Accreditation of Registrars - Afnic

Accreditation of Registrars - Afnic

Accreditation of Registrars - Afnic


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GUIDE TO THE ACCREDITATION PROCEDURE6their relevance to the questions asked.Finally, it ensures that the application package is consistent.If there is any incomplete information or if the Customer Service Departement hasquestions, it sends an e-mail requesting additional information to the Registrar at the e-mailaddress provided in the application for accreditation.To facilitate processing, it is imperative that the entire package be returned along withthe additional information to accreditation@afnic.fr.The Registrar has fifteen calendar days to provide this additional information.If all the above-mentioned criteria are met, <strong>Afnic</strong> sends an e-mail to the applicant Registrarinforming it that it is accredited. The e-mail also contains information on the Registrar’scustomer account.If the above-mentioned criteria are not met, or if the additional information is not sent withinthe allotted 15-day time period, <strong>Afnic</strong> sends a registered letter with acknowledgement <strong>of</strong>receipt to the Registrar explaining the reasons why accreditation has not been granted.The Registrar has 15 calendar days to appeal the decision.A refusal <strong>of</strong> accreditation does not preclude the Registrar from applying for accreditationagain in the future.For the first year, regardless <strong>of</strong> the date on which <strong>Afnic</strong> accredits the Registrar,accreditation is applicable for a period expiring on 31 December <strong>of</strong> the calendar yearunderway.In subsequent years, accreditation is automatically renewed each year from 1 January to 31December.IMPORTANTSub-contracting and recourse to resellers is not prohibited. However, it is theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the Registrar that has obtained accreditation to ensure that itsintermediaries comply with its commitments and statements. If not, its accreditation maybe withdrawn.Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération | www.afnic.fr | contact@afnic.frTwitter: @AFNIC | Facebook: afnic.fr

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