bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines

bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines


a lot in man-made structures and mobile mapping system in reality, they have focusedon implementation with straight linear features with geometric constraints.Since many man-made environments including buildings often have straight edgesand planar faces, it is advantageous to employ line photogrammetry instead of pointphotogrammetry when mapping polyhedral model objects.Mikhail[43] and Habib et al.[27] accomplished the geometrical modeling and theperspective transformation of linear features within a triangulation process. Linearfeatures were used to recover relative orientation parameters. Habib et al. proposeda free-form line in object space by a sequence of 3D points along the object spaceline.Lee and Bethel[38] proposed employing both points and linear features were moreaccurate than using only points in ortho-rectification of airborne hyperspectral imagery.EOPs were recovered accurately and serious distortions were removed by thecontribution of linear features.Schenk[59] extended the concept of aerial triangulation from point features tolinear features. The line equation of six dependent parameters replaced the pointbased collinearity equation.X = X A + t · aY = Y A + t · bZ = Z A + t · c(2.9)where a real variable t, the start point (X A , Y A , Z A ) and direction vector (a, b, c).Traditional point-based collinearity equation was extended to line features18

x p = −f (X A + t · a − X C )r 11 + (Y A + t · b − Y C )r 12 + (Z A + t · c − Z C )r 13(X A + t · a − X C )r 31 + (Y A + t · b − Y C )r 32 + (Z A + t · c − Z C )r 33y p = −f (X A + t · a − X C )r 21 + (Y A + t · b − Y C )r 22 + (Z A + t · c − Z C )r 23(X A + t · a − X C )r 31 + (Y A + t · b − Y C )r 32 + (Z A + t · c − Z C )r 33(2.10)with x p , y p photo coordinates, f the focal length, X C , Y C , Z C camera perspectivecenter, and r ij the elements of the 3D orthogonal rotation matrix. The extendedcollinearity equation with six parameters was derived as the line expression of fourparameters (φ, θ, x o , y o ) since a 3D straight line has only four independent parameters.Two constrains are required to solve a common form of the 3D straight equations usingsix parameters determined by two vectors.⎡⎢⎣XYZ⎤⎥⎦ =⎡⎢⎣cos θ cos φ · x o − sin φ · y o + sin θ cos φ · zcos θ sin φ · x o + cos φ · y o + sin θ sin φ · z− sin θ · x o + cos θ · z⎤⎥⎦ (2.11)where z is a real variable. The advantage of the 3D straight line using four independentparameters is that it reduces the computation and time complexity in theadjustment processes such as a bundle block adjustment. The collinearity equationas the straight line function of four parameters was developed.x p = −f (X − X C)r 11 + (Y − Y C )r 12 + (Z − Z C )r 13(X − X C )r 31 + (Y − Y C )r 32 + (Z − Z C )r 33y p = −f (X − X (2.12)C)r 21 + (Y − Y C )r 22 + (Z − Z C )r 23(X − X C )r 31 + (Y − Y C )r 32 + (Z − Z C )r 33where X, Y, and Z were defined in (2.11).The solution of the bundle block adjustment with linear features was implemented sothat the line-based aerial triangulation can provide a more robust and autonomousenvironment than the traditional point-based bundle block adjustment.Anothermathematical model of the perspective relationship between the image and the object19

a lot in man-made structures and mobile mapping system in reality, they have focusedon implementation <strong>with</strong> straight linear features <strong>with</strong> geometric constraints.Since many man-made environments including buildings often have straight edgesand planar faces, it is advantageous to employ line photogrammetry instead of pointphotogrammetry when mapping polyhedral model objects.Mikhail[43] and Habib et al.[27] accomplished the geometrical modeling and theperspective transformation of linear features <strong>with</strong>in a triangulation process. Linearfeatures were used to recover relative orientation parameters. Habib et al. proposeda free-form line in object space by a sequence of 3D points along the object spaceline.Lee and Bethel[38] proposed employing both points and linear features were moreaccurate than using only points in ortho-rectification of airborne hyperspectral imagery.EOPs were recovered accurately and serious distortions were removed by thecontribution of linear features.Schenk[59] extended the concept of aerial triangulation from point features tolinear features. The line equation of six dependent parameters replaced the pointbased collinearity equation.X = X A + t · aY = Y A + t · bZ = Z A + t · c(2.9)where a real variable t, the start point (X A , Y A , Z A ) and direction vector (a, b, c).Traditional point-based collinearity equation was extended to line features18

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