bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines

bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines


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[62] Schickler, W. 1992. Feature matching for outer orientation of single imagesusing <strong>3d</strong> wireframe control points. International Archives of Photogrammetryand Remote Sensing 29(B3),591–598.[63] Seedahmed, G.H. 2004. On the suitability of conic sections in a single-photoresection, camera calibration and photogrammetric triangulation. Ph.D. dissertation,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science,The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.[64] Shi, J.B., and J. Malik. 2000. Normalized cuts and image segmentation. IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22(8),888–905.[65] Smith, M.J., and D.W.G. Park. 2000. Absolute and exterior orientation usinglinear features. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,Amsterdam, Netherlands 33(B3),850–857.[66] Smith, S., and J. Brady. 1995. SUSAN - A new approach to low level imageprocessing. Tech. Rep. TR95SMS1c, Defence Research Agency, Farnborough,England.[67] Sobel, I. 1974. Camera models and on calibrating computer controlled camerasfor perceiving 3D scenes. Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5,185–198.[68] Tangelder, J., P. Ermes, G. Vosselman, and F. Heuvel. 2003. CAD-based photogrammetryfor reverse engineering of industrial installation. Computer-AidedCivil and Infrastructure Engineering Vol.18,264–274.[69] Tankovich, J. 1991. Multiple photograph resection and intersection using linearfeature M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering andGeodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.[70] Tommaselli, A., and Lugnani J. 1988. An alternative mathematical modelto collinearity equations using straight features. Proceedings of InternationalArchives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kyoto, Japan 27(B3),765–774.[71] Tommaselli, A., and A. Poz. 1999. Line based orientation of aerial images.Proceedings of the ISPRS Conference on Automatic Extraction of GIS Objectsfrom Digital Imagery, Munich, Germany 32(3-2W5),143–148.[72] Tommaselli, A., and C. Tozzi. 1992. A filtering-based approach to eye-in-handrobot vision. Proceedings of International Archives of Photogrammetry and RemoteSensing, Washington, USA, Commission V 29(B3),182–189.118

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