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1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ... 1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

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2.11.1 Fer the pt!FfJeses ef seetieR 1 2 ,93(4)(~, C.R.S., !lfl AN ELECTOR MAY update t&-a>t

MAY NOT HAVE ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL VOTER INFORMATION.(E)THE NUMBER OF WATCHERS PERMITTED IN ANY ROOM AT ONE TIME IS SUBJECTTO LOCAL SAFETY CODES.8.6.4 WATCHERS MAY WITNESS AND VERIFY ACTIVmES DESCRIBED IN ARTICLE I, SECTION 7TIIAT ARE OUTSIDE TilE IMMEDIATE VOTING AREA, INCLUDING BALLOT PROCESSING ANDCOUNTING.8.6.5 WATCHERS APPOINTED UNDER SECTION 1-10.5-101(1)(A), C.R.S., MAY OBSERVE TIIECANVASS BOARD WHILE IT PERFORMS ITS DUTIES.8.6.6 WATCHERS MAY TRACK THE NAMES OF ELECTORS WHO HAVE CAST BALLOTS,CHALLENGE ELECTORS UNDER SECTION 1-9-203, C.R.S., AND RULE 48, AND SUBMITWRITTEN COMPLAINTS IN ACCORDANCE WlTII SECTION 1-1.5.1 05, C.R.S., AND RULE 31.8. 7 Wllat '.1JateheFS May OhseP+·e. Daly fl:llpAi&ted WateheP.I may ehsef\'e pelliRg plaee vefing; eerlyvetiRg MEl the pFeeessiRg and eeaoting ef preeiRet; pF9"1isiaA&I, JR&il, BREI mail in hallAts. "FAFmail ballet eleeliens, eF mail in ballet pFeeessiRg; wmeheFS may he preseBt at eaeh stage ef theeleetie11 iaelaEiiag the reeeiviog &Bd hUBdliag ef the ballets reeei'led by the desigttated eleelieaaffleial. WateheFS may ~ preseAt EiHriRg JH'S'•·isienal hallet pFeeessing bat may nat have aeeesste eeRfidential ·;etef iRfeFm&tieft. WATCHER OATil. IN ADDITION TO THE OATil REQUIRED BYSECTION l-7-1 08(1), C.R.S., A WATCHER MUST AFFIRM TIIAT HE OR SHE WILL NOT:8.7.1 AITEMPT 1'0 DE'fERMINE IIOW ANY ELEC'FOR VOTED OR REVIEW CONFIDENTIAL \'O'TERJNFORMA TION;8.7 .2 DISCLOSE ANY CONFIDENTIAL VOTER INFORMATION THAT HE OR SHE MAY OBSERVE; OR8.7.3 DISCLOSE ANY RESULTS BEFORE THE POLLS ARE CLOSED AND THE DESIGNATEDELECTION OFFICIAL HAS FORMALLY ANNOUNCED RESULTS.8.8 Limitations ofWatchers. Dttly appeiRted Watchers may ebseP+·e eleetiElfljudges hut may not:8.8.1 iateffliJH INTERRUPT or disrupt the processing, verification and counting of any ballots orany other stage of the election.8.8.2 WsteheFS may tFaek the aames ef eleeteFS whe ha·;e east hallets by utiliziRg theirprevieusly ebtaised lists, but may Ret write WRITE down any ballot numbers or any otheridentifying information about the electors.8.8.3 WateheFS may Ret h&Bdle HANDLE the poll books, official signature cards, ballots, mailballot envelopes, mail-in baJlot envelopes, er-provisional ballot envelopes, voting orcounting machines, or machine components.8.8.4 WsteheFS shall Aet isteFfere INTERFERE with the orderly ~Feeess Me conduct of anyelection PROCESS, including ISSUANCE OF ballots i95118Ree, receiving of ballots, ANDvoting or counting of the-ballots.8.8.5 WsteheFS may set be allewea te iateraet INTERACT with election officials or electionjudges AS DEFINED IN SECTION 1-1-104(10), C.R.S., eM:eelft that eaeh EXCEPT FOR THEINDIVIDUAL designated BY THE election official. shall aame at least eAe iHdividual iH eeeh3Exhibit D

2.11.1 Fer the pt!FfJeses ef seetieR 1 2 ,93(4)(~, C.R.S., !lfl AN ELECTOR MAY update t&-a>t

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