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20. The Secretary agrees that the deadline for sending mail ballots to overseas andmilitary voters was September 17, 2011.21. The Secretary is not familiar with the Clerk’s planning process. However, thisinformation is immaterial because the Clerk was informed on September 12, 2012.(Ex. A, Answer No. 10)22. The Secretary disputes this statement. The Secretary issued a Mail Ballot ElectionSet-up checklist specific to the 2011 coordinated election on September 2, 2011. Thislist did not include instructions to check the box to include “inactive-failed to vote.”(Ex. A, Answer, No. 3) The Clerk submitted her plan on a revised form, which didnot include a requirement that mail ballots must be mailed to electors designated as“inactive-failed to vote.” (Ex. A, Answers Nos. 4 and 14)23. The Secretary agrees that Clerk Johnson and Judd Choate conversed and that theSecretary of State’s office construed the laws to mean that ballots could not be sent to“inactive-failed to vote” electors. The Secretary disagrees with the factual statementto the extent it implies that the Clerk had discretion. (Ex. A, Answer, No. 10)24. The Secretary agrees that Clerk Johnson asked for written confirmation. JuddChoate’s letter confirmed the conversation (Ex. A, Answer No. 10) The Secretarydisagrees that prior conversations in any way implied that the Clerk could sendballots to “inactive-failed to vote” electors. Her office was affirmatively informed asearly as September 12, 2011. (Ex. A, Answer No. 10)25. The Secretary disagrees that the Clerk sent mail ballots to UMOVA voters prior tobeing informed of the Secretary’s position. The Clerk was informed as early asSeptember 12, 2011 (Ex. A, Answer No. 10).6

26. The Secretary does not dispute that Mr. Choate did not provide procedures.27. The Secretary does not dispute that Clerk Johnson received the letter on September16, 2011 at 5:58 p.m.28. The Secretary does not dispute the assertion concerning the content of the ballot.29. The Secretary does not dispute that the Clerk is the elected Clerk and Recorder forDenver and that she is the chief elections official for Denver. The statementregarding her authority for matters “pertaining” to municipal elections is a legalconclusion and is not a fact.III ARGUMENTA. IntroductionThe Secretary and Clerk Johnson have three major areas of disagreement.First, the Secretary contends that Clerk Johnson is a subordinate officer under theUniform Election Code. The Clerk must comply with the rules or orders of the Secretary ofState, even if Clerk Johnson disagrees with the Secretary’s instruction or interpretation. ClerkJohnson disagrees with this interpretation and will continue to disregard the Secretary’sinterpretation if she disagrees.Second, the Secretary interprets § 1-7.5-107(3)(a)(I), C.R.S. (2012) to preclude sendingmail ballots to voters who are deemed inactive because they failed to vote at the prior generalelection. Clerk Johnson contends that county clerks retain the discretion to send mail ballots tosuch electors. Clerk Johnson will continue to send mail ballots to voters who are designated as“inactive-failed to vote.”Third, the Secretary interprets § 1-8.3-101, et seq. to preclude the county from sending aballot to a voter under the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act (UMOVA) unless and until7

20. The Secretary agrees that the deadline <strong>for</strong> sending mail ballots to overseas andmilitary voters was September 17, 2011.21. The Secretary is not familiar with the Clerk’s planning process. However, thisin<strong>for</strong>mation is immaterial because the Clerk was in<strong>for</strong>med on September 12, 2012.(Ex. A, Answer No. 10)22. The Secretary disputes this statement. The Secretary issued a Mail Ballot ElectionSet-up checklist specific to the 2011 coordinated election on September 2, 2011. Thislist did not include instructions to check the box to include “inactive-failed to vote.”(Ex. A, Answer, No. 3) The Clerk submitted her plan on a revised <strong>for</strong>m, which didnot include a requirement that mail ballots must be mailed to electors designated as“inactive-failed to vote.” (Ex. A, Answers Nos. 4 and 14)23. The Secretary agrees that Clerk Johnson and Judd Choate conversed and that theSecretary of <strong>St</strong>ate’s office construed the laws to mean that ballots could not be sent to“inactive-failed to vote” electors. The Secretary disagrees with the factual statementto the extent it implies that the Clerk had discretion. (Ex. A, Answer, No. 10)24. The Secretary agrees that Clerk Johnson asked <strong>for</strong> written confirmation. JuddChoate’s letter confirmed the conversation (Ex. A, Answer No. 10) The Secretarydisagrees that prior conversations in any way implied that the Clerk could sendballots to “inactive-failed to vote” electors. Her office was affirmatively in<strong>for</strong>med asearly as September 12, 2011. (Ex. A, Answer No. 10)25. The Secretary disagrees that the Clerk sent mail ballots to UMOVA voters prior tobeing in<strong>for</strong>med of the Secretary’s position. The Clerk was in<strong>for</strong>med as early asSeptember 12, 2011 (Ex. A, Answer No. 10).6

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