Z-Eurocard ds 6/00

Z-Eurocard ds 6/00

Z-Eurocard ds 6/00


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OEM / NavigationAshtech Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong>12-channel, dual-frequency performancedelivers RTK results at the centimeter levelThe world-class Ashtech® Z-12 receiver isthe accepted benchmark for top-qualitydual-frequency GPS receiver technology.Now, Magellan has adapted the proven performanceof the Z-12 receiver onto a singleboard, the Ashtech Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong>, incorporatingan optional spread spectrum radio thatmounts directly to the board.The Z-Tracking AdvantageThe Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> incorporates patented Z-Tracking Ashtech technology to mitigatethe effects of Anti-Spoofing (encryption ofthe P-code) and provide dual-frequencyperformance.The unit provides up to a 13dBsignal-to-noise ratio advantage over competingtechnologies such as cross-correlation,and also allows users the ability to trackweaker satellite signals. The result is reliable,cm-level positions you can count on for allof your high-productivity GPS applications.The Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> has been designed specificallyfor real-time applications requiringhigh accuracy, high update rates, and lowlatency. It is intended for use in a variety ofapplications including construction,machine control, vehicle guidance, precisionnavigation, as well as land or offshore surveying.Special Features Boost CapabilitiesThe Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> buil<strong>ds</strong> upon the industryleadingperformance parameters set by theZ-12, offering demonstrated resistance tojamming from outside radio sources. In fact,independent tests have shown that the Z-12provides anti-jamming capability thatis virtually unmatched by other dualfrequencyreceivers.RTK operation requires a datalink betweenthe base and remote receivers. TheZ-<strong>Eurocard</strong> is designed to carry a sprea<strong>ds</strong>pectrumradio receiver that mounts directlyon the board. For base stations, an externalspread-spectrum radio transmitter isalso available. These radios, using the 902 to928 MHz frequencies, are license-free in theUnited States and in many other countries.The Worldwide Standard in BaseStation TechnologyIn global base station technology, the Z-12receiver sets the standard. Chosen by theUnited States and Canadian Coast Guar<strong>ds</strong>, aswell as many other similar organizations, theunit provides safe, reliable and accuratedata. In fact, it is the preferred GPS base stationfor users worldwide.The Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> generates RTCM differentialcorrections, RTK data, and RTCM RTK data –compatible with any RTK remote stationconforming to the internationally-recognizedRTCM standard. So, you can operateDifferential GPS (DGPS) and RTK remoteunits simultaneously with the same basestation. In addition, you’re not tied downwith any proprietary formats. Because the Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> uses the RTCM standard, you canpurchase remote receivers of your choicewithout having to change your base station.Use It as a Base or RemoteThe Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> is available in two distinctconfigurations: base or remote. The remoteunit includes everything required forremote RTK operation in the standard configuration,and features RTK update rates atup to 10Hz. A remote Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> can also beupgraded to include base station capability.Take it for a Test DriveUse the Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> Development Kit to performa comprehensive test-drive. The kitcontains a Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> GPS receiver with allthe firmware options, power supply, readymadeinterface cables, antenna, manuals, aswell as the Ashtech Windows®-basedMission Planning and Evaluate software.Evaluate provides visual displays of satelliteinformation such as SNR, receiver positionand velocity, as well as data logging andanalysis. Evaluate also communicates directlywith the receiver so that you can easily setup a Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> remote or base station forRTK operation.CompatibilityThe Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> is mechanically and electricallycompatible with the G12E-RTK, GG24and GG-RTK <strong>Eurocard</strong>s. Therefore, onceyou’ve integrated one card, you have essentiallyintegrated them all.MAGELLAN CORPORATION471 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95050-43<strong>00</strong>, USAMain Tel: +1 408-615-51<strong>00</strong> • Main Fax: +1 408-615-52<strong>00</strong>Sales: +1 408-615-3970 or 8<strong>00</strong>-922-2401Washington D.C. Tel: +1 703-476-2212 • Fax: +1 703-476-2214Europe, Africa & Middle East Tel: +44 (0) 11893196<strong>00</strong> • Fax: +44 (0) 1189319601Website www.ashtech.com • E-mail oem@ashtech.com

OEM / NavigationAshtech Z-<strong>Eurocard</strong> SpecificationsReal-Time Position Accuracy 1Remote FeaturesOptionsAutonomous 2Horizontal3.0 m (CEP)Synchronized RTKHorizontal 1.0 cm (CEP)Maximum position update rate: 1 HzPosition latency equal to the base station data link latency +250msFast RTKHorizontal 2.0 cm (CEP)Maximum position update rate: 10 Hz

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