdnmem of fF"ameme No. 43, Fhmdal R€pGtbg tuPoe@dttjn€d FcnFfi+ I{@8 Ottrr Tla P€osion PtEr, and No 45, Aloocrdg rln F';drtRspqltE by Eryloy€E frr Pocte'nftcrynot Benedts Otbec Tfian Pensimr Tfds SSCmo is -re*ivsF g:-t"& *tg!"!g @June 15,2(p7, afl '-r"g.'r'"r'r b nst yEt d€@iled whrd hpact, EEt,n \f,rU Eys m tXg ritr@cial .dqri€irq;IIItLOTTERY FD{ANCIALS AfiAC}Il\.lENTs

ttIIRudsa otelston-Buluing I, Room 3I4W6r Wbtgt1900 Kar,awhq BI,.I East, Charldttn, Vy 25305-0590IIMemoranduoWEST VTRGINIA LEGISLATUREOfrIce of the Legislative Audllor, 30,t-3474870t To: Honorable Senate Presldent Tomblln- Honorab.le House of Delegates speaksr Tho&psonaHonorable Menbers of the Jolnt Cor@lttee on Government andtI-uItIrFtnanceFron: El.lon Clark, c.P.A.&--Dlrector Budget DivisionLeqlslative Audltor's officeoate: M,ay 5, 2OOgRe:Status of General Revenue F\rnd Aprll 30, 2OO9We have reviewed the cash revenue flows of the west vlrglnlaI general revenue fund for the llonths of JuIy - April of fiscal year| 2008-2009. The status of the fund col.lectlons are as follows:IilIiIThe net co.Ilectlons were 99.918 of the eatlmate for the flscal yearaa of Aprll 30, 2009. :lte aouat BEIOr ostLEAto ra,s I 2.8 El..[lloEtro! ths I'ear.Persona] Incoroe Tax col-lectlona were $ 48 nilllon over the estfuatefor the flscal year.severanco tax coltectlons irere S ].7 nltlion over the estlmate forthe flscal year.tf corporate lncome and buslness franchlse colfectlons wexe S 22.5- nilllon below the estillate for the vear.IGen Rev /Stat6to Wommittee on Govenment And FindncetIt IPasp -l-

IEIIIIIII,** Road rbndI The state road fund was col.lected at 98.668 of the estimate for the- months of .Tuly - ApriJ- 2009. The entire fund was $ 7 millton beLow+hA aal-ih:+a F^' ror +L Lne year.If Rairy DeI, e.qd p6!so--r IEc@s Ta! Re|a€rv6Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund A(Rainy Day Fund) had a cash! balance of S 5242,8fi,L38.85 ,IJE.A5 as of ot Aprll AprlL 30, 2009. 2OO9.Balance JuIy 1, 2008I,ICash flow .Loan to ceneralRevenue on JuIy 1, 2008.To be repaid 90 days. Thls Isa nornal occurrence in Julydue to cash flow demands; w111be repald ln Septenber. RepaldSeptenber 26, 2008.289,A0I,853.2558,000,000.00+58,000.000.00Revenues July 1, 20 07 -.Iure1,'t , 63A ,30,2008 (surplus fxon !Y '7 64 . 232008transferred in August 2008. )EarningsBalance April 30, 2009- 64,623, A't8.63-242,81't,r38.85Revenue shortfall Reserve Fund B (Tobacco settl-ement Monies) had acash casn balance Darance of or I $ zu5, 205,'174,\'18.'t2 tt4,rtB.tz as of oI April 30, 2009.Balance July 1, 2008 29r,215,042 .91Earnings -85, 500, 864 .25-Balance ApriI 30, 200 92O5,'t't 4 , 118 .'12I The Speclal Income Tax Reserve Fund had a cash balance of|T s45,019,318.96 as of ADrlI 30, 2OOg.I.yo as o xBalance JuLy L, 200I 45,019,318.96Revenues Jul-y 2008-June 200 9 -0-Balance April 30, 2009 45,019.318.96I!IIGen Rev /State RoadPage:2-

El!III@TOR N'EL ITCISE TAT< SEORTEtrI.Tr BESERI'E al'NDMotor El]eL Excise Tax Shortfall Reserve I'und had a cash balance of$ 2'1 ,31,9,224.03 on April 30, 2009. Thls fund was created by HB 218durlng the June 2008 speclal sesslon to act as a roserve furd whenthe hlghtays notor fuel excLse tax falIs to neet monthlv revenueestieates.Balance July 1, 2008I 40,000,000.00Approprlated by supplenentalSB 2019, Juae 2008Transfers out to Highways Fund- 12,680,'t'15.9'7-BaJ.ance AprlJ. 30. 2009 27 ,319,224 .03IIIII:IItIIIIIGen Rev /State RoadIPage -3-

Q.Nlt^.tt.rfu.rrfii;oonl I r |! r Er,"F -!' tr r rMonthly Revenue Estimalesas ofApril30, 2009, IWFIMSPeraonel lncomo TexConsumea Sal€ Tax E Use TaxSaverance TexCoro lncome /BGlnoss FaanchbeBusine€s and OccupationHB 102 - Lotlery Transferslnauranc€ TexCigarette TaxlnteEat lncomeDepadmental CollectlorsProp€rty Transfer TaxLlquoJ Proflt Transfe13Retundable C.Edtt R€im LTYBeer Tar and LlcensesProperty TexSmokeless Tobacco TaxMiscellaneous Transt6ERaclng Feeslllscellaneous RecelDtsBuslne3s FEnchlae FeesCharter TaxldecommunlcatlonB TaxEstate and lnherltance T.xVldoo Lottery T6nrfaraSpecial Revenue Tf.nsfgrCash Flow T6nafurTOTALSMlnus Cash Flow TranBig.Porcent of EstlmatesTOTAISPercent of EstmatesCollectlon3 thle dayMONTHESTIMATES--2ra-,7trdod89,900,00037,900,00042,900,00014,300,00025,000,00024,800,0009,100,0002,900,000930,000900,000760,000't,660,000670,000560,000480,0000298,000106,00020,000000000478,884,0000NETMONTHCOLLECTIONS---2-43-tos ri6-i'93,037,11124,7M,7y48,3S9,55113,531,20836,483,87115,s62,'1808,213,4321,003,65'1755,706528,O2720,7962,148,090685,939609,371557,477021,455141,36725,13113,8159,07811,78522,7300,----___-,--_-_----q.490,195,64S0102.38%478,884,000 490,195,64934475,117UNDER ESTIMATESVS ACTUALCOLLECTIONS-----------lsiio!-,Cl'3,137,11113195,2675,499,551-788,79211,483,871-9,237 ,520-886 5681 896,349-174,214-371,973-739,202488,0S015,93949,37177,4770-276,54535,36713,8159,07811,78522,7300o11,311,649011,311,649YTDESTIMATES--lzits;ibo, ono986,000,000340,300,000242,900,000'126,800,000115,000,000104,100,00088,100,00021,900,00014,310,00010,780,00010,140,0008,360,0006,580,0004,940,0004,540,0001,600,000850,000819,000790,000100,000000003,294,009,0000NETYTDCOLLECTIONS--T:rrn:ad,5iit'944,670,829357,324,774220,310,716128,263,323120,087,85094,967,232s0,727,95623,434,15512,707,9857,297,8899,804,8426,199,3576,610,2435,245,4845,175,694129,636450,8484,568,865749,546276,422207,41024,687616,9000.-_-_-_-_-_-__---_-q.3,291,156,59803,294,009,000 3,291,156,s9899.9,t%YEARLY OVERUNDER ESTIIVATESVS ACTUALCOLLECTIONS48,199,752-41,32917117,024,774-22,589 2U5,087,850-9,132,7682,627,9561,534,'155-1,602,01s-3,482,311-335,158-2,160,64330,243305,486635,694-1,470 364,399,1523,749,865-40,454176,822207,410616,90000-2,852,4020-2,852,402- -Prepa]€d by Loglcladvo Audlto.'! Offlce, Budget OlvlslonPeg€ 4

Ilrortif,oofrto.tJlr_rJtlr- r -l,ilonthly Revenue Estimates July 2008as of April 30, 2009, VWFIMSq r?,*oF r: rE - rr - t r r-MONTHLY OVERUNDER ESTII\4ATESYEARLY OVERNETNET UNDER ESTIMATESMONTH I\4ONTH VS ACTUAL YTD YTD VS ACTUALESTIMATES COLLECTIONS COLLECNONS ESTIMATES COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONSGasofine & Moto. Ca.rler Rd Ta.x 34,700,000 u,122,492 -577,508 318,400,000 321,046,818 2,646,818Pdvifege Tax 14,222p00 12,976,153 -1245.847 136,766,000 126,256,437 -10 509,563Licensea & ReglatrationHighway Litter ControlTOTALS6,838,000 6,368,463 -469,537 66,415,000 67,200,223 785,223._______1?9,S.0!_ ___________laqJ_5_q. ____________-______:-8._8_12_ ----_-l,a9t_0_q_0_ .-___--_l_pl?A_31. _________________-_s3,!_11-55,889,000 53,587,260 -2,3A174A 522,835,000 515,81s,912 -7 019,088Percent of Estlmates95.88% 98.66%Coffections this day 14,221,150MOTOR FUEL EXCISE TAX SHORTFALL RESERVE FUNDCASH BALANCE WITH TREASURERAS OF Aprlf 1, 2009: 127,31E,224.03REVENUE SHORTFALL RESERVE FUND A AS OF Apdl l, 2009 : $237,108,698.E0REVENUE SHORTFALL RESERVE FUND B AS OF Aprill,2009: $197,807,66841PERSONAL lNCOttE TAx REFUND RESERVE FUND AS OF April 1, 2009: $,15,019,3{8.98PFpared by Legi8lative Audito/s Office, Budget DiviaionPage 5

IIIBudsei D*stonBu dlng I, Roon 314-W6t mng|1900 Kanawha BIuL EostI Chadato4 VY 25305459t)UWEST VTRGII\IA LEGISLATTJREOfice of the Legislaive Audlnr, 3M3474870It To: Honora.ble Senate presldent ToEbItn- Honorable House of Delegateg Speaker ThonpsonHonorable Menbers-of the Jolnt Comuittee on Goverru0entIand Financen Fron: Ellen C.lark, C.p.A.&IDlrector Budget Dlvlelon- Legls.latlve Audltor's OfflcoOate: t4ay 15, 2OO9IInHII71IRe:<strong>West</strong> Vlrglnia lrnetnploynent Cor0penaatlon Trust EurdWe have revier,red the March 3:,, 2OO9 nonthly report of theUnenplol.nent CoDpensatlon Trust E\rlld we recslved from WorkForce<strong>West</strong> vlrglnia. !,larch 2009 ls the nlnth nonth of fIscal year2OOa-2O09.For the flsca] year 2008-2009, the trust futd cash flow was asfotrows!Trust Fund Beglnnlng Cash Bal-ance 7-1-2008Recelpte ,lu.ly L, 2007 thru June 30, 2009July 1, 2007 thru June 30.Dlsbursenentg2009Ba.lance March 3I, 2009s251,,82),,129.589120,r91,299.1'7s2oo,423,069.rrs1,-11,,595,960.24ItIIIuneloploylqentJoint Comntittee on Governrnent and FinancePage -1-ITEMS OF NOTE:Regular beneflts pald for July 2008 - March 2009 were $41 etllionnore than ln JuLy 2007 - March 2008.

IIITotal dlsbursetlenta were $ 76.2 roiLlton nore than the same nonthaof the precedlng flscal yea!.Recelpts 1n July - March 2009 were $ {0 rollllon rnore thar In Ju.Iy- Mar;h 2008. overall endJ.ng trust furd balance was I 41 r0i111onI less as of March 3L, 2OO9 than on l4arch 31, 2008. *I west vlrglnia's unenplolment rate for the nonth of March 2009I was ?.7 percent. Natlonal unadjusted e&ploynent rate iias 9.0pe!cent.IIttIIItI!I1tISeasonaLly adjusted unemplo).nent rates uere 6.9 percent for <strong>West</strong>Virgln1a and 8.5E percent natlonal"Iy.Slnce March 2008 enploF0ent has decreased by L6,500,wlth 9a1ns lnthe followlng areas: L,500 in lolning and logglng, 1,100 lneducationaL and health servlces and 200 in goverDment. DecllnesIncluded 5,800 ln trade, transportation, and utllltles, 4,600 lnmanufacturlng, 2,300 in const.ruction, 2.300 in professlonal andbuslness aervlces, L,700 in leisure and hoepltallty, 11200 lnfinanclal actlvlt.les, 800 in other servlces, and 700 1ninforroatlon.*SeDate Bill 246 p€ss€d on April I 1, 2009 addressed this declining l'"|'rrcp in tb€ Un€mploymrdTru$ Fund. On or before July l, 2@9, the bsmnce Commissioner shall make a one timetader of$ 40 million dollars fiom Wo*ers' Comp€Dsdio! Debt Reductiotr FuDd !o theBueau of Employrnenr Progran's Conmissioner for d€,posit to the Fed€ral UD€mployE€nt Tru$Fund. The bill also raised the wage tbreshold on which F€miuns ue calcutded fron $8,m.mper year to $ 12,@.@ peryea when the balmce ofthe Unemployn€d Trus Fund is below $20 million on February 15, ofeach fiscal yeor.0nenploFoentPaga -2-

-rt!_a_tr I__F__f D._I_.- Ltt!__I-I-r r-ilI-iIOT{THLY TATUS RFOFrf FOR I1IE JOItfi COIIIiITIEE OI{ OOIERS.IUENT AIID FIiNNCEFOR THREE IIOIITHB gTARTINII JAflT'ERY 1IB AflD JENUAIS' 2!@Bakflcr Fon €rd!- F.dtd Ettnld 3d@ P@la E4E r!arqrdu@(r44,S td4turr&!tu1cdgfroz Sradd rrlddf.&. nre "Trd ltlrd||ty &calpbJAintArv mTHREE &OIITIIFEM!Af,YO8 IiARC}IO8 JANTIARII@ ?EBRIAITY (B UAR9II@ I@!|E@C:g{L?!G3194 ggfllsu4 EEg4sctg nr|r.?8srpo.sr g!cn19421 g@€0!!499 E{S,IgreuE0,@eoIEs,4t1,4839 &to3o4.tBjgso'@ !I00qu!)so.!o$0lx!s4xt,t6-t5.!!.!8t0.00 asl&:raB,7al& $12345.F350tE1l6o,13t @ 83,Gts,8{ro0&rD 56-034€4,6731 S1.4G1514,4?5459,6@lt0 Sl8rlE682.oDt0-@ 90-@ g).@ s.@@.(X)&D5!.!0 80!! t0,@ @.(!l90.!8@0tsg€0,t@,q) &rs,ap-o 30-0! @r{torD stq'.@.ql attE0{)0ltr tr4r4,4!.!Ol80fl,s-c) soi! 9r.00 @:r89.7@lb @.00 l?,g0,?6g00@@ EO@ $ooo @,lx)8000 10.@to.ot 80.@ $ra4o.al428 @rx) to-dl 'c@ 9.41e724.t2 (t@r,Er".6E@68,qD-ql 98O13!Oe @.{X} g8!,700lx) @,0(n.@ @8'ln o0 (@3'E)0.lxllrzP.1Elq g$ei.@q cago.Etrs 51t 8sr_8t7.s s4g!@!s E.€oaHiE sr6-1r2.@-81 Br.dnl€#., B.r.lb{6l@Er@€L6(rEalrrF FddrldcdllhDF*ln:tElfd6r ncrElsdr@rE{l[q!rB.rt4iFd!6TotElfqtltgDel$ll!.(R6eEd) (w84 ase€dt F!d'd) @edlslo,124/4qXS l?.1s1.1.14-6f 8,@,uf(f4j! &.9142&@ tgrps,l8?lll&q)0.@ o.0! 353.s.R1{,@ t3511{rE0!($1.58!-!O)(4011.(!l (1€O,oO' $s5&aq OAoq$.a 0s 0.@ &100 @00er(B,40t.?6 a,&2r@,1d!24 9{4S1r8 $r08,laa5rt0.0g&1024t,O{2& zn#I8 €@,8&.18 sgx&04210$fi.00{e 4t:@Itr m0,@1fi) 00.@ 81o{4.€r8.E880.6 &M8 $[@ S0.@ 30.00 @@$a6z.ra 3f.vta.@ g.Llg6g5 gg2pt:E0g @-81?s.81#4F-lflrrsi-sn *lnlE4ltllit allJsll3l" l t:rlr.nr1r't.4 tzssga(Beed)GP.t2r.8S.6s42lA'206ID(e'17J8)3{1009r6.S!.qrgir{08f.48@-@9o.876-&'fn2ttd@s0rt(tu8Ed)$3t.1f8,34tt?313,@.4?{,S|PJ8A,F,g0r!Ea8,@8.13$23,4166A4?48!0-q)8446'ra.4€4,t3@sg3dq. lldr ldr rc.IEr@dter ! tE t[t@ [{rr@ tl! @.t thr Ftdd!F.tr th. ndn ! a! b cl at{!r !.drb@art&!r tlE @!b dnrrrE F!@.dsi Eldt h |. rld dldkrr cir@t!r..rrF+ &b6@{a dH*..$.addridu6,t!rrdgcrrrdsrElrtfEilda.!TlIt !6t@borBotrdl&rdn4ut-i'@.Eda.b@yt,@,Fdd.d.rFd.linatnbrd.tqdqbnd6@ ot!$!'@@Eb6dlrdd!r&.hldntE !F64 6id@ra,2!B,rnr1t9r.@rd!!e!dnbr$!{bdJ.@l!ols,!ts,t!rtorbrielrlqrtrbrend@ &rtufltotlrlr@r'|.rcrGE@prDrDre b,l{@rrdtrt!. ut Drtslnr{ d rrbr @ brtl6 ?@rn dnsibpdlhor.Bdtd!ddde$.te6. 1trrd{d|r.drdl}re @f k dr.i!6L?d |na !4rEd dlldFhtlEdcorr@id{Elbrdtrffit!. TrEFdE r,druthrc&.dbtlrsriddrn@.''!6Tddsanld?t!6Er'bdEBdlrd{!u!ioruct rlroaUnemplol|metrt Trqst Poge 3

PrescriptionDrug ReportIL/IARCH 2009

Itr l PEIA - Uotrthlt T]Erdrm ! c R! k r5nb. Fr brr\E6. d d.Prere'|rr birr[e:h!EBdn(6Ecr€eltnlbe &rr t (qEt d.t-)rord r 66 Fi.s!{o D4 &dlotc, o& F& r'sa IEn &dtr.d r 6.16 FE6t.F D4 &d 1,696FcE tr!@ltt!&)l6tEr6c4E tr@Frt.re)6 dfadrr rre da r Dre Pr! k v&E pi rd6 IPIgIII*O*rBrcs(cdtc'6iaralB

IlW PEIA - trdftlt TledtItPtqdEd !' Esl , EAca (cru) c| lzlzqEPa@lotl

IIIIInTJtItIf!L!!ItIItIIl(ey Perbrmance IndlcatoFconweheGfro hdhalo|riWA - ltv Publc ErtploY€oo lnr%RdU€rDbafg4AJ}''.EEXPR ES 5 S C R IPTS!cilretn Hod: (B,Io(F - (rg:10@PrE|rtolrs P6'lod G,2@-@a(Eclrrant Hd Prtndqr9 Hod % ClEnggSubafldrth I t4oftt s6fu PTPURrb[ b PUPIUan b PflPfl&a%47.O%os% 0.8 %14,1-4/j$deb4#6Ed&oJb,&&try .-@E & @eN@, 6, tu, d, 6 EP *\ b a b d d @ P @ w---q011'!4rt.3€o01z3%3.4V4.9%7,O 9ot7%AwagoAdrnh HRr lo(p $oo'l 47.7 %jm;Robll A&nh FGdk ta(x) qLolwud FsarRt $.rll qt(xt o09,|AFrage Plar CdRr $5028 $5O41Avr R&n P&n CdRl s40.&l s4ssl 42%Url CostfR! s1@,.9 $1074 1,1%fb CofllruRr $tr,l7 $11,49 -28%-1!4-21%Av! RgEn XbccottfldB $tt.10 t11-12hlt SrCoftE k $r9.38 $1s.85cd& ss.s4, qn,3 4.5%AE R6hI b& Cdk s@.41 s58.q 4,4%Udl lns CdRrt14!4AW'E 'IZLQ $112,a s'r06.3s o4JAE R€&[ AltPi& 5111.8 $104.41BSUoAv[ l&[ AtFiE @n sale ) 5.6%ABas€ Detotl4pvRr gl 3t.s 9.e "h:AYr Falan Daldk 31J 3151.0 %Avq UdI DalBIE 718 727 -1.4 %AvaagE Plan cffil 9r.6 $1.58 -'t2%-12%-250nRdS Pld'l 915'U.[ P|3n St.,f4 51.17% Plo Cd 813% a1.4% q,5 r-21%% Xdnbtr Cqd.lhtlotl 1A20A 143%* Rrrd Pbn cd 813 % 81.4 To o.5%% R€[en Hb cortlb $2% 18.6 % -?2%% l,sB PbD cd u2% u.4% {.3.%1.5 %% ddl l€ob Csrtlb 16.9!6 163%

IIIIttIItttrItttTItl(ey Pe ormanco lndlcatorsCornprohgrslE hdhdtorstryVA -ItY Pubnc EECoyocs lE%Rdtb% f€arbdsub t b8SB Plan Co&R.&[ SAB Pldr CdtuUdl SAE Pbfl CdrEoE Flcacodk&.rd Ra%Rd% RdE[ erlE€drcs &snd% R6lE[ OaE to% !ir[ lt ld.SdrEa Bred% u3[ Oan€rlo%DAWb% @lsdc Corn E ddli % Rds[ OSn CoivtrdonRob[ PLn CcsiPlrn cctcunq F€dod&t voist3lE7A0 {o i@!@ (rg(drqa&@,tdaF:e.d4 E -Ed d@ tuE 6 d4^YNEXPRESS SC R IPTS"Crlrarrl P6rlod: @12009 - clr20@P|trn,ldr8 Porbd: clrzo{E - dlt2008Prs|,lor|aFtdod % Cl|a'tge@.1%m7 yo0-g % 'l.o%7L1% | m.Ag;l olo%35.3 yo51 1 .8S7.A136 610,A74,171.2.11-a%rti.z,j7;t %115.7 0A-73%3.3 %4-1'/o-17,€iaAA,€.6'/6o.106d1%4-7 0A\93./o5.5%ll.eo,/o6.5%

ItiltililnIIIttIIIIIIKoy Pgrformanca lndlcatoraCompr€hsndrrE ltrdcdral|AtA - w\, Pub[c E|rdoy€o hoChlm Sqlr@ by Rr cou0.01%nu%. |,€! . lrdn-. . R€{dDru€ Fornulary $tu3 byPlan CodGnr€r Mod18.S€P46 G

G-l T I r 6rt EI I tl !t rr CT I-IEI-IIIIUdllzaton Repod by PoPulaton Levelm/A - mf Publc Employo6 UrBPr€crlpdons Flllod Flom o:lzlEo - o3r2dl8EAJD'ryEXPRESS 5 C R IPTS'COBnA (COBFA)NON ETATE AGEN:qE8 (MINON AIAIE ACENSES PLAN B (@EI NON STArE REnnEeA (06)NON SIATE SEIBEA @ 10€6!')SIAIEAOE cle8 (01)6'ATE AOEIEIEI I!IB1TAIE RENNES (]7IaTAE REIREEE AAaT dt (07@)6,&at 6g\ t1,1el,aa€eE6 Z@1 @r,€O t125aa a.?6 !tsa.6!5 lillj27, @.€{91 0416$p.wl Qr1.rlar,artl6 a11.72lo Ml l{Atfi.oz.oo! i lri.'r?I a!al811L7 %04.6 % @.1 %0t70.1t!€s.4€130.?6!1rrs.@t112,03{e3?e3"60tiaa.€7t166.9J'3^'rrb.4qfuFd6cl|d,l.dasdF'&!/hd'l?dhad4r!'' @, tu, @, tu, tu bF 6CF, b !6edd rr!@en

IIRttt{!tlIIItiltttIBtttKey Porformanco lndlcatorECdnprohondvo lndbabr!WVA - WV P||uc Emdoye€o h8UbEiId|nr&rbltlodftu4rbaaCurantHod@&.a&. @4tu @@@,tuafi'sdebzbdd'd lE'bedEAJDEXPRESS SCRIPTS'Grfan Mod: fitl008 - o?rlctsP|.n ldr' P6lod: dttl007 - 6f2008PrrdqF P€dod@4.:19$8r.681@,713 156,558!,s!,% Cttargo4.4%:271,22%_4!I)4.1?-25 Vo!l9F'|n1a z1%Rsill b PIFUl.e) 1272.1%&T b F[P{ 0.0t 0.01 -1.3 %Av€rsas Aftnh F€dRt sLc) $oolAYg R6b[ Adnh Fo.tf& @.@ so01-€(}1 o/ofi.1%Urfl F€alfu so.(n $o(p 0.0 YoAvs8gsPldo CdF w.zr $48 06 L4%Avg R8fan Har GdRr $48.e} 97.B 27./oAvr &[ Fld| CdE @.10 s1e4 -72 %AYr'age f,h Coltlbfu s14.57 -7-3 %Relan Erconf|hRr $13.42 11L47-7.3 %Avq !&n Uhcq|'|lrk g,34 s2519Avsase lrtE Codfu $41.17 $8AS2 0.1%AvE Rfrtr hs codRr $ao6/ $m,e} o3%AE Ua[ lnr Codk s118.37 staz -o2A@reoAlFrRr st11.83 5 14.(F-7.1%AY! RT{.{ AWP,RI $1,to54 s10tl4 72%Avu Ua[ Ai{Prk v5.47 $21(}04AEego tl8yo &mDrRt 3A a2 LA%At! R6b[ DEYaTR( Q4 31.8 1.7 %AvE Udl hRr 722 71.9 o.4.c F!6'l 99!_ -_-$t.50$t.,19Rd.n F&ngr51$1.4SAvg UeU FlE| Co$sy 3'1.? $1-420.q ro.9%-7.A%% Pldr Cd 74.6% 7et.7 % ut_.-7.6 %'% [€nrbr Cdrfihdon 21.6% ai%% Rdan F|en Cd 74.4% m7%% Rrdelt Xbr Cqttlb 213% A3% u3[ Fldr cod m3% $2% . 91% lilEI Xrr!b.. Cofflb $-7 % 153% 4.7 %tJ

!tEiltruIt!tInUilUInttlGy Porfomanco IndlcanoEcornp?heistve lndhatoB,A -lh' Publc ElnCoye€o In8%Hb%tubntu% U4.lldaltu tb(:lrrEr PorlodqAJEAlrg SSB Plm Cffi Slul&l}5 $174Rrtr[ SSB P&n CdRr v47A srm4lPlen CdE@4.8UAB Phr CoqU&$11J1i..--{E B€qllEq Frdr 99q4r$ll,mUd BB PlEr CodkOEN Fbn C@AvE R€bI oEt{ Plan codJRrBrad b% drdd€crla E dd Rt% gett€ lc b: l. R€d 5dd€qrlo &a'td% RddDAWb% R&[ DAW R!%13!DAWb% @ria'la conFrdon% Rsb[ @N CorEralor% lratr@ co|tv€rdqlTd Pbnc@t @,7tD.510.11 $88.353.@34,Tobl Ia!$d Conblhderbdr&,aq@bddd&b Fee.tl-atz 16, d, tu, 6 e@ d*, b -E@d @, o B. dEXPRESS 5 C R IPTS'Gl'rsd P4lod: rtf28tts - q!r208Prsvlorl3 P6rlod: o7r2@7 - g3f2mMq.t3 Hodm.7 '/d A9%(}8%0.5 70I O,A%&7 Vol 8€.a%% chstlgo-43%u1.h-69.8 %l16i%losq';i1lL8 %77.O%75.9o/66.5%l, -aqy;&1%-25-O%4-1%4.7 %-14O4/69€EF7.OohL5%-2s;iu

ItIITIIItIIIItTTIIIKoy Performanca IndlcatorgComfh€ltdve ltrdtcdorct|vA - f|Y Publc EdrCoyae lno% Usb X.|tlb|!% F6m!a !&mhol!Cbftr| Sourca R Fk CourtEg.11%G!ftntPd|!doA tlDGr'qn Pslod: 0712![8 - 03'z0(EPrEYlqE P€dod: 071200ft - @ritfBPr6,!cl' Psrldcrapha haa€d on cunrnt Perlod: 07rm|B - 0312@o.gza.oa7%d lrd r l{d[- r R@lDrug Formulary SEtrs byPNah CGt1e.16%o &a., ! aa- r @L-Drug TyF by Plan Costo41%19.19't"c @L. ! MS... . SS...s0%m66dFdbqqbd6adtu t Fe q]tldtu, 6, 1L., frr,.tu *'sda\ b Bb@ d td rt @ dEXPRESS SC R IPTS'R6d l&|!b€r CofiHb .4S -za%Xd Uafilor Cot{rb $379.5275 $4{r,84tra 4.7 %lTd Rr count l.8ac,t52 1,7gl,c1s 4ARsIeIl Rr cor![l.8A,,AO 149@U€rftar &tdrft b481,005kn Rcorrt 1Fomul€ry Sbtw by fu CouhtCod st€I€ Deitudofl by Clalm Sour6_4Plvs7.g%13%TdEl Aft i Fa6 53,078.a) S1477&00 -782%TotEl uc ssrrhg! $72116,@6.12 W,47,1e12 7.1%Tot8l Loat Ssvtrg8 9q44.fi @,,1@.it5 s.a%45V. 46,5%

6006 HCWWSWMTC WTO,Tuoday luaua?DuDry frTqluoryGTI II I 13 !I I-I II II 1-1 I T' I-II

-I,-'I, e!a--r,I-rrlrlllr-raBF€f VIRGIFI]A POBITIC EOIOYEES IXSIRAICE AGEIIC!rdlErY tesac@aEla aEiors - Tore! o5rs!iAACB 2009Pagar IaYF olltDAatEm EoaPalAt alcrt.ltt ESAI.IORAI.IRITERtrTTIlEDICrltr AxD gUiClCe!@@lAtr COlPltCeT!(AA226,645.631?6,825.80?,136,60?.3930,603.99?,5?0,683.81RoLlbg avg 12 l(o!t!a l,!to!?ElA PalE€ntt PEIA Pa!d3!ta774,889,21153,318.946t 209, 753.22{6,5to.t56,584,181.!939,444.2O115,253.?14,830,1!10.5122,965,65,037 ,744 ,02iolt&g avg clrlaat tll6ca] lh PloeLous ttLac€I Yr?EUA Pa!'!s!ss PEIA D6!d.rta 9Btf, P.yr6t3159,531.r5159, ?40.0?5,69a,05!.?25a,910.1146,012,237.371,733.2n,@1,35{,551.€653,805,308.?1411,6Oq.90a1 ,304,759 ,07r,229 | t4L ,0C1,393,23€.5970t093,279.O235a,1{0.4t53,019,807.09c[tr9AflENr EOSPlfAt tAclt lrt B6sAvtoBelDrattataEUER@CY R@BI'ATSdI.IIY!@DICA! AID lOXntlCAr46,642.59r9r,272,46554,9r2,2639,38!.064,297,154,1442,22r,73122.445.56418t477.LO45,561.097 ,643t 425.2939,{?9.19139,578.84547,107,2644,626,03?,551,0?0.5132 t529,44139,162.!0420,904.72{3,499.??6,983,999.329,!29,906.55 8,342,270.79 8,32r,8!?.9? 7,620,579,75365,291.1t7 ,022. O0\.114,121,?!9.8138?,582.9169,435,?39.10?1,333,133. !6292,031.461,198,886.393,806,060.49386,194.6962.622,942 .5768,306,14!.!{PRBgCtUgCtCd D8!Cg10,80{,5?1.t0 10,1r{,2?9.81 9,394,?03.rlo 10,108,519.30lo,8o{,5?1.10 10,lta,2?5.81 9,39{,703.a0 10,tq€,515.3091,34?,0a9.5391,3a?,049.5394,883,629.158{,883,629.15PBOitEdArODr. gERrlJCEllADgAIICED NdGtNGatBglAs0BAEESTIES!ABEAAYIORSI,CAnDIO S@!.AR IEDICIAECERIIICEN CA\EER ACAEEIIA€Dtiar:?araDID488,909.03153,865.90830,323.86339,096.49423,254.44l!,364.0913,894.80a91,65r.535{8,Itlo.05188,354.59649, r25.60319,958.1836{,654.9518,865.99it,E46.tt399,210.46592,481.60!15,12?,0142A,159.03a12,330.!4{02,358.4121,62,7.345,718.56404,910.8252{,238.041??,a00.39682,989.86315,309.82361,4{5.342\,799.549,608.45384,86{.244,539,495.001,618,357.209,93,r,t10.132,661,53?.3t3,065,?65.3?16r,564.0049,16!.033,162,659 .524,6r,r,636.8q1, !!4,5?3.665,8?0,166.592,733,5O6.423,062,244 ,15196,267,1141,263.?q3, a88,02!,65aouBcEr lcGDla lAitolet arsD ExiPRESa acRlPllt PAID Cl,lll4t llBPBgTOTET qlAI!8 iIA!ED ARE CII A PUID BAAIANOIEI DOEA dOI IICTI'DA REBETES, IEAFIqCY ADBISIIATIi€ fIES, OR RECOgIAIEg

Il-IIt-I--IIII - -I rt IPROFESsIOI{AJ. EERUECE! E9AI,I'A'IOI{ Af,D IGDA@{EFT 5,217 ,292 .3933?,053.14795,492.23790,162,50n4{trlzrTro!INJECIIONIAE AND PATEO'GYt4ldaca,BDtrOISIROTAER II6GIIGOI'BER IEDICIIIEPEYI'ICA', EDICItrEPROSTAIE CN'CER ACREEIING\':TRGI!ti POBIIC EIIPLOYEE3 INSTJRAICE AGEICI'ESI !{O{TEIJY I'IIIAGEIEIIIf REPORI - TOIAL CT'AN'6roSca 2oo9P.g6: 2crt!€nt12 uo4tb8 Priorcu!!6D! P6!1od !o1l1n9 Avg 12 UoBt!6 P o! RoU.tDg Ang O!!@t Fldcal Y!PE!:A PAYD€It6 PEIA P6Y@BtS PEIA PAFONt6 PEIA PAYE6!!A PEIA PA!@!t6L, 0L5, 592 .49659,3\2.016?5,551.8913,9a3.232,6d0,805,61{,473,450.13294t999.49753,162.82566,0rr.5979,361.0e411,594.36721t027,22694,319.97589,1?9.6315,455.882 , 430, A56.7 35, 454 , 349 .52239,56r,e2545,042.6X727,959.69B?,709,37355,192,539rr,985.68610,4?5.?4669,516.1014,L44.222, 502,923 ,554 ,234,432.99328,475,55700,029.66631,A72.369?, {88.50362,190.43?81, ?38.52651,506.6554r978.9214,909.462,43€,559.3039t42A,58r.432,€€9,558.306,1\5,602.L45 , 623, 0!6 ,69?15,414.013,844,2€0.596,24r,600.045,90{, {56.345,080,040.21t29t044,4120,844,241,53PEeious t16cdl YtIEI-A Pat@ta38,131, O!3.?12 , A13,963 .585,98{,583.9?5,345,391.12a82,151.493,349,610.106,964,325 ,426, \20,236,O94 ,496,903 .32121,669.852t, t63r 4O4 ,65r5,500,366,79 13,623,911.80 14,501,89€.14 13,282.0r9.!5 119,005,194,8? 1l?,400,085.38a3,005,528.25 38,66{,639,95 37,255,603.43 3t,083,351.9? 338,991,146.63 323'669'563.\6!OTE:SOOICE: ACOIDTA NAIIONATT AlD E{FRF€S SCRIE IS PAID CI,AII{II TA'ESNOIE: CTAI A EISTED ATE ON A PAID IESISDEA Not IICI,ODE FEEAIEA, PEANTACY ADI'INS1!|jATIT,!',EEg'OR RECOVERIES

+rJL oa$'Fq+rJsq)Sq)s .dEsF\AJ\s.oEFA\=l\)SURStsIJUqRsstrF{N

-I I rt, -,lf I-1- :t-rll-r I IF-rEgT TRGIIIA POELIC EIII',OIEA9 IISORANCE AGEIICYI4OfCEIY UAIAGEIiEIT REPoRtr - PER C}PITA CIAII4IttaRcE 2009Pag€: Ic\rr!€F! P6!1oct Rolltlg Avq 12 raontb P!Io! RoLUlg Aw Cut!€nt Dla@l YtPEIA P6Y[6DtE PEIA PAt@Dt6 PEIA PA!dSTtO PEIA PAt@tA PEIA PAYD€Dt!PFelou f16cal Y!PEI,A PAYD€Dt6ItrPATIdT EO€DITAI. EACII.ITYBEEAVIORALIETER'TTYI@DIC8'!- ADD SORGXCA',NEtt'6tAl. C.0tPtrCettO{A\.45771.13?345.9005.19681.19181.046942.4t19.31?8.3911.112\32.\320.15191.7276L.121940.0338.341211.28568.8r9?350.33032.58004.26969.3?3?337.02442.450048.692344.968333.453642.56463?3.115635?.11€?OI'TIATIEIT BOSPITAI IACILITY EESAVIORA.T.DI'',YgISEIIARGEDICY R@}'IATER!ITYI|EDICAj. AID SUAGICAJ,.30001,22943.569053.3686.2443.83?53,2564a2,2657.2622,9210.296450.1496,2286.9?842,9556.308349.41252.37446.659525.83682.5215426.05691.95508.066125,60102.59e342!,324698.?208 96.9690 59.268753.5{54464.4953459.5609Y PRESCRTE TfON DRDCS 69.491? 6t.99aa62.3938?1.0359594.16745?1.093559.491?68.994862.393871.0399594.1574571.0935PROFE.SAIOM|L gAVICESADqANCED DACINGAI{BUIANCEANESIEEAEABEEAVIOAA!CSRDIOVASoII&1R I'EDICMECERVTCII. CAUCE8 SCRE@UIGDIA'I.YSlSDl|E3.1a45,98965.34042. r8r02.7223.0988,08943.16223.?4901.28584.43152. 18502.4914.1289.033r2,72503.9349.16462.84762.73842.6122.t{36.03802.54923.6854L.24544.19922.27652,44L4.1532.03952.703429.5309L0.531238,6a131?.330119.96?91.0920.320L23.L96731.04?110.459139.494218,390920.6027r.3205.277623.4673SOI'TCE! ACORDLA NATIOIA! AND WPRESII SCRIPTS PAID CIA]I!g fAPEANOI'E! CLA&A EIsTED ARE OX A PATD 8nl16N TE! DOES TOl' IICLDDE REEAIFA, PdARIGCY ADITENSTRATIVE FEES, ON AECOVSjES

l I I I ao r,'- I,-J9at- -II {I tr IPROIlaaIa@t aERl lCEgBn!';uatl(a A$D l'AED@aBlr!$![tsrzatr@rtitEc!roltAB lAD PreldtfitlGI4@APEToflaRcrr8lR tltA(ltlcd!t& lEDtcrlEPEtl|rC.B', UEI'ICIIEPnoarAcE calca g(nEdlt]foa@otqalIBtt 9EFCII'Ia t0Bt tC EI'IOIEEA llat,fialcE a@NCtcoTErY !tA!aG@OO! riErl8r - PER CAtrttA d!*lcreE 2009Pag€! 2c\l!rdtc$r€rt 96r1od ltollbg Aeg 12 lont!6 P!lo!PEtt Da!@6.r6 DEIA tq'0a!!a DEIA Paydarta33.!!602.1d,89,12515,0899. {6003.31996.!320{.2409{.3!20.089?t?.036330.54152.0103!.1{33{.54882.40944.9257{.?{134.0223.10!6r6.602936.25101.59123.626t4.7949.58252.36306.0558a.05{4(.d469.094216,6229nolllng Aw c!r!€E! nl6cal Y! tl€qLou6 ltl,acd tltdla 9a!,!.!t3 PEI,A PayEdrta29.79392.308t4.9202d.40!1.68532.54856.49364.6486.10s517.1{31296.722418.814143.72J436.61194.6t8125.0304{0.639538.4{{433.0?65.8d02135.t184256,J44r19.349440,254739.963622.5360a6.88264tr .776732.9442,.8186142.385599.6936 93.0229 96.312? 93.33{2 ??4.8581 789.86292?6.5985 253.9550 2A7.4244 260.6010 2.207.1953 2,771.63603@Gt ACdIrtA le4lolAL AtD EXIRESa aClUIFla PAID c'.A!q| TAIEAAOIEI CGAI@ EII'IED AIIE ON A'AID848tr8lqAEr DO&S llOl IIICIXOE aEBelEA' PEaRI4CY eD!E!AIA{!IYE rEBE' OA nECO\rERlEs

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-I ! r r r-I- - -I I I lr I I IIEIT VIRGIIIA PI'E',IC EIIPIOTEEA INASRANCE AGE{CYUONTE-Y I4NAGE@NIT AEPOA]! - PER CAPITA uIILIZATIOUrGtcB 2009Pag6: 2cur6ar P6llod 12 xortnd P!10E culleit et3cal vr ?!ev10u6 tlael YrE!@ut€!6 E:Bcoat6r6 ED@ut6r6 E:B@et€!6PROFE9SIOI{A', SERVICESIN.'ECTIONIAB AND PAIBOI,oGYIAIMGRAIETOTEERdTSEh IIAGINGOIEER I|EDICIVEPSTSICA.TT liEDICINEPROAIAIE CIICAR SCREEIIIGaoscrcil.0322.r639.01t8.0391.L246.0850.100?.0050.0809.0347.1833.0159.0290.1066.0798.1055.0059.0820.23931.4100,150?,3391,e227.5710.8990.0541.7031.24521.5059.1588.3086.8560.6684.931?.0538,?0s01.3690 I .,{ t3? 11.2 596 t7.59022.5839 2.550521.129L 22.05€0sOI'RCEI ACORDIA T6IIOIIAI, AND E{PRE€A ACRIPIS PAID CI,AI!{g TAPESNOTET CI,AII{S IISTED A8E ON A PAID E1!IS

tIttIIIASSETSShott Tsm AssotgC@h and Equh/alenbAdvancs D€poslt t$th Canl€r/TrusbeRecalvablos - NelPrep€ld IngulancaTobl Shott Term ABs&Wed Vlrglnla B€d ot Rbk and Inau|"rce ManaggmgntUNAUD]IED BAI-ANCE SHEETMerlh 31(ln thousands)axlg .200826,151 S'183,861d111.5342't1,157%,451156,0S81,871l@,019Long Torm A€ssbInrrGtnenbToblLong Term Asseb___-_____919_____gts,904 110,036IIIIIIITOTAL ASSEISLIAEluTIESghortTerm Llab tesAccounb payebleClalne Pay"bloOPEB Ll€bllvAgenb Commbslons P4rableUn€€med Rgr,rgnueCun€In Erftnsbd Cl€ln RdorveTobl Short Term Llabfifl€306.1511,032N7121e8,04351.597'ea1,'144171,e9,1V5:t.o4164,845Long Term LhbltffECornponsabd AbsencssEdnated Noncungnt Chin RessrvgTobl Long Tffn Lbb t662114,U01'14,W,26110,521'110:721TOTA LIABILMES176,512176,588tItIIPrlor Yesr Nd Aos€bCungrt Year EamhgsTOTAL NET ASSETSTOTAL LIABLMES ATID RETAINED EARNINGS06,119109DMFT - Unaud|bd- l snsgem€ntPurpos€s OnlyBRIM - PaSs 1127,@'1@1n,w306.151 $97,U725,91123.,&299.03r

II!IIOp€radng Rev€nuosPr€mlum RevonuosILoBs - Exc€a InsuEnco- Totalop€rEtngRovonue6Ioporatng Eaonses- Oalrns Expeno€Property & MS Cl8lms FrpensePeBon€l S'eMc€€IOp€rqtng E&€nss6TotEl Operaffng Expens6o**n Income (Loss)Itrt llIl,IINonoporatno Revenu6fi?ffffi,"-."Total Nono@ratno ReveruesNet tncome (Lo8s)-4w€t vtrglnta Board of Rtsk and Insuranca Managoment 9{}'UNAUDITED INCOME STATEISENT^\ "For tho nlno months endlng\U-'March 31(tn tlrou8anda)$ 47,10s $ 55,541(4,602\ (4,796)42,593 50,74s30,754 312334,717 2235970 9892,20 2AU38,661 36,8S53.932 13,850232e:746\ 12,069e.723\ 12,0911209 25,U1TIIIItovrslosDMFT - Unaudltod - N4€nagomsnt Purposes OnlyBRIM - Paso 2

WostVlrulniaChlldrrn's Health Insurance Prcgram1018 Kanawha Boulevard EastSulte 209Chade3ton, Vlr\t 2530'lPhon : 3X-558-273ITollfrer; 1fi7-YWA CHIPFax: 304-558-2741vr{w.wvchlp.o|JgJoint Committee onGovernment and FinanceReport<strong>May</strong> 2009

IIIIIItIIIIIttIItII2800026000$ z,rcoo: 22000Ez 20000Aprll30 2000 E ollrent 24,421$r,00ol't,30051,700t1,600,r,5ltotl,300tl300tr,1o051,000r0000.r0000WV CHIP EnrollmentJul Aug S€p Ost Nov D* Jan F€b lla. Apr Mly JunAnnualized Health Care Expenditures{co6tp€rChild)Apr06 M.y 03 Jun06 Jur00 aus03 s.p03 ocrot N6v00 0e03 J.n03 F.b09 M.r09

Cash & Cash EquivalentsDue From Federal GovemmentD[ie From Other FundsAccrued Interest ReceivableFired Assets, at Historical CostTotal AssetsLiabilities:Due to Olher Fund6Def€red Revenu€Unpaid Insurance Claims LrabililyTotal LiabilitiesFund EquityTotal Liab ities and Fund Equity<strong>West</strong> Vlrginia Child.6n's Health lmurance ProgramComDaiatlve Balance SheetMarch 2009 and 2008(Accrual BasislMarch 31. 2009 March 31.2008 Varlance$9.686,396$2,969,064$669,049$2,237$70.282Eit!l9z.02a$118.113$3,419,760$3.520.000$7.057.873s8.339.155$6,561,960$2,719,454$597,763$20,000$61.569$cae!,Zro$T7,217$1,302,601$3.010.000$4.619.818$5.340.928$9t9!.240PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSUMudiied - For Managomcnt Purpos€s Oily - UnauditcdPege 2$3,124,436 4a%$249,610 9%$71.286 120/o($17,763) -89o/o$8.7't3 14.$3.436.2At 34j6($189,104) -82%$2,117,1s9 163%$510.000 1?%$2.4:18.0s5 W$998.227 190$iL43n2!2tIIIIIItIItIIItIIIt

IIItIIIItItIItIItttFodoral GrdntsStalE ApproprlationsPrcmlum Revenueslnvestn€nl EamingsW6sl Vlrglnia Children's Hoalth In3uiance ProgramComparative Statemert of R€vonu$, Expendlturcs and Changos In Fund BalancesFor the Nln€ Monlhs Endlng lrarch 3t,2009 and arch 31,200E(Modncd Accrugl BEsi.)Tot8l Op€ratlng Rev€nuesOp€raling Expenditures:Claifirs:Outsad€nt S€rvic€sPhysicians & SurlicalPr€scrib€d DrugsD€ntalInp€tjent Hospital ServicesOutpaliBnt Mental HoalthDur8ble & Dlsposabl€ Med. Equip.hpalisnt Mental HealthTherapyMedical TranspodationOlher S€NicesL6ss: C,ollactionsrTotalClalmsGeneral and Admln Exp€ns€s:Salaries and Ben€filsProgram Adminislr-dtionEllglbllltyOutreech ll H€8lth PromotlonCunentTotar AdminisfativeTotal Exp€ndituresOv€r (Under) apenditur€sFund Equlty, B€ginningFund Equity, Ending' Coll€cliorc a€ p.imadly druq rebat€s and subrogatidItarch 31,200927,1fi,5u7,351,031s5,957gc,!E34.701.6858,460,5537,W1,266,339,0713,616,S522,750,804907,759885.5C2452,57344a'$2317,624237,Ul74,669{578.919)303!!!23365,7471,622,N1236.67492,546104.2552.426.O2333339,!9C1,361,7894pziE€March 31,200826,022,4417,U9,22762,042t!gJ5433.623.8647,81S.0t6,702.0015.988,8263,571,6832,750,663890,281815.3,$446,2144'16,256242,916183,44069,7,15(504.378)29.432.253361,117'1,581,768243,4ffi2339€S13lJ€!J541,855,8103.4a5.1185,94.928PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSUnauditcd - For Meagelmt Purposd Only - Ln8odnedPage 31,134,141 4%1,804 0%er4g -44%LEg A%641,496 8%299,267 4%350,245 6%45,269 1%(55) O'/o17,474 2%70,244 9%6,359 1%32,326 a%u,704 12%53,901 29%4,923 7%(z4t4l) 15sr4a1.a2o 5!68.6:t0 2V.41.033 3Vo(6.7S4) -3%36,095 64%.!125! 12sgp&lEl@ 5%(494,021) -27oh1.4E2,244 $%wzr 19%

Wtl Vlrgin|l Chlldr.n'. H6.[h ln3ullnc€ Pmgr.rnBldgd to Actult stiblnbnrStrt Fbc.l Yolr 2009For dr Nkt. lronth. En('.d [.nh 31, 2009ItltBu.Lebd AmlAEIu.l ArtY!IL!!CIomhlyBudd.t d AnrflEoS &849Jsr99Suuogaloo a R6bat66Nol Bonsfl Cosl$42,533,107136,:r€041,8fl,252$31,699,675102.214,0{J19s31,392,939i31,328,7r295,9€7l]qa(l$30,653,4905571,163$6,251ti7453t)s239,4432%€%4152%st,544,rKrl11,36€r4a!93,4€4,104$3,835,575 13,744,18215,420 13,A7!!JOz !xa!{53,733,€68 3,688,310si'.200,5€811,724!5.Si[3,123,010S€ladol & 8€nefitsPrcg|E n AdninistBlionE[glUlny9515,4€62,080,170318,€7061,095lt!J@$386,615r,5€0,128230,00361,421l05t@s3€9,7491,€14,52629,27592.30€la{aaz$16,84€(s4,398)I,f2A(30.97s)g34%.3%-50%912,9571733,{a26.5506.825lu@S/rc,3?5 t10,13328€.615 40,53063,2 3,0€017.354 2,24a,?& 1!,4f,41,31890,13901!€3Toial Pogram C,ost$3,13€.02254/1,993.874$2,352.466$gtr4u0592,410,773$33.064.269($58,307)s!9!-1C-2%&$281,365t3.749,4@$42t,796 g2AO.i7554,155,,{84 13.9,18,48!t$151,31563,274,325F€derEl Stul6 81.98%Srat6 Sh6lE 16.02%Totel Ptogl€m Cost36,:185,532!,50!,i42IdllgiLezrie7 38/,,145$1.3a1.256guJ4El05$27,019,929$,.a490E!,!!d289u4,220a?9€tz1%9%3,040,44120902s!9.49J!93,3€,t,274 3,222,3a87jg.,19 lEtA$4,155.464 S3.94a.4A62,472,176!02.U!83,274,e5' Po3tdv€p€@nbeg5l|ldh.r6bvoElrovan.E_ Budg€red Y6s E s.d d CCRC A.U!ry 0,€0t2006 FGpo(U@udl€d . Casn Escb Fo. M.n.g.tMt turpoc€. Ody - Uns.dn€itMemo br Csl€ AboE:ll loltl btdg€t€d tor Yoar P.og|am cosb ar€ CCRC Aclr,sry8 B.s€ Lln€ Scamrb dat€d ABO/OO Flnsl rb lh€€tN€t PaB PlogEh C@ls.z' F€d€rEl Sharc ior FFY m08 b 81.98%. F€delalSh.l€for FFY 2009 (10/l/og - 9/lro/@) ls.st at gt.6t%I I I r I I-I r r- I I I I I I I r

IIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIICountyEcllllqBefteleyCabellRaleighHaiiisonOhioLoganlvlarshallGreenbierRandolphBooneNicholasUpshurBrookeBa.bourBraxlonHardyGlanIClayRitchie2005 Est.(0 18 Yrsl40,64722,88219,06318,90014,97314,34612,64712,52211,46511,2459,6929,1769,0687,6r07,1767,1106,3546,2n6,2706,2045,9735,9715,7065,4785,4615,1705,1105,0924,9564,9454,6583,7323,3073,2663,2443,0442,9502,7282,4632,44A2,3222,2342,020r,8871,717WV CHIP Enrollment ReportApnl 2009ToralCHlPEnrcllmentA!r!92,147r,2531,1279939097411,096676406699912550536364576373360371302434295405297381265423435409294219298244236267290194'170186141191213142182'126148Tolal MedicaidEnrollmentap!99'16,4726,4967,7457,9606,9355,7464,1286,5r53,0664,2244,5474,0632,E982,6492,3052,2413,1042,001?,5142,503?,5613,2701,9352,5641,4551,6201,7051,1651,3271,6691,49r1,5491,121907r,3691,1279041,126772670TotalCHIP/MedicaidEn.ollmenl18,6597,7494,4728,9538,1624,8697,6r 13,7422,7914,9235,4594,6r94,3',tt3,0132,7802,9022,6013,4782,3032,9482,7982,9272,E583,6512,2019532,6702,9731,7491,8392,0031,4091,5631,9361,7811,7431,2911.2041,0481,5601,3401,0461,308898818CHIP/MedicaidEnrollment% olPooulation45 9%33.9%46 5%51.0%33 9%60 0'l.29 94"24.3%43 A%56.3%50 3%38 0"/.56 7y"42.O%16-4%43 8%46 2%41.56/"56_1%38 6%49.4ao49_0./"53 4v"s2.3%70.67"43_1%58 0%53 9%601%37.5%49 3%56_0%47 34"59.3%54 8%57 34"43 Aa"42 54"63.6%57 74"46 Ba"64 8%47 6%47.6%2007Est50/"2,0321,144953945800749717634626573562485459453380359318314314310299299285274273259255248247233187179r66165r63162152147r361231231161121019486ATTACHMENT 12007# ChildrenRankino'123567I910tl1517181920?223242526272A29303l3334353637383940424345464€

Counly8e!84sDoddridgeCalhoLrnGiLmef2005 Est{0-18 Yrc)1,6321,6071,593r,3891,3541,2681,154WV CHIP Enrollment ReportApril2009TolalCH|P ToralMedicaidEnrollment EnrollmenlA!!09 4p49PLE€NB_" nR .-qa$101124106130158115105qjs434694506817483566531fotats 382,490 24,421 152,165UGI6NToralCHIP/MedicaidEnrollment535s2261294764168t636176,586CHIP/MedicaidEnrollmeni% o'Pooulalion32 A%51 1%38 44"6A 20/"47 3%53 7%551%46 2vo2007Est5%a?80806968635819,125co(ntier with unirsu..d chrldrenco(.ti.3 with uninsu.ed chlldrenEstinated at 1o1Cound.s witn Uninsu.ed Childr€nATTACHMENT 12007* ChildrenRankino'49505152535455Tor.l Erimred l,i Inron. lnrNnEd chiidren: 19,057I'lote | : The most rccent eslimale lar uninsued childrcn statewide frcn the US Census Cuftenl Population SuNey is8%. CHIP uses a 5% estinate to rctlect the percenlage ol unlnsued children tot outteach putposes who coulcl qualifytot CHIP ot Medicaid. lt should be noted that even this five percent extqpolation to he county level could varysignilican y hon county to county depending an lhe availability ol enployee sponsorcd insuance However, it rcmainsaur best gtoss estimate ol the tenaining uninsurcd childrenbgzf;;_l[;]f-;lSince it has been estinated that 7 al 10 uninsurcd chilcten qualily ot nay have qualitied lot CHIP ot Medicatdin lhe pasl, WVCHIP assefts tha! a 5% uninstned estinate is a morc rcalistic taryel nunbet for outteachIIIIItIIIItIIItItII

IIIItIIIIIIIItItIIILegislative Oversight Commission onHealth and Human Resources AccountabilityMAY 2OO9Department of AdministrationState Children's Health Insurance ProgramUPDATE

IIIWV CHILDREN'S HEALTH INSURANCE AGENCY*PoRr FoR MAY 2oo9I I 1. Enrollment on Ap ril 30,2009: 24,421-IItItIIISee Attachment I [or enrcllmcnt b].ounD,-au.."nt l2.Month Enrottment Period: <strong>May</strong> 2OO8 through April 2OOg26 000! 25 000zi 24 oaaEZ .x.sla22,404..o*"" r.>']o"'>4 eoa 06 rd otr '*+Enrollee Tolals: February 2009 to April2009Month TotaI I Yedr TotalFebruarylUarchApril1,7802,07A1.884AverageHUhLOW1,7422,0741 .406od +r* foI ItINe* Enrollee (Never Beforc on CHIP) Totals: February 2OOg to April 2OOgI [. Re-enrollment for 3 Month Period: February 2009 to April 2009IIIIt-Month ToaaI I Year TotalFebruaryMarchA0nl725726710AverageHOhLow710838581Total Forms Mailed Notice Period After Closure Final CloswesMonth Total Vo % %FebruaryMarchADril1,9511,9851.7051,0631,1511.09855%5A%64%34125316817%13%10%54758143928%29/.26%

WVCHIPReport For Ma! 2009Page 2IlL Financial ActiYityPLease see this month'slnancial statement at Attachment 2.The avercge annualized claims cost per child for the month ended March 2009 was $1,911.Annual Expenditures for a 3 Year Periodi SFY2006-SFY2008sFY 2008 FFPEO200EST'Y 2(xn FFPVo2007sFf 2006 FFP%20n6Fedelal 35.626.232 81.98 35.472.537 80.97 34,247,276 81.09State 7.947,861 18.02 8,336.9,14 19.03 7.986.385 18 91Total Costs 43,574,093 100.00 43,809,481 100.00 42,233.661 100.0010Monthly Budgetad and Current 3 Month Period: January 2009 - March 2009Budgeted PerMonthWtd. Avg,For Otr. March2009 Februarv 2009 January 2009Federal 3,028,695 3,095.269 3.391.274 3,22235ASt2te 706,285 697.488 764.190 726.126 602.148Total 3.734.980 3,792,757 4.155.464 3,948.484 3.274.U2Budgeled lvld Avg.Per Month For Olr.

tIIIIIIIItIIIIIItIIWVCHIPRepoft For Ma! 2009Page 3IV. Other HighlightsAct of 200!l (CHIPRA)0 Financial: At present. intormation and ouidance from the Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices (CMS) concerning changes td law under the reauthorized Act (CHIPRA) is slowlybeing released on a section by section basis. At this point the Agency is still awaiting officialconfirmation of its 2009 allotment - still expected to be in the $40 to $43 million range infederalfunds. At the same time the Agency is reviewing new mandates underthe law in orderlo assure comoliance.O New Mandates: These involve assuring mental health parity, assuring a benchmarked levolof dental benefits, and preparing to change to a prospective payment system for CommunityHealth Cenlers. One other mandate is thal CHIP applicants are now subject to the sam€citizonship documentation requirements as Medicaid applicants. CHIP is hopefulthat OHHRwill be able to implement social security data matches to prevent this from being a barrier toenroliment.0 New Coverage Options: New latitude exisls for states lo exercise coverage options forsupplemental dental services coverage, provide premium assistance for Employer SponsoredPlans, coverage lor pregnant r,vomen, and coverage of legal immigrants.O Performance Bonus: Since the re-based formula is structured to en@urage furtherenrollment growth, there is a performance bonus that states may qualify for if they targetfurthergrowth. lf <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> qualified to be eligible, the performance bonus would go totheMedicaid agency since they otten see a larger increase in enrollment wh€n states sxpandcoverage to children. The bonus is also meant lo encourage states to streamline theirenrollment and renewal processes. The Agency hopes to explorewith DHHRthe possibilityolwhether or not we can undertake anv initiative in these areas.CHIP Enrollment TrendsDuring the past year the Agency has been asked about its slight decline in enrollment. Acomparison of CHIP and Medicaid enrollment trends overthe oast 18 months seems to cleadvreflect lhe economic climate that as employment and income have dropped lower, Medicaidbears the brunt with an increased enrollment lrend, and working families in CHIP have alsohad decreases in income or employmenl may now qualify under Medicaid instead of CHIP(please reisr to attached graphs lor the period of June 2007 to March 2009).Despite this trend WVCHIP is running some paid advertisements to continue to raiseawareness of expanded income guidelines now permining families of 4 with a householdincome up to $55,1251o enroll when they pay a premium share.

CHIP Decrease:CHIP and Medicaid Child Enrollmeht Changes between lune 2007 and March 2009Mediaaid Quarterlv Enrollment611012@1 slalzaD1 !213V2@7 3/3l/1m 6/1a11@3 e/3or@3 !21!r/2ao6 3MlaeWV CHIP O!arteilv Ehrollment- Since September 2007 CHIP enrollment has experienced an overall enrollment decline of 1,027,a 4% decrease over a 15 month period.Medicaid Increase:- Since September 2007 Medicaid enrollment has shown an overall enrollment growth ot 8,096,a 5% increase over the same 15 month period.tItIIIIIIIIIIItItII

IIIItIIIIIItIItIIIICo'inty8e!!j!sBerkeieyCabellRaleighohioLoganMarshalllvlingoRandolphBooneNicholasUpshurBrookeBarbourBraxlonHa.dyGranlClaySumme.sBitchieTyler2005 Est(0-18 YlsI40,64722,44219,06318,90015,99214,97314,34612,68712,5221 r,46511,2459,1769,0687,6107,1767,1t06,3546,2776,2706,2045,9735,7065,4745,46r5,1705,1104,9564,9454,6583,7323,3653,3073,2663,24A3,O442,9507242,4632,4542,3222,2342,0201,EE71,717WV CHIP Enrollment ReportApril 2009Total cHlPEnrollmentAsLqg2,1471,2331,1279939097411,0966764066999t?556550536364576475373360371302434295405297381423435409294219298244236290194170141191213142182126r48Total MedicaidEnrollmenlApLS916,4726,4967,7457,9606,9355,7464,1?g6,5153,06624,2244,5474,0632,89A2,6492,7212,3052,2413,1042,0012,5142,5032,5613,2702,5302,2352,5641,4551,6201,7051,1651,3271,6691,491r,5491,121I,0r8907r,3691,1279041,126772670TotalCHIP/[,ledicaidEnrollment18,6597,7498,4728,9538,1624,8697,6113,7422,7914,9235,4594,6r93,4484,3113,0133,2972,7802,9022 6013,4782,3032,9442,7982,9272,8583,6512,2012,6702,9731,749r,8392,0031,409r,5631,9361,7811,743r,2911,2041,0461,5601,3401,0461,308898818CHIP/MedicaidEnrolhent% ol Pooulalion45 V/"33_9%46 54.5r.0%33 9%60.0%29.94"24 31"43 8%55 3%50.3%3E 07056 7v"42 0v"46 41043 A%46.?%41.5%56-1%38.6%49 4%49.0%53_44"52.3ao70.6%43.14"58 0%53.9%60.10/"37.sao49.34"56 00/"41 9%47 34"59 3%54 8%57 37"43 AA"42 54"63.6clo57 7%46 Av"64 A%47 6%47 60/"2047Esl2,O321,1449539458007497176346265735624854594533603593563183143143102992992€5274273259255255?44247233187179168165163162152117r36123123lt6112r019486ATTACHMENT I2007I ChildrenRankino'I23567Il0llr317181920212223242526282930323334353637383940424345464748

CountyDoddddgeCalhounGilmer2005 Est(0-18 Yrs)1,6321,6071,3891,3541,2681,154Totals 382,490WV CHIP Enrollment ReportApril 2009Toral cHlP Toral MedicaidEnrcllment EnrollmenlAplAg ApL9910112510613015810524,421434694506417483566531r52,165CHIP/MedicadATTACHI\,IENT ]ME:!: rhe nost rccent estinate fot uninsurcd children statewide frcn the US Census Cunent Populahn SuNey is8% CHIP uses a 5% eslinale lo rcllect the percentage ol uninsured chibrcn for outrcach putposes who could qualilytot CHIP ot Medicaid lt should be noted thal even this five percent extnpolatlan to the counly level could varystgnilicantly tron county lo county depending on the availabilty ol enployee sponsoted insuance. Howevet, it renainsour best qtoss es nate ol Ihe rcnaining uninsurcd childtenNggZ Sinceit been eslinated thatT ol10 uninsuted chitdrcn qualily ot nay have qualilied lor CHIP ot Medhaidin the pasl, WVCHIP assens that a 5% uninsurcd estinate is a note realistic targel number lor ouleach53582261?947641681636176,586CHIP/MedicaidEnrcilmenl% olPopulation32 A%51_1%38.4a"64.20/"47 3%53 7%55 1%46.2%2007Est5%E2808069686358i9,1?5counhes with Unihsqied child.enCountie. with uninsured ChildrEnEdimated at 201countl6 witrr Uhinsuied children2007Rankino'49505152535455Torsl Edin,er.d t s Inom. UnlNurd Chrldnn. 19,0s7IIIIIIIIIIItIltIIIt

IIIIItIIIItIIIIItItFederal GrantsState AppropriationsPremlum RwenuesInvestment Earnings<strong>West</strong> Vlrglnla Chlldren's H€€lth In3uranco ProgremConparatlve Strtemer{ ol Ravenue3, Expondttur€s and Changes In Fund EelancesFor the illn. llonlh! Endlng lr.rch 31 , 20Ot) and March 3 t , 2008(lroiflld Accnt t ErCa)Tolal Operatlng RevenuesOperaling Expenditures:Claims:Oupatient S€rvicesPhysicians & SurgicalPrescrib€d DrugsDentalInpatiern Hospital SoruicesOulpatient M6nral HeatthDurable & Disposable Med. Equip.Inpatient Menlat HeatthTh€rapyMedicel TransporlationOther Servic€sLess: C,olleclions'Total ClaimsGeneral and Admin Epenses:Salaries and BeflefilsProgram AdminlstrationEligibilityOutrsach E Health P.omotionCu(entTotal AdministrativeTotal E&eiditur€sOver (Under) Exp€nditure€Fund Equity, EeginningFund Equ y, Ending' Cdleclions ars pdmary drug rsat€. and subrogatiol[arci 31,200!]27,156,5827,351,03134.701.6858,460,5537,001,2686,339,0713,515,9522,750,808907,759845,592452,573448,fi2317,624237,34174,559t578.919130.913.873369,7471,622,801236,67492,U6l!42552.426.O2333.339-8951,361,7894.977.366arch 31, 2{D826,022,4417,349,22762,U2lt!9J5433.623.8647,419,0576,702,0015.988,8263,571,6832,750,863890,2818r 5,344446,214416,256282,916183,44069,746jE943ZSI29.432.253361,1171,581,76824],45856,4512.335.80131J0!,!511,855,8103.485.1185t4!.92!PRELIMINAFY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSUnaudited ' Fd Mdnsscnent PuryGes O y . UnaudfledVarlanca1,1U,141 4%1,804 0%33,125 53%I9l:4$ -44%1.0n.421541,496 Bcr'"299,267 41"3$,245 6%45,269 1%(ss) ov.17,478 ?/.70,244 W.6,359 llc32,326 A/.u,7M 1?/.53,90r #h4,923 7%!t!,9) 15:61.4at.6z)8,630 3/.41,033 3./.(6,794) -3%36,095 64./.1125C @w& 4%LgJ.W flt{494,02r) -27Dh1.492.244 &ATTACHMENT 2J%

IAssets:Cash & Cash EquivaleflsDue From Federal GovernmentDue From Other FurdsAccrued Interest ReceivableFixed Assets, at Historical CostTotal AssetsLiabilities:Dug to Other FunclsDolored ReverueUnpaid Insurance Claims LjaulityTotat LiabitiriesFund EquityTotal Liabilities and Fund Equiiy<strong>West</strong> Vlrglnia Childr€n's Health Insuran@ Prog|?mConDal?tivo Balance Shaetlilarch 2009 and 2008(Accruel Earls)March 31,2(ng March 31,2OO8$9,686,396$2,969,064$669,049$2,237s70.282$r r8,r r3$3,419,760s3.520.000$7.057.873$6,561,960$2,719,454$597,763$20,000s61.569$9.960.746$307,217$1,302,601$3.010.000$4.619.818$5.340.928$9890.210PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSUnaudited - For Management PuDoc€s Only - UnaudtedVarianca$3, r 24,€6 Aao/.$249,610 vh$71,286 1T/.($17,763) -AVhs8.713 l&r$it {t6,2!? s%($189,104) -6?/"$2,r17,159 163%$s10.000 1tu$2.438.055 537.SiLiClo?E? g%IIIItIIIIIIIItttII

Wesl Vi.glnla Children's Herlth Insurance PlogramWVFltlS Fund 2154For the l|onth End.d [arch 31, A)0O(Acc.ual Ba9i8)Funds InvestedInterest EarnedTotal$8,535,40698,105w9f11unaudited - For Management Pueoses Only - unaudited

IIIIIIIINEW CONTRACT OF LEASEDepartment of Administration Leasing ReportFor the period of February 1, 2009 through April 30,2009DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCESHHn-fg7 New contract of lease for 5 years containing 8,002 square feet of office spaceat the PSF rate of $19.75, Lessor to provide janitorial and garbage service, snow and-Iice removal, and maintain HVAC unit, with Pin Oak Properties, LLC, in the City of White- Hall. Marion Countv.txHn-tao i,lew contract of lease for 1o years containing 4,300 square feet of space in a- GrouD Home at the PSF rate of $12.95, with Jeff Kiess and Sharon Kiess, in the City ofIndependence. Preston County.Ia-INSURANCE COMMISSIONIIIItIItI'IrfINS-027 New contract of lease for 5 years containing 3,105 square feet of office spaceat the PSF rate of $15.50, Lessor to provide janitorial services and snow removal,electric for Suite 103; gas, water and sewage service for Suite 102 and '103, withVeteran's Square ll, LLC., in the City of Fairmont, Marion County.DEPARTMENT OF M|LTTARY AFFATRS AND PUBLIC SAFETYADG-023 New contract of lease for 1 year conlaining 16,000 square feet of office spaceat the PSF rate of $18.50, full service, with Posler Limited Partnership by Dickinson FuelCompany, Inc., in the City of Charleston. Kanawha County.NEW RTVER COMMUNTTY AND TECHNTCAL COLLEGENRC-013 New contract of lease for 1 year to cancel out NRC-0112, containing 5,400square feet of classroom space at the PSF rate of $6.42, Lessor to provide water andsewage service, with <strong>Virginia</strong>n Land company, LLC, in the City of Lewisburg,Greenbrier County.runc-O t4 New contract of lease for 3 years containing 3,ooo square feet of office spaceat the PSF rate of $14.00, full service excluding snow removal, with Sharon Mahaffey, inthe City of Beckley. Raleigh County.Page I of 13

IIta^tI III ItIIII tIl-IIaIIIIIIt,Iaort,...uATroN oF NEW coNTRAcrs oF LEASEJAcKsoN ptERcE puBLtc AFFAIRs, tNcJPA-002 New contract of subiease for 1 year containing 200 square feet of otflcespace at the PSF rate of $12.00, full service, with WorkForce WV, in the City ofMorgantown, Monongalia County.ELK CONSERVATTON D|STR|CTECD-001 New contract of lease for 1 year containing 410 square feet of office space atthe PSF rate of $9.10, full service excluding gas and janitorial service, with AlleghenyPower, in the City of Gassaway, Braxton County.WV CONSERVATION AGENCYSCC-01 1 New contract of lease for 2 years containing 450 square feet of office spaceat the PSF rate of $2o.oo, full service, with Northern Panhandle Conservation District, inthe City of [/cMechen, lV]arshall County.NEw coNTRAcr oF suB.LEAsEDrvrsroN oF REHAB|L|TATTON SERVTCESDRS-094 New contract of sub-lease for 10 years containing 524 square feet of officespace at the PSF rate of $12.60, full service, with South <strong>West</strong>ern Region 2 WorkForceInvestment Board, in the City of Hurricane. Putnam County.srnnoHT RENEwALSHUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONXnC-oo2 Renewal for 1 year conlaining 489 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $7.36. full service, with <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Division of Highways, in the City ofHuntington, Cabell County.PUBLTC EMPLOYEES TNSURANCE AGENCYpet-ooz Renewal fo|I year containing 4,ooo square feet of storage space at lhe samePSF rate of $ 1 .20. full service, with the Corey Realty Company, in the City ofCharleston. Kanawha County.tage 2 of 13

III ItcoltrtuuATroN oF srRArcHT RENEwALSoevelopMENTAL DrsABrLrlEs pLANNrNc couNcrlDDC-001 Renewal for 2 Vears containing 2,490 square feet of office space at the same-PSF rate ofI$9.50. full service excluding janitorial service, with C. W. Moore, Jr., in theCity of Charleston. Kanawha County.I III Ia_III'tI -IRACTNG COMMTSSTONRAC-001 Renewal for 3 years containing 1 ,850 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $'12.95, full service, with Hillcrest Office Park, LLC, in the City of Charleston,Kanawha County.DIVISION OF VETERANS AFFAIRSVET-001 Renewal for 1 year containing 12,800 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $5.20, full service, with County Commission of Nicholas County, in the Cityof Summersville, Nicholas County.LorrERY coMMrssror,LOT-010 Renewal for 5 years ontaining 268 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $ 12.00, full service with Racing Corporation of WV, dba Tri-StateRacetrack and Gaming Center, in the City of Cross Lanes, Kanawha County.LOT-006 Renewal for'l year containing 190 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $8.00, full service, with Wheeling lsland Gaming, Inc., in the City ofWheeling, Ohio County.1 EDUCATION AND STATE EMPLOYEES GRIEVANCE BOARDIEGB-006 Renewal for 5 months containing 3,150 square feet of office space at theI same PSF rate of $7.49, with Pine Grove Realty, Inc., in the City of Charleston,! Kanawha Countv.IaIorvrsroN oF TouRtsMTOR-006 Renewal for 1 year containing 2,400 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $13.75, full service excluding janitorial service, with Morgantown N/lall, in the- City of Morgantown, Monongalia County.IIIPage 3 of 13

IIt'CONTINUATION OF STRAIGHT RENEWALSI It rrIIII -wEsT VIRGINIA BoARD oF cHIRoPRAcTIc EXAMINERSBCE-004 Renewal fo|I year containing 373 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $9.65, full service, with Barbour childress, in the City of South Charleston,Kanawha County.wv MA.'AGE THERA'' LrcENsuRE B.ARDBMT-oO4 Renewal for 2 years containing 553 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $12.00, full service, with Kanawha Investment Corporation, in the City ofCharleston, Kanawha County.VW MEDICAL IMAGAING & RADIATION THERAPY TECHNOLOGY BOARD OF1 EXAMINERSI -ItIRTB-003 Renewal for 5 years containing 672 square feet of offjce space at the samePSF rate of $6.25, with SHJIV Inc. dba Quick Check, in the City of Cool Ridge, Raleighcountv.. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCESIIIHHR-I89 Renewal for 1 year containing 12,000 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $7.00, with Kapourales Properties, LLC, in the City of Wayne, Waynecountv.HHR-185 Renewal for 1 year containing 14,385 square feet of office space at the samepSf rate of $6.30, with Mit

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIttICONTINUATION OF STRAIGHT RENEWALSHHR-181 Renewal for 1 year containing 6,292 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $3.83, with Stephen and Joan Satterfield, in the City of Grantsville, CalhounCounty.HHR-180 Renewal for 2 years containing '14,703 square feet of office space at thesame PSF rate of $8.52, Lessor to provide snow removal and janitorial service, withGregory B. Skidmore, in the City of Flatwoods, Braxton County.HH R-179 Renewal for 1 year containing 1 ,51 8 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $3.93, with lvlike and Wanda Allie and Fatmie Oilie, in the City of Logan,Logan County.HHR-165 Renewal for 2 years containing 2,332 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $8.85, full service, with R & G Building, in the City of St. Albans, KanawhaCounty.HHR-i57 Renewal for 2 years containing 17,881 square feet of office space at thesame PSF rate of $6.20, Lessor to provide water and sewage fees only, with Georgeand Rose Yates, in the City of Wheeling, Ohio County.HH R-149 Renewal for 1 year containing 6,652 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $6.25, Lessor to provide water and sewage fees only, with Bruce and MaryCatherine Hyre, in the City of Petersburg, Grant County.DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDEP-179 Renewal for 3 years containing 1 0 square feet of tower/air monitoring sitespace at the same annual rate of $240.00, Lessor to provide electric only, with CentralBoaz Public Service District, in the City of Boaz, Wood County.DEP-159 Renewal for 1 year containing 150 square feet of storage space at the samePSF rate of $4.80, with L4t. Springs Enterprises, in the City of NIt. Storm, Grant County.DEP-143 Renewal for 5 years containing 240 square feet of tower/air monitoring silespace at the same annual rate or $1.00, with the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> National Guard, in theCity of Moundsville, Marshall County.DEP-140 Renewal for 5 years containing 300 square feet of tower/air monitoring sitespace at the same annual rate of $1.00, Lessor to provide electric only, with the RaleighCounty Board of Education, in the City of Beckley, Raleigh County.DEP-136 Renewal for 5 years containing 252 square feet of tower/air monitoring sitespace at the same annual rate of $1.00, Tenant is responsible for its own electric andjanitorial services, with Hancock County Board of Education.Page 5 of 13

II'ICONTINUATION OF STRAIGHT RENEWALSDEP-135 Renewal for 5 years containing 240 square feet of tower/air monitoring sitespace at the same annual rate of $1.00, Tenant is responsible for its own electric and-- ianitorial services, with Hancock County Board of Education, in the City of Chester,lancock Countv.ItDEP-127 Renewalfor 5 years containing 300-sqring site|"pu"" ut the same annual rate of $1.00,ienant ctric andjanitorial services, with the City of lvlorgantown, iCountv.-l-ItDMsroN oF NAT,RAL RESouRcEsonongalraNAT-125 Renewal for 2 years containing 2oo square feet of storage space at the same- PSF rate of $6.60, Tenant is responsible for its own snow and trash removal, withLouden Preferred Storage, in the City of South Charleston, Kanawha County.II -IIIIIIIIatIIfNAT-104 Renewal for 3 years consisting of a fly-fishing, catch and release area, withTieche Angus Farm. Second Creek, Greenbrier County.NAT-093 Renewal for 3 years consisting of a flyJishing, catch and release area, withRockwell P. Ward, Second Creek, Greenbrier County.WEST VIRGINIA STATE POLICEPSA-080 Renewal for '1 year containing 3,600 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $4.50, with K & R Enterprises, in the City of Fairmont, Marion County.PSA-078 Renewal fo|I year containing 2,670 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of 3.00, full service, with the Boone county Commission, in the City ofDanville, Boone County.PSA-044 Renewal for 5 years consisting of tower/air monitoring site space at the sameannual rate of $1.00, with the Department of Natural Resources, in the Timber RidgeDistrict of Morgan and Hampshire Counties.PSA-O3O Renewal for 5 years consisting of a piece of land at the same monthly rate of$150.00, wilh James H. and April D. Blake, in the Washington District of MarshallCountv.DIVISION OF REHABILITATION SERVICESDRS-053 Renewal for 1 year containing 8,ooo square feet of ffice space at the samePSF rate of $9.71,fu|| service, with Wesbanco Properties Inc inthe Cityof Wheeling,Ohio Countv.I t"ao.6Iof 13

IIItIICONTINUATION OF STRAIGHT RENEWALSDIVISION OF VETERANS AFFAIRSVET-028 Renewal for 1 year containing 600 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $6.60, full service, with the Roane County Committee on Aging, in the Cityof Spencer, Roane County.EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING AUTHORITYEBA-020 Renewal for 5 years containing only land necessary for a tower base, buildingand helicopter pad at the same annual rate of $2,000.00, with Capon Springs andFarms, Inc., in the area of Capon Pinnacle, Hampshire County.IIIIItIIIIttIEBA-003 Renewal for 3 years containing 2 acres of tower/monitoring space at the samemonthly rate of $125.00, with Darryl E. NeMon, in the City of Parkersburg, WoodCounty.EBA-008 Renewal for 2 years containing 2 acres of lower/monitoring space at the samemonthly rate of $250.00, with Herbert and Marsha Smith, in the Lincoln District, MarionCounty.DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONEDU-016 Renewal for 1 year containing 3,412 square feet of office space at the samePSF rate of $10.50, full service, with Egan Management Company, in the City ofCharleston, Kanawha County.DIVISION OF JUVENILE SERVICESDJS-015 Renewal for 1 year containing 200 square feet of storage space at the samePSF rate of $10.80, full service, with Dunbar Better Mini Storage, in the City of Dunbar,Kanawha County.STATE RAIL AUTHORITYSRA-003 Renewal for 1 year containing '1 ,512 square feet of ticket office, waiting area,and common area, at the same PSF rate of $7.44, full service, with City of Martinsburg,in the City of Martinsburg, Berkeley County.Pag6 7 of 13

II IIrHcneesE souARE FoorAGE/RENTEDUcATToNALBRoADcAsTNGAUTHoRTwIEAA-085^ Increasin e by 96 square feetI and increasing rent (Sr'o.er $2,169.68r ($16.57 annual per ), full se tionalI HHR-171 Renewal for 1 year increasing square footage by 507 square feet of office- space for a total of I,940 square feet at the PSF rate of $8.79, full service, with TheIiI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES1 HHR-159 Renewal for 3 years increasing squaI space for a total of '1,298 square feet and increper square foot rate) to $600.33 ($5.55 annual1 in the City of Middleboume, Tyler County.IITIIItIarIIIRENEWAURENT INCREASEDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCESHHR-191 Renewal for 5 years containing 25,080 square feet of office space with anincrease from $20,900.00 per month ($10.00annual per square foot rate) to$2'1,422.50 per monlh ($10.25 annual per square foot rate), Lessor responsible forsnow and ice removal, parking lot maintenance, and replacement of lighting tubes, withAikens Investments, in the City of l/tartinsburg, Berkeley County.HHR-169 Renewal for 1 year containing 300 square feet of storage space with anincrease from $180.00 per month ($10.80 annual per square foot rate) to $255.00 permonth ( $10.20 annual per square foot rate), full service, with Dunbar Better MiniStorage, in the City of Dunbar. Kanawha County.HHR-'144 Renewal for 1 year containing 3,837 square feet of classroom space with anincrease ftom $2,014.42 per month ($6.30 annual per square foot rate) to $2,1 19.94 permonth ($6.63 annual per square foot rate), full service, with Hickman and Noss, LLC, inthe City of Clarksburg. Harrison County.er,I IIIPage I ot 13

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItCONTINUATION OF RENEWAURENT INCREASEDIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCESNAT-115 Renewal for 5 years containing 14,620 square feet of office space with anincrease from $6,746.67 permonth ($5.54 annual per square foot rate) to $7,336.05per month ($6.02 annual per square foot rate), Lessor is responsible for janitorial, trash,and snow removal, with Petrucci Brothers, in the City of Farmington, Marion County.NAT-107 Renewal for 3 years containing 300 square feet of storage space with anincrease from $1 15.00 per month ($4.60 annual per square foot rate) to $120.00 permonth ($4.80 annual per square foot rate), Lessor to provide snow and trash removalonly, with Southern l\.4ini Storage, in the City of Nitro, Kanawha County.DrvrsroN oF coRREcTtoNsCOR-081 Renewal for 1 year consisting of an entire facility for classroom/lodging spacewith an increase from $1 1 ,500 per month to $1 1 ,845 per month, Lessor to provide trashand janitorial services only, with WV Baptist Conference Center (Parchment Valley), inthe City of Ripley, Jackson County.WEST VIRGINIA STATE POLICEPSA-066 Renewal for 1 year containing 3,200 square feet of office space with anincrease from $600.00 per month ($2.25 annual per square foot rate) to $660.00 permonth ($2.48 annual per square foot rate), Lessor to provide janitorial services only,with the Quincy Center, in the City of Chadeston, Kanawha County.DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND REVENUETAX-038 Renewal for 3 years containing 384 square feet of office space with anincrease from $350.00 per month ($10.94 annual per square foot rate) to $370.00 permonth ($1 1.56 annual per square foot rate), full service excluding janitorial services,with Main Street Partners, in the City of Princeton, Mercer County.DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLESDMv-026 Renewalfor 10 years containing 8,428 square feet of otfice space with anincrease from $8252.42 per month ($1 1.75 annual per square foot rate) to $8828.33 permonth ($12.57 annual per square foot rate), full service, with Hal-Don Enterprises, Inc.,in the City of Moundsville, Marshall CountyDMV-025 Renewal for 10 years containing 6,000 square feet of office space with anincrease from $5,750.00 per month ($11.50 annual per square foot rate) to $6,625.00per month ($13.25 annual per square foot rate), full service, with McRo Enterprises Inc ,in the City of Point Pleasant, Mason County.Page I of 13

IIIao*r,*uATroN oF RENE*AL/RENT TN.REA'EDMV-024 Renewal for 3 years containing 8,OOO square feet of office space with anI increase from $7,666.67 per month ($11.50 annual per square foot rate) to $7,860.00per month ($1'1.79 annual per square foot rale), full service, with Goldsmit-Black, Inc., in-the City of Parkersburg. wood County.t. BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PSYCHOLOGISTStlIPSY-001 Renewal for 1 year containing 600 square feet of office space, with anincrease from $375.00 per month ($7.50 annual per square foot rate) to $386 25 per-month. ($7.73 annual per square foot rate), full service, with 1206 <strong>Virginia</strong>, Inc., in theI - City of Charleston. Kanawha County.Irwv BoARD oF ExAMTNERs rN couNSELTNGBEc-001 Renewal for 3 years containing 590 square feet of offlce space, with an3 increase from $565.00 per month ($11.49 annual per square foot rate) to $590.00- permonth ($12.00 annual per square foot rate) the first year, then $608.00 per month| ($'12.37 annual per square foot rate) the second year, then $626.00 per month ($12.73I annual per square foot rate) the third year, full service, with R.B Tracy as attorney in factfor Betty G. Linger and Thomas Linger and in his own right, in the city of Charleston,Kanawha County.IIIIItI ItIISTATE TREASURER'S OFFICESTO-OO8 Renewal for 1 year containing 492 square feet of office space, with anincrease from $500.00 permonth ($12.20 annual per square foot rate) to $550.00 permonth($13.41 annual per square foot rate) full service excluding custodial service, withCo-Owners, Inc., in the City of Morgar town, Monongalia County.DrvrsroN oF FoRESTRYFOR-006 Renewal for 3 years containing 300 square feet of office space, with anincrease from $2oo.o0 per month ($6.59 annual per square foot rate) to $230 00 permonth ($9.20 annual per square foot rate), full service, with James W. and Dinah WCourrier, in the City of Keyser, Mineral county.OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY-GOVERNOR'S OFFICEGCC-OO6 Renewal for 2 years containing 3OO square feet of office space, with anincrease from $180.00 per month to $195.00 per month, full service, with YWCA ofMarion County, in the City of Fairmont, lvlarion County.ItPage 10 of '13

ItIIIICONTINUATION OF RENEWAURENT INCREASEDrvrsroN oF JUVENTLE sERVrcEsDJ5-003 Renewal for 1 year containing 12,266 square feet of office space' with a 5%f increase from $10,081 .13 per month ($9.86 annual per square foot rate) to $10'582 49tper month ($10.35 annual per square foot rate), full service, with L. A. DevelopmenttIwEsTVlRGrNlA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREAGR-042 Renewal for 3 years containing 600 square feet of office space, decreasingI square footage by 1OO square feet for a total of 5oo square feet, at the current PSF rate- of $6.00, full service excluding snow removal and janitorial service, with Wesbanco Inc 'in the City of Sistersville. Tyler County.ItItICANCELLED LEASESDEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDEP-142 Cancelled lease effective midnight August 31, 2009, consisting of storage site! space at the current annual rate of $1.C0, with General Services Administration, in theCity of Wheeling, Ohio County.IIIItIa III!DEP-I32 Cancelled lease effective midnight August 31 , 2009' consisting of tower/airmonitoring site space at the current annual rate of $1.00, with <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> University,in the City of Morganton. Monongalia County.DEP-129 Cancelled lease effective midnight August 31 , 2009, consisting of tower/airmonitoring site space at the current annual rate of $1.00, with the City of Wheeling, inthe City of Wheeling, Ohio County.DEP-128 Cancelled lease effective midnight August 31,2009, consisting oftower/airmonitorinq site soace at the current annual rate of $1.00, with the City of Charleston' inthe City oi Charleston, Kanawha County.JAcKsoN prERcE puBlrc AFFATRs, lNcJPA-OO1 Cancelled lease effective Janu ary 1 ,2OO9, containing 250 square feet of offlcesoace at the PSF rate of $8.50, full service, with Bureau of Employment Programs, inthe City of Fairmont, l\4arion County.a IPage 11 of '13II

ItI rIICANCELLED LEASESoepanrMENT oF HEALTH AND HUMAN REsouRcESf-- Presbyterian Church, in the City of Chadeston, Kanawha County.IISTATE TAX-DEPARTMENT-HHR-151 Cancelled lease effective <strong>May</strong> 3'!, 2009, containing 480 square feet of officespace at the PSF rate of $9.75, full service excluding janitorial service, with RiverviewTM-025 Renewal for 1 year containing 2,120 square feet of office space at the PSFrate of-$15.50, full service, with the Department of Administration, in the City ofParkersburg, Wood County.tIIaIIIIIDrvtstoN oF VETERANS AFFATRSVET-o15 Renewalfor 1 year containing 500 square feet of office space at the PSF rateof $ 14.75, full service, with the Department of Administration, in the City of Charleston,Kanawha County.PRTSON TNDUSTRTESPRI-o01 Renewal for 1 year containing 34,834 square feet of warehousing/storagespace at the annual rate of $1 .00, with Department of Administration, in the City ofCharleston. Kanawha County.DEPARTMENT OF MTLTTARY AFFATRS AND pUBLtC SAFETYMAP-002 Renewal for 1 year containing 3,476 square feet of office space at the PSFrate ofI$9.50. full service, with the Department of Administration, in the City of- Chadeston. Kanawha County.I!REGToN 2 woRKFoRcE TNVEsTMENT BoARD, rNc.WB2-001 Renewal for 1 year containing 4,059 square feet of office space at the PSF-trate of $13.00, full service, with Department of Administration, in the City of Huntington,Wayne County.attfLorrERY coMMrssroNLOT-009 Renewal for '1 year containing 3,346 square feet of office space at the PSFrate of $13.00, full service, with Department of Administration, in the City of Weirton,Hancock County.I IaItage'12 o11l

IIIoepartment of Administrationt"asing Report for the period of February 1, 2009 through April 30, 2oogI There were a total of 88 leasing changes for the period of February 1, 2009- through April 30, 2009 and they are as follows:If . 9 - New contracts of LeaseI|It. 1 -New contract of sublease' 45 - Straight Renewals1 - Increasing Square Footage/Rent. 1 - Renewing, Increasing Square FootagetIl-I. 1 - Renewing, Increasing square Footage/Renl' 17 -. 1 -Renewing and Increasing RentRenewing and Decreasing Square Footage. 6-cancellation of Leases| . 6 - Department of Administration RenewalsIIIIIIPageI13 of 13

TI--E/-ll t rE t--f,l--UGTI-EBUREAU OF SENIOR SERVICESlease Numben 859002-914lesson CHARTfSTON TOWN CENTER @MPANY l"PLease Commenc€nent DateLease TemLsase Erphdtlon DateSquare Footage1-Oct-O410 Yeals3GSep-1410,808L€6e Year2004-20052@5-20062@6-20072@7-20042@a-20092@9'201020to-20172017-201220L2-20132013-2014Rental Rates12.00572.24572.45r2.73513.24913.s0513.ns14.0s514.33% lncrease2.O00/.1.96yo2.O0%o7.96o/o2.Oe/o7.96%2.@%2.03%7.99v.Square Feet10,80810,80810,80810,80810,80810,80810,80810,80810,80810,808Total RentAnnual Rerits129,696.00582,2a9.92s134,883.84S137,58s.84s740,2A7.a49143,097.92s145,908.00$14&826.165157,452.245754,474.Us1,419,306.110Tax escalation clause with the base year stated as the frrst year that the improvements reflect on the countY's tax booksLe55or pays utilities and trdsh removalTenant pays for lanitonal Services Only

ItItIIIltIIIII2Joint Gomn ittee on Government and Finance<strong>May</strong> 2009Department of Health and HumanResources,{h=o,.o,o REPoRTMarch 2009 DataIIII

?f D-I -I C I CT' 3 A I |I O I ll I IWV DEFARIi/IENI OF HEALTH AND HUUA{ RESOURCESET'REAU FOR IIEDICAL SERVICESEXPENDFURES BY PROVIDER TYPEsFYzt o0EXPENDTTURES:InFu6rl HdpfiBl S6rV.€€lnpad€nl H@pltol s6tvl66 ' DSH Adjtubn€nt PaFnadBMsnt l H€alh FaclH@ - OSH Adl6tn6nl Paymnb:l*6lEgl6d!+.s€wlcr6:=: :.lDlEmedtr clr€ FadI!$ 'Publc PmvldgrBIntgft€dlrto cq€ Facfido! - Pd'€lE ProweBPhFIcbB Ssrvl@ -o!6!tad Holo[al servlca6Dn'g R€bata Offtsl - Nsdomt Agr€omolltDn€ Rebate Oftst - 51at6 sld€bar Agro€MtOth€r PrEctrorcl6 S€ ,lcr!tab & Rgdlologlel S€rvl@Htrl6Edoml6!,/StadE!UoBPr6ornct TarmbE[oEtunel H4EI Clt c S€PharMadl@ H@In lMn.€ P6ym6nb - Prn A Prsmhrrn€Msdlcare HoaII lrEuac3 Paynenb - Porl B PMhirn6120% - 1a4% Ot Pov8rly196% - 175% Ot Pov€rlyCoLETE@ Ard DeducfoldM€dlcaH H€3lh I'aularlc€ PaFrunb: Manasad C€l€ oEarEsdom (Mco)Madl@ld H6allh lEL''€@ Paym6nb: Ooup tballn Phn Psym6nt!Hods & Comndly+asad Serute (MtuDD)Hono & Commm[y-8a8ad $Mr€3 (Ag€d/Dlsabl€d)commqlty sqpporH Lhtq Ss'vl@P.ogrdm OfAI-hcl6lva C€E EldedyTBTgEM C@ Md@g6mDt S€rYl@Pdmary C€ft C€€ Man4onorl s€M@EmoEmct S€EI@ Ud@m€nlod A!66F€d€raly Orts!fl€d H6ar0' C€nt6'224:143,W55,6!8,01744,424,E9918,?63.68054,1rr9,849122,?65,4711U4,584.4*l337,816,100(o7,Bn,004)(28,028,61437,47731426,659,34236,341524422225829,o70,379616,8262,418,0326,710,17117,124,13347,804,O04,192257,013.367336290218,371,63465,632.6E137,799,5056,434.6167162tr,12364,106-17,475,44712172,0502t3,475,@457,752,40047,003,4?X14,n4,00na.o!0.810126,142523711,471,&A363.600,4t,6(r02.185r0042,3aO,8220,89t.7r€34,7er.F3g2@.84631.960.060620J-202,910,1107.433.06618.671.1|{|076./|€r.100267,U2,7@,166,2!0260,7O4344*.*T42,173,6607.817,6!a310.60!13,4t 0,.11'01S,684,69€137,441,16f27,791,6453J€1,6564,691,35-/12,404,e9614,48425124,07t,605cf,919,700)(58j?1')3514,6752,112,6944,M,143799,7702.4qt.013uo'y191245693.S881,424,1466,797,113330,94121,8€223IJ332612l,76s.3127288.S603,U24,757363,00247,7141,3tX2-12'|,31222711,185.6156,2@.974g,@4,9420.50t ,085272TO2293284,786224O,W2,076p77712,7152471,752.o,01026A526/3.3161.665.950428E'42622,326,66436,76520'05l,2460.812.0183244,2J603,031m.3441.036.4161,609,78610.609.6a1190,724:/6441,84{t,7603€,143,€3614,070,707.|€646,17111V2,7s6,4708S,168,410257214,N29,667,@i16,352.68430P91.1t0721,4424273,8f4*.T'1,045,8156,373,44712,357,60562,841.@3,318,475214d22,O43287,SO8174..1€6,I S06832472624,141,7393,225,46471,1@10:747,0_2X12,86134686220,3i742,S50.00116.806,64011.45€,,tS84,60720310.446.04?22349,0532,E}2,94e6,346,1.16(1o,(I3r'',522)Is,52o,622)12,714,63112b1,@44,4a3,7431,87q6517376,376t*,y126it 3842.069,6€A6.313,8014A1s,110(3,318J76)63,S20,06717t,2l'2&.zig,44128,631,60714,031,8104,6s2,112330,34rr2,712,671s,735,X1241251,83t)NET EXPENDIIURES:

ITt:IT''' I rI I D - -I I t I I I IcoladorE: ndrd Pady tblEny 0m €A on cM6{4)Col.dor PobdF (iLE 0B on CM$€4)Co!6.dora: ldantfs.l tvough Frad & AblE€ Efon 0m gC on CM$04)ColscdoE: OtlEr (lbF 0D on OMF64)ilET EXPENDITIIREE and CUS€I ADJUaTUEI{T9:PIrE: M€doald Parl D Ee€dltrEPlrJ8: 6lats Ody l,bdbld Easidlr!€3(226e47E@a,r74(2n1q(1,915,474)2.A9An61,772'12,461,915,474'TOTAL UEDICAID PEI{DITUFESPld R€&nh!!tbl6! oTOIAI.ETPE T'TI'RESI'rlls b qcEnily EvhfE portorB olh6€ psyd6d& Urd Glrhir b conpht€d ha$ erpanss s0 b€ dad!€d B aiat6{ity on &e CMS{4, Wrdr a! out6b6 Frl6xB,0FDot U€.€ cosb lo t8mah s@-only It ant ol tbrn sro doa!4v,8d.

I I I I I I I IYVY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HI'IIAN RESOURCEgBI'REAII FOR UEDICAL AERVICEAAEDICATD CASH <strong>REPORTS</strong>FYZ|X|S-I I I I T I I I III MornbAotuab 3 MontlB Rdmhl4REVENUE SOURCE9Bog. B€L (508dr1020 pdor mih)UAlcllllrlo FUI{D(IG€lE rlRatg 6 (0404189)RLq'al Ho€pltalr Urder 160 B€ds (@{}3A4O)I6r&ry F hdins (oa{n/Ea44,475,174'2i6JA3404.66A634,933.0652V,7V,6101.e420{X)3,642,001)116,522,8n649,0I)0r214,000Lot€ry TmrEbr (5{15/gf l)Tn-al Fud Apprcpibtlon (5165/1Eg)PrDvUer Td (5090/18€)Ralmbunabl!3 - AmouDl RotnburEgdolh€r RoYanE (MWN. E!.tEd€d l/lhdE b, elc.) @8/94010 & 4016CMS - 64 Adltl8tn€llr8TOTAI- MATCHINO FUI{DAFEDERAL FU llaN'TAL REIIENUE SIJRGESTOTAL EXPE{DNURES:Pto'rl,er Pallr€rdBIOIAL@If 0,3@,q}o14337.823171p{}3,65819,u7,7U3,721,4130'r,164(5.S€8,53€)w,w,74aNoto: FMAP (04 - 7425% applc€bla Jut - S6pt 2006) ( OE - 73,73% applcabt€ OcL 2tBO - JLqB 2009(l) Itb amoud lxil rsvert to SBl€ Ont lf not l€tnbt'B.d.16,770,441118223?36,€a2.34204955373,8531@,846.7S8ll_.je19229,€61_.1[.-g]3lgIfEJlrer.Ezffin0,600,00!1s,78r''219119.79889116,89€89128s6,939314,804973,4199686,843,906lgt)r...........@zffilf ,8o0.d1010,7np7545,861.0147,409.3071,043,732(314,804).973Atg5184p64,6€230,558.'105,680.n,m6,4,04?,e71$8F28,91,7@271f41[_ s4!erfo8@| g2,4€7,t@.3rd-BffiTif,

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>Pharmaceutical Gost Management GouncilPresentation to the Joint Committee on Govemmentand Finance<strong>May</strong> 28, 2009Shana Kay PharesGovemo/s Pharmacsutcal Advmie304-558-0079

IIEIItItIIIIIIIIIIIThe <strong>West</strong> Vlrglnla Pharmacoudcal Cost Managemsnt Councll2008 Prescrlpflon Drug Advordslng Expense RsportProllmlnary Data SummaryOn April 14, 2008, the Pr6crlpflon Drug Adverffslng Exp€nee ReportingRule, WV CSR 20&.1, b€cams a permanent rule followlng passage by the<strong>Legislature</strong> during the regular 2008 L4lslatve Session, slgnaturs by theGovemor and flnal flling by the agency.Contoxtual tilcts to undeFtand the data:. The repordng p€rlod cov€ts calondar year 2008.. '123 oharmaceutcal manufrcdurcrs and labele]B fll€d repoftsi 3 of thosareDotb have b€on retumed for amendment and the data will be includedin the Councll's final rsport. The <strong>West</strong> Mrglnh B@rd of Medlolne rePorb that thers are 3,8it0 medicaldo€noE and @lsblets llc€ns€d and practclng in Wdt <strong>Virginia</strong>. The <strong>West</strong>Vlrglnla Board of Osteopathy teporb that there are 745 osteoPathicdoc'tors pracffclng In Wsst Vlrglnla. The Wasi Vlrglnla B@d of Nurslngroports that there are fr7 nuts€ ptacfftoners wlth pl€scrlblng authority In<strong>West</strong> Vlrglnia.. Under both the sffirte Wya. Cods 5A-3G13) and L€lslatlve Rule (CSR201-1), only aggn€ated dsb may b€ dlsdc€d to the publlc.Aggrcgabd data:. {At manuhcturcrs and lablers filod reporb under the Leglslawe Rulewith 93 reporb Indlcatng spendlng acff\rlteo.. Companla reportsd maklng l6,38tl g1fi8, granb, or Paymants to <strong>West</strong>Vl€lnla precrlb€|€ trom January - D€csmber 2008. Companla reporteda cumulative Slfl Srant and payment amount for the annual Period 8o apresclib€r may have recelved e€voral Pqyments from tha IndMdualcompany that r€ault In the amount reporbd. Paymenb, as discuss€d in

IItItIIIIIIIIIttItIthls summary, means the @l amour of money lrcm an indMdualcompgny to a pEscdb€r dudng ths reportng p€dod.-There are 457E dootor8 and 677 nurs€ prastdoners with prescribingauthority and 15,380 paymenb were made; therefore some iras.riUers::cetuq payr.nents fiom multple compani6 and some prec'ilben maynave not rEcstved any payments.Highet amount pald to an IndMdual pr€scrib€r by a single company in theannual r€por0ng period fell In the $128,001 - 012?,800 payrnent cdegory.Ons prescrib€r.recaived thl8 level of payment42 payments of $21r,000 or morr werc made to prescrib€rs tromindMdual cornpani€s674 paymenb of $4500 or moro werE made to prescrib€E tromindMdual companies14,808 paJmenb wEre made from indMdual companlc to prescribors inths lowest payment category of glOO - g2,600.Total reporFd payments to pharmacles: $99,798.f_otal .reqorted paymenb to pater advocacy gmups operating in W6tVlrginh: $1 1 ,500 (paymsrt fiom I company to 1 group). 'Total direct to consurEr (DTC) adverdsing $90,992,922.00.

II-IIIlrrII<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Investment Management BoardMonthly Performance ReportMarch 31,2009Summit Strctegies Gnup

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Investment Management BoardParticipant Plans Allocation & PerformanceAs of March 31, 2009Asset S%IMonth3MonthFYTD1 3 5 10WVIMB Fund Assets7 ,97 5,5A6,A00100.06,338,ir45,98579.5Public Employees' Retirement SysterhTeachers Retirement Syst€mTeachers' EmployersCont. Collection A/CEMS Retirement SystemPublic Safety Retirement System.ludges' Retirement SystemState Police Retirement systemDeputy Sheriffs' Retirement System2,824,956,8202,914,451,34627,279,42413,836,916318,938,40114,450,O8933,660,10466,526,44635.437.30.3o.24.00.9o.4084.O3.900404.0404.0404.5,4001-44-4.544-4.4-45-26.9-26 61.0'26.3"26I-26 6-26.s-261-21 I-29 4290-27 9-27 6-27 4276-7.4-1.1-0.8-10 22-0.9-08-o80824232.2t,t97 ,994,49515.0Workers' Compensation Old FundWorkers'Comp Self-lnsured Guaranty Risk PoolWorkers' Comp. Uninsured Employers FundBoard of Risk & Insurance Mgmt.Public Employees' Insurance AgencyWV Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund600,993,8306,34O,2428,361,623204,209,44293,994,O73103,563,853180,491,4327.50101261.2270.00.o222220t.70.10.1-o.40.00.4t.4-19.31.01.O-14.0- J.5.4-9.1-19.71616-!1 4-14.61,5l-9.6Endowment Assets439,L46,3195.5Wildlife FundPrepaid Tuition TrustPrepaid Tuition Trust EscrowRevenue Shortfall Reserve FundRevenue ShortfallReserve Fund - Part B61,843,2s83,357,75r142,218,40020s,77t,6130.3080.0184.0l44.O-4.55.62.O-5.4-26.8-26 6-81244-28.5-27.6-21 4-8.5291-29.3-7.4-13o.7-0.8-o71.4I r I I r I I r r I I I ISummit Sltuteaies GroupIlrrariI

I I I I I I I I I I I I I lr I I I I I<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Investment Management BoardComposte Asset Allocation & Performance Net of FeesAs of March 31, 2009Asset S %1Month3N4onthFYTD1 3 5 10Investment Pools Composite7,979,904,558 100 00Total Equ|ty CompositeTotol Equity Policy tndexExcess ReturnUS tquity CompositeRussell 30oA tndexExcess ReturnLarge Cap Composite5&P 5AOExcess Return3,589,264,329 44.98r,804,051,123 22 611,533,512,546 79.221.45842o9l8.458760 318.62876014-10 97-14 71o26-11041A 8Ao24-1111110101039 30 -40 564148 42.222.18 166-37 54 -371937 14 .38 20040 04136 98 -3813,35 35 38 09061 00413 6214 550.9313 8313 55028,13.4313 06431-3.18377059-4.14-4 590.45-4 69476007o67034101o.262251.99300006Non-Large Cap CompositeRussell 25OO lndexExcess Return210,478,577 3 39L48913165-10 611143082'39 4239 A70 35-37.2938 23o9414 66-15 981.32-3 344451114.44333151International Equity CompositeMSCI AC warld ex USAExcess Returnr,785,213,206 22 315.41LA715070 92-10 62030-410945.714.62,43 35-46 18283-12.0812.75067-0 55-o 240113.11089228Fixed Income CompositeFixed lncone PalicyExcess Return2,302,643,840 28.861.45150005192039153,10 801.93-72 7f-11.1511.1.12 21,0 335085410913722 81458549091TRS Annuity251,720,6453.15037108Cash ComposdeCitiqroup 90 Day T-8i11 + 15bpsExcess Return191,882,953244006oa30.03016009oot1.06085o2r1641290.353.963580383.453.22o23348342006Private Equrty Composite555,540,9896960.46-0 1027 t3-21.81RealEstate Composite37,244,491o.41020-o 42,20.3023 22Hedge Funds Composite7,045 ,601 ,32113 10025363-12.47Summit Stn{egies 6tuap

<strong>West</strong> Viaginia Investment Management BoardParucipant Pans Allocatio. ve TargetsNon LargeCap Int Eq! ty Frxed Income Private Equlty Hedge Flnds Cash CashActual% Tareet% Actua % Tar8et% Actual% Target% Actlal% Target% Actlal% Tar8et% Actua % Taf8et% actua % Iateel% Actlal% Target%Public tmployees' nedreoent SystemTeache.r' Retirement sy$efrTeachers' Employers Coni. Collect'on A/CEMS Retir€m€nt SystemPublic Safety Retirenent systemludges Retteme.tSy3temsrate Poli.e netirement sysremDeputy Sher fft R€hrement System2r.o209o020627,127120.721,027,30,02112la27,12t337370,03538313,7113,838o_0333838383a24,42430.0244246245A125,025025025025025025024,7 30,0244 3000_o 00273 30024,2 30 023 5 30028.0 30.02a 6 3003599to,2LO2100lo,0100o010010,010010-005050.006o606o000o0000.0721t20oo10211.1106104100 06 00100 10 000,0 1oo 0 100 o100 33 0010.0 04 00100 05 00l0o 22 0,0100 0a 00Worlers' Cohpensation Old FundWorker Comp Self-lnsured Guaranty RGk PoolWorkeE Comp Uninsured Employer FondBoard of Rlsk & hsurance Mgmt,PubIc Employees! Insurance Aeencywv Retiree H€alth oe.efit Trust Fund!!!9!!4!!!-&e!rPrepaid Tuhion Trust EscrowRevenue Shortfall Reserve FundRevenue Shorthll ReseM Fund - Pa.t B\2,400a4532l2092520,0229227000,0358.527,325soo25,52.20,0153,745oo343,3000,0151.5033,80.04.514500009a98J32,42442930021026.31500o0,010010.0752524,030000300:tit 0389 40,00o 0o546 550584 600614 65 0944 95028.8 30.098I 100,020 6 20020.5 20.00,0000o00o000101000.0000.0000,00010.0000000000000o00,000000,6oo00000,000000000o. LL2 10000 100 0 10000,0 100 0 100,0200 43 5020.o 1.3 0 0200 11 000.0 07 0,010,0 0 6 0,0oa 27 000-o 1.2 00200 51 00200 77 0,0InternatronarEquiy 30%Privale Equtyand Hedge Fundr -I I I r I I I I I I I I I rSummit Strategies crcupIII

IITIIII-II-IIITIIIII<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Investment Management BoardFootnotesAs of March 3r,2009PERS Policy is 30% Russell3000.30%MSCI ACW ex USA. and 40% Ba.clays Capital Unive.sal as of4/l/08. P.ior periods.42% Russell3000 l0% MScl ACw ex USA.and 40% Barclays Cap'tal AggregateTorat Equrry Polcy is 50% Russell3000 and 50% MSCI Acw ex USA as ofApril2008 Pno. pe.'ods were 40% S&P 500, 30% Russ€ll 2s00. and 30% MSCI ACw ex USAFixed lDcome Policy is 100% Barclays Capiral Unrversalas ofApril200E Priorpeflods were the Barclays Capital AggregateAXA Policy Index is 100% S&P Developed ex USA Small Cap as ofApril2007 Pflor periods were 100% MSCI World ex USA SmaU cap.Weslem Poticy Index is 100% Barclays Capital Universal as ofApr'l 2008- Prio. periods were a custom index.Retums are net ofmanaeer fees Returns shorter lhan one yeaf are unannualizedSummit Statogios Etoup

DISCI.AIMERtu of March 31,2009Summit Strategies Group {Summit)has prepared this report for the exclusive use by the client forwhrch I was prepared The information herein was obtained from varioussources, such as the client's cus todian{s} accounting statements, commer€ially avarlable databases, and oth€r econom ic and financialmark€t data sources While Summitbelieves thes€ sourcesto be reliable, Summit does not guarantee norshallbe liablefor the marketvalues, returns or oth€r informabon contained in this report The mark€tcommentary, portfolio holdings and characteristics are as ofthe date shown and aresubject to change Past performance is not an indication offuture performance No8raph, chart, orformula can, in and ofitself, be used to deterhine which securitres or investm€nts to buy orsell Any forward'looking projection contained herein is based onassumptions thatSummit be|eves may be reasonable, but are subjectto a wide range of risks, uncertainties and the possibility of loss Accordingly, there is no assurancethatanyestimatedperformancefigUreswi||occUrintheamoUntsanddUringthepeliod5indjcated,orata||Actua|resu|t5andperforrnancewi|diff€rfomtho5eepressedorimplied by such forward-looking projections Any informatron contain€d in this report is for information purposes only and should not be construed to be an offer to buy ors€ll anysecurities, investm€nt consuhing or investment management seruices.Summit Stttagies AnupI I I I I I I r I I I II I I rIII r

Status ReportWorkerso CompensationJoint Committee on Government &Finance(lIt

tIIIOld Fund / Debt ReductionFY2009-FY2008COMPARISONApril FY2009YEAR TO DATEFY2009chanse I#::ile"'."on"r rn"o,n"1il"n'""Severance TaxDebt Reduction SurchargeSelf-lnsured Debt Reduction SurchargeVideo LotteryPre iumlEmployerlOlher Income Return of lJnclaimed Property74,200,00075,819,21340,041,5695,6't2,26811,000,0002,688,20839,39274,200,0007A,193,22429,662,8/rg6,383,25111,000,0002,257,33527,271- 95,400,000(2,374,O1'tl't24,294,7651037g,72',t 29,662,448(770,983)it30,87312,1217,477,936't1,000,0002,679,52650,460Totaf Revenues 209,400,650 201,723929 7,676,72'1 270,565,535Surplus Nole Principal PaymentsIalnvestmenl / Inlerest Earnrngs (Losses)60,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000(162,377,331) (7,976,964) (154,400,367) 7,402,971IExpenditures! Public Employees Insurance96,525210,826,090't6,427,965126,0172't9,398,22620,653,846(29,4921(8,572,136)14,225,88'll137,'t15260,588,33523,957,894ItIIIItITotal ExpendituresExcess (D€ficiency) of ReExpendituresCash Beginning BalancesCash Ending Balances227,350,580 240,178,089 (12,827,5091 284,643344(120,327,2611 (46,431,1241 (73,896,137) 33,245,'t62736,141,865 700,9'10,351 35,231,514 700,910,3516'f5,814,604 654,479,227 (38,664,623) 734,195,513

tfIrOld Fund Liability Estimate| ,excrudrng LAE)(discounted)AprilFY2oos3FY2009 AprilI Beginning R€s€rv€ Amount 2,304,477,742IIItItClaim Payments 21,418991Estimated Ending Reserye Amount2,292,403,a91Note:The interim estimate of the Old Fund liabilities is derived using a formula that reduces thereserve amount at the beginning of each month by the amount of claims payments madeduring the month.The formula makes an adjustment for the time value of money, assuming that claim paymentsare evenly distributed through the month. The estimate is updated monthly.IItIIIItl'

IItl,n*"*'IIWEST VIRGINIAOFFICES OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONERSCHEDULE OF NET ASSETSWorkora' Comoensatlon Old Fund - Ilotrt Reduadon(ln Thousands)April, FY2009June 30. 2008 APdl 30. m09 changeC€sh and C€sh Equivaleols713,576 6t5,8t5Re.eivablq Ne!:24256 24256Suelus Noterotal AasetstJ,*u,0.",|EstiDated Lirbility for Unpaid ClaiEs alld##ff*'*-*Toral LiabilitieiIINet Ass€ts:uT#.*^"*- t.Debt Reducrion esti&ates are updaEd on a monrhly b€sis see nore on "Old Fud Liability Estifiate" sh€s1.(9'1;76t)162,159 102,759900,59t 't42,830 (157,',761)2,401,700 2292,404 (l 15:96)49o49o02,408,190 2292,894 (r 15296)(1J07,599) (rJ50,064) (42,465\____ 92,:ee)_ ___lu!9,064) ________@6\0IdItIIIII

I' II D I II I I FlI T-II I I ;I I I T IIWorkers' Compensatlon Old Fund Revenue & ExpendlturesCash BaslsAprll ReportR€vonueStabtory Transio.s'Collec{or€Inv€Gtngnt lrrcorngTotal Rfl€nueC€lendar Year 20lF Calondar Year 20072@,613,9283jA,7850.m1,026325,131,',186241,976,A77,1,c/.1,116&,459,23303,678,215Calendar Y@r 2008287,088,6503.206,870(1@,92,82a',)12'011,92Calondar Year 20Og&nuaryl-Aptll3081,646,'167'1.601,0s63d2.4,9'15Ln2,12aExpsndttureaClalm PaymgntoAdmhlsbatt\rdolher ExpenseTotal Expendltlr€o(355.245,366)(21 ,630,1 79)(376,875,545)(zu,445,313)(24,710,58.2\(309.1 55,895)(24S.839,06i!)(2'3,57O,2$)(273.416,3o1)83,465,6306.383.S6089,849,s80Wcrkgrs' Componsadon Commlgslonlnldal fund tgrFier January 2@0'Fbymgnb ftom Brlcksf€€t lnau.ancg onSunlus Nole71 1 ,094.8it0100,015.205lnv€sted Balanca wtth lwlMBd pedod gnd u7444,412 036,908,034 5S1,375,2@ 683,800,116

I r IIIII I I I I I I il I I; L fl IWorkers' Compensatlon Old Fund Beneflt PaynentsAverags Monthly PaymontsAprll Reportclalms beneffts pald:MsdlcalPermanent Total DlsabllityPermanonl Pardal DlsabllttyTomporary Total DlsabllitySsttlomont AgroomentsFatals104 w@ksTofalClalms crsdfts and ove@aymentsTotal qlalrra paldPrsvlous 1 2-Month Perlod05/01/07 to 04/30/084,2U.117.d312,786,O37.131,497,74A.&32,032.m444.637.472,e34,6m.574i17,331.8622,V5,670.53(348,058.41)Cunent 12-Month Psrlod05/01/08 to 04i 30/09$ 4,312,87.6212,ffi9,57'1.2'l7m,424.2.182,849.06248,086.042,734,5m.54540,341.8521,256,7@.V(270.&.73)22,197 ,012.12 m.w,621.41

I I I I I I I IT' IICoal Workers Fund-! E I T' N I r-3t8t Quanor 2nd Quanor 3rd Quanor /{h Quarts! YTD FY 2009Rovenu€ahvGtmont Ealnlngs (Lo3s€3)Other lncome - R6tum of Unclahed Propsrty(9,601,885) (42,8A4,W) (@6,21-4) 4,4OO,1 (4,612-4621Total Rewnu6Paymont of ClalmsDopGit R€tundsErpondltur€o3,25S,857 2,074,61- (35s)2,$7,m7 1,018,8&1 qW,72S(35s)TotalE4ondltur6 3.2SS,8S? 2.574.fi2 2'5a7.m7 1.018.0&1 9,840,370Ercoss (Dsfidency) ot Rswnuos ovor Erp€ndlhr€ 112'881'7421 (46'ft8'9€0) (3,18'421) eF81,,162--l!glq?!qlC€sh B€glnnlng Balanc€€ 261,695,4i10 248,833,689 203,054.699 190,861,278 281,894/(}0Caah Endfng Balenc€a 24€,833,@tg 20404@9 1@,8A1Z7A 203242'740 203242,7&

EIIIIITUNINSUREDEIIIIIEIE'IIIRovsnusalst Quartor 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qua.ter YTD FY20{}9Flnes and Pgnaldealnvostnent Eamlngs (L@s6)270,014 22,48245,663 33,1927,22 103,034 Ain73215,253 3.0m S7,06nTotal Revshu@ 316.6a6 256"598 242,476 10q034 91g,7glPayment of ClalmsExpondlturosTotel Erpondltur61U,1O1 230,905 115,24 32,509 567,1S51U,161 230,905 115,20 32,90S 5S7,1S5Ercsaa (D€nd6ncy) of RovBnu6 ov€r Erpondlhr.d 131,$5 u,@1 123,.554320,42273,146 362,s96Cash Beglnnlng B€lanc$ 8,164,2.5 4,m5,731 4,16/.26C@h Endfng Bafancs 8,?96,?31 a,&04,,2 a.44.3,gn 73,1& 9,618,822

E- -IEEITSelf lnsured FundI tl a- I I I I I EI I E1st Quart€r znd Suart€r 3rd Quart€r4th Quaf€r YTD FY 20OgRgvenu€aGuaranty Rlsk Pool Assessmontslnvesunont Eamlngs (Loss€s)461,8129,366w,82622,71949.972 1,34/42011,1M 2,305 64536&3e2Totaf R€vonuos i190,697 389,546 i197,5:t6 62277 1,409,99Erp€ndftuteaPayment of ClalmsTotal Erp€ndftur€aErc€ls {D€ficoncy) ot Revsnuaa ovff Erp€nd}tut€aCash B€glnnlng Balanc€aC6h Endlng Bdanc€18,@2 5,108 0,94i) 4,544 34,6n18,982 5,108 I,g4:| 4,44 8$n471,e16 9,437 487,593 47,7s ___lg1g9_5,177,977 5,UqW2 O,OI4,On 6,fi1,622 6JnL5,049,592 6,014029 6,$1 ,@. 6,649,368 6,849,q

tIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIA.OFFICE OF JUDGES' REPORTTO INDUSTRIAL COUNCILApril 30, 2009Statistical AnalysisFUND 2006 200770.0%60.00/o50.0%40.oo/e30.0%20.oo/.10.o%o.o%Protests Acknowledged:1653Fund lnvolved:%olorotests 200820087 567'/" oforotestsMar.'09M arch2009531o/ootprotests 2009sq'ofprotestsOld Fund 8,146 4,433 56 68% 1,592 26 18% 110 24 44% 397 28 66%Priv.Carrier 3,370 25 134/0 2,971 48.86% 219 48 67% 644 46.500/aOthersSelflnsured2,264 1,772 18.190/o 1.518 24.96% 121 26.89% 344 24.84%Subtotal 12,617 9,575 6,081 450 '1385Temporary 2,131 2,219'1,486 81 268Total u,744 ,11,794 7.567 531 1653-qs6 ooo 1os ft r"f fn oo\ of qee ft r"d fn-Old Fund-Priv. Carr.Self lns.-]|l

TIIIItIItIItIIIII20,00017,00014,00011,0008,0005,0001400't20010008006004002000PROTESTS PER CALENDAR YEARB. lssues Resolved:1668PROTESTS BY MONTH8,094Mar,533t 200s! 2006a2M712008a2009TIll

Pending Caseload ReportPENDING END OF MARCH 4,132PEND NG 1 MONTH BEFORE 4.209PEND NG 2 MONTHS BEFORE 4.285PEND NG 3 MONTHS BEFORE 4.388PEND NG 6 MONTHS BEFORE 4.837PEND NG 12 MONTHS BEFORED.Acknowledgment Timeliness:1. Protest Ackn. >30 days2. Protest Ackn. 2,1-30 days3. Protest Ackn. 11-23 days4. Protest Ackn.

I F. Final Decision Timeliness 2008 MAR 2009I r .

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITime Standard GomplianceRepod Dates: From 3/1/2009 thru 313112009Time standardBENEFIT RATECOMPENSABILITYDEP BEN FATALIEB DETERMINATIONOP NON.MEDOPBDPPDREOPENINGSPECIAL CATEGORYTTDPTD ENTITLEMENTTRMT/EOUIP CLTotal Motions242962611933Irotat c tosed130223185'118117146190"""11'i"jt*"",1282131351151042170100%93.3%100%500/0100%72.2o/olOO'/o83.3%1000/076.svoo%91.30/o80.40/oFinal Decision ComplianceReport Dates: From 3/1/2009 thru 3/31/2009Description Rl""""J;:d".::lo"t:BENEFITOVERPAYIVIENTOP NON-IVIEDOPBDPTD ENTITLEMENTREOPENINGSPECIALCATEGORYTRMT/EOUIP EMCOMPENSABILITYDEP BEN FATALFAILURE TO ACT15 DAYIEBDETERMINATIONPPDTRI\i]T/EQUIP CLTTDTotals8590293742425310'1810.0%25.00/o69.0%0 00/o42.30/o100.0%100.0%40.9%66.7%0.0%50.0%49.40/o58 90/o34.5./"48.4%027160033'l0LateCount Percent0200102010503041420Days to Decision30-60 6't - 90Count % Count Yo23732I1300.0%50.0%24.1./.16.7./.23.1./.0.0%0.00/o35.5%33.3%0.jvo50.0%43.5%35.6%31 00/o34.80/o2123I0065857o%6.7vo0%500/0o./.27.8Yoo./.16.70/oo./.23.5'/o1000/.I 70/o19.60/o100.0%25.O%6.9%50.0%34.6./"0.0%0.ovo21.50/o0.0%100.0%0.00/o7.'t./o5.6%27.60/015.2o/o>90Count ol"000000200000260.00/o0.oo/o0.o./o33.3%0.0%0.0%o.o./.2.2Vo0.0%0.o./.0.0%0.00/o0.00/o6.9%1.6%

ItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMotion Resolution ComplianceReport Dates: From 3/1/2009 thru 3/31/2009Time standardAPPLICATION THRESHOLDBENEFIT OVERPAYMENTCOMPENSABILITYDEPENDENT BENEFITTERMINATIONIEB DETERMINATIONOP NON-MEDPPDREOPENINGTRMT/EQUIP CLTRMT/EQUIP EMTTDDEP BEN FATALOPBDPTD ENTITLEMENTREHABILITATIONTEMPTotal Motions" Action Date < Motion Date** Action Date > Motion DateTotal Timely *Motions Count Percent12291721'19373't892102246't1011919,l4225172'l19273189210017531011897't000/0'to0%98.3%'t000/01000/01000/099.50/o1000/01000/0100%98yo70.8%86.9%100./.100%100%97.1"/oLate **Count Percent00400010007800022Oo/oOYo'1.7'/ooyoO'/ojvo0.svo1vo00/o00/o20/o29.2vo13.1Vo00/oovo00/o2.90/o15

IIIIIIIIIReport Dates: From 3/1/2009 thru 3l31l2OO9AcknowlI IIIIIIIedgement GoalI I IDescriptionBENEFIT OVERPAYMENTCBO - CL BEN. OVERPAYMENTBENEFIT RATECS2 - CL SI PRSTS BEN RATECOMPENSABILITYCCS - CL SEC,CONDITIONCHC - CL COMPENSABILITYCIM - CL SI COI\4PENSABLEcts - cL st sEc.coNDtIoNCPI - CL SI REJECT CLAIMCPJ - CL REJECT CLAIMCOR - CL SI REJ OCCDISEASECRZ - CL REJ OCC DISEASEDEP BEN FATALCDF - CL DENY/GRNT DTH BENCIF - CL SI DY/GNT DTH BENEIF - EIV SI DY/GNT DTH BENFAILURE TO ACT 10 DAYCsN - CL FTA NOT COVEREDIEB DETERMINATIONCEB . CL IEB DETERI\4INATIONOP NON-MEDCIR - CL SI NON-I\4ED ORDERCNR - CL NON-MED ORDEROPBDCAO - CL ADD BOARD FINDINGCBF - CL % BOARD FINDINGCSO - CL SI AD.BRD FINDINGEBF - EM % BOARD FINDINGESF - EIVI% SI BOARD FINDINGProtests Acknowledgedfo|a| 2Total: 1Total:88Total: 8Total:3Total:2Total: 11Total:202133310423361132it4'lCount30Percent0.0%0.0%o.o%o.o%2.3%0.00/o0.0%o.oo/o0.0%20.0o/oo.oo/o0.0%o.o%0.0%0.0'/o0.0%0.o./.0.0%0.00/"00%o.o%0.0./.0.0%o.oo/o15.0%o.oo/o12.5050.0%0.0%0.oo/oDays to Acknowledge Protests30-24 23.11Count Percent Count Percento.oo/oo.oo0.o./.o.oo/o0.0%000022o.oo/oo.o%o.oo/o0.00/o25.0%o.oo/o0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.oo/o0.0%o.oo/oo.oo/o0.0%0.0%o.o%0.0%0.0%0.0%o.o./.0.0%0.00/"o.o%5.O%0.0%12.50/o0.0%0.0%0.0%110I4150022003322101612'l1'l4.80/o33.3%o.oo/o33.3%40.0%35.7%0.0%o.o%25.O./.33.3./.0.0%0.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%9.1%o.o%16.70/o30.0%25.O%25.0%25.0%100.0%33.30/oCounl221164202324273364,|1000010551034102

I IIII I II ITIII I tl I II III IPPDCAA - CL ADDL % AWARD D/GCAD - CL % AWARD DENY/GRNTCIE - CL SI ADDO/O AWARD D/GCIG - CL SI %AWARD DNY/GNTPTD ENTITLEMENTCKC - CL DENY/GRANT PTDPTD ONSET DATECIO - CL SI ONSET DT ISSUEREHABILITATIONCIV - CL SI DY/GRNT RHB PLCPV - CL DY/GRNT REHAB PLNREOPENINGCIQ - CL SI DY/GNT FYO PPDCIY - CL SI DY/GNT FYO TTDCIZ - CL SI D/G RYO TRTMTCJV - CL DNY/GRNT R/O PPDCLH - CL DNY/GRNT R/O PTDCRD - CL DENY/GRNT R/O TTDCRO - CL DY/GRNT FYO TRTMTTRMT/EQUIP CLC1Y - CL SI TRMT GMNTCBX - CL TRMT DENYCSX - CL SI TRMT DENYCYY - CL TRI\i]T GRANTTTDCCC - CL CLOSING THE CLAIMCIC - CL SI CLSING THE CLMCJS - CL TTDCPX - CL INITIAL TTDTotal: 115Total: 111743271Total: 11T olal: 211Total: 304111264Total: 116377342Total: 503511221.7%o.o./.'t.40/o0.00/o3.70/oo.o./.0.0%0.lvo0.oo/o0.0%0.0%O.OYo0.0%o.oo/oo.oo/o0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%o.9%0.0%'t.3./.0.00/o0.0%4.O%5.7%O.O'/oo.00/oo.oo/o0.0/o0.0%o.o%o.o%o.o%0.0%o.oo/oo.o%0.0%00%0.ovoo.o%10.0%0.0%25.O./.100 0%0.oo/o0.0%16.7%0.0%O.9'/o33.30/o0.oo/oo.o%0.0%2.OYo2.gyoo.oo/o0.0%0.0%2201101100,l1101I0'l0620090630103119.1%o.o%14.90/oo.lvo40.70/oo.o./.0.0%100.0%100.0%50.0%0.0./"100.0./"30.0%0.0%25.Oo/o0.0./o54.5./.100.0%0.0%0.0%7.4%0.0%7.8%8.80/o0.00/o20.o%8.6%36.40/o50.0%100.0%9111623'15110011018220505105270312372971079.10/o100.0%83.8%100.o%55.6%100.0%100.0%0.0%o.o%50.0%100.0%0.0%60.0%100.0%50.0%0.00/o45.50/oo.o%43.3%100.0%90.5'lo66.70/o90.9%91.2%100.0%74.00/o82.90/o63.6%50.0%0.0%Totals: | 450 lio 12.2v" lo lr.sv" |88 | 1e.6./" 1346 176.e%17

I III L !r Itl -l I III I I I II'IReport Dates: Decision Date From 3/1/2009 thru 313112009Resolution of lssuesTime StandardCategoriesDecisionslssuedReversed AffirmedCount o/o Count %o*'#ij o, Dismissed ModifiedCount 7o Count % Count %MootCount YoOther RemandedCount Yo Count %BENEFIT RATEDEP BEN FATALOP NON-MEDOPBDPPDTTDBENEFITOVERPAYMENTCOMPENSABILITYIEBDETERMINATIONPTDENTITLEMENTREOPENINGSPECIALCATEGORYTRMT/EQUIP CLTRMT/EQUIP EM156421394921167832112320013295035041312810016.77.120.910.2030.205040.610022.85003326552425142'1205600605061.939.6491004457.12537.5045.50'l0052770510201801000011 919.414.304.314.306.3014.60021824110142220'15,l040't6.7'1917.322.4012.128.6256.3012.2500000000600'l02000000005.2003.101.60001042050020200016.702904.3006.301.6000000000000020000000000000'1.600000000000000000000000000000Totals 533 120 22.5 238 44.7 66 12.4 82 '15.4 9 1-7 16 3 2 o.4 0 018

IItItIttttII!JoeManchin, lllWorkers' Compensation Board of ReviewOff ces ocated al 1 207 Ouarrier Sl. C ha r eslonA I communicaiions should be addressed to th€ Board of Reviewat lhe address shown at the boltom olthis pagean equal oppodunity/afthmarive action employelMEMORANDUMTo: Jane L. Cline, CommissionerCharles Bayless, ChairmanDan MarshallBill DeanWalter PellishHonorable Carrie Webster, House Judiciary ChairHonorable Brooks l\.4ccabeHonorable Nancy Peoples GuthrieSenalor Don CaruthFrom: James D. Gray, ChairmanDate: <strong>May</strong> 6, 2009Re: Workers' Compensation Board of Review Monthly ReporlAttached, please find the Board of Review's April 2009 monthly reportA number of changes have been made to the Board's reports. You will find a total of eightreports as opposed to the two reports you previously received. These reports include the following:1. Nilonthly Report of Appeals Received2. Yearly Report of Appeals Received3. Monthly Report ofAppeals Received by lssue4. Yearly Report of Appeals Received by lssue5. Monthly Appeals Received by lssue and Appellant6. Monthly Summary oI Dispositions by Party7. Monthly Summary of Dispositions by lssue8. Yearly Summary of Dispositions by lssuePlease do not hesitate to contact me in the event of anv oueslions.II9

I I I I ltrt - fip"ttL""ilEo- rFrom April 1, 2009 Thru April 30, 2009rt I II I L ttOld Fund Appeals (DOl < Jul-1-2005)Old turd Oaims by AppelhinClaimant OnlyEmployer OnlyOIC OnlyClaimant and OICOld Fund TotalAppellantCount42I11162Privately Insured Appeals (ool > Jun-30-2005)AppellantClaimant OnlyEmployer OnlyOIC OnlyClaimant and EmployerOther 'Privately Insured TotalTotal AppealsCount49261117A140I Clarmant Ody r Employer Only tr OIC Only r Claimant and Comm,ssionlPdYdely lns|red App€als by Appelbd1 104' Appeals requiring researchAppeals counted more than once! Claimanl Only r Emp loyer Only Ei Commiss ion Only I Claimaht and Employer I Olh er '20

lr I rrQilrylfi"uFR""ffi r ll r I r rFrom June 1, 2008 Thru April 30, 2009- -Old Fund Appeals (DOl < Jul-'l-2005)AppellantClaimant OnlyEmployer OnlyOIC OnlyClaimant and EmployerClaimanl and OICEmployer and OICClaimant, Employer and OlcOther *Old Fund TotalCount65776421111917I ClaimantE OIC OnlyI Claimantr Claimant,Onlyand CommissionOld tund Oaims Appeals by App€llartEmployer and CommissionI Employer OnlyI Claimant and EmployerI Employer and Commissiont Other 'Privately Insured Appeals (DOl > Jun-30-2005)AppellantClaimant OnlyEmployer OnlyOIC OnlyClaimant and EmployerEmployer and OICOther tCount567294151IPriratet hr[ed Funds b], AppetadtNew Fund TotalTotal Appeals8771794" Appeals requiring researchAppeals counted more lhan once:tClaimanl Only rEmployerOnlt trCommission OnlyrClaimant and Employer lEmploterand Commission lOther')l

I I I I II I I I II I' I II I I IAppeals Received By IssuePriyetely Insured Appeals (DOI > Jul-1-2005) vs Old Fund Appeals (DOI < Jul-1-2005)From April 1, 2009 Thru April 30, 2009-TIIT30252015t0I IEB OETERMIMT]ON I OPI F'TD EMTTL T REOPENII|GOmI oPBOSABILIIYE ]RI\'II/ECUIP CLE EP BEN FATALI FPDI TTD22

Appeals Receiv€d By IssuePrivately Insured Appeals (DOI > Jul-l-2005) vs Old Fund Appeals (DOI < Jul-l-2005)Frorn April 1, 2009 Thru April 30, 2009\PPLICATION THRESHOLD]ENEFIT OVERPAYMENT]OIUPENSABILITY]EP BEN FATALEB DETERMINATION)P NON-MED)PBD]PD)TD ENTITLEI\4ENTTEOPENINGrRMT/EQUIP CLrTD3€213€1C3210622051368181100 (0(16i100 c100 c0.c83:34.2100 c80.c56.:0130001125021460('100.(83:0(0(100.(16.i65.t0.(20c43.8Totals I 62 43. 80 56Aooeals counted more lhan oncel2042932 (2OOAO1 41 1A DOI: 09i25/2007 REOPENING)2042932 (2ooaof118 DOI: 09/2512007 TTD)2042987 (2006039320 DOI: 04/2512006 BENEFIT OVERPAYI\,'IENT)2042987 (2006039320 Dol: 04/2sl2006 TRI\4T|EOUIP CL)

I I I I -a -I lr lt Ir ll I Il-!l I-ILYearly Appeals Received By IssueOld Fund Appeals (DOI > Jul-1-2005) vs Privately Insured Appeals (DOl < Jun-30-2005)From June l, 2008 Thru APril 30, 2009200100500rlrovenpevruexr trBENEFIr nnTEEcoMPENSABILITY-apprrc,crroNit-l24

I-I I I tl I-!l-ra IYearly Appeals Received BY IssueOld Fund Appeals (DOI > Jul-l-2005) vs Privately Insured Appeals (DOI >Jun-30-2005)From June 1, 2008 Thru APril 30, 2009II-Itl-tlllqPPLICATION THRESHOLD]ENEFIT OVERPAYMENT]ENEFIT RATE]OI\4PENSABILITY]EP BEN 104]EP BEN FATALEB DETERI\4INATION3P NON-MEDCPBDPPDPTD ENTITLEI\4ENTPTD ONSET DATEREHABILITATIONREOPENINGSPECIAL CATEGORYTEMPTRMT/EQUIP CLTRI\4TiEOUIP EI\4TTD865419127195a14565513144131Old Fund claims#%7389'|2519365255129633270525Privately Insured875150.0380.01212330100.0092.62100.0o600280.216559201100 00100.0066.?'I48'100 c025C I20562.1319 .1 106Totals 1 931 50 1 928 49.o/6'12 550.0204788007.40.040019.€44 10.c0c33.:33:0.c75(43237180.!25


I r L I t I ir-I- -App€als ReceiYed By IssueFrom April l, 2009 Thru April 30, 2009rl-lII-rlrAPPLICATIONTHRESHOLDBENEFITOVERPAYMENTCOI\4PENSABILITYDEP BEN FATALIEB DETERMINATIONOP NON-i,4EDOPBDPPDPTD ENTITLEMENTREOPENINGTRIUT/EQUIP CLTTDTotals 143 s4 657 36 25.2 0 00 9.1I3522I639610337Claimant#Y.11171205292274100 0'100.0486500100.00083374433350081.857.1Employer# ./.o17001181233000048.6000.0100 016720.516720.09l42.9000000000000otc% and OIC4 %0011000233300.0002.95000.0000.05150.03009.100Appeals counled more than once:2042877 | Appellanl: CLAII,4ANT204287 7 : Appellanl: EMPLOYER2042930: Appellant: CLAIMANT2042930: Appellant: OIC2',7

t r I r rI lt r lr rl, I -r - -WORKER COMPENSATION BOARD OF REVIEWFOR APRIL 2OO9I.l r-CLAIMANTApp€alod ByDispo3itionaoR DlsDosition count Di6p % Total % Date Di3p % Total %AFFIRI\,{EDDISIVISSEDI\4ODIFYI\,1OOTREI\,4ANDREVERSEVACATE71 | 81.6% | 51 40/.41114 60/0 2 ga/o3773121636186.50/6 | 56 7o/o37% 24%a7436CLAIMANT]EMPLOYERAFFIRMED4REVERSE15EMPLOYERABEYANCEAFF RI\,IEDDlSt\r SSEDI\,IODIFYl\,1007REI\ilANDREVERSE2411675 Oo/a | 17 4%31"/, I 07%II11103214401s"/" I o s%12% | o3%o 6% I o.2vdTotalDispositions32161DtvtstoN/otcAFFIRI\,4EDMODIFY526 3% 36%322REI\,,IANDREVERSE1410 1%22732% | o 3o/.42s%l 41%Tolal Disposilions196313866s28

' r rr I I-I r I c3 !l IDispositions By IssuesBOR Orders Mailed From April l' 2009 Thru April 30' 2009- - -tt I -r302520151050p"dpcI Affrmed I R€lersed tr Dismissed El l\,bdif€d r Remanded t vacated t olher29

- r L,r-\ -.ll r .r, |. -ra -rr .- -r, frDispositions By IssuesBOR Orders Mailed From April 1, 2009 Thru April 30' 2009BENEFlT OVERPAYi'ENTCOMPENSABILITYDEP BEN 104DEP BEN FATALIEB DETERMINATIONOP NON.MEOOPBDPPDPTD ENTITLEMENTREOPENINGTEI'PTRMT/EQUIP CLTTD261211214461312231 25.O18 69.21 100.02 100 0't 100.01 100 020 95.228 63.65 83.3'11 84 60 0014 63.63 100.03 75.06 23.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.013 29.51 16.72 15.40 0.06 27.30 0.000000010000100. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 002 7.70 000 000 000 0.00 002 4.50 000 0.00 001 4.50 0.0'1 100.00.00 0.0Totals 145 105 72 4 31 21.4 2 14 0 00 5 3.4 'I 0.7 o700000001000000. counted in multiple categories: 430

I I ---l,L I Il.-.I I It-I I I IYearly Dispositions By IssuesBOR Orders Mailed From June 1,2008 Thru April30,2009-lt I Itlffrmed I Relersed trDismissed E l/bdifed lReI

I I trt tr I I I Il r-r ll I ll I I I rl I rrYearly Dispositions By IssuesBOR Orders Mailed From June l,2008 Thru April 30,2009APPLICATION THRESHOLDBENEFIT OVERPAYMENTBENEFIT RATECOMPENSABILITYDEP BEN 104DEP BEN FATALDEPENDENT BENEFITTERMINATIONIEB DETERMINATIONOP NON-MEDOPBDPPDPTD ENTITLEMENTPTD ONSET DATEPTD THRESHOLDREHABILITATIONREOPENINGSICLAIM REJECTIONSPECIAL CATEGORYTEMPTRMT/EQUIP CLTRMT/EOUIP EMTTD442466239131712441879Am.med Rewrlad Dl!ml!!ed odmed R6m.nded Orh€l%* * %%,1000 250 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 011 26 56 1 o200 0 00 0 00 0001 26 0 00 0I * % # % %3 750 0001 250 3 75000 00 2 100 00372 79I 40 8652 100 0 0 00036 923 1 2601 100 028 S030 002 651 1434 3254 1296 760 001 5000 0019 1170 000 000 0017 360 001 260 001 321 1435 4014 330 000 001 5000 006 370 000 006 60016 320 000000200002000000000000000500000000120000000000000 000 000 003 2416 381 130 000 000 004 250 000 000 0011 221 346 30* Yo0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 1000 000 0058 2930000000900000 000 000 000 008 190 000 000 000 002 120 000 002 2003 060 000 00112 90 3324 77 572 9'1 11 1 100 02 0 003 3 100 0162 129 1961 1 100 0 0 00100 1 100 010 0 00 '1 10 0495 3S7 AO2 66 13 329 21 724 7 241198 118 s9 6 11 56 5 25Totals 2079 1626 782 219 10 5 13 35 I 04 70 34 60 29 09l2

IIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIRevenue Recovery ActivityCOLLECTION ACTIVITYRecelpts - Old Fund (Enerore,outorbu!,833)Recelpts - PC & NIJ tpnvdecannc,rc.radon &Rostr, Ehproy.E)Roc€ipts - Payment AgreemenlsReceipts - Collection Agency# of active accounts uninsured (cumulative)$ of active accounts uninsured (cumulative)Telephone contactsWalk-insLIENSLiens senl to county clerks for recordationLiens senl to county clerks for releaseIntent 1o lien letlers sent toemploVer/owner/officer/memberINJUNCTIONSAffidavits for injunction submitted to legalHearings attended# of inlunclion complaints filed# of iniunctions granted# of aqreed orders enleredPAYMENT AGREEMENTS# of repayment agreements applicalionsAgreements set upTotal# of agreernents on system (cumulative)Inlent to void letters mailedAgreements voidedMISCELLANEOUSTerminations ProcessedRule 11 Letters MailedRule 1'l hearinosUninsur€d Policies ResolvedAll Cash ReceiDts trom WC accountsApril2009$ 41 ,370.42$ 88,064.46$ 29,374 28$826$2,640,519 372,190'1610673332171145112613703132340$ 158.80916tl

WEST VIRGINIARD OFTREASTIRYSTMENTSOPERATING REPORTMARCH 2OO9Boo.d ofTleosuryInveslmenl3| 900 KonowhoBoulevord EoslSuite E-122Chodeston WV25305(3041340-r578Boord ofDhectorcJohn D. Perdue,5lole Treosurer,ChoirmonJoe Monchin lll,GovemorGlen B. Goinerlll, Stote AuditorMortin Glosser,Esq. AttorneyAppointed bylhe GovemorJock Rossi, CPAAppointed bythe GovemorExecutlve SlofiExecutiveDirectorGlendo Probsl,CPA. CTPLntet nnonc|olOfflcerKoro K. Brewer,CPA, MBALast Month$3,642,E26,000$3,818,630,000Beginning oIFiscal Year$3,36,1,53,1,000Total Net Income & GainsThis Month$3,783,000Fiscal Year$55,272,000Money Market PoolsAs of March 31, 200913.syo Growth ThisFiscal Year=i;'3!i!i:ig:Fiscal Year ComparisonDividend l-Day z-Day 3GDayPool lede!. ytslCj: IE!Cj: Ave. yi€id.* wAM. ***\ nr' Money Market 0 D00n75A 2294% .2565-,, .28909,, 36 DaysWV Gov't MoneyMaiketTotal Net Assets UnderManagement0.000230t2 1915% 22U% .2800% 4lDaysDioidnd lactot rcprese ts lhe nortthty rliaidmd amount per share." Yieltls rcptgrt 1e sitnplc nlon?v norket ietd net oJJees."" W.A M. is the weighted otenge ntltturitv:F*'3!EiSIi9:A$c!e$2 7 Billion$4010 M hon

WEST VIRGINIA BOARD oF TREASURY IIIVESTMENTSTHE EcoNoMIC STATEMnncu 2009Market Rebound Sparks EncouragementTh€ financlal narkets rebounded in March ss investors' pent-up optimism lvas modestly rewarded with someencouragement on ihe economic front. The rebound hns mmy s?€culating that the economy has now bottomed out andthe worst is now b€hind us Th€r€ remains another group who believe \r€ have yet to see th€ botiom.On lhe plus side:. The G-20 m€€tmg pledged $l tsillion inenergency aid to prevent a firther financialdecline. Mark-to.mark€t accounting rules are beiog. The new Sl tnllion Public-Private lnv6uNorpmgraIn could nd bank of toxic ass€ts.. New home sales rcse by 4.?% in F€bnary-. Durable goods orders ros€ in February by3.4% reversing six stmight months of d€€lin€.. CorEunr€r confidence rose ro 20 in lvlarch, asmall uptick fiom lhe 25.3 level in February.On th€ negative side:. Banks are exp€cted to sustain Sl irillion ofadditional writ€-do\lns-. The S I trillion TALF rs experiencing invesror. l7 ofthe c-20 members have impleme ed 47trew trade restrictions. The U.S. unemploym€nt rate rose to 8.5% viththe loss ofan additional 663,000 jobs in April.Five Stale Banhs Toke Hone S5 Million EochFiv€ <strong>West</strong> virginia banlc each took honre $5 millionwith successfirl interest mte bids during the <strong>West</strong>virgiua Board of Treaury Investmenrs lS-oolin€cenificat€ ofdeposit auction in Apdl.Freedom Bank ofBelingron, wesbanco, United, MainStreet ofwhe€lng, and Fifth Third ofHuntin8lon eachsuccesstully bid on 55 million in April.BB&T is the leader in th€ bidding action, with $83million captur€d sinc€ the first auction in <strong>May</strong> 2006.wesbanco is second at 561 million, and Uniled is third at546.5 millbn. Fr€edom Bank ofBelington, a muchsmeller instirution, is founh \{1th cumulative winnings of54l million.In all. the auctions hav€ eamed the state 5l.t millionnore than ifit had simply purchased Treasury billswithout competition The BTI has placed a total of$454Inillion on deposit since the auctions began.. Honl€ prices h 20 U.S cities fell 19% in February fiorn a ycar €arlier, marking the fastest drop on record,whlle foreclosues surged 29 9% in February.Whil€ a cas€ can be made either *ry rcgardng where we actually are in thts r€cession, one thing re'nans painfrlly clear:The deleriomtingjob narkel is likely to dampen consum€r coflfidenc€. Addirionally, higher raxes and banks'rclucranceto lend should hinder business's need to create jobs in the near tuture and keep the economy do*rl.Rates across the yield curve fell in response to lhe Federal Reserve's announcement of iti decision lo purch$e $300billion oflong€r rerm Tr€asury ecurities The 2-year yield clos€d down l? basis poinls whil€ the yield onthe lo-yearTr€asury not€ fell0.36% to 2.66%, and the lo-year bond ended the rnnth down 0.18% to clos€ out at 3.53%. Bymonth-€nd, spreads on rhe fiont end ofthe cllrve (2-10 year) had narowed by 19 basis poinb ro 186 basis points whilethe back end ofthe curve (10-30 year) steep€ned by lE basis poinrs to 87 basis points, and the Fed Funds Rate continuedto fluctuate in the 0.00% - 0.25% range.The Barclays Capilal U S. Aggegate Index rctumed |.39% during $e nonth whil€ rnost spread sectoE outperfornedtheir same duralion Treasunes. CMBS issues rebounded shaQly in March in response to an expanded veFion of theTALF. Credit und€rperforned th€ overall nwket during th€ month, wi$ the Financ€ and lnsurEnce induslies faring rheworst. The Citigoup 90-Day T-Bill Index r€hrmed 0.02% in March trailing the 0.49% retum ofthe Citigroup l-3 Ye6rGovemnent / Coryorale Index. For the tra ing 12 monrh p€riod, the 90-Day T-Bills fetumed I 13% while ihe l-3 YearGovernment / CorDorare Index r€tum€d 2 85%.

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Board of Treasury InvestmentsFinancial Highlights as of March 31, 2009lM/ Short Term Bond PoolRates of Return for the Past 12 Months,Vel ot A/ FeesApnl I -ilarEh 3'lRetuml,let AssebAt arch 3l(1, Nillb6l\4V Shod Torm Bond Pool2009200820072006m0516./67.7v"5.30/.2.7v.(01%)$ 285 2$ 401.2$ 227.9$ 265.0s 25a 1PtE b Juty 2@7, dr. WV Shd fm Adn *d w tnw 6 rE E hdEdfbg t'@lof Vafue and Earnings (In Thousonds)WV lroney MarketVW Gor't Money llarketliVV Short Term EondUr'V BankLoss AmorlizationLoansReseNeParlicipanl AccounlsNet AEs€tValue$2,675,372100,950285,16575p02185,035126,72941,577M.rch NetInconEG!.sl$ 659761,128891,23942815FiscelYTD ibtIncorF(Lo6s)$ 27,9712,2168.26'l1,85512.9581,0508188028,500 149$3,818,630 $ 3,783 $ 55.272Pdcdt ot tord N.r Asl. VdhSecurities by Type for OperatingPools ( Percenlage of Asset Val!,e)WV Shon T€rm Bond-E-w"u;g .';od;

WEST VIRGINIA BOAR.D OF TREASURY INVESTMENTSSCHEDULE oF NET AssETs, oPERATIoNs & cHANcEs IN NET ASSETS _UNAUDITEDMARCH 31,2009(IN THoUs,4NDs)wvC{verhftnt WvshonWv Money Mo.et I€rn AondM.rket Pool M.rket poot p@lOtherPoohPrntcip.nlxrlrmteds 2,378,818 S 400,867't 28J,r08$ 75,(]O()$ t67.890t 35,0:1525,0263,151Collarecl lo. secu ies tdrned286. 01 t2o.' _1,824 Ll73,167,:161 400,984 415,096 ?5,102420151,145Porable aor *cunrles lorned286,701 t29,:l 17205,290 34 614$ ,100.950$ t5l,:t4l$ 28,500Saunries lendmg incodeProvE'on for sauriti6 lend'ns to$N4arcrebon Gmon'ztion)Piovision for uncolledible loansTolal 'nveshenlrncone$ 709(3r r)921---_ s t,s7l(6:t)3696$9u(244)( 6)551s89-s,(l:r)t,004 58securiri€s lending boEower rcbatesluo3l659 39llin fan lalue oainveshenrsNercou' (lost liom rnlesh.nhNet incE.s (dsrese) in ner2l76 I,123657t,682DhrrlbutloN to pariictprn|!5997t 54139Purchas$, reinvesment of unnsRedemprions.nd wnhdo*alsNel increr* (.leE!$) in .er.sscr. tron p.nlcip.nl .cdvir,Yl.cFae (dMe) in ner dersNer $Frs ar b€grningofpcnMNd.s.rs.t..d ol pertod732,613633,11925,14125,0mt82,U4 !7454,891 8718925,1412,01144,815 r27,ssr 1497) (252) 2,077r:7,558 90 (2s2t 1,316 t95

l2:fr) - 1:(X) p.n(P!€sid€nt Tomblh Fesides)AGEI{DAJOINT COM]VtrTTEE ON GOVER}IMEIYT Al\D FINANCEM,f A,,Nl. Annmval of Februaqv 10. 2fiD. mhuner2 ZXD Interlm Commftnees and Shdle*S€nate Fltrance RoomMOYE that the Presideft ad Speaker be aurhodz€d to establish iffelim commitleos as.zthey deon appopdate and to appoint as Eany moEb€ls a8 d$ir€d !o any commifie€ other thanstamlory committ€es.MOVE the committee co-chai6 be authorizod !o ostsblish subcoEmitte€s with theapprcval of the Presidort and rhe Speaker, shdy addltion l issues as aplmvod by rXe pr€sideqtand SEaker and e{ig" sBdios ro appropdars gubcomrnitt€e with approval to the President andSpeaker.MOVE the folowirg coomitees bo mthorized to meet dudng the 2m9 Inredm pedo&Stahtory Commlttees:Commission on Interstile CoopeftionConnis3ion oD Special InvesigationsCoucil of Efiqce and AdninistratiooEnployee Suggesriotr Award BoardEqual Pay ConmissionHigher FJucriiotr Capihl Prcject & Faciliries SrY1|zzJoint Commission on Economlc-DeveloDmeNJoiot CoamiEee on Govemnent Op"latio*JoiDt Cobmioee on Goiemmeft and Fiq&caJoint IJgislarivo Oyelsight Comuission on Stlle Water Resourcssl€gislative OveNight Commission on Bducation AccoutabilityI€gislarive OveBigbt Commicsion o[ Health and Hunan Rosouceshgislative Oversight Commift€e on Regioml Jail aod Correctional Facility AuthorityI€gislative OveNight Comnission on Woddorce Iovestmett for E€onomic DeveloDmentIJgislative Rulc-![akhg Review CollmiEe€Forcst Managomeft Revigw CommissionWV I,aw IlsdarteStandhs CommltJ€€d:Joint Standirg Conmitt€e on EducationJoint Standing CoEmiEee ol FinanceJoht Standilg Committ€e on GoverDment OrgaDizafion

Ioint St nding Conmittre otr the JudiciaryJoirt Standing Conmifi€o on Peaiobs a[d RetiremenlMOYE the following committ€€s be .lesled anal aurlodz€d to meet dudng the 2@9Loterim Pedod:Agdcultue atrd Agli-business CorDmitleoJoint Committ€e on TechologjrLegisladvo htem CoEmiE€oParks, Recr€ation atrd Nanrral Resowces SubcommiE€ePost Audi6 SubcoEEit€eSel€ot Collmiueo otr Childrn, Juveniles, and othor IssucsSelect CoDmiuee on HeafttrS€lect Commite€ on Mqority IssuesSel€ct CoEmittee on PBIA SenioN a.qd lrng Term CareMOVE the study rcsolutioN be asign€d b itrt€rim cominiFces as follows otr thehahdo'ut give[ !o all the Cornmifee Menbor8 h their booklots.MOVE that. for all commit!€es, subcoEmitbes aBd coEmissions meeting durirg theitrbdm pedod for which there aro an unequal numbor of Dgl€'gpt€s and Senalors, all motionscoDsidemd must be dopbd by a separare majolity voto of the collmir€e membels ftom eachlegrslerive body.MOVE tbat ths membels of the Irgislabrc pefoming iff€dm duties as a memb€r oftogislarive conmitlees and commissiors authofiz€d to m€€t, as povid€d by W6t <strong>Virginia</strong>Code $4-1-1, be adhorized to l€celve intedm compeDsatio!, travel erpeDs€ reimbulseme atrdiqoerim expe$e teimbutsementMOVE that the fo[owing dal€s be apgoved for Intorim Meethgs:hopc€d Interlm Dstes: <strong>May</strong> 2G28 Ct'[66day, Wednesday, ad lbu$day)June 15-17 (Monday, Tuesday, ard We&esday)July 14-16 Cfue6day, Wednesday, ad Thursday)August 1G12 (Monday, Tiresdat aod Wedn€sday)September 14-16 (Monday, Tuesday, ad wednesday)Oclob€tr 13-15 Cfue$da& Wedn€sday, aod Thursday)Novenber 17-19 (Iuesday, Wedrcsday, aod Thursday)D€comber 7-9 (Motrday, TiEsday, andwednesday)Jamary 10.12 (Suaday, Moqday, and Tuesday)3. Monthly/OuarterlvRomrtsD'lstr-lbudon:Sla!.r Reports on rhe l.otbry Conmission" UnoDptoyment Compelsation Ttust Fun4ard GeBeral Rovenue Rrnd4 lfiouthly/Oqsrterly Repofts Dldbutlon- Robert Fergusob !^, Secrewy, Oept. oJ VAdnhistatiorl/

PEIABRIMCH]PReaI Estate RepoftResourcts: Martha Wolker, Cabinzt Secrctary, DHHR6.tf8.9.10.Medicaid ReportMontbly Report on the Pharnaceudcal C;ost Manasement Councll: Shaw phares,/Acting P htntaceuticel AdvocateInvestment Ma ee ent Boarat Dlsfibudon: Craig Slatgttar, Etzcutive DirecnriVorkers' Comoensatlon: Jaae Aine, Insurance Comnissioncr /Board of Treasurt Reoort DlstrjbuflonWV Dlylslon of E€hways Appual Audlt . ContractMOVE that the L€glsladye NlaDager be authodzedGlbbons & Kawash for conducting the Dlylslon of glghyays to mter lnto s contract wtttrAudtl11. Other Busln€sslZ, Adloummeut

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