Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha

Sanatan Jyoti - Bharat Sevashram Sangha


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ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Eternal LightAnnual MagazineofBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHAof NORTH AMERICACHICAGOSwami Purnatmananda and Swami Parameshananda18th Annual Foundation DayNovember 23, 2013<strong>Sanatan</strong> <strong>Jyoti</strong>4BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>of North AmericaA Tax-exempt Spiritual, Cultural, Educational & Philanthropic Organization522 Garfield Av. Aurora, Illinois 60506 ♦ Ph. 630-301-6039H. H. Swami Purnatmanandaji MaharajWelcome MessageNovember 23, 2013Dear Friends and Devotees,It is a great pleasure to extend my greetings to all of you on the occasion ofthe annual Fund-raising event on behalf of our organization. This year, we arecelebrating the eighteenth anniversary of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> of NorthAmerica in Chicago. I take this opportunity to thank all of you and other members ofour community who have helped us immensely in building this temple at Aurora. Wenow have a good opportunity to fulfill our spiritual and cultural needs, and worktogether for the peace and happiness of our children and future generations.Importantly, we can also now focus in a better way to expand our variousphilanthropic and humanitarian efforts here in the US as well as in India.During the last several years, our community has grown steadily and ourAshram has become an important melting pot where all members meet to sharetheir ideas in helping our community and experience spiritual diversity of the HinduCulture. Let us all strive hard and work together to fulfill many key visions of AcharyaSrimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj. We can enrich our own personal lives andalso strengthen our society through unity by realizing the spiritual principles taughtby him, He had emphasized the importance of selfless service (Seva) to the causeof mankind, and to the needy in general, irrespective of one’s religion, caste andcolor. I request you all to join us in increasing our efforts in this area by payingattention to two of his key messages. In explaining what religion is, he emphasizedthe importance of “self-sacrifice”. Similarly, in describing what our real sins are, hestressed the word “selfishness”. In this area, I am very glad to mention that with thehelp from all of you and many other devotees in several countries, including India,<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> has established a 500 bed full-fledged hospital inKolkata during 2010.BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 5

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013During 2013, we have continued to expand our programs in organizing keyreligious festivals including Saraswati Puja, Maghi Purnima, Shivaratri, Dol Purnima(Holi), Basanti Puja, Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Shri Krishna Janmashthami,Durga Puja (Navaratri), Lakshmi Puja, and Kali Puja (Diwali). We had also arrangedour annual program for a Summer Camp for our youth. Our guest house, which isadjacent to this Ashram, has also been fully activated since 2008; this year, we hadover 75 guests from the US, Canada and India. Our other centers and branches inthe US, including those in New York, New Jersey, Minnesota and California are alsofunctioning very well. I also conducted several prayer meetings at the homes ofseveral devotees all over US.The <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> continues to organize humanitarian servicesamongst the victims of flood in Uttarkhand and other calamities in India, Fiji Islandand Guyana (British) in South America. Several centers of the <strong>Sangha</strong> continue tospread the teachings of the Great Acharya Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj inmany other countries including Canada, Europe, South America, Australia, NewZealand, Africa, West Indies and Fiji Islands. Let us all work together to make thisworld very peaceful, harmonious and prosperous. I again express my deep gratitudeto all of you and our well wishers who contributed to the success of this dynamicorganization. We look forward to receiving your continuous support. May Lord GuruPranavanandaji continue to bless you and your families.With divine love and best wishes,Sincerely,Swami Purnatmananda,(Chairman and Principan coordinator of<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> Centers outside India)6BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO


ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Message from the Acting President of ExecutiveCommittee of BSSNADear Fellow Devotees,November 23, 2013It’s amazing how far <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>s’ Chicago branch came in shortperiod of time. It all started in 1992 in the basement of a devotee’s home in Chicago.That was the time when Swami Purnatmananda-ji just came to this country. With thecooperation of devotees and his hard work and dedication, within few years in 1997Swami Purnatmananda-ji was able to acquire Chicago Ashram’s first own building.Soon after that Ashram purchased a bigger building in Elgin, Illinois and from therein 2007 Ashram moved to even bigger building in the historic city of Aurora, Illinois.Aurora Ashram’s building is 16,000 sq. ft. of floor space with high ceiling andauditorium in the basement. It also has 60 car capacity parking lot. These are somethings none of the previous Chicago Ashram buildings had.Purchasing a big building is one thing, maintaining a building of this size is evenbigger challenge. Being in Midwest, during coldest months of the year heating bill forthe Ashram alone goes as high as $3,000/month. Then of course there are otherutility bills and cost of building maintenance, lawn maintenance etc. These are notonly expenses for the Ashram. There are many other legal and compliance relatedexpenses.With Gods grace, with generous donations received from all devotees like you,Ashram somehow able to manage such huge expenses. Apart from monitorydonations, many devotees give their countless hours to do Ashram’s work thatotherwise Ashram had to pay someone to hire to get that work done. Devotees’selfless work not only does good to their heart and soul, but also sets great examplefor future generation.Annual fundraiser is the only event which Ashram holds for the purpose of collectingdonations. Other times devotees willingly donate when they come for Pujas and8BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013celebrations at the Ashram throughout the year. We all are fortunate that in spite ofbeing so far from India, we have such a big Ashram where we can come andcelebrate Indian cultural events. This brings us happiness, peace and provides oursoul spiritual food. Our kids, our future generation, get opportunity to learn Indianculture. Once a year Ashram conducts full day youth summer camp to bring kidseven closer to Indian culture. At camp kids are taught many moral lessons with thehope they will become good citizens.On behalf of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>, Chicago I would like to thank each andeveryone those volunteered, sponsored, donated and even just participated inevents. Without your continuous support Chicago Ashram couldn’t have came so far.Ashram sincerely hopes you will continue to provide even more support in comingyears.With best wishes,Sincerely,Debabrata Sadhukhan,(Acting President of Executive Committee<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>, Chicago)BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 9



ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Addition of Swami ParameshanandaI have been enjoying the center in Chicago, (Aurora) since my recent arrival onSeptember 30, 2013. Selected to serve the Ashram members; I find myself busylearning about various departments and types of duties in order to operate thefacility properly. Most of you know the building was a 'Christan Science' church quitea liberal delegation. It is quite well known they had quoted from the Baghavad Gita inthe sermons and works of the founder 'Mary Baker Eddy'.It is my great privilege to welcome readers to <strong>Sanatan</strong> <strong>Jyoti</strong> 2014. I appreciate theeditorial staff working tirelessly behind the scenes to produce the comprehensiveannual jounal. I urge all members likewise to help out with seva projects about theashram and benefit yourselves in so doing.A few words on the Bhagavad Gita Ch. six.This is no intellectual exercise but a simple approach to a great subject. MahatmaGandhi is quoted as saying, “the Gita is My Mother, whenever I am facing difficultiesand problems arrise. I simply open the book and it immediately soothes my achingheart and mind”.Verse 2.Yam samnyasam iti prahur/ yogam tam viddhi pandava/ nahy asamnyastasam/kalpo/ yogi bhavati kascana.It says that disciplined yoga is just as good as renunciation. No one can become aYogin who has not tried to remove sankalpa (subtle hankerings). Strive to becomemore silent and thereby meditation practice will lead us to higher truths. A meditativemind is a state of mind at it's best.Verse 5.Uddhared atmana tmanam/ na tmanam avasadayet/ atmai va hy atmano bandhur/atmai va ripuratmanah.12BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Let a man lift himself by himself; let him not degrade himself; for the self alone is thefriend of the self and the self alone is the enemy of the self.Just as in the practice of soccer or dance the more exercise or study is given thebetter result will be. Strength thus gets into our muscles and nerves enabling usresist temptation for (excessive) enjoyments. Our body and mind strengthened is atime to dive deeper within and become free from confusion caused by a mixture ofjoy /sorrow/ pleasure /pain / victory/ defeat / darkness / light the pairs of opposites.I close the article with a prayer for strength: Our day should begin with and also endwith a prayer. Every morning when you get up pray to the Lord to grant you thenecessary strength and courage for the day and rest, peace and harmony at night.Finally, Let Us Be United in our prayer for others unselfishly, who have somehowlost their way,SAMGACCHADVAM~~~BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 13



ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> provided shelter and food during Uttarkhand disaster.One Ashram owned 7 story school was damaged in this disaster. Ashramnow rebuilding that school.16BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013To Be Happy or Not To BeIndrani MondalIt is thrilling to realize that all the great philosophies of the world have tried todeal with a basic question that perplexes lay people like you & me, what ishappiness? It is equally interesting to see the disparity in their views on figuring outwhat happiness is. In this context Hinduism & Buddhism have always intrigued me.The quest for happiness begins because the starting point of all ourquestioning is the pain & suffering in human life & the world around us. As ordinarymortals going through the trials & tribulations of life this philosophic quest easilyresonates with us. But even though the two great schools of thought, Hinduism &Buddhism, don’t ignore pain & try to seek a way out of it their approach is verydifferent.In Buddhism the 1 st of its 4 Noble Truths is ‘Sarvam Dukham’, everywherethere is pain & suffering. In fact as we all know, Buddha, the founder of Buddhismwas really Prince Siddharta who renounced the lavish lifestyle of the heir apparent tothe throne, so moved was he by the sight of disease, old age & death. However‘Sarvam Dukham’ in Buddhism is not a negative view of the world leading todepression & withdrawal but is an empirical fact which requires realistic acceptance,empathic sensitivity & will to overcome. It is a pragmatic world view. The goal ofhuman life is thus to attain a state where there is no further suffering or pain.Buddhists call it Nirvana. In order to realize Nirvana humans should get to the rootcause of pain. This is explained in the 2 nd Noble Truth. The de raison et re for painis desire or craving for all kinds of material satisfaction, even fame, success & glory.The goal thus is to overcome desire in all its layers through the Noble 8 fold Path &attain salvation in Nirvana where all craving & hence pain ceases.Hinduism explains pain, destruction & death as Maya or illusion. In the faceof pain we ordinary humans are ignorant & easy to panic as when someone cries interror mistaking a rope for a snake. So the goal of our lives is to disentangleourselves from this misconception, realize that pain is unreal by understanding thereal truth about ourselves. We are in essence connected with the Cosmic energywhich is Sat, Chit, Ananda -- Pure Existence, Consciousness & Bliss. Thisrealization is Moksha, the goal of human existence. It is unadulterated happinesswhich is a positive state of attaining Truth.Now if we think of Happiness as Light, it is easy to see that when we enter aroom which actually has the light on, it is a different experience than when we stepBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 17

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013into the same room when it is not dark but doesn’t have the light on either. This maybe a rough way of understanding the difference between Moksha & Nirvana.In our modern world & contemporary living we cannot but agree withBuddhism’s direct take on pain & beyond. As Buddhism continues to explore thecause of ‘Sarvam Dukham’ and finds it to be our endless hankering for what wedon’t have or cannot possess, this analysis too turns out to be such an honestadmission of a basic human folly that we can instantly connect with it. How we candeal with, control & overcome our errant desires by Right Speech, Right Hearing &Right Vision is then elaborated in the Noble 8 fold path & is understandable also.Hinduism delivers the same message in a roundabout, more suggestive oreven more poetic way, (though critics have often called it an attempt at escapism ordenial) when it says that most of life’s problems are created by ourselves due toMaya or the possessiveness we develop for animate & inanimate things around us.Control of body & mind (through Yoga & meditation) are thus advocated as ways offreeing ourselves from this predicament. If & when we are able to get to that stageof understanding Hinduism talks of pursuing the path of self realization leading toMoksha or complete unadulterated Bliss, Anandam.If Moksha & Nirvana are both ideals to be pursued & possibly attained & if thepurpose of philosophy is not only to explain how & why but also to provide a viableanswer to what if in human existence, then which concept delivers a more feasible &comprehensible answer? Is it the one that we can relate to with our contemporarylogicality or the one that requires a lot of intellectual skill & some imagination? Thisis a dilemma that has always haunted me.As my friend put it in a slightly different way, can we be happy going throughlife constantly challenging ourselves, ever struggling towards a Super Positive statewhere nothing is absent or does happiness lie in being realistic about the limits ofour thought & reach & still aiming for the best, knowing that that in itself is perhapsthe only Perfection?~~~18BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013By the grace of Acharya Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj, <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong><strong>Sangha</strong> opened <strong>Sangha</strong>'s first state-of-the-art multispecialty hospital in Joka,Kolkata, India on 4 th April, 2010. This made modern treatment available to the poorand weaker section of the society. The hospital was inaugurated by Honorable SriPranab Mukherjee, Union Finance Minister of India.This hospital has more than 500 beds with MRI, ECG, Ultrasonograph, CT scanfacilities. It also owns 29 ambulances.Major portion of this hospital development was funded by Dr. Nihar Ranjan and GitaDutta memorial trust in New York, USA.BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 19

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Swamiji from <strong>Bharat</strong><strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>distributing food topoor people in India20BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Maghi PurnimaSucheta SadhukhanThere are primarily three reasons <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> celebrates MaghiPurnima in month of February every year. Yugacharya Swami PranavanandajiMaharaj is the founder of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>. He was born on theauspicious Maghi purnima day in 1896 at Faridpur District, now it is in Bangladesh. Itwas also Maghi purnima when Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj attained Divineillumination in 1916 and one year later in 1917 on the very same Maghi Purnima dayhe founded <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>.The <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> is a socio-religious organization which takes interestnot only in spiritual enhancement of people; it takes care of social, economical,medical and other problems of society.The <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> is a group of spiritual brotherhood of monks andselfless workers dedicated to the service of humanity.It is mentioned earlier, Srimat Pranavanandaji Maharaj was born on the auspiciousMaghi purnima day. His father’s name was Shree Bishnu Charana Das and mother’sname was Mother Sarada Devi. Before his birth his mother had a miraculous dreamthat Great-God Sankara was incarnating Himself as her son. Eventually the dreamcame true. When he was born, the neighbors were charmed to see the newbornbaby. They said Oh! It is not a human baby, it is a perfect and smooth figure of theLord Shiva engraved in stone. Since his childhood he was quiet, serious, unattachedto the worldly affairs. As the boy grew, attributes of the great lord Shiva graduallybecame apparent in him. The boy had a pleasant look and his speech was full ofnectar. He had a great physical strength. Acharyadeva used to do lots of exercise tobuild his muscles. He gave the proof of his strength many times and on manyoccasions. But his diet was only boiled potato and rice. One day on of his friendasked him you eat only rice and potato, I eat fish, meat but you are lot stronger thanmine. How it is possible? He said we need to practice self-discipline. Friend asked,how do you practice self-discipline? He said I practice self-discipline for perfect selfcontrol. Through diet- control, hearing control, speech control the mind and fivesense-organs can be controlled and the Almighty power can be attained.In 1913, he was initiated in yoga by great yogi Baba Gambhiranathji. Then he spent3 consecutive years in divine meditation in his village. Eventually his success cameand he attained the divine illumination. Since then a great divine power purified byvigorous austerity manifested in his body.After the break of his divine Samadhi, he announced his massage for the people ofthe world-“This age is the age of great awakening. This age is the age of great unity.This age is the age of great adjustment. This age is the age of great salvation.BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 21

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013At that time India was under the British rule. India was passing through a phase ofdisrespect and irreverence. Social disturbance was going on everywhere. Indian’swere losing there self consciousness. Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj said itis impossible for youths who are aimless, idealess, how they can sacrifice there livesfor the country? My firm determination is to build up first the moral character throughpractice of self control. First let them organize, and then they can go for movement.He said I want to bring back the ancient vedic Indian family and social ideals andresponsibilities to the age so that social life again be healthy, disciplined andpeaceful.At the age of 28 he was initiated in sannyasa and came to be known by the nameAcharya Swami Pranavananda. Before that people used to call him Vinoda.Acharyadeva started building a group of young people who renounced there life forthe sake of good of others. This army of salvation after being initiated tomonasticism jumped into the whirlpool of social service. In 1917 on this auspiciousMaghi Purnimatithi, he along with his young followers established the welfareorganization <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>. He started his work of humanitarianactivities, service to the victims of flood, earthquake, building up of character ofyouths, encouragement and assistance to house-holders to develop discipline andideal lives. Motivated by the grace and power of preceptor they started begging fromdoor to door and collected money, clothing and rice and started providing relief tothe people who were suffering from these disaster. The work of sangha started toprogress very rapidly. For collecting money for the sangha, the acharya formed agroup of singers. A moral atmosphere started to be created in the whole countrythrough kirtana. People used to enjoy heavenly bliss as long as they used to beengaged in kirtana. Devotional sentiments used to play so strongly in them that nonecould resist the temptation of coming to kirtana. Millions of Hindu men and womenstarted appreciating the activities of the sangha. To uplift Hindu families and societyAcharyadeva established Hindu Milan Mandir. Realization of self and service tohumanity were the twin motto of the Acharya and motto of the sangha.In 1913 on the same tithi in the presence of 20, 000 people the Acharyadevaaccepted the offering as the preceptor of the world, the great master of the age.Since that time every year 108 dishes is being offered to him on this Maghi Purnima.<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> has been devoting significant human and financialresources including relief work during natural disasters, administration of charitablehospitals, mobile medical care, leprosy treatment centers, orphans and studentshomes. <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> also takes keen interest for welfare of tribalsegments of the society. The <strong>Sangha</strong> is running 30 charitable dispensaries at thehead office and in different branches covering more than half a million patients. It isrunning 3 hospitals and 55 clinics for the leprosy patients in Singhbhum district inBihar. To restore ancient spiritual atmosphere of the holy places of pilgrimages andto give accommodation as well as all possible help to the pilgrims, Acharyadevaestablished pilgrims welfare centers.22BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> has 80 Ashrams across 16 states in India and 41 MilanMandirs.The <strong>Sangha</strong> has its branches all over the world including in UK, Canada, USA,South America, Fiji, Nepal, Bangladesh.The department of Posts in India issued a postage stamp in honor of SwamiPranavanandaji Maharaj on November 3rd, 2002.Three monthly magazines and also a good number of religious books in differentlanguages are being published to keep Hindus aware of Vedic ideals. In vedic view,there is no one God for all humanity, but there is one Reality for all beings.~~~BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 23


ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Free FirstSessionAll students in grades 1-12 have the opportunity to get involved in the followingEnrichment Activities in Naperville.Math Olympiad – Grade 4 - 8Promoting criticalthinkingLearning ProblemSolving StrategiesSolvingchallenging math wordproblems.Stimulateenthusiasm for MathFosterMathematical creativityJr. First Lego Leauge – Grade 1-3 Themed LegoBuilding Building LegoSimple Machines Building LegoMoving Model Build to Express Project work –Trifold Team Participatesin Jr. FLL EventSAT/ACT Test Prep English Math ScienceScience League – Grade 2-12Extend scienceknowledge and skills onmany topics through fun,hands-on, innovativeactivitiesExplore sciencethrough inquiry basedlearning.Prepare childrenfor participatingin National ScienceLeague ContestFirst Lego Leauge – Grade 5-8 Build & DesignRobots Programming Lego CAD Project Work –Solving real worldProblems Team Participatesin FLL CompetitionContact UsArchana Sharma630-995-9799630-445-5406asharma@cybershala.comSponsoring:Math Olympiad, Science League and Lego Roboticswww.cybershala.comBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 25

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Youth Summer Camp at <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>, ChicagoEvery year <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong>, Chicago conducts full day Youth SummerCamp for 10 days. Theme of the camp usually based on Ramayana. Camp teacheskids each kanda of Ramayana every day and how they can apply its lessons eventoday in their daily life. In order to make sure kids able to learned what’s beentaught, camp organizers provides a set of question answer sheet on the kandataught on that day and kids practiced those to make sure all the kids are able toabsorb what they learn in spite of various age differences. In addition to Ramayankids learnes and practices yoga and meditation under the supervision of Swamiji orinstructors comes from yoga center. In 2012, kids were taken to Scitech museum forfield trip. In 2012, volunteers came from Fermilab to show presentation on electricity,magnetism and another day volunteer from Fermilab showed kids Cryogenic show.Kids and volunteers enjoyed the show very much. Apart from these kids learnedabout vegetarianism, devotional song, drawing and painting. On final day of thecamp kids participates in a quiz competition to prove how much they have learnedabout Ramayana and also got attractive prizes. Apart from religious teaching kidsgot ample play time every day. All kids get prizes at the end of the camp. Lunch,snack, art materials are provided by the Ashram. In 2011 Hanuman chalisa speciallymade for children with its meaning were distributed to all kids. In the graduationceremony kids performs a drama and dance based on Ramayana. <strong>Bharat</strong><strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> is very much thankful to all the volunteers and to all the peoplewho sponsored food and other thing. Without there help it would not have been sosuccessful. May God bless them all.26BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Kids performing during 2012 Summer Camp graduationFermilab presentation on electricity andmagnetism during 2012 Summer CampCraft work by camp participantsBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 27

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Senior Swamijis from head office Kolkata, India visited Chicago branch in 201228BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Kids performing in cultural program on the occasion of Saraswati PujaBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 29

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Tulsi and It’s FamilyAmar Chowdhury(Republish from <strong>Sanatan</strong> <strong>Jyoti</strong> 2007)30BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO




ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> Around the WorldBy the blessings of Guru Maharaj, <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Sevashram</strong> <strong>Sangha</strong> now has branches infollowing places. North America – 11 Ashramso Chicagoo Minneapoliso New York – 3 Ashramso New Jerseyo California -2 Ashrams, including Ashram near LA on 54 acre lando Canada - 2 Ashrams South America – 15 Ashrams, including one Hindu collage on 35 acre landwith more than 2,000 students Trinidad, West Indies – 4 Ashrams India – more than 100 large Ashrams and more than 300 small Ashrams(Milan Mandir)o Offering Scholarship for several thousand studentso Many hostels where students can stay and study, some are free forstudentso <strong>Sangha</strong> running 37 schools and many primary schoolso Owns 20 hospitals, including newest 500 beds hospital in Joka,Kolkatao 6 leprosy hospitals in Jharkhando 300 charitable dispensaries to serve poor and needy through the Hindumilan mandiro Providing shelter for thousands and thousands homelesso Helping in many village developments in West Bengal, Orissa,Andaban, Jharkhand, Gujrat, Chenni, Assam, Nagaland, AndraPradesho Countless relief effort during natural calamities such as earth queck,flood, famin34BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013The Objective and Necessity of Religionby Swami Purnatmananda Maharajtranslated by Bakul BanerjeeReligion is the entity that enhances human life and leads to salvation.Although different religious organizations may have differences in forms, thefundamental goal of all religion is take humans to a higher level and to exposethe hidden divinity in them. The true meaning of civilization is to conquer theanimal aspect of the nature. The entire human history teaches us this lessonthrough earliest stories of wars between gods and demons as well as thestories of modern day invasions by Greeks, Muslims, Shakas, Huns,Pahlavas, Bahliks, Mughals, Pathans and Britishers. After years ofdomination by foreign powers, the soul of India is yearning for uplift. Mostcountries seek their ideals in politics, economics, social justice, etc, but Indiaalways sought its national ideal in religion and spirituality. This spirituality isthe backbone of our society and nationality. Our national revival can onlyhappen if we follow the path of spirituality. From the ages of Vedas to moderntimes, we hoped for peace, the escape from the cycle of birth and death, andself-realization. These are the ultimate goals and wishes for all mankind.We must remember that if we do not follow the path of truth, we will not beable to realize that ultimate truth. Truth can only be achieved through truthitself. Only way to free ourselves from the difficulties of human life is to realizeour own true self.At the dawn of human civilization, Hindu sages realized that knowledge of theultimate one leads us to the eternal peace and sang the great hymn to thedenizens of the world, not to any special group of people:“Srinantu biswe aryam amritsa putra …”BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 35

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013“O denizens of the world and the gods residing in the luminous heaven listencarefully. I found the ultimate one, adorned by the color of sun, who existsbehind everything in the entire universe. With the knowledge of his existencewe can win over death. There is no other way to become deathless.”Like animals, the human body is made of organic materials. Consequently, ahuman being without culture, acts and thinks like an animal. Animal wisheskeep him arrested in the cycle of life and death, making them return to theworld again and again. An ordinary man identifies his body with the soul or “I”and believes that the soul is different from the “I”. However, concealedbeneath the animal body, every human possesses the divine. The only way toextricate ourselves from this cycle is to bring to light that hidden divinity toestablish the sovereignty of the soul, as the soul is eternal and does not getbirth or death. Continuously performing the task of exposing the soul or thelotus-like divinity from the cover of the animal instincts should be the duty ofall mankind.Evil actions are leading human civilization toward destruction. However, gooddeeds of enlightened people provide natural protections from that destruction.The collection of rules that guides humans to conduct protective duties isdefined to be religion. Consequently, the religion is the holder of the world.Nothing stronger exists. To reach the top of the mountain, we need to climbmany steps following many techniques. However, the mandatory series ofsteps to climb are guided by good Achar or rules, good Acharan or actions,and good Charitra or characters. Achar means the collection of rules of living.Personal characters are molded by the rules. Good rules are essential for theenhancement of characters. There are significant differences of opinionsamong religious groups regarding definitions of good rules. If ordinary peoplefeel conflicted with different rules, they should follow the steps followed bygreat man. That is why one of the tenets of Hindu religion is to follow theexamples set by great sages.36BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013To purify our soul by winning over the animal nature, there are four essentialrules. First, self-control and self-discipline as achieved by controlling sensesby focused mental practice. The second is being truthful. The third rule is topractice selfless love and the fourth rule is to perform selfless duties.Performance of good deeds in association with good characters and goodrules of living leads humans to enhanced wisdom which in turn leads them toself-knowledge. As the saying goes, “Conquer habit by counter habit.”When humans are animal-like, they are extremely selfish, bound by desires,inclined toward fulfilling their senses, and becoming slaves of sins. At thisstage, they lose the desire for purity, truth and morality. Fulfilling bodilydesires becomes their primary goal of life. They shun spiritual ideals andbelieve that spending time and energy on religious discussions is fruitless.Carnal desire, ego, anger, greed, infatuation, envy, and disgust are thenatural outcomes of such attitudes. The thirst for desire is a true disease.Those who practice restraining their minds from desire and anger canbecome truly happy and peaceful by achieving the knowledge of Brhman. Selfcontrol is easy for those who can test their minds to discover their ownweaknesses and attempt at correcting their faults. It is easy for them toachieve peace. The true objective of religion is to help us to achieve peacethrough the knowledge of Brhman. The goal of human life is to focus ourscattered thoughts toward our inner soul to gain self-realization.Ideas and experiences about religion and its ideals in occidental countries arevery different. The religion to men and women of these countries is defined bythe practice of narrow rules and customs. Since these practices areconflicting to each other, arguments and infractions are created.Consequently, as a result of these conservatisms, one religious group tries todestroy another group so that the winner can impose their own religion on thelosing group.BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 37

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013However, the images and ideals of Hinduism are completely different.According to the ancient sage Manu, there are ten characteristics of theuniversal religion: 1. Contentment, 2.Forgiveness, 3.Self-restraint, 4. Non-Stealing, 5. Purity, 6. Control of Senses, 7. Discrimination between right andwrong, as also between the real and the unreal, 8. Spiritual knowledge, 9.Truthfulness and 10. Absence of anger. Is there a place for narrow sectarianreasoning in this broad-minded ideal of religion? In other words, is there anydoubt that these ideals of religion are for everybody, for everywhere, and foreternity. Hindu religion of India is the symbol of the religion of mankind. It wasthe only religion before the establishment of other religions.This religion was the only religion followed by entire humanity. The originalsource of this religion is Veda. On that count, it is an eternal and pricelesstreasure for humanity.India, created by God as a land exquisitely graced by beautiful seasons, isthe center of earliest flowering of human civilization. That is why we note thathumans with highest knowledge, intellect, and talent are born in India toachieve the greatness. That is why sages like Vyas, Bashishtha, Manu,Gautam, Sankhya, Parashara, Kapil, Kanad, Atri, Bharadwaj, Yagyabalka,Swetaketu, Agastya, and Vishwamitra were born here, as did prophets like SriRam, Sri Krishna, Buddha, Shankaracharya, Mahavira, Ramanuja, Madhava,and Sri Chaitanya. The trend that they established is still continuing. India isstill the land of choice for sages and prophets. India adorned by its beautifulrivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, Godavari,Krishna, etc.; lofty mountains like Girimar, Bindhya, and Himalaya, and deep,green forests with mild weather; is most suitable for spiritual realization. Toremind us this aspect, an Indian poet wrote, “Dhana Dhanye Pushpeh BhoraAmader Ei Basundhara …”We note that in these days of decline of national life, there is temporary lossof collective memory and we are straying from ideals. Sometimes, the general38BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013tolerance of other opinions by Arya Hindus goes beyond limits. It isdangerous to religion and society. This is reason of hardship for Hindus. Inancient times, sages and monks led the societal, political and personal lives.The famed Ramarajya remained memorable through ages because it was ledby the great sage Bashishtha. Maurya dynasty was established under theguidance of the penniless Brahmin Kautilya who helped Chandragupta toenormous wealth and accomplishments. Shivaji, the king of Maharashtra,followed instructions of Swami Ramadasa to lead his life and kingdom. Sincemonarchs and public rejected the leaderships of sages and monks with purehearts and minds, India has become cursed by sadness. The black cloud ofoverall decline is still covering Indian sky. The society is being punished bythe all-consuming, unethical politics. Mankind, distracted by the degraded,wanton animal power, is standing by the blood-red ocean of destruction.Deliberating on the need of religion for nation building, Mahatma Gandhi, thegreat political leader of India said, “Politics without religious basis is adangerous thing.” Its impact on the nation is very grave. “We must spiritualizepolitics and economics.” He used to say. This statement is equally true forour personal and societal life. From the time of Raja Rammohan Roy untilnow, every great man who began movements for public welfare pointed hisfinger to the founder Swami Pranavananda of <strong>Bharat</strong> Sevasram <strong>Sangha</strong>. Heannounced in his divine voice, “This epoch is the epoch of holy awakenings,of holy union, and equality; this epoch is about holy salvation.” India will wakeup and stand up again. Based on ancient tradition of knowledge, it will take itshallowed seat, blessed by God. As he said “Religion is renunciation, control,truth, and chastity.”Today, I offer my heartfelt prayer to the lotus feet of Jagateshwar Thakur. LetHim clarify our outlook; make our intellect pure and our mind self-content. LetHim lead our existence and actions toward him. Let us be capable andsuccessful in fulfilling the duties assigned to us with perfection, eternalBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 39

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013patience and determination – like an instrument in His glorious hand. Pleaseaccept and acknowledge our lives as an offering to your worship and service.Om sahanA vavatu sahanau bhunaktu saha veeryam karavAvaheTejasvinA vadheetha mastu mA vid vishavAhaiMay he protect and nourish us both. May we acquire the capacity tounderstand the scriptures. May we be brilliant in studies. May we not havedisputes.~~~Five day long Patanjali Yoga Camp held in July 2010 at Chicago Ashram40BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Philanthropy in Shri Jagannath Cultureby Nilamadhab NandaLord Jagannath is supreme godhead, known as “Purusottam” means a man ofhighest degree, the supreme soul. Each individual soul is part of the supreme soul.The culture followed with the supreme soul is the mass culture based on “<strong>Sanatan</strong>dharma “. The Social, Cultural, Religious, and spiritual values of Odisha are highlyinfluenced by the culture of Shri Purusottam khetra. This has been continuing sincetime immemorial. The culture has evolved over time with the assimilation of differentreligious and cultural values originated from great religious minds in centuries overcenturies. The world has taken a quantum leap in all most all directions includingsocio-cultural, science, environment, and even in outer space. Old dogmas arereplaced by new discoveries and inventions. These significant changes have majorinfluences and transformations in the human behavior and society. But the impact ofthese changes is none or minimum to Sri Jagannath culture, the reason is, it isbased on the basic values of peaceful survival and progression. It is the root of lifetree, as more and more people know and realize its value, it becomes stronger andsuperior. The adaptive nature of the culture has made it world famous and attractivefor masses over time. For the people of Odisha Lord Jagannath has become the trueidentity in and outside of India. People may not know Odisha but they know LordJagannath and Puri dham, one of the four sacred places in India for Hindus.It is important for us to keep up with this great culture and pass on to our nextgeneration through practicing, promoting, and realizing the true value of the culture.Shri Jagannath culture is not about only worshiping in ritualistic way, it includescharitable services for uplifting the poor and needy people in the society.Sometimes question arises on including philanthropy with ritualistic culture of LordJagannath. But looking back the old scriptures like “Puranas “ and legends on LordJagannath it is very obvious that Lord has always supported and helped the poorand downtrodden people in the society. One such compelling story is around thesocially backward and lower caste woman “Sriya Chandaluni”. When the uppercasts Brahmins were taking it as their exclusive privilege to worship Gods andGoddesses and celebrate festivals, a lowest caste woman with great devotion daredto worship Goddess Lakshmi. This attempt of untouchable Sriya was completelyunacceptable to the egoistic priest community. They created all kinds of hindranceto stop her worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and punished her. Sriya got thepunishment but the pain was felt by Lord Jagannath. The lord of the universe couldnot tolerate this discrimination in the society and suffering of poor lower castepeople. He sent HIS concert goddess Maha Lakshmi to Sriya’s house in guise tohelp complete her worship and celebrate the festival with utmost devotion. This actof sending Maha Lakshmi to a Chandaluni’s (lowest caste) house caused lots oftrouble to Lord Jagannath, HIS elder brother with great anger ordered MahaLakshmi to get out of the temple. Being insulted and kicked out of HER own temple,the goddess of wealth, Mahalakshmi left the temple with all the wealth with herleaving nothing for the two brothers. The brother duo, Lord Balabhadra and LordBHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 41

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Jagannath with empty stomach roamed house to house begging for food. Finallythey reached the Chandaluni’s house who offered water. The thirsty and hungrybrothers forgot their social status and accepted water from the hand of Chandaluni.Being tired and weak in looking for food, both the brothers arrived in a house of aChandaluni again. The poor woman offered food, with lots of reluctance Balabhadraand Jagannath decided to accept it to survive. Later on they found the Chandaluniwas none but Maha Lakshmi herself in guise to teach them a lesson ondiscriminating people in society. Lord Balabhadra realized HIS mistake andaccepted Maha Laksmi in the temple and removed all differences anddiscriminations in the society. This whole act was designed and played by LordJagannath to help the socially oppressed and disadvantaged people.This is not the only example in Shri Jgagannath culture that establishes charitabledeeds to support the poor in the society. The story of Bandhu Mohanty is anothercase of helping poor devotees. Bandhu Mohanty was a poor man but a greatdevotee of Lord Jagannath. He believed Lord as his close friend. One day when hehad nothing to feed his family, his wife suggested him to ask his great friend for help.With no other means on hand Bandhu Mohanty agreed and headed to Puri with hisfamily. It was quite late in the night by the time they arrived Puri. He asked everyonein the family to go to sleep. Everyone went to deep sleep except his wife. After awhile someone came to them with plenty of food and left with them. His wife wassurprised to see the stranger. In the morning when she told this to Bandhu Mohanty,he was taken aback and realized that the stranger was no one but his great friendLord Jagannath.How much the Lord is hurt when his devotees are oppressed by society is very wellrevealed by the story of HIS renowned devotee Balaram Das. The great poetBalaram Das had written Dandi Ramayana in Oriya language. But he was in lovewith a prostitute called Jamuna Bai and was disliked by the society for this act. Oneday when he was with the prostitute found that it was the famous Ratha Yatra (Carfestival) day and the chariots were about to be pulled by devotees. He immediatelyran to the chariot of Lord Jagannath and started climbing it. The priests found himcoming from the prostitute’s house with signs of turmeric and lipsticks on his bodyand resisted him touching the chariot and beat him. Poor Balaram returned cryingand went to the sea shore. He made three chariots on sand for Lord Jagannath, lordBalabhadra and sister Subhadra. With tears and anger he silently prayed his Lordsaying to stop the chariot and come to his sand made chariots. Lord Jagannathcould feel the pain of his devotee, suddenly all the three chariots stopped moving. Alleffort to pull the chariot failed, priest and Gajapati got worried and started prayingLord Jagannath. In dreams Lord appeared to Gajapati and told about the incidentand expressed his dissatisfaction on the insult of his devotee. Realizing the mistake,priests and king went to meet Balaram Das, begged pardon and brought him to thechariot with full respect. After that, all the chariots started rolling.These are few stories that illustrate how Lord HIMSELF was involved in helping thepoor and weaker section of people in society and teach other people to follow thepath. This is clearly visible in present time inside the temple where everyone is equal42BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013in front of Lord. Lord is always behind someone in true danger to help and protect.Helping and serving socially disadvantaged and unfortunates are part of ShriJagannath culture. Charitable service is another way of worshiping the lord.~~~BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 43

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013Significance of Shivaratriby Sucheta SadhukhanSivaratri is celebrated on the moonless night of the month of Phalguna inHindu calendar, which is the fourteenth day in the krishnapaksha. On this dayspiritual practices are considered to be especially auspicious and beneficial.It is mentioned in Puranas that Shiva himself tells Parvati that this day isparticularly dear to him. Those who perform the prescribed austerities on thisday will be freed from all sins. One popular story from the Puranas goes likethis: There was once a poor hunter from Varanasi. He lived with his wife anda child in a small hut. He would go to the forest and hunt to feed his family.One particular day, he caught many small animals and birds, which he putinto a sack. Encouraged by the catch, he wandered deeper into the forest insearch of more animals. Soon darkness set in and he turned to go home. Hewas a little worried as the forest was full with dangerous animals. He did notlike the idea of spending the night there. Soon it became very dark. Unable tofind his way back, the hunter climbed a tree to be safe from the wild animals.Attracted by his scent, animals gathered under the tree. Throughout the nightthe animals kept prowling beneath the tree. The hunter kept crying andpraying throughout the night. He plucked leaves from the tree, whichhappened to be a bilva tree, and dropped them on the ground. Unknown tohim, there was a Shivalinga at the foot of the tree; and so, although he wasunaware of it, by dropping the sacred bilva leaves, he was making a sacredoffering to the Shivalinga. His tears also fell on the Shivalinga. That nighthappened to be Shivaratri. So the hunter had unknowingly kept a night-longvigil and worshipped Shiva.The story above is a metaphor. It has a great meaning. It is a story of ourconsciousness rising from Muladhara chakra which is our lowest chakra toAgya chakra. Just as the hunter sought to kill wild animals, the spiritualseeker tries to overcome lust, anger, greed, jealousy and hatred. The jungle44BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013is the mind where all these negativities roam about. A spiritual person mustkill these "animals" to be free.The hunter was born in Varanasi. Vara refers to the forehead while nasi is thenose. The point where both meet is Varanasi, in other words, the pointmidway between the eyebrows. This point is also called the ajna chakra andis regarded as a triveni of the three naris (nerves): ida, pingala and sushumnaThese naris are called Ganga, Jamuna, Saraswati. So ajna chakra is calledtriveni. Where women put bindi on forehead is called triveni of three narisganga, jamuna and saraswati. A spiritual person who concentrates his or hermind on this point, gains concentration and gradual control over his senses.The killing of the animals thus indicates control over one's desire.The bilva tree corresponds to the spinal cord. The tree's leaves are special:each stalk has three leaflets. The three leaflets represent the threenerves(Ganga, Jamuna, Saraswati). The climbing of the tree represents risingthe kundalini shakti from the muladhara to the ajna chakra. Keeping awake issymbolic of the kind of awareness and oneness of purpose that a spiritualaspirant needs to reach the goal. He cannot afford to be slack even for amoment. Shiva is the Supreme Consciousness that illuminates the threestates of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Offering the threefold bilva leavesto the Shivalinga takes us to the level of consciousness beyond the threestates, the fourth state, turiya. If you see the symbol of , the symbol ofAUM consists of three curves (curves 1, 2, and 3), one semicircle (curve4),and a dot.The large lower curve 1 symbolizes the waking state (jagrat), conscious state.The upper curve 2 denotes the state of deep sleep (sushupti) or theunconscious state. This is a state where the sleeper desires nothing norbeholds any dream.BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO 45

ETERNAL LIGHT ♦ SANATAN JYOTI ♦ 2013The middle curve 3 (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state)signifies the dream state (swapna).These are the three states of an individual's consciousness, The dot signifiesthe fourth state of consciousness, known in Sanskrit as turiya.Finally, the semi circle symbolizes maya and separates the dot from the otherthree curves. Thus it is the illusion of maya that prevents us from therealization of this highest state of bliss. The semi circle is open at the top, anddoes not touch the dot. This means that this highest state is not affected bymaya. Maya only affects the manifested phenomenon. We all the famousshiva mantra Om Namah Shivaya, it is Panchakshara,"having five syllables.Our body and whole universe is also made of 5 elements. Earth, fire, water,air and akash tatwa. In Namah Sivaya, Na is earth, Ma is water, Śi is fire, Vāis air, and Ya is Ākāśa. Namah shiva is preceded by syllable AUM.Whenever we are afraid, worried we should chant Aum Namah shivay. Thattakes all of our negative energies away from us.~~~46BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHA OF NORTH AMERICA, CHICAGO

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