Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha


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ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013“O denizens of the world and the gods residing in the luminous heaven listencarefully. I found the ultimate one, adorned by the color of sun, who existsbehind everything in the entire universe. With the knowledge of his existencewe can win over death. There is no other way to become deathless.”Like animals, the human body is made of organic materials. Consequently, ahuman being without culture, acts and thinks like an animal. Animal wisheskeep him arrested in the cycle of life and death, making them return to theworld again and again. An ordinary man identifies his body with the soul or “I”and believes that the soul is different from the “I”. However, concealedbeneath the animal body, every human possesses the divine. The only way toextricate ourselves from this cycle is to bring to light that hidden divinity toestablish the sovereignty of the soul, as the soul is eternal and does not getbirth or death. Continuously performing the task of exposing the soul or thelotus-like divinity from the cover of the animal instincts should be the duty ofall mankind.Evil actions are leading human civilization toward destruction. However, gooddeeds of enlightened people provide natural protections from that destruction.The collection of rules that guides humans to conduct protective duties isdefined to be religion. Consequently, the religion is the holder of the world.Nothing stronger exists. To reach the top of the mountain, we need to climbmany steps following many techniques. However, the mandatory series ofsteps to climb are guided by good Achar or rules, good Acharan or actions,and good Charitra or characters. Achar means the collection of rules of living.Personal characters are molded by the rules. Good rules are essential for theenhancement of characters. There are significant differences of opinionsamong religious groups regarding definitions of good rules. If ordinary peoplefeel conflicted with different rules, they should follow the steps followed bygreat man. That is why one of the tenets of Hindu religion is to follow theexamples set by great sages.36BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

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