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View essay as PDF - Bakersfield College

View essay as PDF - Bakersfield College


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Hernandez 2Her heart w<strong>as</strong> beating furiously to compliment the fear that held itself like a shroud in thedarkness. Her family knew she w<strong>as</strong> weak and would not have made it in Mexico by herself.Marianna had always been weak and sickly, enabling her to only achieve a 3rd grade education.The moment she stepped foot on the other side and p<strong>as</strong>sed into California, the struggle of being acitizen of the undocumented ethnic minority group began. What is contained in these unspokencharters of rights and responsibilities? As an undocumented, she now had the responsibility topay back the favor her sister gave her by sending her son to help her illegally immigrate. Shealso had the responsibility to help earn money to pay for her room and board. In Mexico, she hadthe security of receiving medical care for her many ailments, but in the United States, going tothe doctor could possibly mean discovery of her illegal status.In every human being, there is a sense close to the nature of what our forefathers wrote inthe constitution. Marianna knew she had the right to be treated fairly and pursue the ticket tobecoming a legal citizen of the United States. In her lifetime, she became an undocumentedstatistic. She became a number in a group that keeps incre<strong>as</strong>ing and actively striving for a moretransparent concept of attaining legal citizenship through immigration reform. Marianna hadseveral chances to gain legal citizenship, but the loopholes and life took it away. As anundocumented, she could have gained citizenship through marriage to a U.S. citizen or legalresident, but due to her illegal entry, a fine had to be paid. The fine included monetarycompensation to INS and returning to Mexico until her paperwork w<strong>as</strong> approved. When shemarried, the monetary fine w<strong>as</strong> paid, but returning to Mexico proved a difficult thing to do at thattime. Her husband w<strong>as</strong> scheduled for heart surgery, and she w<strong>as</strong> reluctant to believe that shewould ever return.

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