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managing soil organic matter - Grains Research & Development ... managing soil organic matter - Grains Research & Development ...


TABLES, FIGURES AND PLATES4MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEINTRODUCTIONFigure 1.1 Potential for soil organic matter gainresulting from a combination of effective rain(considering amount and availability) and residuepressure, which reflects plant and livestockremovals of organic matter.Figure 1.2 Soil organic carbon (tonnes perhectare) stocks in surface layers (0-10 cm) forsouth-west Western Australia. Areas of lowconfidence (e.g. subsystems that only have onesite) are masked out in white.CHAPTER 1Figure 1.3 Proportional make-up of organic matterin an agricultural soil.Table 1.1 Size, composition, turnover rate anddecomposition stage of the four soil organic matterfractions.Figure 1.4 Pattern of organic mattertransformation in soils.Table 1.2 Functional role of soil organic matter.Figure 1.5 A conceptual representation of therole of soluble, particulate, humus and resistant(inert) organic matter fractions for a range of soilfunctions.Figure 1.6 The influence of soil organic carbon oncation exchange capacity for Young River, WesternAustralia, in soils with variable clay content.Table 1.3 Indicative carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratioof various organic residues.Figure 1.7 The influence of soil type, climate andmanagement factors on potential soil organicmatter content.Table 1.4 Rate-limiting influences on theaccumulation of soil organic matter.Plate 1.1 The organic horizon is often related to adarkening of soil colour and is particularly evidenton the soil surface.CHAPTER 2Table 2.1 Soil factors that can influence the rate oforganic matter turnover.CHAPTER 3Figure 3.1 Organic carbon cycling in soils.Figure 3.2 Theoretical changes in soil organiccarbon (%) representing an upper and lower limit,or a more typical state of flux.Figure 3.3 A model simulation showing theinfluence of cation exchange capacity (CEC) on thecapacity of soil to retain soil organic carbon.Table 3.1 The influence of soil organic matter onsoil attributes and functions.CHAPTER 4Table 4.1 Indicative cation exchange capacity ofdifferent clay minerals in soil.Table 4.2 Indicative cation exchange capacity fordifferent soil textures and organic matter.Figure 4.1 Nitrogen cycling in soil.Figure 4.2 Nitrogen release in soil resulting fromthe decomposition of plant residues with a range ofcarbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios.Figure 4.3 Phosphorus cycle in agriculturalsystems.CHAPTER 5Figure 5.1 Change in water holding capacity forthe 0-10 cm soil layer of South Australian redbrownearths, with a one per cent increase in soilorganic carbon content.Table 5.1 Influence of soil characteristics on waterstorage capacity.Figure 5.2 Adjustment of organic carbon contentfor an equivalent soil mass associated withchanges in bulk density and sampling depth.Figure 5.3 A complex relationship exists betweensoil organic carbon, clay content and the severityof water repellence as measured at 400 sitesacross Western Australia.Plate 5.1 A sub-surface compaction layer shows adense impenetrable soil layer.Plate 5.2 Bulk density core.Plate 5.3 a) Water droplet sitting on the surfaceof a non-wetting soil and b) typical sub-surfacedryness observed after rain in water repellent sand.

5CHAPTER 6Figure 6.1 The effect of increasing temperatureon the amount of carbon lost from soil (kg carbonper tonne of soil per day) where stubble has beenretained.Plate 6.1 Canola roots contribute organic matterto soil.Plate 6.2 Soil erosion resulting from poor groundcover and compaction.Plate 6.3 Mouldboard plough in operation for thetreatment of non-wetting soil.Plate 6.4 The removal of products such as grainor hay can decrease organic matter inputs andcontribute to soil acidification.CHAPTER 8Figure 8.1 Conversion of soil analysis values forsoil organic carbon stock in a paddock to 10 cmdepth.Figure 8.2 Possible trial design comparing twotreatments with three replicates within a paddockCHAPTER 9Table 9.1 Sensory and soil indicators of organicmatter in the paddock.Plate 9.1 Assessing soil colour at a field site usinga Munsell colour chart.Plate 9.2 Pasture growth under retained stubbleprovides complete ground cover.Plate 9.3 Long-term experimental site with burntstubble (on left of image) and retained stubble (onright of image) demonstrating significant differencesin ground cover.Plate 9.4 Crop residues being a) green manuredand b) mulched in a continuous cropping system.Plate 9.5 Plant roots growing through soil.Plate 9.6 Soil showing earthworms present in anarable system in Australia.CHAPTER 10Figure 10.1 Summary of the relative effect ofdifferent management practices on soil carbonlevels.Table 10.1 Management options for improvinglong-term soil organic matter levels in agriculturalsoils.Table 10.2 Crop and pasture type suitable forusing as a green manure phase.Table 10.3 Type and application benefit of organicamendments in Australia.Plate 10.1 Proliferation of roots in a rip line on acompacted sand in Western Australia.Plate 10.2 Loss of organic matter and soilcondition associated with grazing damage (right)compared to un-grazed pastures (left).Plate 10.3 Green manuring by discing increasesorganic matter in soil.Plate 10.4 Bare fallow risks losing soil andassociated organic matter from wind or watererosion.Plate 10.5 Soil collapse and erosion resulting fromdispersion on a sodic soil.CHAPTER 11Figure 11.1 The trend in a) average temperature(°C) and b) annual total rainfall (mm) acrossAustralia from 1910 to 2011.Figure 11.2 Climate change projections foraverage annual a) temperature b) rainfall andc) potential evapotranspiration (source: for 2050 under amoderate emissions scenario.CHAPTER 12Table 12.1 Change in the economic value of farmproduction in 2014-15; average per farm.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

5CHAPTER 6Figure 6.1 The effect of increasing temperatureon the amount of carbon lost from <strong>soil</strong> (kg carbonper tonne of <strong>soil</strong> per day) where stubble has beenretained.Plate 6.1 Canola roots contribute <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>to <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 6.2 Soil erosion resulting from poor groundcover and compaction.Plate 6.3 Mouldboard plough in operation for thetreatment of non-wetting <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 6.4 The removal of products such as grainor hay can decrease <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs andcontribute to <strong>soil</strong> acidification.CHAPTER 8Figure 8.1 Conversion of <strong>soil</strong> analysis values for<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon stock in a paddock to 10 cmdepth.Figure 8.2 Possible trial design comparing twotreatments with three replicates within a paddockCHAPTER 9Table 9.1 Sensory and <strong>soil</strong> indicators of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> in the paddock.Plate 9.1 Assessing <strong>soil</strong> colour at a field site usinga Munsell colour chart.Plate 9.2 Pasture growth under retained stubbleprovides complete ground cover.Plate 9.3 Long-term experimental site with burntstubble (on left of image) and retained stubble (onright of image) demonstrating significant differencesin ground cover.Plate 9.4 Crop residues being a) green manuredand b) mulched in a continuous cropping system.Plate 9.5 Plant roots growing through <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 9.6 Soil showing earthworms present in anarable system in Australia.CHAPTER 10Figure 10.1 Summary of the relative effect ofdifferent management practices on <strong>soil</strong> carbonlevels.Table 10.1 Management options for improvinglong-term <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> levels in agricultural<strong>soil</strong>s.Table 10.2 Crop and pasture type suitable forusing as a green manure phase.Table 10.3 Type and application benefit of <strong>organic</strong>amendments in Australia.Plate 10.1 Proliferation of roots in a rip line on acompacted sand in Western Australia.Plate 10.2 Loss of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and <strong>soil</strong>condition associated with grazing damage (right)compared to un-grazed pastures (left).Plate 10.3 Green manuring by discing increases<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 10.4 Bare fallow risks losing <strong>soil</strong> andassociated <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> from wind or watererosion.Plate 10.5 Soil collapse and erosion resulting fromdispersion on a sodic <strong>soil</strong>.CHAPTER 11Figure 11.1 The trend in a) average temperature(°C) and b) annual total rainfall (mm) acrossAustralia from 1910 to 2011.Figure 11.2 Climate change projections foraverage annual a) temperature b) rainfall andc) potential evapotranspiration (source: for 2050 under amoderate emissions scenario.CHAPTER 12Table 12.1 Change in the economic value of farmproduction in 2014-15; average per farm.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

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