bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines

bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines


Figure 5.2: Six image blockParameter X c [m] Y c [m] Z c [m] ω [deg] ϕ [deg] κ [deg]Image 1 3000.00 4002.00 503.00 0.1146 0.0573 5.7296Image 2 3305.00 4005.00 499.00 0.1432 0.0859 -5.7296Image 3 3610.00 3995.00 505.00 0.1719 0.4584 2.8648Image 4 3613.00 4613.00 507.00 0.2865 -0.0573 185.6383Image 5 3303.00 4617.00 493.00 -0.1432 0.4011 173.0333Image 6 2997.00 4610.00 509.00 -0.1833 -0.2865 181.6276Table 5.3: EOPs of six bundle block images for simulation76

of bundle block adjustment is required prior to the actual experiment with real datato evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. A simulation can control themeasurement errors so random noises affect the overall geometry of a block a little.The individual observations are generated based on the general situation of bundleblock adjustment to estimate the properties of the proposed algorithms. A simulationallows the adjustment for geometric problems or conditions with various experiments.A spline is derived by three ground control points (3232, 4261, 18), (3335, 4343, 52),(3373, 4387, 34).Figure 5.3: Natural cubic splineIn this chapter, several factors which affect the estimates of exterior orientationparameters, spline parameters, and spline location parameters are implemented usingthe proposed bundle block adjustment model with the simulated image block and thereal image block.77

Figure 5.2: Six image <strong>block</strong>Parameter X c [m] Y c [m] Z c [m] ω [deg] ϕ [deg] κ [deg]Image 1 3000.00 4002.00 503.00 0.1146 0.0573 5.7296Image 2 3305.00 4005.00 499.00 0.1432 0.0859 -5.7296Image 3 3610.00 3995.00 505.00 0.1719 0.4584 2.8648Image 4 3613.00 4613.00 507.00 0.2865 -0.0573 185.6383Image 5 3303.00 4617.00 493.00 -0.1432 0.4011 173.0333Image 6 2997.00 4610.00 509.00 -0.1833 -0.2865 181.6276Table 5.3: EOPs of six <strong>bundle</strong> <strong>block</strong> images for simulation76

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