26 A Closer Look at Amniotes

26 A Closer Look at Amniotes

26 A Closer Look at Amniotes


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Eutherian MammalsAll the mammals most familiar to you are eutherians. Eutherian mammalsgive birth to live young th<strong>at</strong> have completed fetal development. Eutherianmammals are commonly called placental mammals, but this term is misleadingbecause most marsupials also use a placenta during embryo development.In most eutherian development, an embryo is <strong>at</strong>tached to themother’s uterine wall. The connection between the fetus and themother forms an organ called the placenta. Through the placenta,the mother delivers oxygen and nutrients to the embryo andremoves waste products. The placenta only forms during gest<strong>at</strong>ionand leaves the mother’s body following birth. The placenta isthe only example of a disposable organ.Eutherian gest<strong>at</strong>ion lasts longer than in marsupials—oftenmonths—and the babies are born <strong>at</strong> a more advanced stage ofdevelopment. In some species, including the Bengal tiger inFIGURE <strong>26</strong>.20, newborns are still rel<strong>at</strong>ively helpless and need extensiveparental care until they can survive on their own. In others,such as deer or horses, the time shortly after birth is when thenewborn is most vulnerable to pred<strong>at</strong>ors, so it is important th<strong>at</strong>they are able to get up and run within hours of birth.After the extinction of the dinosaurs, eutherians quickly filledvacant ecological niches, and the modern groups of mammalsappeared quickly. Rodents and carnivores appeared about 55million years ago, and the first known species of b<strong>at</strong>, elephant,man<strong>at</strong>ee, and horse appeared soon afterwards. Modern eutherians includefast carnivores such as cheetahs, and massive herbivores such as elephants.Three groups of aqu<strong>at</strong>ic eutherians—whales, man<strong>at</strong>ees, and seals—evolvedfrom land-dwelling mammals. B<strong>at</strong>s evolved powered flight. And one groupof prim<strong>at</strong>es, the humans, evolved the ability to think about their ancestors.FIGURE <strong>26</strong>.20 The cubs of thisBengal tiger will stay with theirmother for up to 18 months untilthey are able to hunt on theirown. Many eutherian mammalscare for their young after birth.To find out more about mammals,visit scilinks.org.Keycode: MLB0<strong>26</strong>Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages ofmarsupial and eutherian mammal reproduction.<strong>26</strong>.4 ASSESSMENTONLINE QUIZClassZone.comREVIEWINGMAIN IDEASCRITICAL THINKINGConnecting CONCEPTS1. Wh<strong>at</strong> fe<strong>at</strong>ures make mammalsdifferent from reptiles?2. How does fetal development differamong the three living groups ofmammals?3. Summarize How did the massextinction th<strong>at</strong> ended the reptilereign help lead to today’s mammaldiversity?4. Classify Monotremes were confusingto early scientists because theyhad both reptilian and mammalianfe<strong>at</strong>ures. How might scientists haveclassified monotremes differently?5. Ecology A sea turtle may layup to 200 eggs in a nest, thenleave and return to the ocean.When the young turtles h<strong>at</strong>chthey must fend for themselves.How do mammals differ in thenumber of offspring producedand in the role of parental careof offspring?Chapter <strong>26</strong>: A <strong>Closer</strong> <strong>Look</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Amniotes</strong> 809

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