Network IP Camera - Edimax

Network IP Camera - Edimax Network IP Camera - Edimax


Overlayshow certain text / picture on the video and help people toidentify this IP camera.Click ‘Browse’ button to pick a picture on your computer, thenclick ‘Update’ button to use the picture. Please note that thereare certain restrictions:- Select .bmp / .jpg / .jpeg image files only.- Image’s resolution should be less than 160 x 128, and canbe divided by 4.- Do not upload image files that size is greater than 64KB.When you finish with above settings, click ‘Apply’ button to save changes.43

3-6 AudioYou can adjust audio input / output parameters here.Here are the descriptions of every setup item:ItemDescriptionEnable Check this box to enable microphone. If you don’t want to hearMicrophone voice from IP camera, you can uncheck this box to disable it.Audio Type The format is fixed as G.711(Microphone)Microphone If the voice received by microphone is too loud or silent, you canGainuse this function to improve voice volume, so you can hear voicefrom IP Camera Module more clearly.It provides four modes to adjust the volume, i.e. 0, +6, +12, +18dB.Enable Speaker Check this box to enable speaker. If you don’t want people at IP(Speaker) camera to hear you, you can uncheck this box to disable it.Audio Type The format is fixed as G.711(Speaker)When you finish with above settings, click ‘Apply’ button to save changes.44

3-6 AudioYou can adjust audio input / output parameters here.Here are the descriptions of every setup item:ItemDescriptionEnable Check this box to enable microphone. If you don’t want to hearMicrophone voice from <strong>IP</strong> camera, you can uncheck this box to disable it.Audio Type The format is fixed as G.711(Microphone)Microphone If the voice received by microphone is too loud or silent, you canGainuse this function to improve voice volume, so you can hear voicefrom <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> Module more clearly.It provides four modes to adjust the volume, i.e. 0, +6, +12, +18dB.Enable Speaker Check this box to enable speaker. If you don’t want people at <strong>IP</strong>(Speaker) camera to hear you, you can uncheck this box to disable it.Audio Type The format is fixed as G.711(Speaker)When you finish with above settings, click ‘Apply’ button to save changes.44

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