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The Official <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Grade <strong>School</strong> Publication<strong>School</strong> Year 2012-2013 Second Term Issue50%PINOY50%JAPANESE100 %LASALLIANAko ay <strong>La</strong>salyano. Tunay na Kristiyano, Tapat na Pilipino.

Edi<strong>to</strong>rial StaffKaren BersaminaEdi<strong>to</strong>r-in-ChiefStephanie SingsonBea TribianaAssociate Edi<strong>to</strong>rsThe Edi<strong>to</strong>rKaren Bersamina, 7BGreetings fellow <strong>La</strong>sallians! Happy New Year!I would like <strong>to</strong> welcome you all back <strong>to</strong> schoolafter the holiday break. There is no doubtthat 2013 will be both challenging and exciting.Young Observer 2Shanen BautistaOperations OfficerJi O SonProduction Coordina<strong>to</strong>rCaroline SahagunAlyssa GuevarraMiguel OchosaStaff WritersSofia <strong>La</strong>mberteAnica Jasmine TiuArtistsMr. Micheal Jerome EncinaHeader <strong>De</strong>signerMr. Jholan TorresCreative Direc<strong>to</strong>r/<strong>La</strong>yout ArtistMs. Jackie BelgiraMs. Wilma RenolayanModera<strong>to</strong>rsMs. Janette Torra<strong>to</strong>Reading <strong>De</strong>partmentCoordina<strong>to</strong>rY.O. ConsultantMost students begin each year with a resolutionor two, usually academic goals <strong>to</strong> achieve overthe course of the year. Whatever your goalsthis year are, remember that it is important<strong>to</strong> steadily improve and enjoy this consistentprogress in your journey. By making lots of smalland regular improvements, you will be able <strong>to</strong>achieve great things over time.As we begin another journey this year, let usnot forget <strong>to</strong> manifest our being 100% <strong>La</strong>sallianby practicing the <strong>La</strong>sallian core values. This issueof the Young Observer aims <strong>to</strong> remind us thebreath of the Animo spirit and the essence of areal <strong>La</strong>sallian.On the cover is Alyssa Guevarra who is arepresentation of a real <strong>La</strong>sallian-a consistentachiever yet humble and polite. She is one whosecharacter is truly admirable.Animo <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>!

The S.R.C.C.President’s ReportHello fellow <strong>La</strong>sallians!How was your Christmas break? Hope youall enjoyed it!It’s now back <strong>to</strong> reality for us students asclasses resumed after almost three weeks ofvacation. Indeed, the year 2012 left us withmany memories-some very inspiring whilesome were not as encouraging. Well,inspiring or not, I hope that whatever memorieswe gained last year made us all better,stronger and more motivated <strong>to</strong> face the newyear!Welcome 2013 with a bang! The firstday of the year is usually the day people listdown their new year’s resolutions. Have youmade your own list? New Year’s resolutionsare meant <strong>to</strong> give a person some goals <strong>to</strong> workfor during the year. It may be as simple aspromising <strong>to</strong> be more patient with one’ssiblings, or <strong>to</strong> sleep early, or cut down onchocolates, or be more obedient <strong>to</strong> one’sparents or <strong>to</strong> study harder. Whatever our resolutionis, remember that these are made <strong>to</strong>encourage us <strong>to</strong> improve certain aspects of ourlives, which we believe we still have <strong>to</strong> work on.As the year starts, we also enter the lastterm of this school year. Wow, time really goesby so fast! In a few months we shall be sayingour goodbyes <strong>to</strong> our classmates and teachers.But we still have almost three months <strong>to</strong> go,and your S.R.C.C. promises <strong>to</strong> make this termexciting and full of many surprises.New year, new hope, new chances!In behalf of the S.R.C.C. I wish you all a blessedand fruitful 2013! May the Animo spirit live inthe heart of each of us.One of the significant activities that the S.R.C.C.prepared this school year was the celebration of theWorld Teachers’ Day. In the said event Mr. An<strong>to</strong>n Rosasdelivered a heart-warming speech <strong>to</strong> all our hardworkingteachers. Read the S.R.C.C. President’s inspirationalmessage below. May it make us realize <strong>to</strong> value ourteachers even more.It is truly an honor for me <strong>to</strong> stand herein front of you on this very special program that givesrecognition <strong>to</strong> our dear teachers.Teachers are truly God’s gift <strong>to</strong> us. Day after daythey unselfishly share their time and knowledge in orderfor us <strong>to</strong> have a bright future. They do not only teachour minds, they also mold us <strong>to</strong> become upright anddecent individuals whom our families and the societycan be proud of.I have read of a Turkish proverb that says: “A teacheris like a candle that consumes itself <strong>to</strong> light the way forothers.” Our teachers’ dedication <strong>to</strong> their professionand their endless patience, despite our indifference attimes is one that is truly remarkable. I cannot imagineany other profession that would require such fortitudeand sacrifice than that of being a teacher. Teachersinspire us <strong>to</strong> dream, <strong>to</strong> discover what we can do and <strong>to</strong>become the change we want <strong>to</strong> see.In behalf of my fellow students, I would like <strong>to</strong>say “Thank you.” Thank you for your generosity insharing your knowledge with us; for your patience andunderstanding; and for your dedication <strong>to</strong> your craft.We salute you for taking up this very challengingprofession that helps mold this generation and thegenerations <strong>to</strong> come.Young Observer 3

Remembering <strong>La</strong>sallian An<strong>to</strong>nio M. AnievasBea Tribiana, 7DYoung Observer 4T he <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Zobel</strong> communitycommemorated the 46th <strong>De</strong>athAnniversary of An<strong>to</strong>nio M. Anievas lastSeptember 17, 2012. The special eventstarted with a Mass celebrated by Rev.Msgr. Rufino Suplido at the Our <strong>La</strong>dyof the Star Chapel. Sponsored by 7H,the Mass was graced by Ms. MaritesPanaligan who led the DLSZ choir. Ms.Ruby Ramos, the Grade <strong>School</strong> Principal,Ms. Suzette Balgos, Direc<strong>to</strong>r of DLSZ’s<strong>De</strong>velopment and CommunicationsOffice (D.C.O.); Ms. Mabalot, the UpperGrades’ Prefect; Ms. Elma Dollente, theUpper Grades’ Assistant <strong>to</strong> the Principal;and Ms. Rhia Balaoing, the Grade <strong>School</strong>Christian Living Coordina<strong>to</strong>r, were amongthe administra<strong>to</strong>rs who were seen inthe said gathering. During the Mass,the priest shared a meaningful messageon how much we should value the giftsgiven <strong>to</strong> us by God and use them <strong>to</strong> serveothers.After the Mass, a simple program washeld in honor of An<strong>to</strong>nio M. Anievas who lefta remarkable memory as a student of thetehen <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> College in Manila. He wasone who never incurred a record of tardinessand absence. He was an exemplary conductawardee and a student who excelled in bothcurricular and extra curriclar activities. Hewas indeed a role model. Unfortunately, onone sad day of September 1966, he drownedin Pagsanjan, <strong>La</strong>guna.Br. Bernie Oca FSC, Chairman of theAn<strong>to</strong>nio Montemayor Anievas FoundationIncorporated and classmate ofAn<strong>to</strong>nio , encouraged the Grade 7 students<strong>to</strong> serve as role model <strong>La</strong>sallians <strong>to</strong> thecommunity, just like his best friend An<strong>to</strong>nio.He introduced some of the distinguishedAMAFI awardees and allowed them <strong>to</strong>give the young audience some pep talk onthe real essence of being an AMAFI awardee.Among them were Agee Estrada (Awardeefor Music, Batch 1972), Dodgie Malabanan(Awardee for Rhe<strong>to</strong>ric, Batch 1970),T.V. personality R.J. Ledesma (Awardeefor 6 categories), and Joshua Mantaring(Awardee for Rhe<strong>to</strong>ric and Spirit of Faith in2011).Mr. Greg Anievas, brother of An<strong>to</strong>nioM. Anievas delivered the closing remarks.In his message he expressed gratitutude<strong>to</strong> DLSZ for the special tribute <strong>to</strong> An<strong>to</strong>nio.Moreover, he inspired the graduatingstudents <strong>to</strong> continue living the <strong>La</strong>sallian way.

<strong>La</strong>sallians, Confident!Shanen Bautista, 7BNO GUTS, NOGLORY!Truly it <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong>ns of confidence for Miguel Ochosa <strong>to</strong> deliverthe Keynote Address during the 2012 <strong>La</strong>sallian Scholarum Awardsheld at the Makati Shangri-<strong>La</strong> Hotel last August 29, 2012. Miguelshared his thoughts on the impact of media <strong>to</strong> the youth andeducation in the country. Below is Miguel Ochosa’s entire speechdelivered before a crowd of journalists, newscasters and othermedia practitioners. Present in the said event were Br. Ricardo<strong>La</strong>guda FSC, President and Chancellor of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> University,Br. Michael Brough<strong>to</strong>n FSC, Associate Vice Chancellor for <strong>La</strong>sallianMission of DLSU. Below is Miguel’s enlightening speech.Br. Ricardo <strong>La</strong>guda FSC, President and Chancellor, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>University; Br. Michael Brough<strong>to</strong>n FSC, Associate Vice Chancellorfor <strong>La</strong>sallian Mission; <strong>La</strong>sallian Scholarum awardees, journalists,guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.It is unfortunate that I got an eye infection a few days beforethis program but I will opt <strong>to</strong> remove my sunglasses so that all ofyou will remember my HANDSOME face. I hope you do not mindmy left eye...I am Miguel Ochosa, a grade school student of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><strong>Santiago</strong> <strong>Zobel</strong> <strong>School</strong>. I am here <strong>to</strong> share my insights on the <strong>to</strong>pic,“How media impacts the youth and education in the country.”During the preparation, I thought <strong>to</strong> myself, “What is media <strong>to</strong>The Young Observerwould like <strong>to</strong> congratulateAbbey Felize Maranan(Batch 2022) and JillianPatrice Ching (Batch 2020)for their success in theAsian Junior Figure SkatingChallenge 2012 held inHong Kong.Jillian finished secondin the Short Program andbrought home the silvermedal for the basic Pre-Novice Girls.Likewise, kudos goes<strong>to</strong> our very own ice skatersfor their vic<strong>to</strong>ry at theSkate Asia 2012. They areKirsten Nichole M. Quiza(Batch 2021), StefhanelleJeanne Marie A. <strong>La</strong>urel,Alyana Marie S. Militante,Alexis Gabrielle A. Dungo,and Karen Bernadette A.Ibuna (Batch 2018), andAlexa Dominique Pascual(Batch 2016).Continued on page 6LYoung Observer 5

me?” For me, media is a <strong>to</strong>ol used <strong>to</strong> relay information. Being amedium myself <strong>to</strong>day, I hope I can clearly put my message across.Allow me <strong>to</strong> share with you a typical no-school day for a studentlike me. When I wake up in the morning, of course, I pray, then,before doing anything else, I grab my iTouch. In this exact order, Iopen Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is kind of a routine forme. After spending several minutes finding out what’s “trending,”I then head <strong>to</strong> the couch and watch a little tv. I surf a variety ofchannels from car<strong>to</strong>ons <strong>to</strong> National Geographic, <strong>to</strong> HBO movies,<strong>to</strong> Reality TV, <strong>to</strong> sports channels. <strong>La</strong>ter in the morning, I head <strong>to</strong>my computer <strong>to</strong> do my homework and I get <strong>to</strong> read the day’s newsheadlines through the Yahoo! Main page.Young Observer 6I am certain that the means of relaying information at presentis not the same as before. Technology is undergoing a continuousdevelopment at a very fast pace. As technology develops, so doesmedia consumption. The news I get from websites now may havebeen obtained from the newspapers before. The information thatwas usually derived from television and radio can now be foundon websites and in applications. With all honesty, I seldom readthe paper as I prefer the on-line version. This is caused by therapid development of technology, pushing the growth in numberof media options. What are these media options? I am sure thatmany of us, if not all, have accounts in social media. Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, you name it. Who among the youth wouldn’twant an iTouch, an iPad, and all the other newly released, up<strong>to</strong>-dategadgets? These are the very <strong>to</strong>ols we need, and want,<strong>to</strong> get information-pieces of information that influence us in ourdecision-making, planning, and way of thinking, even in our wayof life. I believe that the kind of information we acquire from themedia of <strong>to</strong>day might have an effect on the kind of leadership wewill offer in the future. It is a fact that <strong>to</strong>day’s youth are <strong>to</strong>morrow’sleaders. So, it is vital for journalists, and other media practitioners<strong>to</strong> be responsible and accountable in bringing out the facts orinformation for public consumption because even the youth hasdirect access <strong>to</strong> them.Did you know that the purchase of mobile devices is growingmuch faster than that of desk<strong>to</strong>p computers? The youth of <strong>to</strong>dayis consuming media at a quicker rate than before. As a result, wethe youth are more connected and exposed <strong>to</strong> media. Through ourdevices, we can see almost EVERYTHING. Media is a powerful <strong>to</strong>olbecause it can be used <strong>to</strong> educate and influence us. Especially intimes when parents are not there <strong>to</strong> guide us, we might be misledif the information presented is baseless. Even in social mediaContinued on page 7Jillian Patrice Ching in herwinning figureAnother laurel is added<strong>to</strong> the cap of our RoboticsTeam when it finishedthird in the World RobotOlympiad 2012 held inKuala Lumpur, Malaysialast November. JaniaRachel Cruz, Sofia IlianaSuarez, and Julia NicoleSaulog (Batch 2018)competed in the RegularCategory.The Young Observeralso salutes the team’scoach, Mr. Ezrel Alucilja;the assistant coaches,Mr. Albert Pagilagan, Mr.Darius Regis; Mr. Richard<strong>La</strong>sap (Head, High <strong>School</strong>Science <strong>De</strong>partment); andthe Ms. Jenny Pillar(Head, Grade <strong>School</strong>Science <strong>De</strong>partment).

where we are mostly exposed, our comments, thoughts, and posts, once sent, can be seen by anyoneand everyone. I have been taught <strong>to</strong> always double-check what I say especially in social media. Thisis a practice that all of us should do. Don’t we and shouldn’t we expect the same when we are theaudience?Before I end, I would like <strong>to</strong> share an experience of mine. There was one instance where I wascontrolled by my emotions and thoughts that I tweeted something carelessly, only <strong>to</strong> find out thatpeople started gossiping about it, simultaneously twisting the words around, almost getting my familyin trouble. This experience was an eye opener for me.Being responsible for the content we deliver through media is not only for the benefit of theyouth. Believe it or not, it is for the good of the country as well. If we desire <strong>to</strong> create a better future,this information age will bridge us going there. My dear journalists, you definitely play a great role inthis…<strong>La</strong>sallians, proud Filipinos!Karen Bersamina, 7BThe Upper Grades’ Assistant <strong>to</strong> the Principal,Ms. Elma Dollente, revealing her fun side asshe poses with Ms. Linda Napu<strong>to</strong>, Grade 6Math teacherPangunahing katibayan sa pagmamahal saating bayan ay ang paggamit ng ating wika. Kayanaman tuwing Agos<strong>to</strong> ginaganap ang pagdiriwangng Buwan ng Wika.Noong Agos<strong>to</strong> 17-24, 2012 ginanap angpagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika sa ating paaralan.Ang tema ng pagdiriwang ay “Tatag ng WikangFilipino: <strong>La</strong>kas ng Pagka-Pilipino.” Ilang nakakaaliwna gawain ang ginanap mula Junior Prep hanggangika-7 baitang. Kasama ri<strong>to</strong> ay Magulang Ko,Guro Ko; Sabayang Pagbasa; Teknik at Istilo saPagkukwen<strong>to</strong>; Pagsulat ng Haiku; Timpalak HimigKo, Tatak ng Pagka-Pilipino; Timpalak Duologo.Young Observer 7The “Sarap Maging Pinoy” smile sharedby Ms. Becks Oandasan and her Grade 6students.Naging matagumpay ang pagdiriwang sapagkatkitang-kita sa mga ikinilos ng ating mga magaaralat mga guro na sila ay may pagpapahalagasa ating wikang pambansa nang sila ay nakilahoksa iba’t ibang patimpalak at gawaing nauukol sapagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika.

Second Graders ReceiveFirst Holy CommunionStephanie Singson, 7B<strong>La</strong>sallians, Christian LeadersMaria Noelleene Banez, 5FYoung Observer 8It was a special day for the second graders andtheir families when they received the Sacramen<strong>to</strong>f the Holy Communion on <strong>De</strong>cember 7, 2012.Held at our very own chapel, the Sacramentwas very much anticipated by the parents of thecommunicants and well attended by teachers andadministra<strong>to</strong>rs of our school.The manner the communicants sang theircommunion songs and the enthusiasm theyshowed during the entire celebration were trulycommendable.Some of the communicants during the processionalritesThis article is about my experienceas a leader of our group project in ChristianLiving. Through this, I hope <strong>to</strong> encourageour readers <strong>to</strong> embrace one important<strong>La</strong>sallian core value- being Christian leaders.Sir Ram Francisco, our C.L. teacher,challenged us <strong>to</strong> create a project thatwould show that prayer is a part of ourlives. Being the leader of our group, I askedmy group mates <strong>to</strong> give their suggestions.One member suggested that we make acollage. The rest of the members agreed <strong>to</strong>do the same. Since everyone liked the ideaof creating a collage, it was quite easy <strong>to</strong>finish the task. In fact, we were able <strong>to</strong>submit a quality output on time.From this experience I learned thata leader, first of all, should listen. When Ishowed my group mates that my ears wereready <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> their suggestions, theyalso listened <strong>to</strong> me. I also learned <strong>to</strong> bepatient and friendly as a leader. When mymembers saw that they could approach mefor any concerns regarding the project, theybecame at comfortable with me. Therefore,we created harmony in our group.Receiving the body of ChristParents participating inthe offer<strong>to</strong>ryI would like <strong>to</strong> thank Sir Ram for theopportunity <strong>to</strong> show my leadership qualitiesin this one challenging experience that I willnever forget. His support and smart ideas,especially his funny ways surely made thework a little lighter for us <strong>to</strong> accomplish.

Soar @ 34Bea Tribiana, 7DWith the theme “Soar @ 34: Rise of the Animo,” <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong><strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Zobel</strong> celebrated its Vision-Mission Week. The friendlyweather on November 22, 2012 made the simultaneousopening ceremonies in the Lower Grades and Upper Gradesa big success.Young Observer 9A wide array of activities was held during the entireweek of celebration. Among the most exciting ones were the<strong>Zobel</strong> Idol, <strong>Zobel</strong> Race, Barkada Sports, Make It or Bake It, andTwo Minutes of Fame. In the Lower Grades TimeZone, theInflatables, and the Make Over were big hits. In the UpperGrades the thrill of not getting caught and be asked <strong>to</strong> doweird or crazy stuff made the celebration super cool.November 24, 2012 marked the culminating day of theVision-Mission Week. Of course, the much awaited moderndance competition in the Upper Grades gathered a hugecrowd of alumni and other specta<strong>to</strong>rs while in the LowerGrades the field demo brought delight <strong>to</strong> the parents.The cute Prep Squad under the tutelage of Teacher MargotSabitsana, a former member of the DLSZ Cheering Squad,tickled the crowd.

<strong>Zobel</strong> IdolShanen Bautista, 7BIf there was one contest in DLSZ thatmade this year’s celebration of the Vision-Mission Week colorful, it must be the <strong>Zobel</strong> Idol.This year a very interesting mix of students fromGrades 4-7 stretched their vocal muscles andshowcased their prowess in singing <strong>to</strong> be namedthe <strong>Zobel</strong> Idol of 2012. Surely the breath-takingvoices of the talents of the contestants wowedthe judges as well as the audience.The DLSZ Prep Squad showing greatpotentials!Young Observer 10The board of jurors composed of DLSZ’sprecious gem-Ms. Marites Panaligan- <strong>to</strong>getherwith the multi-talented Mr. Chris Slough andMr. Darius Regis generously shared importanttips with the contestants relevant <strong>to</strong> the art ofsinging and performing.In the end Alyanna Basbas of 7E broughthome the coveted title “<strong>Zobel</strong> Idol 2012” forGrades 6 and 7 while Thea Bea Bonafe 5G wasawarded the same title for Grades 4 and 5.WELCOME BACK HOMEIt feels great when DLSZ alumni come back home even once ina while. This is especially true when a very successful DLSZgraduateremembers his alma mater.Fashionicon and DLSZ alumnus Rajo <strong>La</strong>urel returnedhome thisschool year and designed the faculty uniforms.To Mr. Rajo <strong>La</strong>urel, the YoungObserver has this <strong>to</strong> say: We’re glad<strong>to</strong> see you back home!Third graders posing for a souvenir of our34th anniversary<strong>La</strong>sallians who <strong>to</strong>ok part in the Adopt-a-Child Program during the V-M WeekMs. Lori <strong>De</strong> Vera and Ms GailInumerable modeling theuniform designed by Rajo <strong>La</strong>urel

<strong>La</strong>sallians Care for the MarginalizedShanen Bautista, 7B<strong>La</strong>sallians, happy <strong>to</strong> serve!A cancer patient posing with some giftsfrom <strong>La</strong>sallians who care<strong>La</strong>sallians Contribute<strong>to</strong> SocietyKaren Bersamina, 7BThe Seventh graderswere given the opportunity <strong>to</strong>contribute <strong>to</strong> their respectivecommunities when theirScience teachers had requiredthem <strong>to</strong> make an in-depthinvestigation on the wastemanagement programs oftheir barangays. Moreover,they were tasked <strong>to</strong> submitproposals on resolving theproblems of their barangaysAs <strong>La</strong>sallians we exist not for ourselves but forothers. We live out this fact by sharing our blessings withthe less fortunate around us. That is why, our schoolinitiates projects that will give us countless opportunities <strong>to</strong>be a blessing <strong>to</strong> others, one of these is the yearly ChristmasDrive.With the <strong>to</strong>ys and gifts and the Noche Buena packagesthat many of us donated during the recent ChristmasDrive, about 1,000 families from our partner communities,organizations, and institutions (including our very own Br.Rafael Dona<strong>to</strong> Night High <strong>School</strong> students, gardeners andelectricians) were blessed.The <strong>to</strong>ys and gifts shared by the pupils from the LowerGrades made 1,060 children for partner public schools andcommunities truly happy.“Whatever you did <strong>to</strong> the least of these brothers, you didit un<strong>to</strong> me.” (Matthew 25:40)One of the groups highlycommended by Ms. EvelynAgcaoili was the team ofMarinel Dizon, Sean Aguinaldo,Mary Jazmine Yu, RiannaAguilar, and Anica Tiu of 7G.Their group investigated on thewaste management programof Sun Valley Subdivision inParañaque City whose wastemanagement program isreplicated by other barangaysfrom all over the country.<strong>De</strong>spite the said factabout Sun Valley, the team ofAnica Tiu recommended thatthe subdivision push for aZero Waste Plan. According<strong>to</strong> the group, the plan shouldinclude incentives for localbusinesses <strong>to</strong> produce less<strong>to</strong>xic materials, and createmore durable and recyclableproducts.“Ask not what your countrycan do for you. Ask what youcan do for your country.”-John F. KennedyYoung Observer 11

<strong>La</strong>sallians, Committed <strong>to</strong> ExcellenceGenius Spells F-U-N!Caroline Sahagun, 7BA friendly competition, WiZup gatherscontestants for one team from all levels. Eachyear nine teams compete in mind buglingcontests that challenge the contestants’knowledge across subject areas.Young Observer 12Winners of the Reading Quiz Bee in Grade 5 with theirrespective advisersIt is <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Zobel</strong>’s commitment<strong>to</strong> produce graduates with natural desire forexcellence in academics, sports, and the arts.Hence, the <strong>School</strong> yearly holds big eventssuch as WiZup: League of the Geniuses.Batch Intramurals 2012The Batch Intramurals was another verysuccessful event held in September. Kudos <strong>to</strong>the united P.E. teachers for making this muchanticipated event extra special by giving awayeco-friendly trophies hand-crafted by Mr.Oliver Caja, head of the Physical Education<strong>De</strong>partment.This school year’s WiZup was indeedchallenging yet fun-filled. In the end theAmazing Aberforth proved what it takes<strong>to</strong> be the champion team; the Brainiacsfinished second; and the Chudley Cannonslanded on the third post.This year the following sections emergedas the champion teams: 4H, 5A, 6A, and 7A.Surely the winners brought home their uniquetrophies with so much pride.The Young Observer would like <strong>to</strong> thank Ms. RubyRamos, Ms. Evangeline <strong>De</strong> Peralta, Ms. Louie Embudo,Mr. Allan Alveyra, Ms. Suzette Balgos, Ms. SheilaPelayo, Mr. Ricky Lopez, and Ms.Lorie Cruz, for makingtheThe champion team of Ms. Gemma Gelle triumphantlyreceiving the much coveted trophy

<strong>La</strong>sallians Also Wanna Have Fun!The CAB Toured Manila<strong>La</strong>st September 2012 the CAB <strong>to</strong>uredthe busy streets of Manila. With membersAlex <strong>De</strong> Leon, Alex Marshall, Joey Thunder,David Briggs, and Chantry, the CAB is anAmerican band from <strong>La</strong>s Vegas, Nevada.With their most popular songs Bad and<strong>La</strong> <strong>La</strong> from their newest album SymphonySoldier, the CAB made their numerousFilipino fans very thrilled as they did theopening act of the Maroon 5 concert.Although the band came <strong>to</strong> the countryfor the said assignment in the Maroon 5concert, plans changed since their Pinoyfans insisted that they hold their ownconcert here. And so, in the same monththe CAB had their shows at three Ayalamalls- Glorietta, Tri Noma, and AlabangTown Center.Caroline Sahagun, 7GPam Siapno of 7A <strong>to</strong>gether with herfriend David Morelos caught the CAB Liveshow at Alabang Town Center. David sharedwith the Young Observer, “I enjoyed theconcert a lot! I would want them <strong>to</strong> return<strong>to</strong> the Philippines, and I hope <strong>to</strong> see themhere again for their Smash Project in 2013.”Although it rained cats and dogs duringthe concert, the downpour didn’t s<strong>to</strong>p thefans who were soaking wet from singingand dancing.The most loved member, Joey Thunder,tickled the crowd each time he dancedacross the stage. As his golden hair flipped,Joey thrilled his fans.The concert was a huge success. Truly theCAB gave their Pinoy fans one unforgettableride that night.Young Observer 13

Unforgettable Night withMy American IdolsCamilo <strong>De</strong> Guzman, 7BYoung Observer 14It was a chance of a lifetime! I couldn’t afford<strong>to</strong> be late since I had anticipated every bit of actionI would see on stage as my American idols performin Manila.I felt great relief when I arrived in the venue atexactly 8 P.M. But when the stage lights turned on<strong>to</strong> signal the start of the show, great excitementconquered me. I couldn’t wait <strong>to</strong> see my idols.The crowd went wild when their idols led bythe half Pinay Jessica Sanchez sang Pink’s RaiseYour Glass. Everyone started singing and dancing,even jumping <strong>to</strong> their hearts’ delight!All the performances were well applauded,but everyone went crazy when Jessica sang herversion of Proud Mary.I will never forget that night when right beforeme my American idols performed <strong>to</strong> make onedream come true.<strong>La</strong>sallians Care for BrodenBea Tribiana, 7BLiterally all classrooms were emptied forabout half an hour on January 11, 2012 as studentsand teachers gathered <strong>to</strong> express gratefulness <strong>to</strong> awell-loved <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> brother- Broden!It was a surprise birthday bash for the DLSZPresident. The community dropped everything <strong>to</strong>greet Br. <strong>De</strong>nnis on his special day.From another country Mr. Tianco, a Grade 7 parent, is<strong>view</strong>ing his son’s report card in the DLSZ website.A cool brother, Broden was given a tributeon his most important day. A well-thought outprogram was initiated by the S.R.C.C. for Br.<strong>De</strong>nnis who is described by many by as energetic,athletic, radical, and the proponent of digital andtechnological revolution in DLSZ.Alex Tianco of 7E is thankful for one of Broden’sgreatest contributions <strong>to</strong> DLSZ- the on-line <strong>view</strong>ing ofreport cards.

Young Observer 16TEACHERNEXT DOOR“OMG! He’s sooooooo cute! Is he another Younghusband?” afifth grader whispered <strong>to</strong> her classmate as she entered their ArtRoom.He’s neither Philip nor James Younghusband. In fact, he’sno British guy. He is Sir Chris Slough, a half- American-half-Pinoyand the latest addition <strong>to</strong> the multi-talented teachers of the Art<strong>De</strong>partment. Know more about Mr. Slough as you read the YoungObsever’s inter<strong>view</strong> with this young blood and fresh face in thiscorner of Ayala Alabang Village.Y.O.: What keeps you busy aside from school work?C.S.: Listening <strong>to</strong> jazz music. I’m a great fan of jazz. I also playthe guitar. Folk dancing is also my hobby. At times I watchmovies, read books, or do some sketching of whateversubjects that interest me.Y.O.: Folk dancing?C.S.: Yes, I’m an active member of the Bayanihan Dance Troop.Y.O.: As a guitarist, what music do you often play?C.S.: Classical music... folk songs...Y.O.: Is it true that you also compose songs?C.S.: Yes, that’s true.Y.O.: Would you share the songs you’ve createdwith your students?C.S.: (With obvious shyness) Maybe in the future…Y.O.: Any favorite book?C.S.: Django: The Life and Music of a Gypsy Legendand Au<strong>to</strong>biography of Django ReinhardtY.O.: Who inspired you <strong>to</strong> become a teacher?C. S.: My aunts who are teachers.Y.O.: What do you like most about <strong>La</strong>sallians?C.S.: Their energy, and I have observed that they know how <strong>to</strong>have fun.Y.O.: Do you play any sports?C.S.: Basically, basketball and volleyballY.O.: You seem <strong>to</strong> know a lot, you are very talented.C.S.: Because I love learning and mastering skills thatwill improve my personalityY.O.: Do you have any message for the Y.O. readers?C.S.: If you want <strong>to</strong> learn something, start now and don’t s<strong>to</strong>puntil you’ve mastered it.

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