Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha


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ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013However, the images and ideals of Hinduism are completely different.According to the ancient sage Manu, there are ten characteristics of theuniversal religion: 1. Contentment, 2.Forgiveness, 3.Self-restraint, 4. Non-Stealing, 5. Purity, 6. Control of Senses, 7. Discrimination between right andwrong, as also between the real and the unreal, 8. Spiritual knowledge, 9.Truthfulness and 10. Absence of anger. Is there a place for narrow sectarianreasoning in this broad-minded ideal of religion? In other words, is there anydoubt that these ideals of religion are for everybody, for everywhere, and foreternity. Hindu religion of India is the symbol of the religion of mankind. It wasthe only religion before the establishment of other religions.This religion was the only religion followed by entire humanity. The originalsource of this religion is Veda. On that count, it is an eternal and pricelesstreasure for humanity.India, created by God as a land exquisitely graced by beautiful seasons, isthe center of earliest flowering of human civilization. That is why we note thathumans with highest knowledge, intellect, and talent are born in India toachieve the greatness. That is why sages like Vyas, Bashishtha, Manu,Gautam, Sankhya, Parashara, Kapil, Kanad, Atri, Bharadwaj, Yagyabalka,Swetaketu, Agastya, and Vishwamitra were born here, as did prophets like SriRam, Sri Krishna, Buddha, Shankaracharya, Mahavira, Ramanuja, Madhava,and Sri Chaitanya. The trend that they established is still continuing. India isstill the land of choice for sages and prophets. India adorned by its beautifulrivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, Godavari,Krishna, etc.; lofty mountains like Girimar, Bindhya, and Himalaya, and deep,green forests with mild weather; is most suitable for spiritual realization. Toremind us this aspect, an Indian poet wrote, “Dhana Dhanye Pushpeh BhoraAmader Ei Basundhara …”We note that in these days of decline of national life, there is temporary lossof collective memory and we are straying from ideals. Sometimes, the general38BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

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