1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...


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42.1 1 .2 If the designated election official is unable to provide a mail-in ballot to an eJector by anyother means, the designated election official may seek 8lidlerily &em die 8eel'eWy ef<strong>St</strong>ate te pre•1ide 8 SEND AN EMERGENCY mail-in ballot to the elector uooer seetiea1 8 115(4), C.R.S., rmEllhis Rule.Repeal Rules 42.11.3, 42.11.4, 42.1 1.5, 42.1 1.6, and 42.1 1. 7:42.113 Ne later t8eB 21 days pfier te the eleetieR, lhe Seeret&ly ef <strong>St</strong>ate wil1 pest eR it5 wellsiteaRd email eei:IRties 8 designated peiRt ef eentaet fer eaeh eleetieR fer BmergeReyHleetreaie TFaRSfer Re~tuests. REPEALED.42.1 1.4 A f8Ett185t te sefid a l:lallet l:ly eleetreBie tf&ftsfer MH<strong>St</strong> he sttlmtilted te the Elesigeateil peifttef eeataet Yia email usiRg die apJif9'"ed BmergeBey 81eetreBie Tf8B5fer fefftl pasted 0Rthe Seeretmy ef ~ •..Msite. If pessil:lle, the desigBeted eleetieB eflieial sheuld attemptte eeRselidate FeEfVests te the Seeretary ef <strong>St</strong>ate. REPEALED. ·42.11.5 !..t a miRimum; a FeEfVest fer rm emergeBey eleetreaie tfeftsfer shall iRelttde:(&)Cemaet iRfefmatiea, iReltttliRg Blllfte, ailiiMss, JlheBe RHJBI:Ier, fa H'Hfttbef! aad email &ElElress fer the desigeated eleetieft effieial er their ElesigBee;(1:1) Date aad time ef Fe~tuest seflt by desig~~ated eleetieB eft.ieial;(e)CeRiirmatiea e mail te desigeated eleetieR eft.ieial l:ly Seeretery ef <strong>St</strong>ate upea(d) Justifieatiea as te v.'fty the l:lalle~s) aeeEI te he seat hy faK, whieh iRehlees thefell9\¥iRg re~tuired iHfefftlatiea:(i)(ii)(iii)(f'i')The eleeter's B&ffte;Whea the eleet9F applied fer the mail ia haiiAt;The date whea the desigRatee eleetteR eftieial seat the mail ia ballet tethe eleeter (ifappliea!Jie);The ~ the eleeter eemaeted the desigftllted sleetieR eftieial withiafermatiea regaRiiag failure te reeei•J8 the t.lleq(\·) •"• seggested tiflleframe fer the SeeretaFy ef <strong>St</strong>ate te 1'8Speall;('li)(¥ii)The ~tuaatit:y ef h&llet5 te he seftt l:ly ~ ami•'\JJJ!f9"

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