seasonal distribution of charophytes in kanyakumari ... - CIBTech

seasonal distribution of charophytes in kanyakumari ... - CIBTech seasonal distribution of charophytes in kanyakumari ... - CIBTech


Indian Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN: 2319-3824 (Online)An Online International Journal Available at Vol. 2 (2) April-June, pp.35-55/Nithyavathi and BalasinghResearch Article22.23.24.Nitella superba PalNitella mucronata MiquelNitella pseudotenuissima Kundu+ = present, + * = with sex organ.NMS + *SWMNEM +NMS + *SWM +NEM +NMS + *SWM +NEM +N. superba Pal.Male plants about 8cm long, branchlets 5-6 in a whorl, 2 times furcated, antheridium solitary atthe ultimate branchlet nodes. It was collected from S 6 . The plant was reported with sex organsduring non-monsoon season. In India it was previously observed in Assam and Bombay (Figure22).N. mucronata (Bro.) Miquel.Highly branching habit, 4-6 branchlets in a whorl, branchlets 2-3 times furcated, antheridium andoogonium solitary at different nodes. It was collected from S 7 . Sex organs were observed duringnon-monsoon season. Previously it was observed in Madras (Figure 23).N. pseudotenuissima Kundu.Stout plant, whorls on the branches much congested and more or less moniliform, branchlets 6 ata node, 1-2 times furcated, antheridium and oogonium at the second furcations. It was collectedfrom S 4 . The plants reproduced during the later period of northeast monsoon season and earlyperiod of non-monsoon season (Figure 24).ConclusionCharophytes are small and sharply defined assemblage of fresh water macro algae. They presenta great elaboration of vegetative and reproductive structures and include seven genera. Two ofthem observed from the study area were Chara and Nitella. Kanyakumari district providesspecial niche for this unique biodiversity. Further investigations in the hill stations, middle plainsand coastal lines may lead to the identification of more genera and species.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my heartfelt gratitude to my guide Dr G.S. Regini Balasingh for the encouragement andhelp rendered in processing the paper. I am indebted to Dr A. Deva Sobhana Raj for creating aninterest in this area of research. I am grateful to Dr D. Subramanian for his guidance and help ingetting the species identified.REFERENCESAPHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water 20. American Publichealth Association, Washington, D.C., USA.Goldi S J (1888). Studies on growth and regeneration of Nitella furcata (Agardh) and Nitellaflagelliformis (Braun). M Phil Dessertation submitted to M. K. University.Joye D A, Castella E and Lachavanne J B (2002). Occurrence of Characeae in Switzerlandover the last two centuries (1800-2000). Aquatic Botany 72 369-385.54

Indian Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN: 2319-3824 (Online)An Online International Journal Available at Vol. 2 (2) April-June, pp.35-55/Nithyavathi and BalasinghResearch ArticleKhan M and SarmaYSRK (1984). Cytogeography and Cytosystematics of Charophyta. Thesystematic association special 27 303-330.Nithyavathy C P, Raj ADS and Regini Balasingh GS (2010). Distribution of Charophytes inKanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India. Proceedings of the national seminar on role ofenvironmental change in the lower group biodiversity with special reference to algal diversity.Pal BP, Kundu BC, Sundaralingam VS and Venkataraman GS (1962). Charophyta. ICAR,New Delhi.Shamal VPS (2011). Studies on the distribution and seasonal abundance of Chlorophyta in theselected freshwater environment of Kanyakumari District.Smith GM (1955). Cryptogamic Botany 1. Algae and Fungi. New York.Subramaniam D (2002). Monograph on Indian Charophyta. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,Dehra Dun.Sukumaran S and Raj ADS (2010). Diversity of lower group plants in an isolated landscape ofKanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India. Proc.of the national seminar on role of environmentalchange in the lower group biodiversity with special reference to algal diversity.Sundaralingam VS (1962). Studies on Indian Charophytes. I. Lychnothamnus. Proceedings ofthe Indian Acadmic Science 55 131-191.Vestergaard O and Sand-Jensen K (2000). Alkalinity and trophic state regulate aquatic plantdistribution in Danish lakes. Aquatic Botany 67 85-107.Wood RD and Imahori K (1965). Monograph of the Characeae Weinheim Verlag Von. J.Cramer.55

Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences ISSN: 2319-3824 (Onl<strong>in</strong>e)An Onl<strong>in</strong>e International Journal Available at Vol. 2 (2) April-June, pp.35-55/Nithyavathi and Balas<strong>in</strong>ghResearch Article22.23.24.Nitella superba PalNitella mucronata MiquelNitella pseudotenuissima Kundu+ = present, + * = with sex organ.NMS + *SWMNEM +NMS + *SWM +NEM +NMS + *SWM +NEM +N. superba Pal.Male plants about 8cm long, branchlets 5-6 <strong>in</strong> a whorl, 2 times furcated, antheridium solitary atthe ultimate branchlet nodes. It was collected from S 6 . The plant was reported with sex organsdur<strong>in</strong>g non-monsoon season. In India it was previously observed <strong>in</strong> Assam and Bombay (Figure22).N. mucronata (Bro.) Miquel.Highly branch<strong>in</strong>g habit, 4-6 branchlets <strong>in</strong> a whorl, branchlets 2-3 times furcated, antheridium andoogonium solitary at different nodes. It was collected from S 7 . Sex organs were observed dur<strong>in</strong>gnon-monsoon season. Previously it was observed <strong>in</strong> Madras (Figure 23).N. pseudotenuissima Kundu.Stout plant, whorls on the branches much congested and more or less moniliform, branchlets 6 ata node, 1-2 times furcated, antheridium and oogonium at the second furcations. It was collectedfrom S 4 . The plants reproduced dur<strong>in</strong>g the later period <strong>of</strong> northeast monsoon season and earlyperiod <strong>of</strong> non-monsoon season (Figure 24).ConclusionCharophytes are small and sharply def<strong>in</strong>ed assemblage <strong>of</strong> fresh water macro algae. They presenta great elaboration <strong>of</strong> vegetative and reproductive structures and <strong>in</strong>clude seven genera. Two <strong>of</strong>them observed from the study area were Chara and Nitella. Kanyakumari district providesspecial niche for this unique biodiversity. Further <strong>in</strong>vestigations <strong>in</strong> the hill stations, middle pla<strong>in</strong>sand coastal l<strong>in</strong>es may lead to the identification <strong>of</strong> more genera and species.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my heartfelt gratitude to my guide Dr G.S. Reg<strong>in</strong>i Balas<strong>in</strong>gh for the encouragement andhelp rendered <strong>in</strong> process<strong>in</strong>g the paper. I am <strong>in</strong>debted to Dr A. Deva Sobhana Raj for creat<strong>in</strong>g an<strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> this area <strong>of</strong> research. I am grateful to Dr D. Subramanian for his guidance and help <strong>in</strong>gett<strong>in</strong>g the species identified.REFERENCESAPHA (1998). Standard methods for exam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> water and waste water 20. American Publichealth Association, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C., USA.Goldi S J (1888). Studies on growth and regeneration <strong>of</strong> Nitella furcata (Agardh) and Nitellaflagelliformis (Braun). M Phil Dessertation submitted to M. K. University.Joye D A, Castella E and Lachavanne J B (2002). Occurrence <strong>of</strong> Characeae <strong>in</strong> Switzerlandover the last two centuries (1800-2000). Aquatic Botany 72 369-385.54

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