Resuscitation Policy - Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust

Resuscitation Policy - Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust

Resuscitation Policy - Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust


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6. <strong>Resuscitation</strong> of Children6.1 The paediatric resuscitation team is summoned, by calling 2222, for childrenin cardiopulmonary arrest or where the outcome is threatened. The teamleader should be someone with expertise and training in the resuscitation ofchildren. For neonates requiring or likely to require resuscitation, the neonatalresuscitation team (paediatric registrar and senior house officer) is summonedby calling 2222.6.2 At least one member of the paediatric resuscitation team should possess avalid certificate in Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) or EuropeanPaediatric Life Support (EPLS).6.3 Training in basic paediatric and neonatal life support, recognition of the sickchild and prevention of cardiac arrest will be available for clinical staff who areexpected to attempt resuscitation of children or neonates. This will includestaff working in areas where children are inpatients or attend as outpatients.6.4 Dedicated standardised trolleys will be available in all areas where childrenare likely to be treated. The equipment kept on these trolleys is listed inAppendix 2. The drugs kept in the paediatric resuscitation box are listed inAppendix 3. Areas where neonates are likely to be treated will providespecialized equipment.6.5 A paediatric grab-bag will be located on the children’s ward and will be takenby ward staff (nursing or medical) to any paediatric emergency outside of theChildren’s Unit.6.6 A paediatric bag-mask device will be located on the Eye Unit, OrthopaedicOutpatients, Oral Surgery, and Physiotherapy Department and in the NuclearMedicine Department – all other paediatric equipment will be removed fromthe adult resuscitation trolleys in these areas.6.7 Parents or carers of high-risk children will be offered resuscitation training, butonly if approved by a paediatric consultant. The training will be delivered onlyby those who attended the ‘Parental Training – Train the Trainer Course’ runby the <strong>Resuscitation</strong> Department.Document name: <strong>Resuscitation</strong> Ref.: 774Issue date: 7 February 2013Status: ApprovedAuthor: Jerry Nolan Page 7 of 25

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