Network IP Camera - Edimax

Network IP Camera - Edimax Network IP Camera - Edimax


3-9-3 Event ServerYou can define the details of remote media server: FTP (File), SMTP (Email),and Samba (File).A Samba server can be any computer running windows operating systemwith network neighbor function enabled. Many stand-alone network fileserver also support samba server function.Enable FTP server then it will show the related items of FTP server setting.53

Here are the descriptions of every setup item:Item DescriptionEnable FTP Check this box to enable FTP server upload.Server - FTP Server: Input FTP server’s IP address or hostname.- Port: Input FTP server’s port number. In most cases it should bedefault value ‘21’.- User Name: Input FTP server’s username.- Password: Input FTP server’s password.- File Path Name: Input the path where you want to save file onFTP server, like ‘upload/record’. If you want to save file on thisFTP user’s home directory, you can leave this field blank.- Enable Passive Mode: Check this box to force IP camera tocommunicate with FTP server in passive mode (Some FTPServer may only work when you check this box, while othersdon’t).- Test FTP: Click this button to test FTP server settings aboveimmediately.Enable SMTP Server then UI shows the items as below.ItemDescription54

3-9-3 Event ServerYou can define the details of remote media server: FTP (File), SMTP (Email),and Samba (File).A Samba server can be any computer running windows operating systemwith network neighbor function enabled. Many stand-alone network fileserver also support samba server function.Enable FTP server then it will show the related items of FTP server setting.53

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