bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines

bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines


space features is the coplanarity approach. Projection plane defined by the perspectivecenter in the image space and the plane including the straight line in the objectspace are identical. The extended collinearity model using linear features comparingwith the coplanarity method was proposed. Zielinski[80] described another straightline expression with independent parameters.Zalmanson and Schenk[79] extended their algorithm to relative orientation usingline parameters. Epipolar lines were employed to adopt linear features in relativeorientation with the extended collinearity equations (2.10).Gauss-Markov modelwas partitioned into orientation parameters and line parameters as (2.13).y = [ A R A L] [ ξ Rξ L]+ e (2.13)where ξ R relative orientation parameters, ξ L line parameters, A R the partial derivativesof extended collinearity equations with respect to relative orientation parameters,A L the partial derivatives of extended collinearity equations with respect to lineparameters, and e the error vector. They demonstrated that parallel lines to epipolarlines contributed to relative orientation totally and vertical lines to epipolar linesrendered only surface reconstruction. In addition, they introduced a regularizationscheme with soft constraints for the general cases.Zalmanson[78] updated EOPs using the correspondence between the parametriccontrol free-form line in object space and the projected 2D free-form line in imagespace. The hierarchical approach, the modified iteratively close point (ICP) method,was developed to estimate curve parameters. The ray lies on the free-form line whoseparametric equation represented with l parameter is as following. Besl and McKay[7]employed the ICP algorithm to solve matching problem of point sets, free-form curves,20

surfaces and terrain models in 2D and 3D space. ICP algorithm is executed withoutthe prior knowledge of correspondence between points.The ICP method affectedZalmanson’s dissertation in the development of the recovery of EOPs using 3D freeformlines in photogrammetry. Euclidean 3D transformation is employed in the searchof the closest entity on the geometric data set. Rabbani et al.[52] utilized ICP methodin registration of Lidar point clouds to divide into four categories spheres, planes,cylinder and torus with direct and indirect method.Ξ(l) =⎡⎢⎣X(l)Y (l)Z(l)⎤⎥⎦ =⎡⎢⎣X k 0Y k0Z k 0⎤⎥⎦ +⎡⎢⎣⎤ρ 1⎥ρ 2ρ 3where X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 , ω, ϕ, κ the EOPs and ρ 1 , ρ 2 , ρ 3 the direction vector.⎦ l (2.14)The parametric curve Γ(t) = [X(t) Y (t) Z(t)] Twas obtained by minimizing theEuclidian distance between two parametric curves.Φ(t, l) ≡ ‖Γ(t) − Ξ(l)‖ 2 = (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) 2 +(Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) 2 +(Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) 2(2.15)Φ(t, l) had a minimum value at ∂Φ/∂l = ∂Φ/∂t = 0 with two independent variablesl and t as (2.16).∂Φ/∂l = −2ρ 1 (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) − 2ρ 2 (Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) − 2ρ 3 (Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) = 0∂Φ/∂t = 2X ′ (t) (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) + 2Y ′ (t) (Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) +2Z ′ (t) (Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) = 0(2.16)Akav et al.[2] employed planar free form curves for aerial triangulation with the ICPmethod. Since the effect of Z parameter as compared with X and Y was large innormal plane equation aX +bY +cZ = 1, different plane representation was developed21

surfaces and terrain models in 2D and 3D space. ICP algorithm is executed <strong>with</strong>outthe prior knowledge of correspondence between points.The ICP method affectedZalmanson’s dissertation in the development of the recovery of EOPs using 3D freeformlines in photogrammetry. Euclidean 3D transformation is employed in the searchof the closest entity on the geometric data set. Rabbani et al.[52] utilized ICP methodin registration of Lidar point clouds to divide into four categories spheres, planes,cylinder and torus <strong>with</strong> direct and indirect method.Ξ(l) =⎡⎢⎣X(l)Y (l)Z(l)⎤⎥⎦ =⎡⎢⎣X k 0Y k0Z k 0⎤⎥⎦ +⎡⎢⎣⎤ρ 1⎥ρ 2ρ 3where X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 , ω, ϕ, κ the EOPs and ρ 1 , ρ 2 , ρ 3 the direction vector.⎦ l (2.14)The parametric curve Γ(t) = [X(t) Y (t) Z(t)] Twas obtained by minimizing theEuclidian distance between two parametric curves.Φ(t, l) ≡ ‖Γ(t) − Ξ(l)‖ 2 = (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) 2 +(Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) 2 +(Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) 2(2.15)Φ(t, l) had a minimum value at ∂Φ/∂l = ∂Φ/∂t = 0 <strong>with</strong> two independent variablesl and t as (2.16).∂Φ/∂l = −2ρ 1 (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) − 2ρ 2 (Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) − 2ρ 3 (Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) = 0∂Φ/∂t = 2X ′ (t) (X(t) − X 0 − ρ 1 l) + 2Y ′ (t) (Y (t) − Y 0 − ρ 2 l) +2Z ′ (t) (Z(t) − Z 0 − ρ 3 l) = 0(2.16)Akav et al.[2] employed planar free form curves for aerial triangulation <strong>with</strong> the ICPmethod. Since the effect of Z parameter as compared <strong>with</strong> X and Y was large innormal plane equation aX +bY +cZ = 1, different plane representation was developed21

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