bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines

bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines bundle block adjustment with 3d natural cubic splines


control spline and unknown EOPs with a partial and full control spline. In addition,information content of an image spline is calculated and the feasibility of a tie splineand a control spline for a block adjustment is described.A simulation of bundle block adjustment is implemented prior to the actual experimentwith real data to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Asimulation can control the measurement errors so random noises slightly affect theoverall geometry of a block.The individual observations are generated based onthe general situation of bundle block adjustment to estimate the properties of theproposed algorithms. A simulation allows the adjustment for geometric problems orconditions with various experiments.The future research topics can be summarized as:• In the proposed bundle block adjustment algorithm with 3D natural cubicsplines, splines have been employed as control features. Future work should includean enhancement of the proposed model to triangulation and other featurebasedphotogrammetric tasks using linear features having an arbitrary mathematicalrepresentation.• More investigations should be done to find out an additional analytical observationor stochastic constraints to solve over-parameterization of 3D naturalcubic spline. Other constraints such as higher order derivatives in image spacefeatures can increase non-redundant information in bundle block adjustment toreduce the overall rank deficiency of the system.• Future work should concentrate on the elaborated testing for complete bundleblock adjustment including camera interior orientation parameters with splines.98

Interior orientation defines a transformation to the 3D image coordinate systemwith respect to the camera’s perspective center, while the pixel coordinate systemis the reference system for a digital image, using the geometric relationshipbetween the photo coordinate system and the instrument coordinate system.Since we have used the data of the camera calibration provided by the aerialphotography, the uncertainty of camera interior orientation parameters is notconsidered in bundle block adjustment.• The proposed model can be augmented to the line scan imagery instead ofthe traditional frame aerial imagery to recover orientation parameters for everyscan line since splines can provide independent observations for EOPs of allscan lines. Since all scan lines have their own orientation parameters, usingonly point features is not enough for the pose estimation.• The automatic extraction of the most informative features in the image andobject space, and matching features can be considered to recover orientationparameters automatically. It will be the next logical step towards automaticbundle block adjustment using a natural cubic spline.99

control spline and unknown EOPs <strong>with</strong> a partial and full control spline. In addition,information content of an image spline is calculated and the feasibility of a tie splineand a control spline for a <strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> is described.A simulation of <strong>bundle</strong> <strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> is implemented prior to the actual experiment<strong>with</strong> real data to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Asimulation can control the measurement errors so random noises slightly affect theoverall geometry of a <strong>block</strong>.The individual observations are generated based onthe general situation of <strong>bundle</strong> <strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> to estimate the properties of theproposed algorithms. A simulation allows the <strong>adjustment</strong> for geometric problems orconditions <strong>with</strong> various experiments.The future research topics can be summarized as:• In the proposed <strong>bundle</strong> <strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> algorithm <strong>with</strong> 3D <strong>natural</strong> <strong>cubic</strong><strong>splines</strong>, <strong>splines</strong> have been employed as control features. Future work should includean enhancement of the proposed model to triangulation and other featurebasedphotogrammetric tasks using linear features having an arbitrary mathematicalrepresentation.• More investigations should be done to find out an additional analytical observationor stochastic constraints to solve over-parameterization of 3D <strong>natural</strong><strong>cubic</strong> spline. Other constraints such as higher order derivatives in image spacefeatures can increase non-redundant information in <strong>bundle</strong> <strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> toreduce the overall rank deficiency of the system.• Future work should concentrate on the elaborated testing for complete <strong>bundle</strong><strong>block</strong> <strong>adjustment</strong> including camera interior orientation parameters <strong>with</strong> <strong>splines</strong>.98

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