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1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ... 1437 Bannock St . Denver , Colorado 80202 - Brennan Center for ...

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1:J!~~ .. Second Regular SessionSixty-eighth General AssemblySTATE OF COLORADOLLS NO. 12-0609.01 Kate Meyer x4348Coram,HOUSE SPONSORSHIPEFILED DocumentEFIIJ!)Jt-lbW!f1tbvCO Denver County District Court 2nd JDCO ~MV~®~~Ilct Court 2nd .JDFiling Date: Dec 07 2012 02:02PMThis Versio"l4YG(~4fttt4!~~at.t2:08P\1 MDTMSTFiling ID: 48251115AdlfPMflr!'IIJh48nfWifi!HouseReview Clerk: Sean McGowanHOUS~.BIIIli t~-"ft"iJ~JesHeath,SENATE SPONSORSmPState, Veterans, & Military Affairsnate CommitteesState, Veterans & Military AffairsAppropriations101102103104A BILL FOR AN ACTCONCERNING TilE SIMPLIFICATION OF CERTAIN PREELECTIONPROCEDURES IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE COST OFADMINISTERING ELECTIONS. ANJ!. INCONNEQ'ION WEREWIW.MAKING AN APPROPRIATION.Bill Summary(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced and doesnot reflect any amendments that may be subsequently adopted If this billpasses third reading in the house of introduction, a bill summary thatapplies to the reengrossed version of this bill will be available athttp://www.leg.state.co.uslbillsummaries.)The bill:Allows the secretary of state to waive the requirement thatShading denotes HOUSE amendment Double underlining denotes SENATE amendment.Capita/letters indicate new material to 1¥ added to existing statute.Dashes through the words indicllle deletions from existing stalllle.Exhibit C

a political subdivision must use a vote center in an electionother than a general election before establishing a votecenter for a general election;Repeals the requirement that ballots sent by mail containballot stubs;Consolidates voter information card mailings, addsinfonnation that must be included on such mailings, andextends the deadline by which the mailings must be madefor a primary election conducted as a mail ballot election;andReduces, to 7 days prior to any election, the time allottedfor early voting and specifies that, while a board of countycommissioners has the discretion to extend early votinghours, it may not increase the period of time for earlyvoting.1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado:2 SECTION 1. In Colorado Revised §taMes. add 1-2-229 as3 follows:4 1-2-229. Change in status of electors deemed "Inactive-failed5 to vote" -transfer to active status- reveal. (1) NgiWITHSIANDING ANY6 OwER PROVISION OF LAW. ANX REQISIER§D ELECf()R WHQSE7 R£GISTRATION R§CORD HAS BEEN M1RKED AS "INACTIVE - FAILED TO8 VOTE" AS OF WE EFFECUVE QAIE OF THIS SECTION StlALL FROM THAI9 DATE FORWARPBE DEEMED TO HOW WE STATIJS OF AN ACTIVE EYCTQR.10 (2) (a) BY AooysT 1. 2012. THE SECRETARY OF STAJE SHALL11 UfDA'fE THE SIAJEWJDE YOIERR§GISTRATION DAJABASETOBEFLECTIHE12 ELIMINAIION OF "lNACTMj- fAILED TO VOTE" VgrER STAnJS PYRSUANT13 TO SuaSECTION (1) OF TW§ SECTION ANQ. AS APPROPRIATE. R§SIORE14 PERMAN§NT MAIL-IN VQTER SI ATIJS TO THOSE ELEcrORS WHO tlAD15 PREVIOUSL X S§LEcrED SUCH STATUS BuT HAD SUBSEoyENJL X BEEN16 MARKED AS "lNACfiYE -FAILED TO VQJE".17 (b) THIS SUBSECTION (2) IS REPEALED. EFFECTIVE JYLX l. 2013.-2- 1267•IExhibit C

a political subdivision must use a vote center in an electionother than a general election be<strong>for</strong>e establishing a votecenter <strong>for</strong> a general election;Repeals the requirement that ballots sent by mail containballot stubs;Consolidates voter in<strong>for</strong>mation card mailings, addsinfonnation that must be included on such mailings, andextends the deadline by which the mailings must be made<strong>for</strong> a primary election conducted as a mail ballot election;andReduces, to 7 days prior to any election, the time allotted<strong>for</strong> early voting and specifies that, while a board of countycommissioners has the discretion to extend early votinghours, it may not increase the period of time <strong>for</strong> earlyvoting.1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the <strong>St</strong>ate of <strong>Colorado</strong>:2 SECTION 1. In <strong>Colorado</strong> Revised §taMes. add 1-2-229 as3 follows:4 1-2-229. Change in status of electors deemed "Inactive-failed5 to vote" -transfer to active status- reveal. (1) NgiWITHSIANDING ANY6 OwER PROVISION OF LAW. ANX REQISIER§D ELECf()R WHQSE7 R£GISTRATION R§CORD HAS BEEN M1RKED AS "INACTIVE - FAILED TO8 VOTE" AS OF WE EFFECUVE QAIE OF THIS SECTION <strong>St</strong>lALL FROM THAI9 DATE FORWARPBE DEEMED TO HOW WE STATIJS OF AN ACTIVE EYCTQR.10 (2) (a) BY AooysT 1. 2012. THE SECRETARY OF STAJE SHALL11 UfDA'fE THE SIAJEWJDE YOIERR§GISTRATION DAJABASETOBEFLECTIHE12 ELIMINAIION OF "lNACTMj- fAILED TO VOTE" VgrER STAnJS PYRSUANT13 TO SuaSECTION (1) OF TW§ SECTION ANQ. AS APPROPRIATE. R§SIORE14 PERMAN§NT MAIL-IN VQTER SI ATIJS TO THOSE ELEcrORS WHO tlAD15 PREVIOUSL X S§LEcrED SUCH STATUS BuT HAD SUBSEoyENJL X BEEN16 MARKED AS "lNACfiYE -FAILED TO VQJE".17 (b) THIS SUBSECTION (2) IS REPEALED. EFFECTIVE JYLX l. 2013.-2- 1267•IExhibit C

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