1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ... 1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

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Amendments to Rule 8.15preeinet palling plaee er eleetietJ leeetien te 'lffiem l.lJetehers may diFeet EJIIestiefls erfi:em ·HJiem weteheFS may seek FeEJtte~ iflftlfffletieR.8.15 Removal ofweteheFS WATCHERS.8.15.1 A DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL MAY REMOVE A WATCHER UPON FINDING mAT mEWATCHER:(A)(B)WeteheFS whe eemmit; &eetH'&ge, er eellfti'Je ift &BY COMMITS OR ENCOURAGESfraud in connection with ~HIS OR HER duties;, whe ¥ielete ltflY efttte eleetieRlews,whe¥-Violates 8ft)' eftheseANYOFrnELIMITATIONSOUTLINED IN Rul~8.8;.,.wfte(C) ¥-Violates ~IS OR HER oath;, er ·HJ~e h&Rlper er iaterfere ·.vith the eleetieRpreeess may he Feme·,•ed hy the liesig&eted eleetiea eilieiei.OR(D)IS ABUSIVE OR rnREATENING TOWARD ELECTION OFFICIALS OR VOTERS.8.15.+21fe •Nilteher is rem&'led UPON REMOVAL OF A WATCHER, the designated election officialshaH immediately MUST inform the political party, candidate, or committee whoappointed the watcher 'lia telepheae, email, edter ether meaRs.8.15.23 A removed watcher may be replaced by an alternate watcher duty designated JIYfSY&Bt te lNACCORDANCE Wlnt sections 1-7-105, 1-7-106, or 1-7-107, C.R.S. Any designated electionofficial who removes a watcher shall-MUST, to the best of hislfter mE OFFICIAL'S ability,expeditiously certify the appointment ef erty duly eppeiftted perseR te Mplaee a reme¥eli weteher.Amendments to Rule 9.1:Rule 9. Rules Concerning VOTING Assistance te Disahled VateR FOR ELECTORS WITH DISABILmES9.1 A-THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER MUST POST A sign AT THE POLLING PLACE OR VOTECENTER pre"'iding sl:l9staBtielly as fellews shell he pasted at the palling fll&eel"'ete ee&ter THATSTATES:NOTICEVOTING ASSISTANCE FOR ELECTORS WITH DISABILITIESColorado law fH'8"Yides #tat a WJief' has PROTECTS a YaTER's legal right to assistance in voting ifassistance is needed because of hli11611te6s, 61' 6the physieal A disability. 61' il'ltfbility 16 J"eBfi Bl'wl'ite. The fellen'iltg fl1'96edwaes apply:1. The '1'6181' 1fff&91 ]F YOU REQUIRE ASSISTANCE, PLEASE inform AN ELECTION JUDGE. 6lfe-e/the eleeti6,jflfiges thallte IH' site "ees assi&tanse.2. The '16tel' 1ff8)' be assistefi S,. Bi'f}' ANY PERSON, INCLUDING AN election judge Bl' ~eligible e/eete,• seleeteti S,. tire '161er MAY ASSIST YOU.3. The pel'S6, seleeted IF YOU SELECT A PERSON OTHER THAN AN ELECTION JUDGE, HE OR SHE4Exhibit D

must complete a VOTER ASSISTANCE FORM,WHICH INCLUDES AN OATH .!wJteassi81tBteeltiisaiJied velel' seljef}il"'ffaai61t .fo1'm ' iftill 9.fthefo!Js>rw~tg 6lfJlJiy THAT STATES:• TkeptW919 seleetedi8 1181 til1f eleefi91f}wige; awJ• Flte per-&61'1 seleeted is 1'161 the sp9115e, fltl1'61tl, gNBHipfii'M1, sib!ilfg 81' ehiltleigl'flee., yelB'5 9,

must complete a VOTER ASSISTANCE FORM,WHICH INCLUDES AN OATH .!wJteassi81tBteeltiisaiJied velel' seljef}il"'ffaai61t .fo1'm ' iftill 9.fthefo!Js>rw~tg 6lfJlJiy THAT STATES:• TkeptW919 seleetedi8 1181 til1f eleefi91f}wige; awJ• Flte per-&61'1 seleeted is 1'161 the sp9115e, fltl1'61tl, gNBHipfii'M1, sib!ilfg 81' ehiltleigl'flee., yelB'5 9,

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